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"We'll help you, but on a few conditions."  Skyler said as Alec was let back inside Zach's somewhat messy room. He smiled at the news.

"First, you can't let us go in blind, you need a plan and we need to be ready which brings us to the second. You need to train Zach and I. And I know that I don't have a power but I still need to know how to fight in case Zach or you are in danger. Being powerless against something is a terrible feeling, I'm sure you know that."

"Yeah. Ok I can promise you all that. I was already going to train Zach but I'll train you too I guess. Now, there a lot to explain, like what the white wolf was that you saw, it belongs to you, Zach. Like I said in the forest it's a SOL. That stands for sprit of light. So that means you're not evil, congrats!" Alec joked.

"Wow thanks."

"The color of Spirits displays you. It's a SOL because it's white. SODs are Spirits of Darkness and SOBs are Spirits of the in between. SOB owners have the capacity for both good and evil. Mostly when they do something evil it's not something as major as taking a life for example. They are are usually white with black markings or gray. It depends on the Spirit and the person.  The more black on it the more the capacity for evil the person has. We are going to try to get yours to come out. But first we need to go outside." Alec instructed and led them through the house before getting lost and making Zach take them to his back yard.

"You have the watch right?" He asked and Zach nodded, lifting up his arm so Alec could see it. "Good now stay there, don't move. Skyler, come with me." He told Zach then began whispering something to Skyler. The two walked away, leaving Zach alone in the yard, kicking the grass in boredom. Muffled laughter emitted from the way the went, and Zach couldn't help but feel a deep ache from being left out. Years of this made him slightly immune but it still hurt a bit.

Zach stood there for what felt like an hour, but when he checked his watch it had only been ten minutes.

"Hey guys, Alec, Skyler. What am I supposed to do?" He called then whispered, "This is stupid," under his breath.

It was another five before he got a response, well a sign they were still there.

Skyler started screaming loudly and rushed into the yard, limping with every step. Zach rushed to his side, catching him in his arms as he tripped and fell. His eyes were filled with fear and pain, tears dripped down his freckled cheeks. Zach's heart aches as he saw his friend wince in pain. He looked down to see Skyler's arm was hurt, blood soaking though his long sleeve shirt. There were bite marks on his leg too, it was clear what happened before the words came out of mouth.

"He lied. He's not our friend. He attacked me. Run-" a loud growl cut him off, a growl that seemed to send shivers down his spine.


"We need to go come on." He tried dragging his friend towards the house. He looked back, the gray wolf stood at the edge of the yard in a challenging stance. His teeth bared, blood staining them. He ran at the and Zach screamed in fear. In fear of what would happen to him, of what would happen to Skyler. And Anthony, he'd find him dead on the grass, bleeding out at the young age of fifteen. Suddenly a bright light emitted from him and the white wolf jumped out, running at Alec.

She rammed into him, sending him a feet back. Alec got up and growled, again he ran at her. The two clawed and snapped their jaw at each other, occasionally biting and drawing blood.

Alec walked back, signaling surrender and changed back to into his human form, his wounds still bleeding. The wolf didn't trust him and continued to growl at him, walked forward slowly.

Fear could clearly be seen in his eyes now as he stepped back, unsure of what to do.

"Zach, can you call off your wolf?" Alec tried.

"You almost killed my best friend! Do you think I'm going to make her stop?"

"Zach," Skyler tugged on his arm, "This isn't real. He didn't do anything. Call her off."

He looked at friend, knew he was tell the truth.


The wolf stopped in her tracks and looked back at Zach, as if to ask what she should do.

"Don't hurt him," Zach said and sighed in disappointment and relief, "I hate you two." He grumbled.


Hello everyone, thanks for reading.

Plz vote and stay tune for chapter nine.

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