All I Want

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Amaimon sat on a lamp post, sucking one of the lollipops he always seemed to have with him.

Samael had just explained to him what humans did to celebrate the birth of Christ. It was very overdone in his opinion. So much unnecessary work just to decorate for one day and then take it all down. So much time wasted going door to door singing songs to random people who meant nothing to them.

He was still curious about his youngest brother. He had no care for the younger one. He'd already decided that one didn't count. He may have father in his head, goading him and watching the world through his eyes, but he was still a human–and quite a weak one too. Disgusting.

Amaimon had picked Rin as his favorite brother. He'd never tell Samael that, of course. The older demon would get jealous and start annoying Amaimon until he said Samael was his favorite.

But Amaimon felt heat in his core every time he saw the wild beauty waving that sleek tail around or growling at his classmates. He didn't have any manners, but that was somehow so enticing to him instead of being offensive like it should be. It was pure defiance of Demonic Rules, done perfectly by none other than the Crown Prince of Gehenna.

The Earth King wasn't one for lying. The reason for that was simply because the truth was often more brutal than any lie he could think up. It was fun to watch them cry and break down when the truth was revealed and they couldn't run from it any longer.

He'd already thought up many things to tell Rin to make him break, to make him give in and let Amaimon turn him into the Demon King he was meant to be.

It was easier than he thought, though. He found Rin struggling to do what humans called homework in the huge rickety building Samael put him in. A useless learning tactic, really. If you wanted people to learn something, you had to beat it into them. They'd learn by punishment, though by the looks of it, this was punishment for his youngest brother.

The window in front of the teen was open, so he just slipped right through. Rin reeled back immediately, nearly falling backwards in the chair. "Hey, what the hell?!" He cried. His hand automatically went to the sword right beside him and Amaimon backed up slightly, sharp amber eyes narrowing at the sight of that cursed blade.

He let out a low growl and Rin responded with one of his own, startling the Earth King. Then he laughed. "Oh, little brother, you don't know what you're doing!"

Rin cocked his head in confusion. "You bare your fangs and respond with a threat of your own, but it's all instinct, isn't it? You don't actually know what you're doing when you do that." Amaimon explained.

Rin shook his head, forgetting about the sword. What the hell did Amaimon mean? Why was he even here in the first place? While he was thinking, he didn't notice Earth King moving until he was flat on his back on the floor. Amaimon was on top of him, straddling him and sitting up triumphantly.

Rin struggled, trying to get away from the enemy. This guy had nearly killed him twice! No way was he letting it happen again!

Amaimon had no problem pinning both wrists under one clawed hand, face suddenly closer to Rin's than before. It wasn't until he noticed the redness of the teen's cheeks that he realized what effect this was having on him.

He leaned his face even closer, staring Rin dead in the eyes. "There are three simple rules you should know first. The First: Baring your fangs means you're challenging someone." Rin shivered under him.

"Second: Waving your tail around like that is an invitation for any demon who sees it to come and fuck you." The struggling stopped, the younger noticing his tail had wrapped around his thigh in the hassle. He gulped.

"Third: Revealing your heart out in the open means anything can come and steal it. If they can keep it from you for a long time, you become theirs." Rin looked away from the Demon King, not being able to take those eyes reaching into his soul, trying to pull out this secrets.

A clawed hand came to turn it back towards Amaimon. Those deep blue irises burned into gold. "Unless you want to get a beating, a night with someone, or controlled for eternity as a slave, I suggest you follow those rules." The Demon King leaned down even more, trailing his fangs along Rin's throat while his hand reached down to stroke along the tail wrapped around the boy's thigh.

Rin gave a surprised moan, trying to move his hand to cover his mouth, but Amaimon's hold on his wrists was too strong. He instead turned his face to muffle the noises in his arm. Amaimon licked along his collarbone, unbuttoning the school uniform shirt further.

Amaimon knew Samael was probably watching, so he wanted to see how much he could get away with before they were interrupted.

He purred at his youngest brother's failed attempts at escape. Rin's tail thumped on the wooden floor, the appendage now curling and uncurling next to them. "This is too far! Why are you doing this?!" Rin cried.

"I can't fight you or steal you away for myself, so I'll satisfy myself with taking you up on your offer after all the times you've waved that tail around in my face." The demon growled. Rin writhed. "Fuck no! I barely know you, asshole! At least take a guy to dinner first!" Rin had snapped out of his surprised daze and was now giving Amaimon a run for his money strength-wise.

"Will you let me fuck you if I do?" The older stopped his ministrations and sat up, looking down at Rin pinned under both his body and his gaze. Rin's face went beet red at the crude question. He had no other choice. The Demon King overpowered him by miles. Amaimon could do whatever he wanted with Rin. He sighed. "Maybe."

"But you gotta take me out more than just once! I'll decide whether we mess around after or not." Rin added. Amaimon frowned. "Take you out? How do you mean?"

"You know, like a date! It's Christmas time, so a lot of nice specials are being served at resteraunts." Rin shrugged. "Although I'm kinda broke." He mumbled the last part into his arm.

Amaimon grinned sharply. "Date? Ah, that's another one of those human things isn't it? Well, if it'll get me what I want, then fine. I also have lots of money from Big Brother, so I can pay." Amaimon leaned back up, but not without stealing a quick kiss from the teen under him.

Rin sputtered, sitting up and covering his mouth as the bright red blush returned full force. "Get changed. Going somewhere in your school uniform sounds uncomfortable." Amaimon ordered, leaving no room for argument. Rin got up, grabbing clothes while Amaimon decided to wait in the hall. Humans liked their privacy.

"And Rin?" Said half-demon turned around. "Keep that tail hidden unless you want me to take you in public." The Demon King closed the door with a grin.

Rin shivered and changed his clothes, throwing his clothes in the hamper and hoping this wasn't a mistake.


Amaimon was finding it hard to resist Rin, even though he said he would. But if Rin didn't want to be fucked, why did he dress so well?!

The teen was wearing a red t-shirt, ripped black jeans, metal- toed combat boots, black arm warmers–similar to Amaimon's own–and a black leather jacket. He looked like a damn snack and didn't even seem to notice!

Rin noticed him staring. "What?" He asked, suddenly self-concious. Amaimon got closer, slipping and arm around the half-demon's waist. "You have no idea how good you look right now." He breathed. Rin shivered. There was pure lust in that voice.

Rin pushed him away, then grabbed his hand. The Earth King wasn't very happy about being pushed away, but settled for any contact he could get.

Rin pulled him over to a shop called Afuri. "This is a good Ramen place. It's cheap, but it's really good. And it's cold out, so ramen is good for fighting off the chill." He explained.

"You really thought about this...." Amaimon mumbled. Rin smiled sheepishly. "Well, yeah. I've never been on a date, but I know what people like and I've always wanted to go on one, so....."

The Earth King's lips tilted up slightly and Rin smiled. They went in. A girl sat them at a table for two. They both got soda and ordered their respective ramen bowls. Amaimon would have gotten a medium bowl, but Rin stopped him.

"No, get the large one. Trust me. I eat a lot already. You can easily pack away a ton. Get the large." He said. Amaimon decided to listen to him since he seemed to know what he's talking about. While they waited, Rin hummed along to the music.

Amaimon looked at him and frowned. Give me attention, damnit!

"Hey Amaimon." Rin said suddenly.


"Can you teach me? Demon Rules, I mean." Rin asked. "Oh. Yeah, sure. But why not ask Sa-Mephisto? He's much more of a gentleman I am." Amaimon admitted, recalling the name the Time Lord liked to be called.

"Well, he likes to mess with me one thing. For another, I'll owe him, and I don't want to be forced to do something bad." Rin answered. Oh. That made sense. He's smarter than I thought.

Their food arrived and there was no more time for talk as they dug into the noodles. Rin was right; It was cheap, but really good.

After the ramen, they were back outside. It was even colder and the sun had gone down. Christmas wasn't a national holiday in Japan, but it's joy and festivities were brought into the culture over the years.

They walked the streets, coming to more of a rural area. Some houses had Christmas lights. Rin had always loved the lights. He'd never really thought of his birthday as his birthday. It had always been just Christmas and aging another year and that was it. The decorations were always his favorite part of it all. And, of course, the fried chicken.

"Why do humans waste their time with decorating for a single day?" Amaimon questioned. Rin laughed. "You should see how America does it. It's even more over the top. There are people that put on light shows with the decorations in their front yards. They're so cool!" Rin laughed.

"Ooh, look at this one!" Rin pointed to a yard with the front of the house outlines in lights, as well as the trees lit up with different colors. There were glowing forms of reindeer pulling a red-lit sleigh.

"It looks nice." Amaimon said, just to appease his partner. Then he realized something.

"Hey, this dating thing is kind of like courting." Rin raised an eyebrow. "It's a demon custom. One gives the other gifts and takes them to special places, trying to woo them, until the one on the receiving end accepts or denies. If the courtship is accepted, then they marry. If it is denied, they simply either stay aquaintences or nasty things happen. Depends on the demon. Although there is the rare case of further courting and then marriage." Amaimon told him.

"Oh. That does sound a lot like dating....although, humans have one extra step: engagement. It's between dating and marriage. It's the point where you're basically planning the wedding and looking at houses to live in and stuff like that." Rin pointed out.

"So much extra stuff. Just dress up nice and find someone to Marry you and you're set. Actually, I've heard demon marriage customs are very similar to Indian customs from Big Brother." Amaimon waved a hand in dismissal.

"How so?"

"Indian wives have more gold than America, IMF, Switzerland, and Germany put together. The same goes for demons. Whoever was courted by the dominant receives jewels, gold, and garments made of rare or very expensive materials. Basically they're spoiled rotten." Amaimon quoted.

"Like you?"

Amaimon looked incredulously at the teen grinning at him. "I'm a Prince!" He defended himself. "So am I, and look at me! I'm not a brat!" Rin retorted. "You grew up as a human in a broke church." Amaimon argued. "That's true, but I think I'd still turn out decent, either way." Rin claimed.

"Oh yeah? Fine then! I'll take you out on these....dates.....and I'll spoil you as much as I can and we'll see how bratty you are then." Amaimon challenged. "Deal!" They shook on it, but it turned into Rin judo flipping Amaimon and running away, calling for Amaimon to catch him if he could.


They were at Rin's dorm, decorating. There was a tree that Amaimon had personally grown and brought to the building where his boyfriend lived.

Rin had briefly explained about human relationships to him and said Amaimon was his boyfriend, and if they got engaged, he'd be his Fiance. He'd only be Rin's Husband or Mate after they married.

While the Earth King hung the mistletoe, Rin was making cookies in the kitchen. He came out, stirring the dough, and let out a chuckle at the mistletoe hanging in the entryway. "Oh, are we playing another game?" He questioned. Amaimon cocked his head in confusion. "If two people end up together under mistletoe, they have to kiss." Rin explained. Amaimon raised a brow. "Okay. If I can get you under the mistletoe by Christmas, than you'll have to kiss me, no matter who's here at whatever time." Amaimon agreed.

Now they had three games going. Amaimon would take Rin on dates to win him over, Amaimon would spoil Rin and see how bratty he was after(while winning home over), and Amaimon would try to get Rin under the mistletoe with him to get a kiss(and win him over).

Oh. Maybe it was all the same game, just with many rules. Amaimon liked where this was going.

"Hey, does this count as a date?"


Yukio was off on missions and Rin needed some distraction from everything going on. Studying and homework, the end of the year was coming up along with Christmas/his birthday and the son of Satan was a mess.

Amaimon found Rin staring at a book, reading the same line over and over again while his mind wandered. He crawled through the open window.

"Rin. Are you....okay?" The term felt too loose on Amaimon's tongue. 'Okay' didn't say as much as he wanted to. The teen let out a heavy sigh and leaned back, slouching in his chair. "I don't know. Everything is happening too fast. I feel like everyone else is moving forward and getting better while I'm just.....stuck." he looked helplessly at his boyfriend, as if that would solve his problems.

"Let's go on a date." Amaimon said out of the blue. Rin frowned. "What?"

"You need to get out of here. Away from here. Maybe we can go to another resteraunts, or play in the snow. Just have some fun." Amaimon felt just a little awkward. He was losing his streak of being a heartless dick.

All because of one Special Sprout.

How was he so entranced by this boy again? Ah, yes: His horrible manners and general disregard for rules. Rin still sometimes waved that sleek tail around, just to tease him. Amaimon wanted to shred those clothes and take him right there in the kitchen against the counter. Hear him cry out and beg Amaimon for more.....the Earth King shivered. Oh how he couldn't wait for Rin to be his!

"Okay. We'll go out. I can't concentrate anyways." Rin's voice snapped him out of his reverie. He got up and got clothes to change into. The son of Satan would usually kick him out of the room while he changed his clothes, but not this time, it seemed.

Rin unbuttoned his shirt, slowly, almost teasingly. He slid it off his arms painfully slow and dropped it to the floor. Amaimon was already practically drooling at the sight.

Next was the pants. Rin unbuttoned them, sliding them down those long, smooth legs and then stepping out of them. Finally, he stood before Amaimon in just his boxer-briefs while his tail unwrapped from around his middle. It stretched after a long day of being kept still through classes and cram school.

The long appendage was different from Amaimon's. While the Earth King's tail was long and scaly, like a lizard's, Rin's was more like Samael's-long, silky fur with a tuft at the end. But instead of straight, the fur curled at the end, just like Rin's hair. It teased him, swaying hypnotically in the air.

Rin apparently felt like flirting today, since the tail reached out to wrap around the Earth King's wrist to tug him close to the half-demon. Rin pulled on a black long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and his combat boots. While the tail distracted the Earth King, Rin put on the jewelery he'd received from said King over the past weeks.

Gold earrings, gold bracelets, gold rings. There was a belly button piercing that hadn't hurt at all when Rin did it himself using an ice pack and a needle. The same went for his tongue and ears too. Pain lasted a short time, then healed. Amaimon had also gotten him a kind of salve to put on the piercings so they stayed open and didn't heal as soon as he took the jewelery off. The salve was made with a Gehhennan flower, so only demons could aquire it.

It had barely been two weeks and he already felt himself giving in to the Earth King. He was fed rich foods, given nice things– including silk sheets and a bigger bed. Yukio was almost never home, so Rin picked his own room–one of the bigger rooms on the floor above them–and decorated it with the things Amaimon gave him. A beautifully designed rug with matching curtains. A huge bed that was super soft with nice covers and plenty of throw pillows. There was also a lovely jewelery box that Mephisto's had actually given to Rin when he learned of their courting/dating arrangement.

"Trust me," He'd said. "You'll need it."

Now, it sat proudly on his dresser, holding all of the gold given to him.

Rin was really loving being spoiled. Amaimon just might win this. But as time went on, Rin found himself less opposed to the idea.

No one had ever cared for him this much. No one had ever given him this much attention. No one had ever insisted he was so much more than people thought of him. No one had ever believed he could be more.

He snapped back to reality when he felt Amaimon's arms circle around his waist. "Such a damn treat." The demon purred appreciatively. Rin turned around and smiled, looping his arms around the Demon King's neck, practically glowing with how happy the words made him.

As the Earth King leaned in for a kiss, Rin ducked away, sliding back out of his arms. "Ah, ah, ah~! You have to get me under that mistletoe if you want a kiss." Rin laughed.

Amaimon growled, running after the teen. Rin snickered while crouching on his desk before jumping right out the window. He did a flip in midair just to show off before gracefully landing on his feet like a cat. Amaimon followed him out and he laughed. "You missed the mistletoe, genius!"


They'd gone on many dates by the end of December. It was nearing Christmas and Rin was absoloutely spoiled rotten by Amaimon. He admitted defeat, so the Earth King had already won one game. Now for the other two.

The tension was clear between them. Rin's friends had drifted away and soon, Rin had snuggled up to Amaimon. Amaimon found himself wrapped around the half-demon's pretty little finger, completely entranced by the boy. He knew most of the demon customs and rules of etiquette, so basically, when he didn't follow half of them, Amaimon knew Rin was teasing him or just being defiant in that entertaining way of his.

Amaimon loved him. He could resist it no longer. He was hopelessly in love with Rin Okumura. He heard a song on the radio at a ramen shop they went to. It played Western Christmas music all the time during December. The song said one line that described how the Earth King felt: All I want for Christmas is you~!

Now, the only problem was getting Rin under the mistletoe and kissing him along with getting him into bed.

Amaimon was thinking up tricks he could use to get Rin under the mistletoe when Samael decided to pop in(literally). "Ah, still trying to figure out how to get what you want, I see. You know, there is one way you've never tried. Ever." He pointed out helpfully.

"And what's that?" The Earth King growled. "Why, of course, it's-"


"RinRin! Come here!" Amaimon called to his boyfriend with the nickname he knew made the other blush violently. Rin put down the cookie he was munching on and went to see his boyfriend standing under the mistletoe.

"Would you please give me a kiss?" The Earth King asked sweetly. Rin grinned. "You've finally figured it out, huh? Alright, I'll give it to you. But only because you're cute." Rin walked over to Amaimon and pressed their lips together before the Earth King could protest being called 'cute.' It quickly escalated, turning into a heated kiss packed with several different feelings-happiness, love, mirth, adventure, lust, and so many others.

In no time, Amaimon had Rin pressed against the wall, tongues sliding languidly against each other.

Finally, they separated for air. Rin panted, grinning. He checked his gold watch and grinned wider. "Merry Christmas, Amaimon." He said with a soft kiss to the Demon King's lips.

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