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"Author's note: Okay, lets recap on what's going on, because lots of things are happening

1. Shinji finally stood up for himself and broke up with Yukari.
  a. Mizuka and Shinji escaped from school and they are headed to somewhere.
  b. Mizuka has confessed to Shinji but does Shinji believe him?
  c. Shinji is really confused whether he as feelings for Mizuka.

2.Yakari is now attending the same school as Shinji and the others
  a. Yukari has grown feelings for Mizuka's best friend, Usami.
  b. Usami sort of asked Yukari out and Yukari accepted.

3. Natsume...he's still bothering Miho
  a. Miho...like always, is pissed about it
  b.  Out of nowhere, Miho suddenly kissed Natsume, this caused confusion for both Miho and Natsume.

Now! lets get back to the story!


Mizuka's POV

Alright, why in the hell did I just confessed my feelings to Shinji! Does he even believe what I said? I don't know, but my feelings for him are true and no one is going to change them, not even his obnoxious parents of his. Now that I really think about it...I really feel bad for him. No ! can't be thinking about these things right now! I have to hurry and get somewhere I can talk to him and also keep him away. So long story short, I'm killing two birds with one stone.

I glance back at Shinji as I see that he is slowly losing strength, crap, I forgot that he's not the athletic type, heck, he isn't the anything type.

"Shinji, are you alright? do you want to stop my and take a break?"

"W-what? N-no I'm fine, let's just hurry and get there for we could be over with this " He panted, clearly out of breath.

"Are you sure? I don't really mind if we do take a break" This really concerns me, I should do something about this..? But I still want to respect his word. Think, how can I respect his word?

"Y-yes...I-I'm sure...I can run for miles and miles to go.." He panted heavily as the grip on my hand tightened.

"...Shinji..." I mumbled as I make my running go to a halt.

Shinji's eyes widened as he looked directly into my eyes, his panting never calms, it only increases. This worries me a lot, I don't want to see him in this state, I don't want him to feel tired or bad around me at all. I only want him to be happy and have a pure and real smile instead of those false and broken ones.

"w-what are you doing? let's go, I told you I can handle it,  I really can" beads of sweat has been already formed on his face, this, only makes me worried.

"No, you need a break, so...that's what we're doing...no matter what you say" I responded to this panting male in a stern and strict voice.

I let out a sigh as my gaze lowers to the ground. Suddenly, I hear small whimpers that follow with some heavy panting. My gaze returns back to the male that I care for. My eyes go wide with worry as I see tears fall from his eyes. Why is he crying? I just want to pull him into a tight embrace...but, will that make him cry even more? I don't know why he's crying in the first place.

"Sh-Shinji..? are you alright?...why are you crying?.." My brows furrows as more tears fall from his eyes.

"what do you mean? I'm just fine...don't worry about it " He replies to me as a couple of more tears all from his eyes, wait...was I the one who made him cry? Was it the tone in my voice? I didn't mean to be so harsh on him...heck, I didn't want it to come out mean at all.

"But...Shinji...you're crying...I can see it"

"let's just go, Okay? I have had enough of being told what to do...so, let's keep on going" Shinji stood back up as he grabbed my hand. His tears were still falling, but his determination kept them from feeling sad.

"Al-Alright Shinji" I nodded as we began to run again.

. . . .

After a few more minutes of running, Shinji and I arrive at the location that was secretive yet private that I would be able to talk with him. That location, can be no other than my house. I quickly unlock the door, entering, I pull Shinji inside as well.

"Woah, where are we?" I can't stop the chuckle that escapes from my mouth as my gaze is directly on Shinji, he looks so cute right now, and his expression is priceless! He looks like a kid on Christmas, amazed.

"We're in my place , You said you wanted to get away, so this is the first place that came to my mind" I scratch the back of my head as I look at the amazed Shinji.

"I have never been in someone else's house before...it's incredible" he looked around with that same amazed expression.

"Well, There's a first for everything, right?"

"Y-you're right" He smiled brightly at me. What I wouldn't do to feel his soft lips again.

Now, here come the part that I didn't want to ever come, that is why I barely have any friends. I have to tell Shinji about myself. This may not seem like a big deal, I may be overreacting...but I hate talking about my past, I hate everything about it.

"Shinji..." I mumbled as I sit on the couch that is in the living room, my hands tremble with nerves a I look directly into his eyes.

"Yes, Mizuka?" He raised his brow as he sat beside me.

"You said you wanted to know more about my past...right?" again, why am I doing this? I am risking so much right now, but, the question is...is this worth it? The answer is simple, right in front of my face, yes. I am wiling to lose everything for this simple male, I am willing to do anything for the love I have for him.

"O-oh yes, I wanted to know about yourself...but, if...you don't want to, there is no need for that to be spoken about." the brunette reaches over and grabs my hand, his smile was like it was painted on, like it was made out of porcelain, it was beautiful. Like I have seen it for the first time in my life.

Now the question I want to ask Shinji and myself is...does he know how much love and affection I have for him? Does he know that I am doing all of this to maintain that porcelain smile of his? He doesn't know how much he affects me...how he makes my heart fly out of my chest.

"No. I want  and I need  to tell you this...you need to know...no one but my sister and Usami know about this, about myself..."

"Are you sure? I am fine without knowing...Mizuka, it's completely fine if you don't want to--"

"I have to tell you this...no matter how many times you tell me 'it's fine' no matter how many times to 'not worry about it' I must and I am going to tell you this" I shook my head slowly as my gaze is directly in Shinji's mesmerizing ruby eyes.

Shinji's eyes lock directly at me as he nodded, "Alright, I'm all ears"

I nod my head as my gaze lowers to the floor again, my hands begin to tremble. What if I don't tell him? What if he despises me like he does to his other false friends. What is happening to me? Why am I getting cold feet now? Maybe, I shouldn't tell him. It wouldn't be a bad thing...right? No! What am I thinking! I am and I will tell him about myself, I have kept it a secret for so many years...now it's the time for I can finally tell someone!

My gaze rises again and it locks onto Shinji's eyes, "Shinji....do you know my last name?..."

"Of course I do, Iroha...what about it?"

"Think about it...who else has that last name..." My brows furrow in determination as my hands won't stop from trembling.

"Your sister, the devil-- I um...mean Miho"

"You're right...who else has that last name..." My gaze lowers as I begin to fidget with my fingers...please, I don't want to say it...

Shinji's POV

Who else has that last name? I don't know! Does he expect me to know about these things because my parents are famous? The question is...what does he mean by 'who else'? Ummm... Maybe there I someone that has the same last name.

"Your parents?"

"No...Please...think about this"

WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK I'M DOING! Because I'm pretty sure I'm NOT fucking reading a damn book!

"Mizukaaaaa...I am thinking about this.." I reply to him in a slight whine, this is pissing me off, why don't he just get it over with and tell me!

"No, you're not. If you was thinking...you would have figured this out already"

"Can you at least give me a hint? And why don't you just tell me" I cross my arms together as my gaze moves away from Mizuka's perfect flaxen eyes.

"I did give you a hint...my last name, what other hint I could give?"


"Wait...do you mean Iroha that journalist that works for that obnoxious magazine company...?"

"Which company?"


His flaxen eyes widen as I hear a gasp escape his lips. He nodded silently "Yes..."

"So...what about him?"

"What's his first name?"

"I don't know.."

"What...does he look like?"

"I don't know..."

"How old is he...?"

"I don't-- Mizuka, where are you getting at this?" I cross my arms as I grow a bit impatient with all these questions.

"What do you know about this journalist?"

"He's the one that's always writing stupid things about me and my family, he's the one that has written about all of the personal things about my family" I respond to his question in slight annoyance.

"How long has this Journalist been writing about you and your family?"

"Five years-- Mizuka, what are you getting at this?"

"How do you feel about this journalist...?"

"He's fucking annoying and he really gets on my nerves! Why can't he just mind his own damn business and get his own life!" I pour out my feelings towards that Journalist to Mizuka. I have no idea what and where he's getting to.

"So...You think this journalist is annoying?"

"Oh hell yeah! he needs to stop writing about me!" I nod as my arms are still crossed

"So...You hate, this journalist?"

"Well...I wouldn't say hate, but... I don't like him" Seriously, WHERE THE HELL IS HE GETTING AT THIS!!!

I hear a few mumbles as Mizuka nods "I see...Now...who am I?"

"Huh? Who are you? well, that's easy. You're Mizuka Iroha, my best friend that is the leader of the Journalism club and has a demon for a sister" I let out a chuckle as I reply to him. but Mizuka's expression was a serious yet sad one.


"And?" I repeat what Mizuka said as I smile at him.

"And...That annoying Journalist that you hate and certainly cannot stand..."

"Mizuka..." What is he getting by this, What does he have to do with that annoying ass journalist?


My eyes widened as they look directly at this teal haired male.




Hah! Soooo what do ya think???? Ehhhhh? Surprised? Never expected it? Saw it coming? WELP I don't know, but! the point is that I am very happy and satisfied with this chapter! Also...I had so much fun writing it!

And, I am also very thankful for mahhhhh friend that gave me advice and gave me some Ideas

you know who you are EYEPATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

XD Thank you a lot!!!!!!!!!


See ya next chapter!

baii baii


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