Who is "She?"

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Now tell me....


I looked at the girl then at my hand, then back at the girl.

"Oh no...I-i'm so..sorr-"

"Ha! Serves you right" Mizuka snickered.

Now's not the time for laughing! Well...it was kinda funny...and unexpected...but that's not the problem!!

The real problem is; How did this all happened? And why did it happen!?

"I...i-i am so sorry I didn't mean to do that to you...an-"

"Don't apologize Shinji, she deserves what you did to her" Mizuka backed me up.

Hey, she may or may not deserve it but drenching her in juice does not solve the world's problems!

"You...you idiot!" the girl slapped Mizuka.

I black out, again, my emotions control my body.


I come back and I see the girl holding her cheek, and my hand is a bit close to her face.

Mizuka's eyes widened, then he snickered.

"Oh...no no no no no...I-i'm so sorry i-i didn't mean to hit you, I'm so-"

"No apologies needed Shinji, she deserved that as well" Mizuka tried to hold back his laugh, which was not working at all!

I look to my sides and I see people around me in like a circle type shape.

What the hell is going on!!?

I don't want to turn around, because I can already hear the agonizing stares and whispers.

"Oh did he just..." , "there goes celebrity" and the one that deserves a fucking award is...drumroll please... "I never knew he was a woman abuser" and the crowd goes fucking crazy!!

I feel so annoyed by this...I didn't mean to slap her, It wasn't me...it was my emotions, which are a part of me so technically makes it me...ah!! Stop thinking about it!

Mizuka looked at the crowd of people, his face turned pale. What's wrong? Did he see something?

Mizuka looked back at me "we need to go now!" he was looking around for some reason, he looked anxious.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" I really don't know what the hell is going on right now.

"She's coming..." I heard Mizuka's voice get really quiet.

Who's She? Do I know her? Should I be afraid of her? Who the hell is she and why is Mizuka so afraid of her!?

"Who is she?" I'm just curious to know.

"She! The Small demon, the possessed one, the Killer, m-my sister!" Mizuka shivered.

"And who the hell are you calling those names?"

I hear a familiar voice dancing around my ears...that voice...it's Miho's voice! Oh boy am I glad to see her!

"Shit...we're to late, she's quick...." Mizkuka looked around again.

Why is Mizuka so afraid of his sister? Isn't siblings supposed to get along and not fear one another?

Mizuka continued took around "There! We still have hope!" He grabbed my hand and dashed out of that circle.

"Oh no you don't get back here you ass!"

I saw something so quick I barely saw it. Moments later Mizuka was on the floor with a very petit girl stepping on his collarbone.

"Oh Miho it's you, I'm so gla-"

"Zip it celebrity" She glared daggers at me.

Yikes!! T-that's not the Miho I met this morning! This girl is a beast!

"You two, hurry or I'll staple your mouths shut" that beast replied and walked away.

"Now's our chance! Let's g-" Miho jammed the heel of her foot into Mizuka's collarbone.

"And don't be stupid and try two times like this idiot" The beast looked at me with an expression that I've never seen before. It looked like she was laughing but serious and deadly at the same time.

"I-i won't..." I finally had the courage to speak.

"Good, now let's hurry along" The beast turned into the delicate girl I met this morning, she grinned at me. Now I know not to mess with her.

Miho took her foot off of Mizuka and walked away.

"What the hel-"

"Don't ask...let's just go" Mizuka stood up and followed that beast. I didn't know what to do, so I simply followed along behind Mizuka.

"H-hey, what's wrong with her?" How can she change emotions so swiftly...like...Mizuka? I see the resemblance now, and these two twins are very...ahem let me say that again...VERY alike.

"You'll see soon enough" Mizuka answered my curious question with a shaky voice. "Should I be afraid of her?" I ask another obvious and irrelevant question.

"The question you should be asking yourself is; Why not be afraid of...Her..." Mizuka shivered again.

Okay, okay...this is starting to freak me out. Why is everyone so afraid of this little girl? Yeah I know that she is a full-on beast but, hey, don't most people have sides like that? My curious side tells me to be optimistic about this...'Dilemma' but my normal self tells me to RUN AWAY NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE LEGS!!

But....my curiosity wins.

"I still don't get why are you so intimidated by your sister, she seems quite normal to me" I shrugged off Mizuka's statement.

"Boy, you have problems...and not just physical ones" Mizuka looked at me.

"But, I still don't get why are you afraid of Miho..." I shrugged his look off.

"Hey! Didn't I tell you to shut the hell up!? Now shut up!" The beast said coldly as she walked in her office. "Sit now" Miho sat down and grinned at me.

I don't feel safe about this... I quietly obeyed as Mizuka did the same.

"Great, now, tell me what happened?" The beast gave me a kind Smile.

"I kinda, um...splashed juice on a girl​...then I slapped her...but it was all an accident I swear!" I looked at that beast.

"YOU DID WHAT!!?" she lunged and grabbed me by my collar.

I'm gonna die!!


Oh Shinji...my poor baby...but no one can stop that..beast *shivers* not even I could...


Have you noticed?

I updated so early!! Yeah I know!! Awesome right!! Well I think that's a great thing compared to how long I usually take.

But it's really getting late *Yawns* I mean really late...so I think I'm gonna go to bed right now....

Baii Baii


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