Chapter 22

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Warning: Mentions of injuries, minor swearing, homophobia/transphobia


It was the day after Natasha had found out Peter's identity and you would have thought that would have been the most stressful time after waking up from his coma, but it was not. 

"That asshole," Aaron growls, pulling some glass out of Peter's bloodied side, making the teen wince.

'He's not an-' Peter starts writing, but gets interrupted by his own yelp of pain. The spider ignored the comment Aaron mumbled under his breath about how, 'I thought you were supposed to have super strength'. '-ass, Aaron. He just doesn't understand... We just have to give him time.'

Aaron stops what he's doing and slams his equipment down on the table, startling Peter slightly. He turns around to look at the man, who was shaking, tears welling up in his eyes.

"What he did, to you, wasn't right, Peter," Aaron starts, tears sliding down his face. He looks up at him, a sombre look in his eyes as he continues, "And now he's taken Miles, and who knows what he might do to him..."


Five hours ago

Peter awoke to sunlight seeming in through his eyelids and a pressure on both sides of his body. He quietly groans as he opens his eyes, the light making him squint as he did so.

He then looked down to his chest and saw Miles' and Aaron's heads resting there, and a smile creeps onto his face. He was happy to finally have a family again.

Miles then yawns and stretches, presumable waking up from Peter's movements. Once the child realised where he was, he looked up at the brunet and grinned brightly. The dark skinned boy then got off him and managed to get the teen away from his Uncle's clutches, before rushing them into the bathroom, quietly giggling as they did.

Four hours ago

Aaron woke up in a cold bed. He rubs his eyes and looks around the room in confusion, before he hears the sound of the tv in the other room. The man chuckles and rolls his eyes, climbing out of the large bed and leaving the room, after running a hand through his hair.

When he walked into the living room, he couldn't help but smile at the sight. Two plates- which seemed to be what looked like remains of pancakes on them- were stacked on the coffee table, while Miles was sat on Peter's lap. There was a fluffy blanket wrapped around the two of them, both had Xbox controllers in their hands, playing a game of Miles' choosing.

Aaron clears his throat, causing Miles to jump, but Peter to simply wave- as his spider sense had told him Aaron was there- and sneakily win the game- which did not go down with Miles.

Aaron jumps over the sofa and grabs the spare controller before saying, "Alright, bozos. Time for me to win."

"No way!" Miles exclaims, looking at the screen determinedly as it started, while Peter smirked at Aaron and started playing.

Two hours ago

After two hours of playing games on the Xbox, Miles finally decided he was bored, so the teen suggested about cooking something.

The three managed to find all the ingredients for chocolate cookies in the apartment, and had them all lining the kitchen sides.

Peter had also found an apron, which he had placed on Miles. As it had 'kiss the chef' on it, Peter smirked at the boy. Miles realised what was happening and started running away, giggling, with peter chasing after him.

Aaron gets a recipe up on his phone, before looking over at the two. Peter had caught the child, and was now placing kisses all over his giggling face.

As Miles was trying to escape, his arm hit a glass bottle that was on the side, causing it to fall to the floor and smash. Peter immediately picked Miles up, placing him on his hip, making sure he didn't get hurt.

Miles stared at the glass on the floor and started crying. Peter immediately starts trying to silently comfort him, while Aaron gets a brush and brushes it into a corner, near the front door.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Miles," Aaron says, smiling at his nephew. "We'll clean it up after. It wasn't anything important. Now, let's make some cookies okay?"

Miles sniffs before smiling and replying, "Okay!"

He then jumps out of Peter's arms and starts to make the cookie dough. The teen sighs and goes over to help him, with Aaron not far behind.

Forty minutes ago

The cookies were finally in the over, however the whole kitchen was covered in flour and butter, as they had gotten into a food wars in between.

Just as they were about to start cleaning up, the doorbell rings.

Aaron pales, along with Miles. Peter gets the idea, and picks up Miles, rushing him to the bedroom to grab all of his stuff.

After the two were out of the room, Aaron walks towards the front door. He opens it to reveal his brother, who smiles slightly when he sees him. They both stand there awkwardly, waiting for Miles to get there, avoiding eye contact.

Miles then anxiously walks into view of his father, with Peter a few steps behind him, watching cautiously.

Jefferson's (Mile's dad) eyes snap to his son and they widen in surprise. He takes in the sight of him, as he slowly gets closer, before he stops in front of his father.

The man's eyes then harden and he asks, "Did your uncle convince you to do this?"

Mile's eyebrows furrow together in confusion before he mutters, "What do you mean, dad?"

"I mean did Aaron make you dress like this, Millie?" his dad exclaims, gesturing to his outfit and haircut.

"What? No!" Miles replies. "I-I asked for this! And my name is Miles, not Millie, dad!"

Jefferson looks over at his brother and glares at him, he growls, "I know you did something to mess with her head. I knew you were a bad influence on her."

"Actually, I think if you listened to Miles you would find out that he wants to be male and wants to dress and look like that. Not because of Aaron's influence," Peter says, glaring at the dark skinned man that was standing in the doorway.

Miles and Aaron looks at Peter in shock, as this was the first time he had talked. 

Miles' dad turns his attention to Peter and he spits, "You're one of them too, aren't you? A freak who thinks they can change their gender."

Aaron's hands clench at his sides and he growls, "You can't say that, Jefferson. That's transphobic and prejudice."

"Stay out of this!" Jefferson shouts, angered by the situation.

The man loses his cool and swings at Aaron, who hadn't expected it and didn't have time to react. Luckily, Peter's spider sense had told him what was about to happen, so he jumped in the way and took the hit instead.

This angered the man more, especially when his 'daughter' was shouting at him to stop. In reaction to his anger, he pushes Peter down to the ground. Peter, not having spotted the glass shards still on the floor, didn't have time to move aside, so he falls on them on his side.

He cries out, which snaps Jefferson out of his daze. He looks stunned for a second at what he did, before he grabs Miles' arm and drags him out of the apartment and towards their car.


Peter sighs and pulls Aaron into a hug, smoothing his hair and humming to him. He then says to him, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I rushed things along, and I made the situation worse. I'm so sorry..."

"It's neither of our faults," Aarons mutters into the teen's shoulder, holding him tighter.

The two stayed like that for half an hour, before the sound of Peter's- finally fixed- phone started going off.


A/N: I am so sorry this is late (again)!

But I have good news (at least for me), I finally got my hair cut to look more androgynous! 

I also have other good news, which is that the next two weeks for me will be less busy, therefore, more updates (yay)!

I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to leave suggestions! :)

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