"I Hate You For Having Feelings For You!"

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Welp because I am really evil *Evil Laugh* We're gonna check on the other relationships!!!


Miho POV

Again...Why the hell am I doing this!? Yes, he is annoying. Yes, I want to kill him most of the time he is bothering me. Yes, I don't want him to around me. But...why am I doing this? That question is something I will never comprehend, love is something I fear...if you leave it unattended for just a few seconds...it'll find it's way up to your heart and cause damage. But that damage would be something that you'll learn to live with.

My arms kept pulling that idiot down as I continue to kiss him. I really cannot stand him! With his stupid smile, and his idiotic smirk, his obnoxious face that I want to punch to a pulp! Ugh! WHY DO I HAVE FEELINGS FOR THIS CELEBRITY IDIOT!

I feel his long stupid arms wrap around me as I hear him chuckle like the idiot he is. Is he enjoying this! The fact that he's liking this really pisses me off! Ugh! I'm just going to pull away for he could be sad! But...I sorta want this too...

You know what? I am going to pull away! I can't take his stupidity!

I pull away from the kiss as I pant slightly, the second I look up to him, he already has that idiotic smirk. My hands act on their own as I slap him across his face with all my strength. 

"Yo-You idiot!" I shout a I cross my arms across my chest. I hear that idiot wince as he kept his cheek turned.

"What did I do now?" His voice was low and serious, way different from the times he has spoken to me.

"Everything! You did all of this!"

"I didn't, You did it to yourself" he mumbled as he kept his cheek turned.

"No I didn't! You did all of this! You kept on bothering me! You was always following me!"

"I Know"

"So How can you say that you did nothing!"

"Because, the way you feel towards me, that was your fault you did that to yourself" Natsume finally turned his head towards me, but, his expression was different from the other times, this one was stoic and serious.


"Oh, So you are telling me that I control your feelings? Heck, if I could do that I would have made you fall for me a while ago" He scoffed as he rested his hand on his hip, raising his brow, he looked directly into my flaxen eyes.

"I just-- It's all your fault!"

"Is that the only thing you know how to say?" He kept his brow raised as he looked me down

"No, it's not! Is bothering me all that you know how to do?" 

"No, but I enjoy to do it" he said in a sigh as he rubbed his cheek "Damn Miho, did you have to slap me that hard? You nearly broke my jaw" he groaned as he messaged his jaw.

I know what he's trying to do! How dare he try to change the topic! How dare he play the innocent one in this situation! He's making me look like the paranoid one here!

"Oh shut up will you! And I see what you're trying to do!" I furrow my brows as I point at him. He is really getting on my last nerve.

"You do? Wow, I didn't know I was doing something" He smirked at me with his stupid chuckle.

"Ugh! Shut up or I will slap you again!" I glare into his crimson eyes as the only thing he does is chuckle.

You know what! I can't take this anymore! I don't have feelings for him! I was just annoyed by his attention and that's all! Forget about all of this! I just don't want to be bothered and that's it, he's clearly in the way of those things, I can't focus with him in my way. Why did I even think about having feelings for him! He's just a dog! A dog that is chasing me because I have food!

Natsume kept on chuckling as he began to laugh. I exhale deeply as I look at him "I am warning you...I will slap you!" I point at him as I give him a deadly glare. Why must he be like rubber? He bounces back to EVERY THING that I throw at him...verbally and physically.

"Ugh!" I groan out as I slap Natsume across his face again. "See, This! You do this! Why must you be so ignorant! Why must you be persistent? Why...must you chose me out all of the pretty and nicer girls? Why...must I feel the same way about you?" I mumble as I balled my fist "Don't talk to me ever again, don't come over to my office, don't look for me ever again...I...I hate you! I hate you for having feelings for you!"  

I feel like I am about to cry, so I sigh as I begin to dash towards my office. I don't want him to see me like this, I don't want to hate him. But, if that means I won't see him ever again, I am willing to take that chance.

I enter my office, closing the door with a loud thud. The second I entered my office, regret hit me plain in the face. Guilt pulled me by the ear, and love...love was scolding me. Why did I say those things? Do I really want such a guy like him out of my life? Of Course I do! He's obnoxious, an idiot and...and...the one that I can't get out of my head.

Now that I think about it. I don't want him to leave, Yes, I can't stand him 100% of the time...but that doesn't mean he's a bad person.

I lean on my office door as my back slides down to the floor, sitting there in utter silence, my gaze lowers to my hands.

Moments later I hear a knock on my door. I continue to stay silent so that who ever is knocking would leave. I curl up and hug my knees close to my chest as my silence and that knocking fills the room.

"Um...Miho, are you there?" a voice was added with the knocking.

My silence was the response for the voice, sadly, that voice belonged to the person I did not want to see, Natsume.

"Miho...I know you're here, in fact, you don't have to respond...just listen to me...then after you listen, you decide if you want to talk or not" His tone was different from earlier, this one was soft and kind.

"Alright then..." He sighed "I know you said you didn't want anything to do with me...yes, I know I intruded in your life, yes I flirted the second I saw you, Yes, I know that it was a horrible first impression...the point I'm trying to make here is... that it was stupid of me and...I would appreciate it if you would forgive me...you don't have to share the same feelings as I...Just forgive me.." his tone sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

What do I say? What do I do? Do I just stay silent and never see him again? He is right about being an idiot. I don't think it's a bad thing. I know what I want...I want to be by his side, I hate to say this...but, I want to be celebrity boy's girlfriend.

I nod silently as I stood up, taking a deep breath, I open my office door to see that idiot Natsume, also known as the one I love. Ugh, Sounds weird in my head, I'll learn to get used to it.

"So, I'm guessing you forgive me?" he grinned at me as he chuckled.

His stupid face and his stupid chuckle caused my face to burn crimson, I cross my arms over my chest as I looked away "N-No I didn't! I just opened the door because it was hot in my office, you dummy!"

Natsume laughed raising his hands up in surrender "I see, I see...so if you don't forgive me, then I'll gladly leave" He continued to laugh as he began to walk away.

"Wa-Wait!" I say as I reach my arm towards him,

"Hm? What is it, Miho~' He hummed as he turned over to me.

He makes me feel so flustered! Just by the way he is talking is making me embarrassed, heck, there is no way in hell that I am going admit that to him! He'll probably tease the crap out of me about it.

"Don't go...you dummy" I mumble as my gaze lowers to the floor, my cheeks couldn't get hotter from my embarrassment.

"Oh? How come? I thought you didn't forgive me" he continued to laugh as he walked over to me.

"I...do forgive you.." I mumble as Natsume is standing right in front of me,

"Well, happy day for me, " I feel his rather large hand mess up my hair.

"But, I won't ever forgive you if you aren't my boyfriend in two seconds" I look up at him with a glare.

"Alright, I'll be your boyfriend" He smiled as he kept on messing with my hair. "I'll be your boyfriend only if you agree to be my girlfriend...Shortie"

"If you call me shortie one more time! That will be the last thing you say!"I threaten him as I balled my fists

"Okay, Okay, I get it, do you agree or not?" He raised his hands in surrender.

I cross my arms as my blushing red face never calms down "Yo-You dummy! Of course I will! Heck, It took you this long to ask me!?" I roll my eyes as I quickly feel something kiss my lips.

"You're the dummy, I was waiting for the right time to ask" Natsume smiled at me as he large hand grabbed onto my small one, I look away as we begin to walk to our next class.




Fast update? ANOTHER ONE!! Man, I am really proud and impressed with myself!!

I really liked writing this chapter...and....who else votes that Miho is a Tsundere??? *Raises hand* No? Okay


See ya next chapter!

Baii Baii


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