Chapter 13

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Peter couldn't contain his excitement. He's finally meeting his online crush, on a sort-of date! He had woken up early so he could decide the best outfit, which if he's completely honest, he did take longer than it should have when he has just three complete outfits, altogether.

The brunette slipped from his 'room' and quietly crept down the stairs. He poked his head around the corner of the staircase, and saw that no-one was in the living room, which lead to the front door.

He smiles to himself, and then straightens up. He pulls his bag further up his shoulder, and then creeps down the rest of the stairs. He slowly walks towards the door, but just as his hand was wrapping around the handle, he heard the voice of his step-father ask from behind him, "Where do you think you're going?"

~Time Skip~

Oh God, I'm going to be so late! Peter thinks as he runs towards the train station. I need to get this train or I'm never gonna get to the park!

Peter quickly barrels through the crowds in the station, ignoring the pain covering his body and the shouts of passers by that he had ran past. He skids to a halt, beside the train, and quickly slips through the closing doors.

He sighs in relief, and takes hold of the handle above his head, as all of the seats were taken (not that he minded, of course).

The train stopped a few times, before Peter could finally get off. He quickly dashed off the train and out of the station, hoping to at least get there on time. He didn't want to be late and make them think he wasn't coming.

He continued running, but not going too fast, as he didn't want to look like he had powers. After a few minutes, he could finally see the park. 

He slows down and walks into the small park they had decided to meet up in. He spots a bench and heads over to it, and as he sits down, he pulls out his phone.

He turns on his- rather old- phone, and he immediately groans. He was ten minutes early. He had rushed for no reason. He slumps into the seat, and sighs, shaking his head at the situation.

He then sends a message to his 'date' to tell them he was there already, where he was, and even sent a picture of where he was sitting, just in case they couldn't find him. He pulls his hood up in the meantime, to cover his bruised face.


Peter was playing a game on his phone, as he had gotten bored of waiting rather easily. He was about to start a new level, when he saw two legs come into his view, and stand in front of him. 

Peter raised his head to look up from the person's black jeans, past their dark grey jacket, and up to their emerald, green eyes.

Loki smiles at the boy as soon as he was looking at them, and says, "Hello, Spider."

"M-Mischief?" Peter stutters, staring at Loki in awe.

How did I not read all the signs? Peter scolds himself. It was so obvious!

"May I?" the ravenet questions, pointing to the space beside the boy, who nods in response.

As Loki sits, Peter pulls down his hood and turns himself to face them. Loki turns to him, but his once happy demeanour changes, once they sees his face.

He gently cups the spider's jaw with his hands and examines the teen's bruised face. The boy watches them cautiously, worried how they would react.

They scowl and asks, "Who did this to you, love?"

Peter blushes at the nickname, but answers, "Nobody, I-I'm just clumsy and fell, th-that's all."

Loki sighs and shakes his head, stating, "You're a terrible liar."

The secret vigilante rubs his neck nervously, giving an awkward chuckle.

"C-can we not talk about this?" he asks, feeling self conscious.

Loki sighs but replies, "Alright. But you must tell me in time."

"Okay," Peter answers, smiling slightly as Loki rubs their thumb over his cheek bone, then removes their hands from his face.

They then fall into comfortable silence, sat with their legs lightly touching between them. Peter's hand was between their bodies and legs, ontop of the bench, his finger nervously tapping the wood beneath it.

Loki looks over at the boy and smiles fondly. Loki starts up a conversation with the teen, and they quickly fall back into their normality.

After hours of talking and laughing, the Asgardian's hand was in the spider's, who had his head on their shoulder. Their other arm was wrapped around his waist and their head resting apon the brunet's hair.

"I enjoyed today," Peter hums, his eyes softly closed, taking in the peaceful moment with the other.

"I did too," the ravenet responds, rubbing circles on his waist.

"Can we... Do this again, sometime?" Peter timidly asks, moving his head to look up at them.

Loki smirks and says, "Well I don't know. First, you'll have to answer my question, to determine if we do."

Peter tilts his head in confusion and says, "What is it?"

"Will you be mine, Peter? Mine and only mine to have?" Loki asks, looking  deeply into the trangender boy's, doe eyes.

Peter blushes, and grins brightly. He untangled himself from Loki's arms, and wraps his own around the Adgardian's neck exclaiming, "Yes! Of course, Loki!" He then mumbles to himself, "Gods, don't scare me like that."

Loki chuckles and moves Peter so he was sat on their lap, and wraps their slender arms around the boys waist.

Peter nuzzles into Loki's neck and hums in content, making Loki smile in happiness.


Peter pulls back from Loki, eyes wide and he exclaims, "Oh my gods! That means that everyone else is the Avengers!"

Loki couldn't help but burst out laughing, as it had taken his boyfriend all the time they had been there to actually realise.

"Yes, we'll done, Peter," Loki says, rolling their eyes fondly. He pulls the boy back down and wines, "Now cuddle me again. Give me effection!"

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