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It had been a long and tedious process between catching everyone up on Murdoc's current condition, signing all kinds of papers for both the hospital and insurance, and deciding their next course of action as far as what to do went.

After a bit of debate, it was decided that Murdoc would rejoin them at Kong Studios while he recovered. Russel wasn't too keen on the idea, saying that it would probably make him worse than he was to begin with and that he would most likely be better off with professional help; but both Noodle and 2D said it would probably be best if he were in familiar surroundings if he were to have any chance of getting his memories back.

To their surprise, when Julie mentioned the idea to him, Murdoc was unexpectedly open to joining the three at this so called 'Kong Studios'. 

2D wouldn't say it, but he was thrilled. After all, this meant that he could hold onto Murdoc a little bit longer. They didn't really have a plan as far as his recovery would go once they brought him back to Kong, but that wasn't important. Not right now at least. Stuart wanted nothing more than to just spend time with Murdoc, no matter if he remembered him or not.

On the other hand, Murdoc had his own reasons for wanting to go back to with the others. First of all, he was both shocked and surprised he had a 'family' that supposedly cared about him, especially with a child who was fifteen years old. But more importantly, he couldn't stop his curiosity from overflowing when it came to this Stuart guy. Ever since the question of what their relationship was popped into his head, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about him. The patient knew that it would probably be best just to ask and get it out of the way, but something wouldn't let the words escape from his throat. 

What would he want him to say anyway?

His thoughts quickly dispersed as he heard the small sliding door to his room fly open. He watched as four bodies walked around the divider and came into view at his bedside; Julie, 'Noodle', Russel, and Stuart.  

"Good evening Mr. Niccals. I hate to say it, but visiting hours are over so I brought everyone back to say goodbye to you." Julie announced, looking to the bed ridden man with empathy.

"Goodbye Murdoc! See you soon!" Noodle chirped, trying her best to put a smile on her face. 

"See ya tomorrow Murdoc, get some rest." Russel added, patting the man on the shoulder. 

And finally, Stuart stepped up to say his goodbyes, anxiously rubbing his opposite arm as his black eyes met the mismatched ones of Murdoc.

"I hope ya sleep well tonigh'. We'll be back as soon as we can tomorrow. Goodnigh', Mu'doc."

There was a small hesitation in his movements as he bent down and wrapped his arms around the ex-bassists shoulders, enrapturing him in a light hug. 

Murdoc was at such a loss for words or any movement for that matter as soon as the arms captured him. He hoped Stuart couldn't feel how fast his heart was beating in that moment, or how red his face might've become. 

He felt so stupid!

Becoming all worked up just because a moderately good looking guy was giving him affection. It was childish. Just because he didn't know their relationship didn't mean they automatically had feelings for each other. The one clear fact he skipped over was that Stuart was, in fact, a guy. A guy who probably wasn't into other guys. A guy who probably wasn't into him.

. . .

The next morning came fairly quickly.

2D, Russel, and Noodle spent their whole night doing their best to clean up Kong Studios for Murdoc's arrival. The place was an absolute wreck and it didn't seem like a brilliant idea to have an amnesiac walking around in it while it was in that condition. 

The one place they didn't dare touch, however, was Murdoc's Winnebago. Stuart even had his room moved from the basement to the ground floor just so he could avoid going near the thing. It brought back too many memories. Too many feelings. Of course he lied to Russel and Noodle when it came to the reason behind his room switch, but he couldn't let them know. It just wasn't right. 

However, along with the switch to a bigger room came even more responsibility. 

It was decided that Murdoc would be staying in 2D's room until he made a full recovery. 

The idea made Stuart squirm. Just because Murdoc had forgotten everything about himself and his past abuse towards him didn't mean 2D would feel secure just yet. But there was more to it than just that. 

It probably wasn't the healthiest choice to sleep in the same room, let alone the same bed, as your crush. 

Although Murdoc wasn't really Murdoc anymore, the amnesiac still sounded like him, looked like him, and felt like him. But that still didn't make any of what he was feeling okay. If he were to pursue his growing feelings for him, he'd only regret it later when the real Murdoc came back and really did put a third dent in his skull.

He wouldn't allow himself to make a stupid mistake like that. 

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