[44] Dancing Mystics-I

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The night was still young.

Slowly as secretive gaze moved around the groups of people roaming and having fun in this bonfire party, I could see that the madness had just began.

With what I'd heard from the ladies, Amelia didn't want the dancers to come. It was Kingston who didn't want to spoil the chain of traditions and fun.

A part of my heart respected her for these practical thoughts. She was dominant at taking decisions which were right in her opinions, even if they wouldn't align with everyone's well being. She didn't want another case of an illegitimate pup getting born again, for the welfare of future mates. Yet, she didn't have the heart to accept Keev wholeheartedly.

"Time would work its charms and will heal the sour hearts, Misty."

Those words were carefully said by Salome, the only person among these Lycan brothers with a sane mind. He was the only one in this Lycan family who wouldn't hesitate to keep that kind smile on his face all the time.

"I hope so," I mumbled while smiling tightly.

We were all seated around a rectangle table full of food and wine. There were mostly couples who were the family members and friends.

While Nysa and Robin were on the other corner, busy in having round of laughter with their friends. Alvena was sitting on my right having a little chit-chat with a common Lycan female friend.

I was having normal conversation with the couple, Natasha and Salome, seated in front of me, about the family and functions. When in between they talked about Keev's existence and Amelia's response to it.

"Karam didn't have to choose a middle path because you created one for yourself. This is what we value as a family. We are grateful," said Salome while Natasha nodded with a smile. She put her head on his shoulder fondly, making him giver her a husband smile in return.

I blinked and observed the area around me. The medieval clothing, candles, the thick wood, the howls and hooting, the kohl in those mischievous eyes, the pointed ears, the proud canines—— it had sunk inside my mind so well, I couldn't doubt the reality anymore.

The thought of waking up from a crazy dream like this had no ground in my practical thoughts now. When I knew so well, that everything around was true and real than any other thing in the universe.

Even if some crazy miracle happens and a rewind button appears, I was sure I would be too scared and doubtful to believe it. Because the more I was mingling with the Lycans and their world, the more I was going far away from my dear old human world.

A sudden warm breath fanned against my neck, followed by a kiss on my cheek. Karam's big hand roamed over my waist, lingering there for longer, making me feel weak in the heart.

My shy gaze managed to meet his as his face appeared from the right, giving me a faint smile. "This is what you can drink," he said while putting a vintage glass on the table.

The crystal red liquid inside made me glance back at him. He nodded confidently with a small smirk. "This is the lightest one. You need that after the soup," he said that slowly and lowly, his gaze flickering for no one else to hear it.

My doubtful eyes moved over the glass of wine. I was surely wanting something to drink after the cold had started to bother me. I had a whole task to do and be awake until I could complete it.

My little chirpy wish was fulfilled by Karam who looked grateful that now we weren't fighting.

For an unknown reason, I was grateful too.

"You would forget the burn," said Natasha, to which Alvena gave me a look of concern. Even Nysa glanced at us, from in between nodding at the friend she was listening to.

Karam's shoulders tensed immediately and his eyebrows furrowed for a mere blink. The understanding passed his face quickly as if he knew what the lady was talking about. He parted his lips absentmindedly and cleared his throat.

I took the large gulps while leaving aggresive breaths of bitterness. They chuckled at my reactions. The wine didn't feel like the hot burn that I had expected yet I could feel that I had drank something to feel powerful for the night.

"Thank you," I breathed out while wiping my mouth and ended up blushing at seeing Karam observing me silently.

He blinked and leaned closer to my face. "I will go see if our son is warm enough. You don't move from their sight," he whispered in my right ear, raising goosebumps on my arms with his strong firm yet husky tone.

Before I could even nod in unexpected shyness that I was being drenched in, he moved his leg over the bench and took the empty glass away with him.

Salome and Natasha shared a warm smile with me and then, nodding to the beats of the drums. I too looked around the venue and saw the bagpipers being totally active at seeing the people taking the wooden stage.

Men danced along with their females, some being their mates and some not. Adam, Oskar and Lysar—the bachelor group was totally in my sight having drinks and laughter with their other bachelor mates including Beta Barald's sons. While younger one, Scott was dancing with them swaying with a female, Virion was just circling around with the men.

It was Anton who caught my stink eye with his sensual swaying along with two curvy women who were literally throwing themselves at him. Their earrings and waist chains dangled as he did some steps using that bandana, singing along the tune the musicians were playing.

A gasp escaped my mouth when he found me staring at him and smirked knowingly. My jaws clenched as I rolled my eyes and turned around to face Natasha and Salome only.

When I glanced at them to see their reactions, their faded smiles and look of concern made me follow their gaze at someone sitting beside me.

Alvena's heartbroken face changed my ignoring-Anton mood. Instead, it boiled the blood in me further.

Her eyes looked so blank yet painful as if she was used to seeing those scenarios and everytime it would hurt her more. The look of insecurity passed over her face when Anton laughed along with the dancing women who climbed on his knees and raised their arms, doing the weirdest step.

Alvena gulped quietly. Her nostrils flared in unspoken emotion and she lowered her gaze while turning back to facing the table.

Before I could observe her anymore, Karam thumped a fist on the table, snatching all of my attention. He lowered his head more and gave me a longing gaze, making me all flustered. Grabbing my hand, he tugged on it.

"Come," he mouthed with a straight gaze that would show only a horizontal line of those amber orbs hidden behind his nearly closed eyes.

"To where?" I asked nonchalantly.

He only tugged at my hand, making me raise my eyebrows with a sigh. I got up, holding the skirt of the dress and followed him.

"Karam, what is it?" I whined as he kept walking ahead through the crowd of dancing people. The sudden growls and hoots startled my soul while someone yeeted his sweatbeads at me.

My so-called mate laughed out loud at the disgusted noises I made and took me to the place exactly where main bonfire was lit.

People had already started to fill in the tables near them and chair put around. The musicians too had come along and it seemed like the dancers were finally arriving. Because the bagpiping had stopped and it was only drums.

The sudden lack of music made people slow down and right on time, Karam stopped beside a big chair that was in the middle of a row of chairs. The fire was right in front of us, but quite some metres away. Enough for a crowd of thirty people to take a round around the fire.

The sand was clean and dry around it while the wood sticks were long and big. It was blowing larger than I thought. It was hard to look at the person sitting past that fire on the other side. The crowd started gathering and Karam stopped in front of me.

His face turned serious all of a sudden while looking down at me. His palm moved across my cheek gently while he said, "Stay with me, for me."

The sincerity in those amber eyes made me recall the stories Lucine had told me of that unlucky night.

"My heart thrills more at being with you, than any other. I don't think of anything past you, my mate. I don't need to. I don't want to," he added while running fingers through my loose hair.

I blinked and gulped softly, taking his words in. He moved around and stood behind me, wrapping his huge arm around my waist, keeping us pasted.

I was immediately distracted from this proximity by the sudden silence that started to deepend. The drums were beaten at huge gaps with slow rhythm. The steps of the guests could be heard from the street of the mountains.

The heads turned towards the way, awaiting the beautiful faces with mysticism on their sleeves.

I held my breath as Karam brothers started appearing on our both sides.

I didn't fail to notice the way Alvena took a chair beside Noira and Alma, far away from Anton who was only smirking at the crowd of guests now visible to us.

The colorful hoods of the cloaks were visible. The torches were in the hands of the Lycan men who were following Beta Barald's orders. Alpha Kingston was setting the bar with the same intimidating gaze and his powerful physique, giving me a deja vu of the fourth night of Ceremony when it all started.

Beside him, with long hair blowing down through that high braided bun, the kohl-eyed Luna was raising that bar. Amelia looked like the woman who would take no bullshit from anyone even from the Gods.

Her sharp gaze was straight at the front with the anger right on her sharp nose.

Her huge dark blue dress with extra large sleeves gave me a royal vibe. The simple yet dangling earrings made her look more ethereal.

And then, my curiosity gave the best to me. The clattering of jewelleries had already started to capture the hearts here. Males had already started to exchange claps and smirks. The long cloaks were blowing in the air as they all walked in sync. Pale and tanned midriffs were easily visible from the far as they were catching all the attention in those dark colored clothes.

Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Black—they were here to lure the hearts and souls of these men.

Karam's hold tightened around my waist while other hand intertwined my right hand hanging on the side.

The eyeliners were too thick and showcased their light-colored eyes. After all only that much of their faces was visible because of the matching colored hankerchiefs covering rest of the faces. The long shiny and silky hair were falling over the curves, colored blouses.

As if this was a runway.

The drummers took huge breaths and the crowd followed. The gazes didn't move off the arriving celebrities. The drum were beaten in sync with their fast steps. The curves moved beautifully with each step and I could very well why the males couldn't resist them.

Beside us, Oskar and Lysar were punching each other's chest, teasing one another. Adam could only hide his desire behind that wicked restricted smile.

While Salome was only nodding in approval, Robin and Anton were raising their glasses with smirks.

"What have you stopped for?" Kingston shouted while reaching the bonfire, looking at it up and down, nodding in satisfaction. His intimidating gaze moved around the crowd while my left hand covered Karam's big one on my waist. "The tradition stays and so does our joy of these nights!"

The crowd cheered including the women too. I raised my eyebrows when the dancers looked around slowly with elegance and mockery in their mischievous eyes.

"I quench your thirst for thrill and your souls must scream loyalty!" He shouted loudly, letting out a powerful growl.

My heart jumped to my throat while the heads bowed immediately.

I followed the crowd's actions and caught Amelia doing her little bit. She looked like she just wanted to kick Kingston in the back.

I nearly snickered when she looked at him murderously.

Yet Kingston's aura couldn't be damaged. He was the Alpha, the six packs of wolves feared. I knew why.

"You follow my rules, our traditions! You give your blood and soul to this land! No mercy shall be given to the one who eats of this land and wouldn't pay it back!"

"Aye!" The crowd roared back enthusiastically.

Kingston nodded in satisfaction. "These beautiful females have been sent by the Alpha of wolves who call themselves Mystic Warriors," he shouted loudly. The tone of mockery was obvious to the ones who could see his smirk.

"These females are sent by Moon Goddess," he said, holding a cocky smile while looking at Amelia. "If she wants us to play around, we will. If she wants us to keep the traditions, we will. If she wants us to swim through the flow of her wavy waters, we will."

He took a slow round around the fire and let out a thick growl.

I shuddered hard while Karam immediately rubbed his palm against my forearm.

"This night begins only now!" The Alpha shouted, erupting a round of applause. The loud hoots, whistles and howls, made me scrunch my noise.

Amelia looked like she wanted to roll her eyes. Instead of waiting for Kingston, she picked her gown and walked towards one of the two big chairs to sit on. They were specially huge for them, the titleholders.

"Come, sit." Karam said as the music began immediately.

The excitement rose around while I was busy in looking at the reactions.

Karam tugged on my right hand, making me sit back on wherever he was guiding. Only that there was no chair but it was me, sitting on his lap.

My cheeks warmed up immediately as I looked back at up in his eyes. "No. What are you—"

He gave me a stubborn look, making me silent. I blinked while he pulled me more on to him, making us comfortable with each other.

"I want to be with my mate only," he said softly, making me sigh restlessly. The stress of the task wasn't letting me enjoy any of it. Yet I didn't feel offended by Karam's acts at the moment. After spending a day of distance with him, I was relieved that he was on my side only. Even though, it meant giving in to his little requests that I was minding fulfilling at all.

He made me more comfortable by switching to a more relaxed position. Both my legs were hanging on one side of his right leg. My right side was resting against his front.

A moment passed as I noticed that all of these Lycans were so busy in their world and admiring the Mystic females who had started to sway on the music in sync, I started to relax in Karam's arms.

"If you want, we can go back to sleep in our room," Karam mumbled in my ear while my lips parted.

"No. I want to see the kind of women one of whom managed to trick you—" I stopped when I saw his face going blank with sudden guilt.

I sighed and looked away.

He rubbed his palm against my stomach while I zigzagged my jaws in a sudden irritation, now nearly glaring at these mystic women luring the men.

Anton didn't wait and danced his way towards them. Lysar and Oskar were already swaying their hearts out with the four of them. They were around thirty to thirty five women in numbers. All of them were already surrounded by men, four for each nearly.

My gaze went for each hand on the waist, each sway, each micheivous pair of eyes. I couldn't feel that they were being pushed to do this. It looked like they wanted to be here as much as these men did. But they could be pretending.

They were all being equally lustful. But the mysterious vibe was creeping out.

It was the same feeling I used to get from Luna Elsie. Beauty was their weapon and mysticism was their hand of friendship.

They knew magic and tricks. They could read the things that these Lycan and wolves couldn't.

All the men dancing had pointed ears.

My eyebrows furrowed for a second. "Where are the common wolves? I can't see Uncle Joran and his sons?" I mumbled absentmindedly as if I was asking myself.

Karam heard it and didn't think before replying, "These are only for the Lycans. They don't project their loyalty for Kingston openly and loudly, my mate. My brother doesn't like seeing their faces as a result."

"After all, they eat and live on his land." He added, rubbing his lips and beard against my clothed shoulder.

I blinked in thought and looked back at the dancers swaying attractively. A whole belly dance sequence was going on. Half the music was being formed by their jewelleries and claps.

Moments passed with me leaning on Karam tiredly, watching the women and wondering how would I be able to talk to any of them.

Karam was trying to make a conversation with me but I was getting fed up of this night already.

Until the loud thunder shook the whole area. It bothered none of them but I was sure, everyone had noticed the intensity.

"What if it rains?" I said, chuckling mockingly.

Karam had rested his head against the chair, he was observing the night sky only.

"No stars," he said, more to himself. His face held a respect for this weather.

"A storm?" I asked humorously, loving the way he was looking at my face warmly.

He shook his head in tiny and replied absentmindedly. "Something bigger than that."

"Maybe, the Goddess is celebrating with us." Salome wondered, seated a bit far away from us yet close enough to have talk with us.

Nysa who was seated behind us only shrugged her shoulders. "Or someone is mourning the night secretly."

"Who would do that?" Alma said humorously. "Maybe, brother Karam misses the time before meeting his mate."

My eyebrows raised in confusion.

"I am relieved and taken care of," answered Karam with a smirk. He glanced at me and rubbed his palm against my back. "I only cherish the present given to me."

I was speechless while Alvena made a mark by her words.

"Not everyone is as grateful as you, Karam."


"What do you think?"

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To all those who are worrying if I left the Wattpad? God, no!! Wattpad keeps me alive. 24X7 I think of these stories and its readers. You guys. So, please don't mistake my hectic life outside Wattpad as a sign of any ignorance. I am just helpless at the moment.

But it only makes me value my writing hours more. I write with more inspiration and imagination in mind. I have already written the next chapter. But there are some errors and things, I have to recheck in it. I will update as soon as it could be.

Thank you for all the wait, kindness and acceptance all this time. I am really grateful for your patience and love. It just means a lot to me.

I hope, you all are enjoying through the festival season.

Will talk in next chapters.

Nikki <3

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