A New Friend...?(Chapter 2)

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Jammy Hood was outside, playing by himself. He wasn't really having fun time, but at least he didn't have to listen to Ink yelling at Error to fill the shotgun. He explored the forest, and later on saw a wounded creature. Jammy Hood gulped, pulled out his medical supplies, and approached the wild animal.

Fresh whined as he desperately try to catch a animal. He tried for hours, but couldn't catch a single thing. Fresh felt so weak, he could barely even stand. Fresh's ears twitched as he slowly turned his head. He thinks... wait, it IS a hunter! He tried to run, but failed miserably. 'This is the end...' he thought as he closed his eyes...

But instead of hearing a gunshot, or feeling a sharp pain in the neck, he felt a gentle stroke instead. He opened his eyesockets to see Jammy Hood, petting him. Jammy Hood's eyesockets had a twinkle in them, and whispered "So soft...!" making Fresh blush.

Jammy Hood had in hands a long cloth, a short cloth, and a black bottle. Jammy Hood said "This might hurt a little bit." and poured some of the liquid from the bottle. Fresh whined, but got over it. Jammy Hood then used the short cloth to clean the blood, then pulled out a stitch and a needle. Fresh gulped as Jammy Hood carefully started to stitch Fresh up. Fresh whimpered and whined a lot, and even tried to move the leg away. He failed. Jammy Hood then wrapped the long cloth onto the leg.

"And that should do it!" Jammy Hood said proudly, "Give it a try!" Fresh slowly got up, and walked around, then smiled. He sat on Jammy Hood's lap and licked Jammy Hood's cheekbone. Jammy Hood blushed and smiled, then giggled "Aww, you're welcome, pal!"

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