Chapter Four

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  "No. We won't be.. We can find a way out." I explained, feeling as though the original plan was crumbling at the seams. It really was beginning to feel like there was no right way out of this. No part of me was thinking it was a great idea to just get up and leave, but another part of me didn't want to stay here either and I really didn't want to risk Kira or Ging being in danger in either scenario. 

  "There isn't anything wrong with this place though. They've done nothing but give us a place to live and food to eat. They haven't really given us a reason to just leave." Ging spoke up, his expression different now. His eyes held a look of both determination and hurt at the idea of, what I considered, betrayal. Kila on the other hand seemed angered or frustrated. The two of them were basically having a war of looks, but neither of them were faltering.

  "Guys. I get that this whole situation is putting everyone on edge.. But can we please just think about things before jumping to irrational decisions?" I started, getting them to both break their eye contact. "I think this place has potential but it's also dangerous to trust humans regardless of 'potential'. We need to really think about what we really want to do, okay?"

  Hesitantly, they both nodded in agreement. I breathed a sigh of relief and peeked out from behind the alley to make sure the coast was clear before walking out into the open again. I glanced up at the window to see the sun setting, the colors cutting the sky with fades of pink and yellow.

  "Why don't we call it a day? It looks like it's getting late anyhow." I stated, giving them both a glance. They were both silent still, but nodded again. Our walk back to the main building was quiet, and soon I had waved bye to Kila and Ging.

   When I got back to my own room, I first approached the window, millions of thoughts taking up my brain space. There was still an urge inside of me that wanted to protect both of them, but I knew that was impossible and kind of dumb, considering there was no reason to do so here. A literal place I've heard other borrowers call 'a slice of heaven'.

  I had my suspicions, but maybe the people here were right. Maybe it really was a wonderful place to stay and all this newness and unfamiliarity is the problem. How long would it take for us to really get used to it here? Ging already seems like he wants to stay.

  As I closed the blinds, I let out a soft exhale. This situation really couldn't wait for answers. There was an overwhelming fear that Kila would get up and leave or Ging would get caught up in everything and forget about the plan.. which in a way, neither were really wrong, but I didn't want a decision to be made so soon.

  Even if I wanted to stay away from Troy, a part of me felt like I should talk with him and ask him all the questions I had, or as many as I could without sounding too much like I wanted to leave. You can never know how a human will react to a borrower asking about leaving. It can go pretty bad.

  After a short moment, I turned to the closet and began to rummage through it. It was getting a bit colder outside, so I thought I might as well see if there was anything I could use. Pretty soon, I pulled out a hand stitched coat. I admired it for a moment, running my hands over the threads before throwing it over my shoulders and heading out the door.

  It wasn't long before I was in the lobby of the building, headed for the doors. Though.. I then realized that I had no clue on how to even get to Troy, and stumbling upon him might not happen again.

  "Do you happen to know if I could speak with Troy.?" I asked the woman at the desk. She gave me a strange look as she picked up what looked to be a small phone.

  "You're one of the new guys, right?" She asked, to which I simply nodded. "Okay, well. I'll dial him up if you do want to see him. I suggest heading to the west side of the city, that would be where he will pass by. I'll let him know you're there as well."

  "Ah.. thank you." I responded, a bit shocked at her response. They can just call him and he shows up? Strange.

  "It should be about 15 min normally, but if he's busy it could be more." She explained as I was walking out of the building. I nodded, and left as she started talking on the phone.

  In a bit of a rush, I made my way to the west of the city, or what I assumed was the west. I passed by the ice cream shop as well as the alley we had been in before and eventually, my pace began to slow as I reached what looked to be the edge of the platform. It was like a drop off leading to the floor below. At first I was distracted by the height, but it only lasted for a moment as the feeling of falling off kicked in.

  As I waited, I looked around at the small room this city lay in. At the edge of the city where I sat, I could see the door that led to somewhere else, and the window just across the chasm. In the far distance I could see the half door that Troy had walked by with me before, but there weren't any signs that he was entering the room yet.

  I exhaled softly again, a tad relieved that he wasn't coming yet, but a bit nervous on what I should say or ask when he did arrive. I hadn't initially thought about it beforehand so I really had no idea what I wanted to ask.

  Slowly, I turned back towards looking at the window, nearly being scared half to death by the closer door opening. My instinct instantly screamed at me to run but because I noticed it was Troy, I forced myself to stay put.

  He seemed to notice me immediately.

  "You wanted to talk?"

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