First Day

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I closed my new journal and smiled, I wish I could see Mizuka's smile again.

"What did you write in your new journal?" my grandmother looked at me smile.

I sighed" I don't really know...I just..." I smiled again.

"just... a smile...that I can't stop thinking about it..." I smiled

"Oh..." my grandmother raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know...I feel weird, I don't know how to explain it..." I poured my unknown feelings to my grandmother.

"Hm... Seems to me that you fell in love with that person at first sight" she gave me a mysterious smile.

"N-no... That's! " I felt my cheeks get warm from my grandmother's statement.

"Oh... Then what is it then?... " she smirked.

"I-I don't's not love!"

"Whatever... " she smiled

I swear I don't love Mizuka... I just met the guy and probably won't see again!


We finally arrive at the front of the school. My hands suddenly begin to tremble.

"Calm down Shinji... it'll be alright" she looked at me.

I nodded in reply. I grabbed my schoolbag and opened the car door "well, I'm, off see ya." my voice trembled.

"Good luck Shinji" she gave me a warm smile.

I nodded and exited the car. Okay you got this Shinji, don't fucking chicken out now. I awkwardly walked in the school. I felt everyone's eyes one me. Occasionally hearing them whisper 'look who it is ' or 'is that? ' and my favorite ' I thought he'd be taller' okay it's not my fucking fault I'm 5'7!

I just kept on walking, trying to ignore all the annoying stares. I just want to yell at them to fuck off and go on a rampage but I can't. My parents reputation will decrease and then they'll never speak to me again, but I couldn't care less.

I was walking to the main office, then some girl with short brown hair and same flaxen colored eyes as...M-mizuka, now that you mention it this girl looks awfully a lot like Mizuka. But the difference was that she is small...very small.

"Hello Mr. Ayo, I'm Miho Iroha , the student council President!" I knew it... She is related to Mizuka!

"Hello... And can could you just call me Shinji... Mr. Ayo is to formal." I smiled at her formalness.

" Well... Okay, Shinji I'm your guide today! So if you have any questions, I'm here to answer them! " she smiled.

Her smile... It reminds me of Mizuka but it's not breathtaking like his. " Um... M-miho, by any chance do you know someone named Mizuka Iroha?" it's killing me that they look so similar besides Mizuka's dyed hair.

"Oh... Yeah he's my identical twin brother, did he bring any trouble to you?" Miho furrowed her eyebrows.

Wait...I-identical twins!, that means... Mizuka must attend this school! I felt excited...why? I don't really know I just want to see Mizuka again. Hopefully he'll be here.

Miho stared at my shocked face."He did cause you trouble didn't he! " she got angry... This girl is scary.

"N-no!... He didn't cause any trouble" I tried to calm her down.

She gave me a suspicious look. "Really, he didn't..." I answered again.

"Okay, but if he does don't be afraid to tell me."


"Okay, this is the main office" we entered the main office and I got my schedule... I'm so happy, I think my grandmother made my schedule, because I have no music related classes.

I have: English, creative writing, journalism, math and P.E

Thanks grandma, I smiled looking at my schedule. "Is there anything wrong?" Miho looked at me.

"NO!... No, totally fine" I smiled.

"Okay... " Miho gave me a suspicious smile.

We walked around the school, Miho showed me where my classes were. "Now let me show you the fun part of this school!... The clubs!" she smiled excitedly.

Clubs, I wonder if Mizuka is in a club.... I felt warm knowing that I might see Mizuka again. "Oh." I simply replied.

"Now, we have a various selection if clubs in Oremo High...I hope you find one appealing." she cheered.

"I hope so too " I gave her a weak smile.

"Okay... Here is the Art club... The Music club.... Drama club... The Manga club... The student council... Cooking club...we have numerous sport clubs... The Newspaper and Journalist club... The computer and gaming club... the recycling club... The Anime club...the astronomy club... The calligraphy club... And the motivation club." I followed Miho passing through the many club rooms.

"There's so many " I stood there shocked.

"Yeah...our school got a total of twenty clubs including the sports clubs" wow... Amazing. I might join a club, but I'm still indecisive, which one should I join?

"Have any ideas which one you're gonna join?" Miho looked at me.

"I have some ideas... But there's so many choices"

"Okay " she giggled

"Well your free to explore the school if you want, I have some paperwork to sign... You know where I am if you have any questions, see you at math class." Miho gave me a smile then she walked to the student council room.

What did I do now?... I don't want to explore the school. I might get lost... Maybe I'll just wait in front of my first class, and ignore the stares. I walk slowly trying to remember where my first class is.


After twenty minutes I finally found my first class, and lucky me that the bell rang the instant I was in front of the classroom.

I entered the classroom and heard all of the girls scream my name. I hurried to an empty desk in the back of the class, as Soon as I sat down all of the girls ambushed my desk.

"Hello Shinji" on girl spoke up.

" Oh... Hello" I gave her a fake smile and all the girls blushed and screamed.

"Are you single" another girl said out of nowhere.

Well technically I am but...I can't tell them that, some might know that I'm dating a idol and I'm NOT going to date any of these girls, they seem annoying.

"I... Uh.. I-"

"Hey!...he doesn't have to answer your stupid questions... Leave Shinji alone..."

I saw a tall figure at the edge of the the door smiling at me.



Miho Iroha

Age: 17

Birthday: July 26

Height: 5'0

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Flaxen

Other: Parents abandoned her and her sibling.

Haii Haii

If you're wondering Miho,
Is older by 5 minutes...

Baii Baii~


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