[49] A Lycan's Bride-I

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My heart was racing.

Faster than this precious roaring Jeep.

The growls that were echoing around had made everyone alert. But Pete's announcement had scared me to death.

I just couldn't imagine what more this night would bring to me.

On which side of the border would my feet be tomorrow morning?

These uninvited adventures had always brought out the best in me. But this night, I didn't even know if I could participate.

In a sudden war between Werewolves and Lycans, how much a human could contribute.

Getting across the border was everything that I had wished for in this past month with all of my heart. Now that the chance was in the hand, my hand was shaking. Hesitating.

So much effort and planning had been put in preparing this escape only for me. But my heart couldn't just dive into optimism.

The rain had stopped at the time when we needed the noise to cover the sound of Jeep the most. My hair were drying slowly because of the harsh wind slapping our faces. Soon, my scent would be easy to sniff and locate.

It was not my lack of trust in Pete's team. It was the logic.

The Lycans who had managed to hide the existence of sent wolf males from their own wolf brides for so long, were hard to be defeated. It showed that they were extremely clever.

The Lycans who had been surviving all this time without a single export from the outside world, couldn't be fooled so easily.

All of these thoughts were backed by a big fear. Even if I had so many times told Karam bluntly that I would take the first chance out of this border without any hesitation, I couldn't help but fret over seeing his betrayed face.

I could easily conclude that this whole month spent with Karam didn't mean anything to me, to motivate myself right now. But that would be a lie.

A big lie.

How would I even behave outside the order? Would I be called unmarried? Would I be able to forget everything that happened here and move on in life?

Would I even care to stay at the Southern Pack to be useful in bringing down the border? Would this whole supernatural experience of last three months make me selfish enough to just leave for the city immediately?

Would I even be able to sleep at night peacefully?

I didn't know the answers yet.

All I knew was that I didn't have the energy left to face the hurt and anger in Karam's eyes. I won't simply be able to justify to him and his family my actions even when I knew that I deserved to leave this territory to continue life as the same old Misty back in the city.

I didn't want to see him again because that would be too much for my heart.

I had to run away. I just had to.

"Watch out!" Keira shrieked all of a sudden, bringing me out of the mess of my thoughts.

The hair on neck raised in fright as if I had seen a ghost.

Lysar was standing shirtless in the middle of the path with a lit torch in his hand. Literally swinging it in rounds, he showed off as if he had been waiting for us since forever.

There was no time to recover from the shock and take precautions when Jeep was literally flying like a rocket.

As we went closest to him, my eyes caught the dried blood on his forehead. His cat eyes were still holding the glint of effects of alcohol. The knowing smirk was enough to sent shivers down my spine.

If the drugged one managed to be here, I was now too scared to think of the sober ones.

All hope of crossing the border scattered away within a second. The mere courage and enthusiasm I was trying to collect in my heart was now replaced with doubts. The trust in God's kindness towards me was all gone.

I just knew that I might really not have that much luck written in my fate.

The torch that was being twirled in the air, was suddenly thrown towards us.

It all happened so fast.

So fast for me to observe the details.

All I could notice was the lit torch breaking the front glass, creating the noise.

Keira and I had covered our eyes with our arms.

Our screams were followed by the loud screech of the tyres.

Deja vu hit me again.

Just like the morning when Thomas and Natalie were drugged. While I was going crazy in stopping Axel from driving back towards the Southern Pack. The sharp branch of that tree had pierced the truck.

My eyes opened immediately and I removed my arms from them to observe everything. Because we were still continuing moving towards the West the same way.

We all felt the centrifugal force by forcefully getting leaned towards the left. My shoulder had hit the left door hard.

The sway towards the right was done within seconds and immense control.

By looking at Pete's concentrated gaze ahead on the path, I just knew that he worked up his fast reflexes and played quickly on the spot.

Eva and Thomas gasped in confusion as we three looked back at path we left behind. The lit torch was rolling on the ground far away, going off slowly.

The silhouette of Lysar looked as if he was shaking his head mildly. The way he was standing seemed as if he was chill about all of these happenings.

This confidence was intimidating. This calmness was scary.

How could I not drown in anxiety?

I was only panting in relief of knowing that the lit torch didn't make any damage to any  when my gaze fell on the seat I was seating on.

I couldn't even imagine the pain if it would have hit any of us. Especially, me. The human!

The fire of the torch had burned the top of the seat from the middle.

"We are surrounded," Eva exclaimed with a desperate sniff.

Her voice echoed in the background as my heart started beating loudly in my ears.

I couldn't understand. I couldn't keep up.

Looking at the front, the horror risen when I saw Virion and Anton jumping from the trees on both sides and standing in the middle.

A loud scream escaped me when Eva shouted, "Duck! Pete! Keep driving!"

Keira, Pete and I did as she told. Thomas must have done the same at the back.

A sound of metal clanking reach my ears while I slid down in the space ahead of my seats. Tilting my head, I saw a round blade attached to a thick iron chain being twirled around us, creating a protective bubble around the Jeep.

I really hoped that a sharp blade being revolved around would if not scare, atleast make them back away a little.

But both of them laughed loudly.

I looked back and saw Eva who was twirling her hand around in the air to revolve the chain, getting confused instantly. Her face turned blank when the revolution of the blade stopped because of a sudden catch by someone standing far behind the Jeep.

I pushed my hair with one hand to observe Eva's eyes lowering down to see me.

And all of a sudden, from that moving Jeep, she was pulled back harshly.

"Eva!" I screamed and stood up to grab the seat.

The sound of her falling and grunting came loud. Thomas and I watched as Lysar put his foot on the blade. He pulled the chain more to himself to drag Eva on the ground harshly.

"You fucker!" Thomas growled while jumping off the Jeep.

"No!" I screamed.

The sound of Keira's angry grunts made me turn around and stagger back immediately.

Virion was pulling Keira on to the hood of the Jeep while Pete had already fallen on the ground from the moving Jeep because of Anton's grabbing on to him.

My eyes widened at seeing the driver's seat going empty.

"Misty! Drive the fuck out of this hellhole!" Eva's words came loud and clear, followed by a encouraging growl.

Keira kicked Virion on the face and grabbed on to his hair, making him lose his hold on her forearms. She kicked him again but he had already pulled her on to her wrist to make both of them fall of the ground.

I crawled ahead on Pete's seat hurriedly, not caring that my skirt was ripped at the hem because of being stuck on some part of the seat.

Holding the steering, my hands shook as the wind slapped harsher against my face. The eyes could barely open. Though, I somehow positioned the direction towards the center because the Jeep was literally screeching and swaying left and right because of the high speed and sudden havoc.

Thomas ran along the Jeep on my right side while shouting, "Drive straight to the West! We'll catch up soon-"

He was tackled down by Lysar immediately. I heard Eva's aggressive cry that she would usually do before throwing a kick.

The steering wheel was too big for my control on it. I wasn't a pro at driving. I only learnt it for its importance and had only tiny bit of experience of driving Gran's car that even at the times of important emergency chores. I used to go to school with Ryan and Lexi in their car.

For my usual outings, I was a bicycle kind of person.

Driving the truck that night on Thomas' sudden order was possible because it was a straight road. Road!

But this was jungle, full of twigs, dried leaves, dung, mud bumps and grass all around with no day light.

The headlights were only showing the next ten steps, not more than that. The speed was too fast to catch up if I was driving straight into a thick tree.

The sounds of growls and grunts kept echoing in the background, while I gulped hard, realising that before any Lycan, I might kill myself by reckless driving.

I had to do it confidently.

Tears slid down from my cheeks while no sob escaped me. My lips surely trembled but these were tears of helplessness and being done with the fate. Not of complain.

I was just following what life was throwing at me.

Right now, there were some really low hanging branches brushing my face with their leaves.

Three continuous brush of leaves came before the head light fell on a pair of leather brown boots.

The red orbs pierced my confidence straight away.

A scream was dying to pour out but it got stuck in the throat as fear started possessing my body.

In the night clothes, the weightless cream loose bottom with his laces-at-collar white shirt.

My eyes were stunned and mouth parted in blankness.

There he was.

His eyes held betrayal, hurt and anger as I had expected. His loose hair were blowing and being pushed from all directions while tall height intimidated me to the core.

Fists were tightened while body language seriously looked like he wasn't entertained with everything that happened.

The reality hit me hard as I realized the Jeep was going faster.

Jump aside! Jump aside!

He didn't.

My jaws clenched and I tightened my hold on the steering.

I had given it all to him and his family while staying here. I was forced and threatened continuously. He wasn't as bad as I was warned about Lycans behind the border. But I had a life to continue outside the border.

I deserved a chance to get out.

My eyes narrowed while tears collected at the corners of my cheek. My feet pressed the accelerator and I didn't budge.

But he'd have to.

Karam didn't.

A hole started forming in my heart.

Three seconds. Two and. . .

The big hands grabbed on to the front of the Jeep, fightings against its weight and speed.

I couldn't believe his guts.

My mouth opened in horror of what he was trying to do.

When I looked in his red orbs, the madness made me flinch.

Karam's face turned red and shook slightly as he pushed his strength against the speed I was previously maintaining.

My eyes fell on the veins popping out on his thick arms and hands.

The nails started elongating into these sharp and big dirty brown talons.

Chills ran down my spine.

I started panting as the black fur started protruding from his skin, ripping the sleeves of his arms.

"Karam," the whisper left me absentmindedly in horror.

He gritted hard and it turned out into a loud grunt. His mouth opened and the large canines protruded out. The gums became visible and darkened. The red orbs brightened neon.

I let out the loudest scream.

A spine-chilling loud booming growl escaped him while he kicked the Jeep hard with all of his strength, making the vehicle stagger back with me in it.

I couldn't dare drive the Jeep ahead as he glared at me hard while heaving like the beast he was.

His transformation had barely began.

My blood had turned cold. I was petrified.

I couldn't breathe.

Goosebumps had risen all over the body painfully.

The pain in my heart was so sharp, I felt as this was the end.

The lips trembled and the fear came out of my eyes in the form of fresh tears.

This could be your last chance, Misty.

The voice came from inside me.

There was no way I could pass through this stage of danger.

Karam was on the verge of turning into the beast I had seen the very first night here.

Even if I hadn't remembered it, the rain started pouring immediately to remind me of the glimpses of that night.

To remind me the power he possessed.

My hands itched while holding the steering wheel.

"Let me go." I choked out fearfully.

Faint roars escaped him as he kept glaring at me in the rain. The headlights didn't fail to show me the ripped sleeves.

"I'll come back," I managed to say when someone opened the door at my side.

"You need to get better at lying to your own mate," whispered Lysar in my right ear, making me jump.

He pulled opened the door, more like pulled it off its hinges literally. Throwing it behind him, he gave me the blank stare.

I looked back at Karam who was still fighting with the urge to let out his beast fully.

The failure of not finding a way on the spot, turned the air around me heavy.

This intense sadness had wrenched my heart. I could feel every single wet flick of mine hanging on my face, covering my eyes as I suffered the burn in eyes because of tears of helplessness.

I started resisting when Lysar grabbed my wrist and started to pull towards the way back forcefully.

"No! Leave me!" I shouted through the angry sobs. "I don't want to stay here anymore!"

Lysar seemed surprised by the sudden raised gone.

I glared at him in extreme vengeance. "I want to fucking leave! Let me go!"

My screams turned angry and so did my mate behind us.

I was about yell more but I froze when the noise of Jeep being moved echoed all of a sudden. I turned my head around to look at Jeep getting kicked to fall upside down by none other than Karam.

He turned the Jeep upside down!

The Jeep on which I could have travelled to the border!

The very vehicle!

My whole body shook in anger and hurt at the ruthlessness he just showed.

The shoes helped me resist Lysar's pull on my hands. I slapped on his arms in the trauma and let out continuous screams.

"No! I don't want to go back!" I shouted angrily through the tears. "Let me go!"

The thunder rang across the sky loud.

"Let me go!" I screamed in extreme misery, gritting my teeth.

Someone patted on Lysar's shoulder, making him look ahead only to get punched hard on the face by none other than Pete.

I couldn't react when Lysar left my wrist and staggered back.

An angry sneer escaped the young Lycan. His lower lip was burst. It had started to bleed immediately.

Pete gave me a quick look. "Run towards the West," he said while wiping the blood off his nose.

Getting up immediately, Lysar let out a growl before running towards Pete.

I staggered back in fright away from them as Pete readied himself.

But Keira jumped in the middle immediately, hitting him with the same wooden branch that he had thrown towards us, right on his face.

Lysar was startled by the attack. He was turned around forcefully by the suddenness and groaned painfully.

She went for him to attack further while my eyes caught Pete walking towards me.

His jaws clenched and nostrils flared as I watched. He readied the punch and it went immediately for someone behind me.

Before I could even understand what was happening, someone grabbed on to my wrist and pulled me away from the fight, much closer towards the row of the side trees.

My eyes widened when Karam blocked Pete's punch and hit his head with his own mercilessly.

His barbaric attack had twisted my guts. As if someone had started to suck blood from my body, I felt a sudden weakness in my legs.

The person behind grabbed me before I could fall on the ground.

"No!" I cried in horror as Pete staggered back.

Karam walked towards and kicked him hard on the stomach.

Pete coughed out blood immediately.

"Karam! Stop!" I screamed out of my wits, wrestling with the thick arms of the person holding me from going towards them.

Listening his name from mouth, Karam growled angrily.

His face turned blank as my brother slowly stood up from the ground.

Karam let Pete attack him first.

My brother took him by surprise by bringing both of his arms up and punching up and down on his face and stomach together.

Karam's face turned towards left while Pete grabbed his wrist and jumped to walk against the bark of the nearest tree only to kick Karam in back of his head.

I should have been cheering for my brother. But the intensity of their fight had scared me. The fact that they were attacking each other was enough to make me faint.

"Stop! Fucking stop!" I screamed while letting out desperate cries.

Karam turned angry at the attack on his head and glared at the mud after being forcefully kneeled on the ground.

Thunder rang across the sky, turning the rain heavier.

Karam growled loudly while turning around, getting up and grabbing on to Pete's neck.

It was sudden and powerful, Pete couldn't help but get stomped backwards because of the force on his neck.

His hands tried to remove Karam's hands by scratching on the knuckles but he was being ruthless.

Pete's head hit the tree and Karam started pushing it further to my extreme horror. The sound of bark getting shrinker reached my ears and I was frightened to the core.

"Karam," I whispered while feeling light in my head, my eyes rolling slightly in trauma.

I looked at the scene through the tears, thinking of anything to stop them.

But Karam was suddenly saying something inaudible to Pete that made his eyes move slowly towards me.

Pete who was breathing hard because of getting strangled, turned angrier by each heavy breath. His eyes looked disturbed and started getting narrowed.

His face had already reddened from being strangled was now shaking furiously. He gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, letting out a murderous growl while looking at Karam back in the eyes.

"I'll fucking kill you!" His roar echoed around along with the thunder.

The kick went straight for Karam's chest, Pete took advantage of the distraction by grabbing his wrist.

Digging his claws inside, I saw Karam's blood trailing down inside the sleeve of his shirt. 

Chills ran down my spine.

Pete twisted Karam's wrist, removing it from his neck and clawing him right on the chest.

The air left my lungs.

Sharp pain occured inside my chest, the weight from my legs was gone.

The gold in my brother's eyes twinkled in madness as he sneered at my mate. The sharp canines had protruded out.

Karam had staggered a little from the attack, smirking humorlessly at Pete. The blood had soaked his cream shirt. The gashes seemed deeper.

My throat shook while my stomach churned. I couldn't suffer this violence.

Pete looked possessed. His body language had completely changed. The way he was looking at Karam, was dangerous. As if he was committed on attacking him tonight. He looked bigger and scarier than what he used to be before I was thrown to this side of the border.

He looked deadly. Confident.


Now, I realized how Eva must have been feeling all this time. She had seen the horror from the beginning while Declan and I had reached them later.

I gulped hard.

It was no joke. Leo had been fighting for his life because of what Pete could be in anger.

Ivan deserved the beatings. But Axel was attacked too. Twice, Stephen had told me.

Natalie couldn't hide her fear the other night when Thomas and Axel had gotten into the fight.

The history was repeating itself.

Karam was pushed back again by Pete's another claw attack. This time, from the left hand.

My skin crawled as Karam's shirt was all soaked.

Misty. . .

The feminine voice reached my ears again.

The background screams and grunts from Eva. Thomas and Keira echoed too.

Karam snarled while not stepping back anymore.

Pete stood three steps away, grumbled in reply.

Both glaring at each other.

The rain drops made the shirt stick to Karam's chest, making the clawmarks visible.

Terror-stricken, I stood numbed, unable to think. Unable to move.

"Pete might have had hurt his brother-in-laws before. Those are common wolf and Betas," the familiar deep male voice came in my ear. "But this one is a Lycan. An Alpha born."

The sound of rain followed the loud beatings of my heart as I thought about the disaster that could take place any moment.

"The only difference would be that your mother could easily run away and hide from me for a long time. Will you be able to?"

Misty. . .

"You threw her to me," rumbled through Karam's chest roughly.

Pete snarled back, "Now, she goes back!"

Karam's head tilted a little. The red eyes narrowed mischievously while he sneered, "In the ashes."

I stiffened and felt Gilbert's arm wrapping around my shoulder to hold me close to him.

Pete was stunned by the confidence glinting in those red orbs and so were Eva, Keira and Thomas. They all got distracted and looked at Karam immediately.

"You know what that means, Alpha Pete. Don't you?" Lysar yelled from far behind cockily.

Anton passed me a smirk. "Your little sister's human body can bear a Lycan pup any soon."

Pete clenched his jaws and his hands rolled back into fists.

Unapologetic aura radiated off Karam as he kept giving Pete a prideful stern look.

"She is in heat!" He growled loudly.

Fisting at his chest, he announced, "Means mine!"

Another fist. "Means of my family!"

One more. "Of my pack!"

The last one.

"A Lycan's bride who cannot cross the border just like us!"


"What do you think?"

Please vote and comment.


Thank you so much for waiting.

This chapter really tested my story-writing skills. I have written like twenty two versions of chapter with different scenes and beginnings.

But this one came out as how I wanted
this to be. I didn't rush and only wished to provide my best attempt. Hope, you liked it.

Will update soon.

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