Chapter 11

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Mr. Iron:
First of all, kid, wrong chat
Second, You really do like Spiderman, don't you?
Third, Why did people even make those? Spiderman hasn't come out or anything...

Oh shoot
I'm really sorry! I keep doing this...

Mr. Mischief:
Its fine, Spider.

And yeah, I do
He looks after where I live so ya know 🤷
And for the last question: I have no idea

Mr. America:
I know this will sound rude, which I don't wnat it to, so please don't take offence, but
What does the second one represent?

Its the Spiderman symbol but with the Transgender flag in it.
I gotta go now guys, but I'll message later!

Mr. Iron:
Bye, kid

Mr. America:
Bye, son

Mr. Mischief:
Bye, little Spider


Peter sighs and shakes his head, scolding himself for nearly giving away his identity to people he hadn't even met. Peter sighs and tucks his phone into his secret pocket in his Spider suit. He would send the pictures to Ned later.

Peter was currently on patrol, sat on one of the tallest buildings in Queens, watching the streets below him. He had stopped two robberies, three muggings and a rape attempt.

Peter was about to get up to swing around the city, when he spider senses started going off.

Peter stands up, looking around for the danger. He then hears the sound of Iron Man's thrusters, getting louder. Peter turned towards the sound of the noise, and he saw the man himself flying towards him.

Tony landed on the building roof behind him, and Peter turned to face him directly. Peter was grinning like a madman, as his idol was literally standing right in front of him.

"Spiderman," Tony says, his mask's eyes staring at him. "You need to come with me."

Peter looks at the man confused, then cocls his head to the side and he says, "What? Where and why?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions," Tony says, the eye roll evident in his voice. "SHIELD wants you on our side, so we gotta take you in."

Peter sighs and says, "'M sorry, Mr. Stark, but I've already told Pirate that I can't tel you my identity. It's called a secret identity for a reason."

Tony shrugs and says, "Yeah, we thought you'd say that."

Peter's spider sense then starts blaring at him, telling him an arrow was flying towards him.

Peter catches the arrow, and he starts examining it. He then says, "You know, these would be a lot more aerodynamic if you-"

Before he could finish, Peter narrowly avoided the repulser that was shot at him by Tony.

"You're not supposed to talk that much in a fight," Tony says, aiming at Peter again.

"I really hoped this wasn't going to be a fight," the spiderling groaned, jumping off the building, while avoiding arrows and more repulsers.

As he swung away, he heard the thrusters of the Iron Man suit start again and follow after him causing him to groan again.

Peter swing faster, and as he knew the city better than the Avenger, he managed to loose him.

Peter landed in a dark alleyway, where he had hidden his clothes, and started to quickly get changed. Once he was done, he picked up his bag, and started to walk back home, hopping his foster parents weren't home yet.

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