Chapter 30

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"Sounds like we'll have to search for more information on the 'Sinister Six' then. Daisy-" Coulson starts, before Daisy replies, with her laptop open on the table.

"Already on it."

Coulson nods and says, "Everyone be ready for action, we may have to go onto the field at any moment. For now, rest. You may need the energy."


It had been an hour since the Quinjet had changed directions, heading towards The Raft. Daisy had found out that the Sinister Six were locked up in the high security prison due to attempts against the government and their 'super powers', as it was put on the documents. However, the rest was redacted, meaning they had no clue what their powers were or what they are capable of.

Therefore, it meant that everyone had changed into battle attire, ready for anything that may happen. Unfortunately, all that Peter had was his Spiderman suit, and he wasn't entirely sure that would go down well at a SHIELD base (due to him hiding his identity).

Suddenly getting an idea, Peter speeds to the others, startling them slightly when he suddenly turned up. "Guys, I just had an idea!" 

"What is it, Peter?" Jemma asks, smiling gently, after calming down.

"What if you guys say that you finally caught me and taking me in to be locked up, as my powers are 'dangerous'!"

"Sounds like a good plan. Good thinking, Peter," Coulson replies, ruffling the teen's hair, causing Peter to brightly smile, before slipping his mask on.

They then feel the jet land, before all walking towards the barrier, Daisy placing cuffs on Peter. As the door opens, they start walking out, 'harshly' pushing Peter along with them.

The guards look up from their post, before their eyes widen at the sight of Spiderman in the hands of SHIELD agents. They quickly open the doors and usher them towards the elevator.

The elevator ride is filled with awkward and tense silence, Peter trying to 'break free' a few times, only making Daisy 'tighten' her grip on him and for him to 'glare' at her.

As they arrive, the guards guide them to the main area where they are told to wait for the person who would lock the Spiderling away. As they wait, they eye the cameras, knowing they couldn't talk about their plan with people watching them.

After a few minutes, a man dressed in black, a flowing cloak around his shoulder, his face scowling as he approaches.

"I see we finally caught the mutant," the man growls as he eyes the spider, causing him to gulp nervously. "Follow me, and I'll bring him to his cell that we set up ages ago."

Peter stumbles as he was pushed to start walking again, towards his 'cell'. The man's pace had seemed to become quicker as they approached an empty cell. Peter eyes his 'neighbour' and his eyes widened slightly when he recognised them as one of the Sinister Six, causing him to smirk slightly.

The team watch intently as the man punches in the code to open the cell, before pushing the teen into the cell, letting the door slam shut behind him. As he turns around, he watches as the cameras shut off (thanks to Fitz on the jet) and the team takes down the man and the guards that were standing around the area.

Peter then takes that as a sign to break free from his binds, the cuffs easily breaking with his super strength.

The team then punch in the code for the Sinister Six members, using real cuffs on them, to ensure that they wouldn't break free, before closing the cells behind them.

"Alright, this was easy," Peter chuckles, smiling behind his mask. "Now ya just gotta do the same for me."

The team looks at him, before turning around and dashing out with the Sinister Six. Coulson looks back at the teen and says, "Sorry, but we can't risk the future happening. Plus, you're dangerous."

Peter's eyes widen as he watches everyone run into the elevator without him, causing him to slam his hands against the electric doors of his cell, shouting and yelling at them, begging for them to come back and help him. His heart breaking from being betrayed once again.


A/N: Sorry it took so long for this again! Sorry it's kinda rushed (again), I just wanted to get something out there!!

I hope you enjoyed it!



Here's the real ending!


"Alright, this was easy," Peter chuckles, smiling behind his mask. "Now ya just gotta do the same for me."

Daisy quickly punches in the code for his cell and Peter skips out, giving her a closed eye smile through the mask. She chuckles before saying, "Come on, spiderling, let's head out."

Peter then notices that everyone else had already gotten to the elevator, so he nods and rushes after them and into the elevator, with Daisy behind him.

Once they arrive, Peter knocks the guards out and webs them up, so they can't come after them until they dissolve. They then all rush onto the Quinjet, dragging the Sinister Six along with them.

They drag the villains into their containment, before setting off for the lighthouse, where they would find their answers.

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