part 1

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Updated 11/9/2018
This story starts when kavvita enter in the house.

Swara enters with kavita. All are looking towards swara were Dp is in shock after seeing kavita thinking how can she alive. Kavita looked towards sanskaar, tears formed in her eyes. She runs towards him and hugs him tightly.

" Kavita" only one word came out from his mouth, due to her sudden hug he wrapped his hand around her waist to balance himself.

Listening name from her husband mouth, swara got shock. She remembers how was her husband  become blind in Kavita love.  Alone tear rolled down her eyes thinking about it.

Sanskaar asked her how she is alive. Kavita narrate whole story. Her voice troubling remembering her past.

"Sanskaar you know because of Swara I meat you today. She is really good person but what relation have swara with your family ?????" Asked Kavita smilingly were she still hugging Sanskaar from side.

Sanskaar looked towards Swara who was looking towards him with moist eyes. Broken mangalsutra lieing near her feet. Sanskaar heart pained seeing her like this.

" She is my wife Swara Sanskaar Maheshwari" Sanskaar said proudly, he freed his arm from Kavita hand making Kavita shock.

" But they soon they are going to get divorce" Sujata opened her mouth giving Kavita relief were Sanskaar glared her angrily.

" kavita has come now we should make both saskar and kavita married" Ragini smrink looking towards Swara who was all quite thinking about

" I want talk to you all" Sanskaar said controlling his anger as all are giving their opinion without asking him.

" But first of all I want to talk to you Sanskaar"
Saying this she drag sanskaar without listening him and goes to room. Swara looked  sanskaar painful eyes. Sanskar tried to say something through his eyes but swara did not look him.

" you know sanskaar I miss you so much" Kavita hug him happily

" But I want to tell you something" Sanskaar free himself from her hug making Kavita confused.

" Ya tell Sanskaar" Kavita held his hand fearly.


"Laksh. Please I don't want to go Mumbai" Sanskaar denied to go for Mumbai.

" but you have to bhai without you we did not get these deal. And you know na how important deal it is for our company" Laksh tried to make him understand.

"k I am going" Sanskaar got convince after Laksh pending.

" thanks bhai" he hugs him and goes out from room were Sanskaar smile sadly.

Sanskaar sat down on bed. He looked towards Swara photo frame and smile said. He picked photo frame and moved his hand  lovegly.

"Where are you Sware?? Why you left me?? I am searching you like a mad. Just once meet me Sears??" Tear fell down from his eyes.

"Why you are still waiting for that girl. It's been five years that girl left but you still stuck on past??? sujata entered in the room

"Please mom i can't gave swara place to anyone" Sanskaar lied on the bed and sleep to ignore her..

Sujata goes out angrily while saying don't know what magic have done this bangalan to my son

In Mumbai

"One more day without you Sanskaar. I know you are very happy with kavita. I don't. Know you remember me or not. But I can't forget you sanskaar. I love you till my last breath sanskaar and thank you for giving reason to live"  saying this Swara got up from the bed and left from the room.

In school sanskaar are invited as chief gest. After programme over he went towards car but he saw one boy around 4 year boy sit on the beanch and crying. He went towards him and sat beside him.

"why are you crying ???" Asked Sanskaar sitting beside him. He felt bad seeing him crying.

"mamma say that don't talk with unknown person" boy said cutely while sniffing.

"ohh sorry that means I have to do first friendship??? So friends? ??" Asked Sanskaar forwarding his hand towards him.

" hmm (act like thinking ) k friends" He joined his small hand with his big hand.

"ok so we become friends now tell me why this handsome boy crying??" He made him sit on his lap.

" Today alls friends papa come with them but my  papa not come. mamma trying to call papa but as always switch off. All say that papa left me and mamma but mamma said that paapa went for work. I never seen papa" He sniffed. Sanskaar felt bad.

" You are brave boy and brave boy don't cry" He wiped his tears and kissed his forehead.

" Ok" boy smiled.

" but you did not told your name" asked Sanskaar rising his eyebrows

"offo.......My name is saskrit" he beat his forehead cutely with his hand. He About to tell full name but peon come and tell him to wait sometime as his mother did not come to pick him up.

" ohhh.your name is saskriti and my name is sanskaar Maheshwari" Sanskaar kissed his cheeks.

"but your name so difficult. what I call you?"( Thinking Putting finger on chinha) Dost I will call you dost " Sanskrit said exitedly.

Sanskaar felt so good after five years taking to this cute little boy. He smiled whole heartedly today don't know why.

" dost can you play with me?" Asked sanskrit innocently.

" Handsome boy want to play with me then how can I denied him" he smiled.

" You know Mumma calling me cute and I don't like it. Boys are always handsome " he jumped out from his lap and went to play..Sanskaar got up from the places and followed him.

They start playing after some time one lady come hurriedly towards school. Seeing lady saskriti ran towards her and shout mamma. Sanskaar turned towards them and got shock.

To be continued ......

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