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Lunch finished and as well as my current class. I am still curious of what Mizuka and that Usami girl was talking about. I wonder, why was Usami looking up information about me...but the big question is; why did Mizuka want to know stuff about me. I shrug it off as I walk to my next class, which is math...wait...SHIT!! I HAVE THAT CLASS WITH THE BEAST! Not to mention that I ran away from her lecture, she's gonna kill me!

As I walk to class I notice the stabbing stares from each and every student as I pass by them. Dammit it annoys me. Why do I have to be stared at? Why don't people just stare at the intellectual and logical people for getting something to progress in this fucked up society. Why don't they praise those kinds of people? Why don't they just rip apart this 'Fame' title and let everyone be 'equal' ? But no, we live in a popularity based world, so I can't do anything about that.

I try to ignore the stabs, yes I'm finally in the class...room....OH SHIT!

The first thing I see in the class is the beast giving me her 'innocent' grin. I know that look, she's gonna kill me. But the only thing I could do is walk in the class and hope that she doesn't shoot me in the forehead.

Same with the other classes, I sit at the back of the class to attract LESS attention, but that doesn't work at all. Hm? Something's strange about this class...None of the girls are throwing their words at me? Wait a minute, Miho's in this class....so there must be a set-up somewhere.

My eyes travel around the room, looking at some of the girls' expressions. They have a sorta like fake smile that only shows fear in their eyes. Miho's definitely behind this. Hey, it's not like I'm saying I don't like it! Trust me, I am really thankful for that!

But, now that I notice it...it feels kinda weird. Every student is silent, and if any of the students would even make the smallest whimper, Miho would already be at their throats. Five minutes passed, then another ten has passed and our teacher did not enter the classroom. He or she might have been late, but it's not like I'm excited to take math.

Oh! I should value this precious time and write; even if it sounds crappy.

With a pencil in my hand, I open a new page of my journal:

Who knew that stares and silence would be stabbing? Certainly I didn't. But that is what's interesting about them. Just a single stare can cause the person being stared at feel uneasy and...an unknown feeling.
But, when you accidentally stare at a person, well...the person you find intriguing, the person you find that is worth to just look at for years; it feels...rejoicing, refreshing. There is just something about that person that prevents you from looking away...

"Alrighty students, let's get this lesson started, and my apologies that I'm a bit tardy" I flinch from the breaking of the solid wall of silence being shattered into millions of pieces.

My eyes travel to examine our teacher as I close my journal; he is a tall male that has hair falling from his mid back, he has his hair tied back into a organized and precise pony tail. He looks like he's in his early thirties. He has slim and thin figure. With thin rectangular glasses.

He looks at the students, that are still trying to reconstruct the wall of silence, and clears his throat "Um..I'm Mr. Kurosaki, I'm your math teacher for the year" he look uneasy by the silence. He clears his throat again and makes his way to his desk.

Wow, I'm impressed. A small 'innocent' girl like Miho can intimidate a grown man by her glares and her closed eyed grins. It has been three minutes and the wall of silence is up and it's sturdy.

"Um, Mr. Kurosaki aren't we gonna introduce ourselves to the other classmates?" she smiles and everyone is still FUCKING SILENT. I mean I could have broken the silence, but Miho would've shouted my ear out if I did and I wouldn't appreciate the loads of attention that would bring.

"Well yes, I thought that you students' wouldn't want that, but but if you insist, then so be it" Mr. Kurosaki nodded and stood up.

Every student sighed loudly in relief as they heard Mr. Kurosaki speak. Miho, the 'innocent' person she is, glared at the students again and caused them to be silent again. Why do I have to be classmates with her? I don'tm wouldn't mind it if she wasn't so deadly and intimidating, but hey...at least I have a familiar face here. I'm a bit bummed that I don't have this class with Mizuka... Ugh! Stop thinking about him! It annoys me that I always have him in the back of my mind, but that can't be helped. I always find a way or a reason to think about him. Hey, it's not like I want think about him, but I just do. It annoys me.


That intimidating thing of a math class is finally over! And Miho didn't hunt me down, I have a bad feeling about that...

I shrug my feeling of being hunted down away as I make it to my final class, which is P.E...I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHY WOULD MY GRANDMOTHER DO THAT! SHE KNOWS THAT I AM NON- ATHLETIC!

I hate being active with a burning passion, it just frustrates me. Why would someone want to run for fun? NO ONE! I think this class is irrelevant, but it's mandatory and that is what pisses me off.

I wonder of Mizuka has to take this class? Of course he does! Every fucking student has to take this class! But I'm a bit bummed that He doesn't have the class with me.

I frown and stare at the ground as I make my way to my class, knowing that Mizuka would not be there. As I stare at the class I notice someone stand beside me. It's probably one of the female students that are trying to date me. I sigh annoyed, loud enough for whoever is next to me could hear.

"Woah, what's up with you?" A familiar voice dances through my ears.

"Mizuka!!" I look up with excitement.

"Hey, why so excited to see me? It's only been one class since you've seen me" he chuckles out loudly

I feel fire on my cheeks as he laughs, so embarrassing... "No reason...I'm just excited to see you...you know why...I have a class with your sister" My eyes travel to the floor again. I don't know what to say!

"Wow, did she do it again? Did she make the whole class stay silent?" he chuckles again.

"Mhm...even the teacher was intimidated" I look back up at Mizuka and smile wryly.

"Sheesh...that girl is the devil..." he arranges his glasses.

"Tell me about it" I groan out feeling comfortable around him.

Mizuka and I talk and grin as I make My way to my class and he does the same.


Haii!! I'm not so late...but I still am T^T sorry!...I try to update more frequently...but school gets in my way...

....I keep making excuses....sorry...


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