[6] The Upper Hand

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He is quick-witted.

Not more than me.

Staring into the little old mirror with rusty circular iron frame, I observed my chattering teeth and unshed tears hung on my lashes.

They bathed me in the cold water and all those injuries were now numb. The chills I had been getting due to mental horror were now physically affecting me. Now, I felt warmer as if I had caught a fever.

But the heart in me was shrinking by the cold terror I was feeling after Amelia and Nysa had left me alone in this room again.

The so-called mate was planning to enter this room to get that so-called upper hand in the so-called forever relationship which was never going to happen until my last breathe. Even after the last breathe.

My anger was there inside me, like a spark. All it needed was some fuel. For which, I was now looking at my nose and slightly loose ring around the left wing. The skin around the piercing was covered with greenish shade of the paste they applied later on, along with some oil to soothe the pain.

Yet the pain was more than just of this piercing.

I was all alone on this territory of some blood-lusted predators. There was an enchanted border around the land to cage me in while one of these predators was telling his world that I was his mate.

My blood boiled at the mere thought.

He was a predator, I was a human. He could be a big ass liar, I was helpless without any loved one around. He had a reputation, I was already given the image of some breeder. 

Whatever game this predator was playing, I might get killed because of the fury I was feeling in my veins. But I won't let him have the satisfaction of having me, ever. Even if I actually felt the pain that he would give me. I won't quench his thirst. I would keep him thirsty.

Before the drum beats.

I nodded to myself and pushed the strands behind my ear. Taking one of the broad handkerchief-like cloth, Amelia had left near my pillow which she would use later to put the oil again, she had told—I tied it around my head to cover my forehead and hair.

Taking another piece of cloth, I doubled it into a triangle and tied around my face, on the bridge of my nose, completing the knot at the back of my head.

A wince escaped my mouth and I jumped slightly at the pain that occurred at the nostril by the mere touch of cloth. Even a little movement of the ring was making me cry silently in pain.

Staring at the mirror, I corrected the cloth at the bridge of my nose and nodded in satisfaction.

Only my eyes were visible.

Removing the mirror off the lamp shelf inside the wall, I put it back on the little table.

Looking around the room, I felt utterly depressed at seeing the medieval furniture and designs. It was unbelievable and scary. I couldn't even breathe at knowing what could my life turn into if I was about to stay here my whole life.

Trying hard not to sniffle to avoid hurting my nose, I walked slowly. The cloth was light enough to disturb my nose ring. Moving my gaze around, I bit my lip.

At finding nothing, I sighed heavily. When all of a sudden, I remembered something.

There were two wooden sticks inside the bathroom criss-crossed on the side of the wall for God-knows-what reason.

Walking towards the bathroom, I hurriedly looked around in the dark. Getting the slight idea of the criss-crossed sticks stuck into the corner of the two walls, I tried to think of their use. But suddenly, I heard something.

Like knocking on the door.

Heart beats fastened and all the blood started draining from my face.

I hurriedly pulled out the two sticks and removed the thin iron wire that was wrapped around to tie them together. Taking one stick, I left the other one aside near the wall.

Tip-toeing out of the bathroom, I held my breaths and looked around in terror.

The faint reddish light of the setting sun was enlightening the room. No one was inside.

Slowly walking ahead, my gaze directly went to the bolt of the door and I sighed in relief.

Amelia had asked me to bolt the room until she would come back to dress me up. Not that I was listening to her orders wholeheartedly. But there was no other option when I was afraid of some psycho Lycan who was accusing me of being his mate.

The iron needle was in the loop and I clutched the stick close to my chest.

I was still wearing that tightly wrapped bedsheet around me and the coldness in this hard-bricked room was affecting me badly. The teeth would chatter randomly whenever I'd step barefoot ahead on the cold concrete floor.

My legs felt fine for a change. The bandages were still around. But I could manage now.

Another knock appeared on the door and I halted my steps.

My heart started pounding heavily because Amelia didn't spoke.

Widening my eyes, I looked around quickly.

Oh God! Oh God!

What could I do? Because whoever it was, knocked the door third time.

Chills ran down my spine as I felt blank and frightened.

Panting in nervousness, my eyes suddenly fell on the bed and they widened. Walking around the right side of the room, I raised the bedsheet and slid myself under the bed.

The cold floor was freezing and numbing my aching knees further.

The knocks continued with perfect intervals.

My teeth chattered while heart was beating in my ears. Breathing fearfully, I kept staring at the bottom of the thick wooden door.

Someone was definitely standing behind it. I could see the shadows of his or her feet.

"Misty, are you resting well?" Nysa said through the door, making me released a sigh of relief. "Do you need more furs or soup before the evening begins?"

I rolled my eyes in utter exhaustion and shook my head. "No," I said while clearing my throat. The voice had gotten rough after bathing two times within an hour or so. "I am fine!" I said loudly, enough for her to go away.

It felt weird. Definitely weird. Something was wrong.

All this time, Amelia and Nysa were entering my room without any respect for my privacy. They did tell me that they were favoring me and asked me to bolt the door. But now, Nysa was respecting me too by asking for such gestures from her at the door only.

Was this an act? Or Maybe, deep inside, Nysa was still the wolf who loved her family back in the old pack and knew what I was going through genuinely. Maybe, she was alone and was behaving her real self.

But she did seem like, she had given up on her rebelliousness.

Did these years of staying here make her forget her old life outside those borders? What if I might have to go through the same? I didn't want to stay here forever. I would rather die.

Tears leaked from the corner of my eyes and I wiped before it could slide down further on my cheeks and wet the cloth. Sniffling slowly and sucking in breaths to bear the pain, I released them roughly.

"Please, God. Please," I whispered, asking him to let me reach back home to Gran.

More tears collected and I wiped them at the lashes only. Flaring my nostrils, I hissed at the sudden pain and breathed hard.

The knocks had stopped and now, I could get out.

I raised my head to look at the bottom of the door and saw how there were no shadows anymore. Nodding to myself, I clutched the stick in my hand and was about to roll out from under the bed.

"Who are we waiting for?"

The hard manly voice came from beside me under the bed.

Immediately turning my head to the right, I had the heart attack by seeing a pair of amber eyes glowing in the dark.

All the blood left my body and heart stopped working. My eyes squinted and mouth opened in trauma.

I let out the loudest scream I was capable of.

Staggering back out from under the bed, I gasped painfully as my knees rubbed against the cold floor. Getting up hurriedly, I gasp in utter fright.

"What an asshole!" I screamed while standing up straight and panting hard.

Turning around, another scream escaped my mouth at seeing the tall bulky man standing on the other side of the bed.

I was aghast at seeing the finger long silky beard of the midnight brown kind of color covering the half of his face. The dark hair were tied back into a tight high bun.

My eyes took in the tall height hurriedly. He looked taller than Kingston because of the slight difference in youth. This one was young yet so elder than me.

A thin cotton shirt of dirty white color was hanging at a mix of fit and loose around his broad shoulders and torso. The brown leather pants were wrapped finely around his muscles thighs, giving me a show of thick and tall legs. The two straps of leather belts were around his torso, giving me the medieval vibe. Until I saw those thick leathered boots with six to seven belts around them. They seemed so medieval.

My jaw dropped and face was shaking in horror.

Under that silky bushy moustache, I could feel his lips quirking slightly.

Those Amber eyes wouldn't stop observing my covered face and I was bothered to the core. Scared, actually.

Clutching the stick tight, I stared in his eyes.

"You already checked that with my breeches still on?" It was the same manly voice, heavy and velvety.

I clenched my jaws. "You were the one calling my name all this time."

His thick eyebrow raised while he started walking around the bed towards me slowly, making me take my stance.

"Stay back there! Don't come closer!" I warned, observing his big hands opening up casually.

"Well, it is my room and I can walk wherever I want to." The reply came, making me breathe roughly.

"Look," I started while controlling my anger and fear together. "Stop this facade. I am human. I cannot me mated to you. I don't play any role in this supernatural world. I was at my Mom's house for vacations and this happened. Tell your people that you are lying and let me go—"

He chuckled.

This fucking bastard chuckled.

I flared my nostrils despite the heavy pain. "I am not joking! I have a life back there! Have some shame and tell them the truth!"

He breathed slowly, walking ahead and stopping near the foot of the bed, diagonally to me.

We were barely five steps away from each other.

"We can talk about that later," he said, tilting his head, shifting his weight on one leg and walking slowly ahead.

"Stop!" I screeched while forwarding the stick.

He did and glanced at the stick. I could see the faint smile under that dark brownish moustache and my blood started turning into lava.

"Utterly shameless!" I commented angrily. "I am trying to make a fucking sensible talk! Trying to leave you without any accusations or bitterness even after suffering all that shit I just suffered here. Half of the females of your family saw me naked! Pierced my nose without my consent! Pulled my hair! Manhandled me! Threatened me! Hurt me! My nose feels like a bear had bitten on it and the pain is increasing the more I speak! While you are smiling there like a douchebag!" I ranted angrily.

He raised his eyebrows, changing his expressions to surprised ones knowingly. Just to infuriate me more. Crossing his arms, he pretended to nod in fake empathy.

My lips trembled while eyes filled up at his behavior.

"What have I even done to you!" I screamed angrily. "I was almost on your side! I felt bad for Luna Severa and didn't judge you guys directly! Pitied you! Sympathized with you guys! And you all ended up ruining my life! Especially you!" I pointed with the angry finger at him.

He only narrowed his eyes in amusement, controlling the fucking smile.

I was bloody furious. My whole body started shaking in wrath.

"You!" I gritted my teeth. "Your eldest niece is one year older than me! You fucking pedophile! I was almost there to reach Gran, to get admission into some college and walk on the dream of completing my PhD. But you ruined it all! Fucking pig!" I screeched angrily, my hands shaking in fury.

His smile faded and his head straightened. Standing tall, he opened his mouth to speak. But I beat him to it.

"You need a heir?" I asked, nodding my head in question, making him open his mouth again. "From me? You, some animal! While me a human! Do you even know your breed! With all that bushy beard around your whole face! I can't see your damn face! Do you take a piss with you leg raised, you stupid dog!"

His eyebrows raised and the right cheek twitched.

My nostrils flared.

"You know what! I had been single whole my life! I did like Ryan but he wasn't my type. I had always dreamed of dating someone smart from my batch whether in my college or fucking job! Some nerd! Clean-shaven! With specs! Not a Caveman like you!" I screamed while feeling tears sliding down my eyes.

"What would I tell Gran! Huh? What would I show her! You! Some supernatural monster! What are your qualifications! Huh! What am I gonna tell her! She will bloody die of a heart attack at your one glance!"

He blinked blankly, making me sniffle hard.

"I wanna go home. Okay?" I whispered softly.

He stiffened and observed me keenly. "This is your home," he said, releasing a light breath.

It scared me.

"No! No!" I sobbed hard, feeling the stick slipping away from my hand and falling on the ground. "Please don't say that! Please let me go!"

He walked ahead, making the hair on the back of my neck raise. I staggered back to the wall in fright and watched him coming towards me in horror.

"No! No! Leave me alone!" I cried fearfully, a gasp escaping my mouth.

"Quiet!" He said loudly, reaching me immediately, leaving no inch of gap between us.

I froze.

The buckles of his belts pressed against my stomach while his hot breathe fell against my forehead. I shook terribly as his large hands on each side beside my face on the wall had caged me.

"Look at me."

I couldn't.


Chills ran down my spine at the same terrifying intensity in his voice while whole of my body fought to burn under his heated gaze. My face shook as soft sobs calmed down and all that left was me sniffling in fear.

Goosebumps risen on my arms while the soul in me shook. Heart was pounding hard against the ribs when he leaned downwards and sniffed hard.

A manly grunt of satisfaction escaped him, making me sob shakily.

"Karam, please." I whispered, finally looking up in his amber eyes.

He sucked in a breath.

The beard seemed silky from closer. His cheeks were shining rosy pink as the contrast to the dark facial hair. "Let me go."

He didn't blink. Neither moved nor released a breathe.

Those lashes were long and making his eyes look scary by creating a dark frame. And slowly, I observed the black metal rings hanging on both of his earlobes.

Lowering my eyes, I noticed the laces hanging loose on his neck of the shirt that had no collar, showing off his lean chest with slightly visible hair. Black threads around his neck were going down under the shirt. Sleeves were rolled off to display his triceps.

His broad chest and unbelievable tall height was not letting me believe in destiny. He was too big. Too scary.

I thought, I could face him and rant out my shit.

No. I couldn't.

He was a predator. While I was the prey.

"You are my mate." He said, leaving my mouth open in speechlessness. Grabbing my hand, he made me gasp as jolts of tingles sparked across whole of my body. My stomach flipped in extreme desires and eyes widened. He put my hand on his chest. "Feel my heart."

His heart beats were as crazy as mine.

The corner of my eyes filled up in disbelief.

"Bullshit," I said through the gritted teeth while looking in his eyes.

He chuckled briefly and it slowed down. His face turned blank, holding straight gaze on me. I didn't dare move a muscle when he leaned further and whispered in my ear.

"I have waited years. Roaming in the forests, jumping off the cliffs, diving into the waterfalls, inside the caves—looking for you. But then, the border called out to me," he whispered, making my chest heave as his hot breathe fell against my bare neck and shoulders.

"I found you."

My face shook as I clenched my jaws, feeling my heart going crazy. His nose  rubbed against my shoulder, making me shudder. His facial hair were only tickling my bare skin more.

My hands fisted on sides.

"And I am not letting you go now, ever."

I shook my head. "No," I whispered. "You are mistaken. I am not a wolf. I am human."

"You are mine," he stated the fact, pulling his face back and looking in my eyes. "No one can take you away from me. Not you or your people, not this universe. The moon watches as tonight, I claim you."

I gasped silently. "Look, I am only eighteen. You are old," I choked out. "I come from the future. This place of yours, is far behind from where I came. My world is different."

"And my world is you," he said, backing away with a straight confident face.

I stood unmoving in the trauma, staring at him in disbelief.

"How old are you?" I whispered curiously, as if I was thinking of a future.

No, I wasn't. I was distracting myself from having a panic attack.

And it came when he smiled knowingly.

"A hundred and eighty two."

I breathed harshly, widening my eyes and shuddering hard.

He stepped back, raising his chin and watching me dying in shock.

"All yours." He smirked, putting hands on his waist and shaking head mildly. "We are mates. And that is not bullshit. That is now a universal truth. Our stars are aligning. Our fates are intertwining. We are on our path to complete each other's soul. To become one."

I cringed hard. "Shut the fuck up!" I told him with bloodshot eyes.

His nostrils flared as he stayed silent.

I was numbed to the core mentally yet every part of my body felt awake when he called my name again, shuddering me.

"Misty and Karam. How does that sound?"

He smiled to himself.

"It feels like dream," he said, more to himself.

I flared my nostrils. "A nightmare!" I said, making him look at me and sigh dreamily. "I don't believe your shit. You are a fraud and I am soon getting out of this hell hole. You will be left sitting here, counting your fallen stars in memory of a human girl who would reject your ancient ass."

He gave me a lopsided smile, bending down and picking up the wooden stick.

I stiffened when he started nearing and leaned down again to stare at my face again.

"It is a dream come true, my mate. And you do believe it, deep in your heart, down in your mind. Or that face wouldn't have been covered from my sight. Upper hand, yours or mine? The time will tell," he said, passing me a notorious smile.

I lowered my eyes while he whispered, "This hell hole wouldn't take time in becoming a heaven. All you have to do is open your eyes to see my world."

Grabbing my right hand with his big one, he handed me the stick and closed the first.

I looked up in his eyes as he whispered, "You won't be able to resist my ancient ass, then."

"I'll kill you," I said through clenched jaws.

He sighed knowingly. "You will be the death of me, I had been told from the beginning."

"I will run away."

He cupped my hand and left it slowly. My angry eyes met his twinkling ones again.

"I will follow you."

Clutching the stick tight, I loosened it eventually. I had lost the urge to hit him. I couldn't beat him physically.

"You are nothing to me," I said while glaring at him through the wet eyes, remembering the dare his younger brother had given to me.

He smile faded while eyes turned blank. The amber orbs grew intense while the sound of loud drums started echoing around. They were so loud, that the thrill had started to fill my chest.

A thick wave of pleasure crawled my heart. A sudden nervousness filled my mind at feeling his gaze. A sudden shyness was crawling in my chest.

But I didn't move my eyes down. I met his gaze, with all of my might. Even though,my soul was shaking.

"Time heals everything," he said, backing away slowly. "It will heal your words too."

He blinked.

"My dear mate," he taunted coldly with the heated gaze on me. "I didn't come to you. You came to me. The Rituals await us and so does the Moon Goddess. Be prepare for what comes ahead."

His nostrils flared as he gave me the hard look.

"I will tame your very soul."

I gulped hard, chills running down my spine.

He turned around and pulled open the door, doubling the sound of the drum beats around me.

My chest tightened as if my heart was now scared of him stealing it away from me.

I couldn't breathe.

I just couldn't breathe.


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