Chapter 9

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(709 words)

Your POV 

Groaning as my head feels like it's being split in half. Sitting up as I remember that Quirrell was strangling Harry. Opening my eyes I was met with Professor Snape grabbing my shoulders and pushing me back down onto the bed. 

"You cannot get up, you need to rest." 

Furrowing my brow as I look at him I blink gently. "I've already spoken to Harry, Ron, and Hermione." 

Groaning gently, I sigh and look at him. "And?" 

"They told me about how you four went after the Sorcerer's stone, thinking I was already after it." 

"I didn't agree with them. I didn't think you'd go after it." 

"And why is that?" 

"Is it that surprising that a student wouldn't believe you to be up to no good?" 

"Most students believe I'm always up to no good. That I'll turn on the school at any moment." 

"I don't think so, I think you're misunderstood." 

He crosses his arms as he looks at me. rubbing my eyes gently I look back at him. 

"I thought something was off with Quirrell, that he was a bit squirrelly ." 

The last comment earned me a slight laugh from the Professor. 

"Who's replacing him?" 

"Gilderoy Lockhart." 

"That moron?" 

He gives a slight smirk as he nods. "Regrettably it is." 

There was a knock on the door and Snape stands to face the door, doing his best to look like he's not enjoying the conversation. 

"I told you to tell me when she woke up Severus!" 

He glanced at me slightly before moving back towards Madame Pomfrey. 

"You're free to go, Dumbledore said he wanted you to see you in his office, Professor Snape can take you there." 

Nodding gently as she left, I was able to get out of bed, Snape waiting outside of the room for me to get changed. 


Nodding gently I follow him to the best of my ability. "Do you know why he wants to see me, Professor?" 

"I do not. Though it might have something to do with the summer." 

"The summer?" I mumble to myself as i follow him. Watching his robes dance along the floor as he walked down the hall. Stopping in front of a golden statue. With a flick of his wand it moves, revealing a staircase. 

Going into the staircase I follow him to Dumbledore's office. Smiling gently as I'm met with it and seeing the older wizard stand at his desk. 

"You wanted to see me sir?" 

"yes, yes come in." 

"Do you know what this is about?" 

"I was told it might have something to do with the summer?" 

He gives a slight nod. "You should know that I called ahead with Fawkes here, and your family. Does not want you back this summer." 

Nodding gently, the pain in my chest stinging slightly as I knew it was going to happen. 


My eyes flicker back towards the brightly robed elder. "However, Headmaster?" 

"You may stay in the castle, for the summer." 

"What will I do without having class?" 

"Professor Snape has agreed to let you help with getting the potions for the year, as well as Professor Sprout with gardening. Hagrid has agreed to even help with his creatures." 

Smiling gently I stand slowly. "Thank you." 

He nods and we're both dismissed. Standing outside of the office with Snape I hum gently. "I thought I was going to be expelled or something." 

"Dumbledore is a little more lenient than I am." 

Looking at him for a moment, I nod. 

"What potions are we to be making over the summer?" 

"You won't be making anything this summer, you'll be sitting in my classroom reading." 

Raising a brow I hum gently. "Did you miss me sitting in there, Professor?" 

Getting a glare from him, I smile to him. Rolling his eyes he starts walking, taking me back to the dorms before he goes to the dungeons, giving me a schedule of everything I'll be doing for the summer. 

Standing there for a moment as he walks around the corner I look at the schedule and notice that I'll spend a lot of my time with Snape in his class. Maybe he really did miss me in his class. Nah! 

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