Fourm/Rules/Clan Info...READ!!

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Hi! :D I don't really know what to say here so I'll just give you the forum.

Eye color
Rank you wish to have

Example, my character, RussetFlare.
Name: Russetflare
Gender: Female
Looks: Resish-brown with black paws.
Eye color: Amber
Personality: usually pretty nice, but can get mean when angered. (Pretty much Yellowfang's personality CX)
Clan: RavenClan
Rank: Warrior

No random prophecies. If you want to create a prophecy, ask me first. (only medicine cats can!!)

You CANT control someone else's character. In other words, you can't make them like... die without the owner of that characters permission.
To show that you read this, say 'I love pie' in your forum.

No perfect cats that EVERYONE loves or cats with superpowers.

The largest litter of kits a queen can have is 4.

No rainbow eyes/pelts..pls...

Use warriors language! (Mousebrain, fox dung, ect.)

MISTCLAN INFO~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MistClan is kind of like RiverClan... They eat fish and love to swim.
Except MistClan lives in a mountainous area, with steep cliffs. Inside of the huge and sort-of snowy mountain is their camp, which is made up of caves and ledges. In the middle is a huge lake.
Leader: none
Deputy: none
Medicine cat: none
Medicine cat apprentice: none

RAVENCLAN INFO~~~~~~~~~~~~
This clan is similar to ShadowClan. They live in a thick oak forest, and eat many of the birds that are there. They sometimes eat voles, mice, and squirrels too. MOST(not all) evil-ish cats come from this clan.
Leader: none
Deputy: none
Medicine cat: none
Medicine cat app: none

ASHCLAN INFO~~~~~~~~~~~
AshClan Is the most like ThunderClan. These cats live in a semi-charred oak forest. They get their name from a huge forest fire that burned down most of the forest. Ash and charred wood still scatters the forest. They eat pretty much any kind of prey they can get their paws on.
Leader: None
Deputy: None
Medicine cat: none
Medicine cat app: none

ICECLAN INFO~~~~~~~~~~~~
Most like WindClan. Being bordered near the mountains and not the forest below causes IceClan to have many ice ponds and lakes. They are trained to swim incase the ice breaks in a small underground pool, which lies inside of the cave they live in
IceClan cats eat mostly birds and rarely fish.
Leader: none
Deputy: none
Medicine cat: none
Medicine cat app: none

Yay :3

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