Ignorant Reasons

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What...did he say? Is he...not going to talk to me? He can't be serious about that...right? Well...he was serious the other times he had said something, but this isn't the first time he has tried to teach me a lesson.

Looking at the rose in my hand, I begin to think about what is going on. Does he really not want to talk to me? Is he going to be that childish? Alright then! If he wants to be idiotic, then I'll be the same!

Still, with the rose in my hand, I make my way towards my own room. The atmosphere is way warmer since I actually have the heater on in my room...not like SOMEONE WHO IS BEING A DICK TO ME!

I walk over to my nightstand and place the vibrant rose on the nightstand. Sighing a bit, I plop onto my bed. Shuffling my body towards the blankets, I cover my face in warmth and comfy pillows.

I wrap my body around in that green thick blanket from this morning. Again, my mind goes to the recent events that happened. "Mizuka's so stupid..." mumbling, I try my best to forget what had happened.

Mizuka's POV

He's so stubborn! Why does he have to act like this? Does he not realize how much trouble we both can get into for fleeing to Spain?

I can't do anything to fix things now, the only thing I can give him the silent treatment until he realizes his own mistakes...hopefully, it won't take him long.

Sitting down on my bed, I feel my left pocket vibrate.

I can already tell who it is. A stupid boss of mine. He knows I can't write about Shinji when he's living with me. I can't write about Shinji at all when no one knows where he is but a handful of people. My boss doesn't know that I, of all people, is hiding him.

I can't leak my own information. What if Reika told Shinji's parents? What if Shurui told Shinji's parents..?
No, I doubt she would do that...she would want him to be happy.

The point is...someone found out that Shinji was living in Spain. Luckily, whoever it is won't find him... Wait. That girl Shinji spoke about...she seems suspicious. I am going to investigate her. I only need her first and last name... But that might be quite difficult to get.

Sighing, I take off my blue rectangular glasses, Placing them on the nightstand. Closing my eyes, I lie down on my bed. Opening my eyes, blurriness fills my field of vision. I can't see anything, nothing is what I want to see. Seeing little blobs of fluffiness is easier to focus.

Why did I have to release so much anger on Shinji? He was right, I could've been calmer about it. But that doesn't mean what he did was wrong and it still is-- wait... I've got it! I'll be doing two things for the price of one! I'll let Shinji take that job, and in return, I can get that girl's full name!

Shifting to the side, I stare at the blurred wall. The cool and fresh color soothes my mind. I have too much to focus on, I can't keep my guard down. I can't trust anyone...I can't...let...Shinji...know...

. . .

Opening my eyes in a hurry, I noticed that I had been asleep. How long was I out? Where is Shinji!? What time is it?!

Sitting up in a hurry, I reach out for my glasses. Putting them on, I reach in my pocket for my phone. Looking at the time, I sigh realizing that it's a quarter till five. Two hours... I've been asleep for two hours.

Where is Shinji? Did he leave the house? Oh no, please...let him be here. I feel my face get pale just thinking about it.

Getting up from my bed, I reach over and grab my rectangular glasses in a hurry. Placing them on my face, I dash out of my room. The warmness from the apartment made me groan a bit. I don't like the heat! I can tolerate it, but I cannot stand it! "Shinji...." I groan again. He didn't answer me. I guess his stubbornness will prevail during all of this.

"Hey, Shinji" I speak up again, this time, it was angered as well.

Tch! Calm down...I can't take my anger out on him. I promised myself not to do that. I love him...I can't hurt him.

Walking towards his room, the door was open. "Hey! Shinj--" he's asleep. I've been getting angry over nothing. That's pathetic of me. I can't do anything about that, I have anger issues. During time has passed, I have learned how to control it, but lately, everything is pissing me off. Even thinking about it pisses me off.

Sighing, I look at the one I love and care for. He looks so calm in his sleeping state as if he knew nothing of the real world. Well...he doesn't know about the world. Neither should he find out... I'll try my best for him to not find out.

Well, my boss has not called me to nag about my upcoming article yet, and Shinji's asleep. So, I should get cooking. I have been thinking of making a formal Japanese dinner for Shinji. A little break from eating nothing but Spanish food.

Walking towards the kitchen, I turn the sink on. After washing my hands, I turned the stove on. Hmm...it's been a while since I have cooked a proper Japanese dinner... It makes me laugh thinking about everything that has happened, but then again, it frightens me.

I know for certain that Miho is more than angry at me. In my opinion, I left a note! She knows my phone number, and she kind of saw this coming!

As I am about to get the cooking utensils out, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. As it vibrated, my ringtone rang as well. I ignore it because I know for certain that it's my boss. So I let it ring. After a few minutes, my phone stopped ringing. It's my boss so he'll leave a voicemail about my assignments about Shinji, which I'm not stupid enough to follow through with them.

Gosh, where in the world is the rice cooker!? Where did I put it!?--...oh...wait, I found it. It's under the sink. Why did I get annoyed by that? I don't know.

Placing the rice cooker on the counter, my phone rings again. Tch! Why must my boss be so damn annoying!? It's getting on my nerves!

Out of full-on rage, I slam my fist onto the counter. Making a few utensils flinch upwards. "What the hell does he want!?" I growl out as I take my phone from my pocket.

"Oh..." My anger released a bit when I saw the caller ID.

"Miho 😐

Huh? So my sister is calling me..? It's been a while since I last spoke to her. I stare plainly at my phone for a few seconds.

"Oh..." I whisper out as I continued to stare at the caller ID. Oh, wait...I have to pick up. Bringing the phone up to my ear, I pick up the call, leaning on the counter.

"Hello?" whispering, I know how Miho will react to my voice.


Flinching a bit, I moved my phone away from my ear, I can still hear her voice clearly. Even if I pulled my phone away.

"Are you done shouting at me?" Sighing a bit, I reached over and brought my phone back to my ear.

Miho- "I don't know. Did you have to leave Japan without telling me!?" her tone was sarcastic.

"Heeyyy I left you a note" I whined a bit, it wasn't fair that I was getting scolded.

Miho- "And you think that's a notice!? No! Why did you leave anyway?"

"Because of love"

Miho- "That's stupid," she said in a monotone.

"Well that's the truth"

Miho- "Mizuka, you're my twin brother, I'm not stupid. Why did you leave?"

"For love" I say again. What? It's the truth.

Miho- "Fine then. Be the ignorant--" "Mihooooo where are youuuu" Another voice is audible.

Miho- "Gah! Stop you idiot!! Leave me alone! I'm talking on the phone!!"

Natsume- "With who? I wanna know! Tell meeeeeeeee!!"

Miho- "Leave me alone! Natsume!!"

Natsume- "Make me!!"

I stay in silence as I hear the two bicker. It makes me laugh at how childish their relationship is.

"You two seem cute" I speak up, fondling with my glasses.

Miho- "Fight me" her voice was in monotone.

"Woah, Calm down feisty." Her dangerous tone brought me to laughter.

Natsume- "I know right! She's so adorable!" The other voice on the phone spoke up.

"I still haven't approved of you. So don't assume I like you" I glare at the wall, even though no one is there.

After I spoke, I heard my sister laugh. After she stopped laughing, she shouted at the person that was with her.

Miho- "That's not the point...MIZUKA!"

"What!? I already told you why I was here! So don't shout at me!"

Miho- "That's not the point! Just answer my question!"

"I'm telling you. I already answered..it's because of love" Again, I say the same response from before.

Miho- "Mizuka, don't give me that bullshit..." Her voice trailed off a bit. Going completely silent.

Miho- "Celebrity boy...you're hiding him...aren't you?" Her tone was different from the other ones.

My eyes widen from her voice. How did she--? Why would she assume that? She...isn't wrong about that.

"....What if I am?"

Miho- "Why did you do it? You know what would happen if you're caught...right? Mizuka, you're playing with fire. Why must you be so stupid? You've always been ignorant...you know he won't be there...You could lose your title as the faceless writer...Mizuka-"

"I know! I know all of that! I know the consequences...yet, I don't care about it! I care for Shinji, even if he won't see me like that. I don't need your two cents in this, I don't need any of your bullshit...if that was the only reason you called. Then don't bother calling again..."

After my anger was released on my twin sister, I ended the call. Tossing my phone somewhere, I bring my hands up to my face. My hands slipped up under my glasses. Causing them to fall on the counter with a small thud.

Staying like that for a couple of minutes, I begin to think about all that has happened.

Does any of my friends support my decision? Was all of this really ignorant of me? I don't know...I don't want it to be.

I'm not going to think about it. I'm not going to let Miho get in my head again like other times. I have to focus on my career, my life with Shinji, and a topic for my next article, that doesn't involve Shinji.

Sighing a bit, I reach over and grab my glasses again. Looking around, I am still alone in the kitchen. Shinji is still asleep. I still have time to cook dinner, maybe I have time to do other things like laundry. So, there is no time to waste, let's get cooking!

.       .       .

Seems like I had enough time to do the laundry and cook. That makes my life easier at the moment. But it also pisses me off because Shinji is still not talking to me. Who knew that he would be so determined about this? I certainly didn't know.

So here I am, in utter silence. Shinji is right in front of me. But he won't say a word to me, his ignorance is annoying me.

I feel like going up to him and shout that I want him to accept the job because I suspect that girl of something, I won't, that will ruin all of my plans. Should I say nothing about it? Should I talk to him at all? He does seem quite sad about it.

"The food is good..." Shinji muttered as he ate as if he was afraid.

"Thanks...I was trying to make a traditional Japanese dinner for you since you're probably tired of Spanish food..." I clear my throat before I spoke up.

After that, there was silence again. I felt a strange tension. I felt uncomfortable.

"I didn't say I was tired of it..." He gazed over to me, but then stared back at his food.

"I thought...--"

"You're not always right with your assumptions...I'm not some sort of book that you can just read and study...I am a living and breathing person...I cannot be predicted...I have a say in my life..." Suddenly, Shinji out of nowhere burst out with words and tears. Woah, Woah... Why is he crying?

"Shinji...there is no need to cry over that. I made a simple mistake. That's it" I spoke as if it was obvious that it was a mistake.

In my opinion, it was, because it is. It's pointless to just burst out and be all sensitive over food. Maybe...he had realized that his idiotic decision was wrong? I am not sure of that.

"Mizuka...it's not a mistake! You do it all the time. Ever since we moved in together. You have acted just like my parents! Always making decisions for me, not giving me a word to speak. And I hate it! I've hated it since we moved in...you said that my life would be different. You promised me..." The more Shinji spoke, the more tears fell from his face. His face was lowered but It was obvious that he was crying.

Realizing that he had said, made my eyes widen a bit. I did promise him that it would be different, yet I have been trying to create his perfect life again.

"I thought things were going to get better. I thought there was going to be something between us..." His gaze finally made its way back up to me.

"I thought you loved me...I thought--"

"I do love you..." Was all I said, realizing this made it feel like I was hitting hard on concrete.

I had been making Shinji suffer all this time. Instead of making him smile...

"Well...It seems like you don't know what love is..." his gaze stabbed me in the heart.

What am I doing wrong?


Who loves this? I do! I just love making a conflict between couples and soon-to-be couples! Yeah....don't ask me why. I like it...AND THAT'S IT!

I'm not gonna talk about how late I am...I know that I am late....so you know what that means.

I'm giving myself another deadline!! Every two weeks I plan to update if nothing gets in my way.

Yeah...I'm not the best when it comes to reaching deadlines;-;

Soooo...that's all I have to say!!

See ya next Chapter!

Baii baii!


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