Jealousy (Kirai Nasuga X Reader)

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He hate it.
He hate it when his brother was taking (Y/n) away from him.

Kirai Nasuga, 18 years old, he really like (Y/n) and really hates his brother. Its been a few days since Izuchi had been trying to impress (Y/n), and Kirai isnt pleased with it.

(Y/n) was supposed to be his, not Izuchi's! If looks can kill, Izuchi probably headless by now. The said brother was talking with the girl of his dreams. Its unforgivable! Especially when Izuchi starts to hold (Y/n) hand. Oh, he cant handle it anymore, so he ran.

--------timeskip 3 days later, (Y/n)'s POV-----------

Its been so long since you had seen Kirai. He usually talks about how amazing he was, or maybe how bored he was. He can be a bit arrogant from time to time, but thats one of the reason you like him. You had knew him since you were kids, so basically you had gotten used to his antics. You got to admit, he's handsome and really attractive.

While you were deep in thought about Kirai, a man called out your name.

"(Y/n)!" Izuchi calls out.
"Ah, Izuchi-kun. Why are you here?" You said, giving him a small smile.
"Its Kirai."

You blink. Izuchi NEVER talks much about his brother, but why now?

"Whats about him?"
"As much I hate to admit, Im a bit concerned about him. He kept locking himself in his room. Im worried now, you have to go and ask him why. You're my only hope (Y/n), please!" He said, giving you a pleading look in his eyes.

You think for awhile before nodding and walk towards their place.

----------timeskip while trying to contact Kirai using Mutter----------

You knock softly on Kirai's door, waiting for answer. But he kept saying "Leave me alone" or "You cant make me do what you want!".

You had no choice but to use force now.

"Unlock the door Kirai."
"You lock the door Kirai." You start banging on his door. "You lock the door Kirai?!"
Then you start hearing him scream for you to stop banging and stop using the meme, literally.

For a few seconds, you heard footsteps and the door is unlock. Kirai had bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess and he looks terrible. You gasp at his appearence.

"What happened? You should have told me if you had any trouble!" You start searching for any injuries and holds his face.

Due to the simple contact, he can feel his cheeks warm up and he knew he was blushing. He already make a fool of himself infront of (Y/n) and its really embarrasing.

"Why do you care? Shouldnt you be with Izuchi? You know, going on a date and stuff..."

You blink curiously at him. Is he... jealous?

"Date? Izuchi? Please tell me you're jealous. Cause then I know it will be the good time to say I like you." You flash him a cute smile, making his blush worser.

"Do you really like me?"
"Of course, Mr Amazing." You hug him, and he instantly hugs back.

Finally, you were his. Well, I guess so.

-----------somewhere in 1bit world-------

Izuchi was drinking a cup of coffee and infront of him was a girl with to blonde pigtails. She was holding a pen and a notebook, writing everything that Izuchi had told her.

"And that is how my little brother finally got his girl." He finishes his 'story'.

The girl nods and start packing her things.

"Thanks for the ideas Izuchi. Later~!" She waves him goodbye and walks away.
"Yeah, see ya later, Mizuiro..." He waves back and finish his drink.

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