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Skyler ^

"There was a boy, about our age. He was alone... in the forest. And he was scared, like really scared I could feel it, his fear. I don't know how, but I could. Leaves crunched and he snapped his head up, still panting. He must have been running before. The sound grew louder and he began to run, away from the sound, away from those who were chasing him. I could hear dogs barking and people yelling in the background. He felt so scared, he didn't want to be caught so he kept running. Hot blood pumped through his veins and his lungs wheezed with every breath he took. No matter what it felt like he could never escape them as they started to gain on him. He didn't dare look back as he heard a shot. In the tree in front of him a red dart. They wanted him alive, but why? He kept running but as he heard more gunshots it seemed to be harder for him. Suddenly he fell to the ground, not yet unconscious. Someone stood over him, saying only one sentence before hitting him with the but of his gun. And everything went dark..."

"Alright then...."

"I told you it was weird," Zach said. He was sitting down next to Skyler during break. He told Skyler he had a weird dream and Skyler being Skyler thought he would be able to decode it somehow with his "masterful" skills. But he was lost for words.

"Ummm... Ok so if this is gonna work I'm going to need a few more details. Where was this and what did he look like, if you can remember?"

"Well his hair was a dark brown color he had a jade shirt on, dark blue jeans and was wearing vans I think. And he had a few freckles on his cheeks. He looked familiar, almost like I've seen him before but my brain can't remember. And umm, I think he was in Hesper Forest and it was pretty dark out. I think that cause he ran across a bridge that looked like the one on Coyote Creek."

"Well, I know that your brain will use people from your life in dreams rather than create something new. Sometimes it'll do that for the place but can create somewhere new too."

"Ok, but what do think it means." Zach pressed.

"It means stop staying up late and watching scary movies."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too, but I think it might mean you feel trapped or your stress might get the best of you so maybe you should take it easy for a bit. Relax, you know?"

"Maybe, I guess you're right."

"I know," Skyler smirked.

"Stop being cocky, you were right one time!"

"Oh, yeah?" Skyler raised an eyebrow, still smirking."

"Remember that one time when you asked me if you feed chickens chicken if it's cannibalism. And what happens if a werewolf accidentally bites another werewolf. You thought it would turn him into some super wolf. And-"

"Ok, that's enough. I was like seven."



"You're mad because I'm right." Zach teased.

"I'm leaving you. Bye." Skyler started walking away, not looking back.

"You can't leave me."

"Watch me!" Skyler took a few more steps then stopped, unsure of where to go. He turned around and walked back, his head hanging. " I'm only back cause there's nowhere to go."

"Alright, Whatever you say," Zach smirked.


"Did you pass the blood test or do you have to get an injection for having the disease?"Skyler asked as the teacher return their results from yesterday.

"Well... I didn't take it."

"Sneaky, I like it. I didn't either."

"Yep, I kinda agree with you on it being weird that some people from I don't know where has to do it. So I'm like nope, got better things to do."

"Zachery Miller you are my hero," Skyler said with a straight face before bursting with laughter.

"Skyler this is your first warning." Their science teacher, Mrs. Davison said.


"Ha busted." Zach snickered.

"Shut up."

"You're mad cause you're in trouble. And I'm not."

"Miller, you too." The teacher warned him.

"Who's busted now," Skyler smirked.

"Shut up."

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