Mermaid Family

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Xx_FireBird_xX I was inspired to make Marina's family, but as just a princess, I wasn't sure if her kids would ever enter the connecting events. So, here they are and I went ahead and made all the sisters.

Of course, we know Inari and her wife Annette. They kept the Kaisu last name.

^ Baylana 'Bay' Kaisu
Female, Mermaid Nymph, Eldest, Heir
With habits like escaping the castle, running off, and swimming further than she's supposed to, she can be quite the handful to her mothers. The island always felt restricting to her, always longing to run and adventure, and see the world. She's not the most social person, but she does tend to make friends in unlikely places. She has a few favorite places she'll run off to at home to avoid her duties, always having to be dragged home. This all isn't helped by the fact that her mom taught her just about every weapon she could get her hands on, and she built up strength while doing so.

Nori Kaisu
Female, Human, Youngest
The complete opposite of her sister really. An introvert to the max, Nori has to be coaxed to leave her room half the time. She spends her life with her nose in books, learning everything she can, and traveling from the safety of her paper vehicle. She hardly touches weapons, preferring to leave any fighting to others.
She's still younger and learning, but she seems pretty set in her ways.

The second oldest of the Kaisu sisters.
Naida Crest, she took on her husband's name. She's the one who taught Marina all about looks and fashion. She was engaged when the connection event occurred. On Saari, each island is ran by a chief, as well as sections of the underwater kingdom. She married one of the underwater chiefs, a Finfolk named Afron.

Severin Crest
He's never appreciated his mother's taste for beauty and fashion. He much prefers to blend in with a crowd. He'd rather be alone than in a crowd, having very few friends. The company he keeps is that of books and daydreaming.

Odine Crest
Much more laid back than his brother, and much more happy for attention. He keeps up appearance and has a stronger desire to take over as chief, which is something undecided at the moment.

The lovely lady that started this,
Marina Strom (yup, a married name!)
Half-Mermaid, half-Elven. She was born from her mother having an affair that they've still never talked about. Her father is far easier on her than the others because he's worried she'll want to go find her 'real' father, but honestly she hardly even realizes she's not naturally his. While a half-mermaid like Niko doesn't transform to the tail, Marina never gets the discomfort of her land form.
With her father's relaxed attitude with her, it was quite possible for her to become super spoiled and selfish, but that's not the case for Marina. Instead she's extremely ditzy. She didn't have to do as much schoolwork and lessons, she got out of meetings and learning things all the time. Her father and castle staff did things for her, that sometimes even now she doesn't realize. She just goes through life not realizing she's privileged, just assuming it's this easy for everyone. To sum, she has no street smarts, but a very positive outlook.

Marina married Pavel Strom -  Werewolf
They met during one of her many visits to Tietulli, and moved to Hiekka to be somewhat in between both their homes.
Pavel is a rich heir who was doing a lot of competition such as lancing and swordsmanship. It was at one of the these competitions they met, where she was cheering on her best friend.
It was love at first sight for Pavel. He was enamored by her beauty, and pulled in by her upbeat attitude. Every time they spoke, her wholesome energy and general love for the world turned him to putty for her. Of course, she had no idea for the longest time, completely missing all the signs. Kane and Renee just had to watch her be clueless every visit.

Blu Strom
Werewolf, Mermaid/Elven, mostly mermaid appearance and abilities
Their son, the eldest, who very much takes after his mother. Not only did he inherit her gift, but her ability to have absolutely no clue what is going on around him.

Lana Strom
Werewolf, Mermaid/Elven, mostly werewolf and elven, but can breath underwater
An expert in traditions for many countries. Especially, Hiekka, and the homes of her parents. She is much more suited to talking business with her father.

They also have a very young daughter.
Halee Strom
Werewolf, Mermaid/Elven, has werewolf sense, but mostly mermaid appearance
Just a soft sweet little girl

Goldie Kaisu
Kind of the cool aunt of the group, the unmarried sister. She works closest with Inari, head of the travel department with a great construction background

Kuhli Kaisu
The youngest of the sisters, has a passion for the land and the silly trinkets of humans. So much that she married a human woman, a marine biologist with an equal obsession of the ocean. The two spend their days asking each other all the questions about their world.

Together they've adopted a daughter, a mermaid called Molly. She doesn't enjoy the boring learnings that her mothers do, she just wants to live in her imagination.

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