My Life Routine: Morning

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It is Saturday morning, me not wanting to wake up so fucking early in the morning. I ignored the alarm...I wouldn't call it an alarm, I would call it an old lady screaming at me...

"GET UP SHINJI!!" screamed that old hag called my grandmother

"Good morning to you too..." I muttered.

"A Perfect Man should be up and ready at this time!" my grandmother spoke while barging into my closet.

Yup, I can't even choose the clothes I wear... And you wonder
Why is my grandmother attending me instead of the many butlers and maids we have...? Well, it's that I don't really trust them...  I don't know why... But seriously I can at least dress myself, my parents don't let me do so.

And...if you're wondering, yes my grandma is famous as well, she's a fashion designer. She has around thirty different clotheslines.

And you got to admit you would also be pissed if an old lady barged into your room and began to yell.

She put a pair of black jeans and a purple button-up shirt in front of me "Even on weekends a perfect man should always be an early riser and on time... Here,  put this on" she gave me the clothes and I walked to my bathroom, Without any comments or attitude, well at least I'm used to seeing this hag in the morning.

A few minutes later I came out of my bathroom, and my luck she was still there. I sighed and sat down on my bed waiting for any other directions from my grandmother.

She walked towards me and handed me some black dress shoes. I quietly put them on. Then I stood up and patted my lap.

I looked directly at my grandmother, she had a comb in her hand, she styled my hair a couple of times before she took a few steps back " you look very handsome... You look like A Perfect, we still have to work on that attitude of yours.." she smiled while shaking her head slowly.

What do you mean attitude... I barely fucking speak all day... not even to my so-called friends.

She looked at me seeing if she missed anything to fix. She nodded and she dismissed me to the family room to wait for breakfast.

I walked into the family room and saw my father sitting reading an article on some fucking family that I don't really give a shit about... My father noticed that I was standing at the entrance..."Oh good morning son, sit down I have something to tell you... " he motioned to the chair next to him,  I quietly sat next to him worried about what he might say.

"I have been considering that you're old enough to...well to have a girlfriend," he spoke softly while sipping his tea, wait... what? Since when has my father talked to me?

Wait, wait... A girlfriend?...oh hell, why did I walk into the family room...
He probably might hook me up with some overly happy pop star bitch. That might have a problem or something.

"Well, what does mother think about this?" I stalled because I didn't want to hear who he made me hook up with...

"She... Well I haven't talked to her about it...forget about this we'll talk bring it up later for breakfast..." he spoke while fixing his collar and walking out the family room...

"See you later son..." he said while walking away...  I wonder, has my father ever called me by my name?... Well, who knows... Obviously, I don't.

I got bored of being in the family room, so I decided to go out to the garden... I don't know there's  something about the garden that I find relaxing.

I walked among the many flowers and plants, touching some leaves occasionally. "Why do I have to be the perfect man?
Why do I have to be treated like a doll?" I whispered those questions to the flowers and waited for the flower to tell me something that will never be answered.

Few minutes pass and I heard the morning bell for breakfast...
where am I... school?
Anyway, walked towards the dining room, and saw both of my parents and that old hag...

I quietly sat down in my every day assigned seat and waited for my food.

One of the maids put a bowl of oatmeal in front of you know how much I hate oatmeal?
Let's just say that I eat it every single would hate oatmeal too if you ate it every day...

I don't know why but I got the courage to say " Can I have something else for breakfast?"
BIG MISTAKE... Everyone looked at me like if I were a killer or something.

"Why, do you want something else?" my father spoke up from the awkward silence.

"Well, I eat oatmeal every morning, and I'm tired of the same thing" I said a little frightened...what the hell was I thinking!?... I might get sent to my room all day like before!...

I waited for my response "Very well, Ai...  Go get my son some pancakes" he motioned to the maid beside him...

What the hell!!... am I dreaming? father finally listened to what I have to say for once...

The maid hurried to the kitchen and came out with a stack of pancakes...I was excited to finally eat something else for breakfast...

Then my father cleared his throat... I know what he is going to talk about!!

"Kiyami...I've bee wondering if, our son is ready to start dating...he is sixteen by the way"
He spoke while looking at my mother than me. Don't look at me... It's not like I have a say in this!!

"I think that's a great idea!, I have an idea who he should date"
My mother said almost jumping out of her seat. "Oh... My baby boy is growing up!" she said cheerfully.

"Well, I'm no baby" I faked a laugh.

My parents continued to talk about me and this girl they are going to make me date. I  zoned out through most of the conversation. To be honest, I don't really want to date someone I barely know. But who am I to decide... wait...I'M SUPPOSED TO DECIDE THAT!

A few minutes pass and there was complete silence..." Um... Mother, Father... I've been homeschooled my whole life...I've been wondering for my last two years of schooling...can I please attend a normal high school?" I asked because... What the hell!.. they accepted one of my requests... It might not hurt to ask for another one... Who knows I might not get this chance again!

My father looked at my mother
"Well, what a coincidence...your mother and I have been considering it..." What!?... My parents and I agreed on something and about the same, today has been an interesting day!

"So, is that a yes? " I asked to make sure because I might've been hearing things...

"Of course son... but the upcoming school year does not start until August, So you have to wait a couple of days, is that alright?" My father spoke calmly to me.

"That's alright...I'll wait till then"
I tried to speak calmly to my parents But I couldn't. "May I please be excused?" I tried to say from all of my excitement.

"Yes, son... But tomorrow you are to meet you girlfriend" my father said to me...I forgot about that!..."Yes, father, I can't wait" I lied to my parents.

I got up from my chair and went to the garden...

Can this day get any better!!


Shurui Ayo (Grandmother)

Age: 65

Birthday: February 4

Height: 5,4

Hair color: light brown

Eye color: amber

Other: fashion designer, Shinji's grandmother

Haii Haii
Hope you liked this chapter,
Had to end it here, if not it would have gone until ages...

Baii Baii


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