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Mizuka had a Smile when he read my journal, it was the same smile that he gave me when we first met, then, his expression changed to a shocked one...What the hell was I thinking when I wrote that!?...well his smile is breathtaking and- No!  Stop thinking about it Shinji!

Mizuka put my journal on his desk and he looked down. He passed my journal to me and said nothing. Great, there goes my only friend! He must hate me now.

Mizuka got up from his seat without looking at me and walked to the Yuichiro's desk Mizuka said something to Yuichiro and he nodded, Mizuka thanked him and he left the classroom, does he hate me that much that he can't stand to look at me? 

Mizuka POV

My curiosity got the best of me...I want to read his journal, but he won't let me. Let me think, how can I get his journal? Oh,  I have an idea...

"Oh look at that red rose at the window " I pointed to the window knowing nothing's there, the trick may be stupid but he might fall for it.

As stupid as it is, he fell for it,  now is my chance!

Shinji looked at the window letting his guard down I swiftly snatched the journal, he's so innocent. If it was that easy to take his journal I should've took it earlier.

I play with my glasses as I begin to read silently:

Facial expressions... There are many of them...some show sadness, anger, envy, jealousy, or Happiness... But why do people smile?... Why am I so fascinated with them? Do people smile to hide their emotions? Or they smile just to smile... Is there more feelings under a smile?... Or do they just symbolize happiness?

So it's about expressions?  interesting, why is this so deep?  Does his other journals have such deep and meaningful topics?  My curiosity grew even more, now I want to read his other journals.

Then, I began reading silently the second paragraph:


I paused, wait...what?.....wait... Why is this paragraph about... Me? I glanced at Shinji trough the corner if my eye, he has a nervous look on his face...

Then I continued to read silently:

His smile, is a rare sight, there's no emotion nor word to describe his smile, it's just, perfect no it's better than perfect it's... Divine no... It's not divine it's breathtaking, it's strong, it's determined, passionate and powerful... How can someone take my breath away just by smiling? I guess I'll never figure that out... Smiles are a lot more complex than I thought...

I put Shinji's journal on my desk, oh so that's how he feels...but how can he write something like that about someone he just met?

I have to talk to

I passed Shinji his journal and stood up, I walked to Yuichiro's desk.

"Um... Yuichiro can I be excused... I have to do something?" I whispered to Yuichiro.

"Fine...but you got 15 minutes " Yuichiro didn't ask anymore questions.

"Thanks... "

I hurried out of my class. I need to talk with Miho. I ran to the student council room hoping that Miho would be there.

I opened the door "Miho! " I shouted for no reason.

"What is it baby brother? " Miho stood up from her desk and walked towards me.

"I...need to talk to you..."

"Can't this wait till we get home?" Miho crossed her arms.

"No... I need to talk to you" I gave Miho a nervous look.

"Fine... Come to my desk" Miho sighed and walked to her desk. I followed behind her.

"Now, tell me, what's wrong?" Miho looked at me.

"Um... Remember what you told before we left the house?"

**4 hours ago**

"Mizuka... " my sister looked at me

"Yeah Miho" I said while putting on my shoes

"Shinji Ayo is going to attend our school... He's a very important student " Miho gave me a serious look.

"And?... I don't care" I raised my eyebrow.

"I know you don't's that... I don't want you to meddle in his private you do with every student" Miho gave me a scary look.

"I won't okay... " I stood up to walk to the door.

"Okay... the principal told me to let no one get involved in his personal life "

"And, Why are you only telling this to me?" I dropped my glasses.

"Because you're nosy as hell!" Miho crossed her arms.

"Anyways remember you have a meeting at seven o'clock and as president you don't want to be late " Miho sighed

"Crap I forgot!" I rushed out of my house without putting on my glasses, I know it's dangerous because I can't see without them, but they'll fall off if I run with them.

"Late as always..."

**End of memory**

I looked at Miho...she's gonna kill me!

"What the hell did you do?!" Miho gave a death glare

"Don't kill me... " I flinched

"Tell me what did you do? " Miho glared again

".........I... " I didn't want to tell her

"You what!! " Miho smashed her fist with her desk.

"Don't kill me"

"I'm gonna kill you if you don't tell me!! " Miho glared at me again.

"I um... Kinda sorta... Um meddled in Shinji's... Um life and... "

"YOU WHAT!!!??" Miho stood up from her desk.

"Please don't kill me" I flinched

"Oh I'm gonna do more than just kill you!!" Miho grabed me by my collar.

"I gave you one simple task...and look how that turned out!!" Miho gripped my collar tighter.

"But he... "

"He what!! " Miho glared at me

"I read his journal and.... He wrote something about me... "

"You've met him before!?"

"Technically yes, he saved my life this morning "

Miho glared telling me to keep going. "He pushed me out of the way before I ran into the road infested with cars..."

"Why didn't you have your glasses on? " she continued to glare.

"Because, they would've fallen if I ran with them... But he wrote something about me in his journal "

"What did he write? "

"He wrote his feelings about me...well, my smile at least" I felt my face grow hot.

"Oh,  please don't tell me you got feelings for celebrity boy"

"I... Don't know..." Miho scoffed from my response,  I don't know if I have feelings for Shinji... I think he has feelings for me, but isn't dating the idol Yukari?  Ugh this is so confusing!!

"What do you mean you don't know" Miho finally let me go.

"I don't know... But he has feelings for me but he doesn't know" I answered seriously

"Well, If he does, let him tell you...but don't force him to grow feelings for you" Miho sat back down in her chair.

"But I don't know If I have feelings for him.. "

"Oh shut up you do! I can see it all over your face " Miho got back to signing papers.

"Just don't force him okay " Miho looked back at me again.

".....Okay...." was the only thing I could say.

"Bye now~" Miho waved at me

I nodded and returned to my classroom, I saw Shinji writing in his journal again. What is he writing about?  No!  I can't meddle in his life...I silently walked back to my desk.

Do I have feelings for Shinji?....

Impossible I just met him!…


Haii Haii

So Mizuka's curiosity won...
I wonder how he feels about Shinji now...

Baii baii


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