Chapter 33

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Everyone wakes up to find themselves lying on the floor, after being effected by Wanda's magic, even Wanda herself.

"Ow" Peter groans, rubbing the back of his head as he sits up, then checked the car to make sure he didn't dent, which he was glad about, slipping off the bonnet so he couldn't do any damage to it (knowing his luck). What, they were expensive!

Everyone else starts slowly standing up, some rubbing their head while others checking other body parts, from the fall. Once everyone had made sure they were okay; which they all were; everyone went silent and focused on Peter. Even the Agents of Shield.

Peter bites the inside of his cheek and fiddles with the hem of his shirt nervously, waiting for someone to do something or at least say something.

After a few minutes of silence Peter quietly says, "C'mon guys, just put me out my misery. Say what you gotta say."

Before Peter could properly react, Wanda was the first to move. She rushes up to Peter and envelopes him in a hug, breaking into sobs as she pulls him close, her face in his neck.

Peter stands shocked for a second, before gently holding onto her and patting her back and smoothing her hair.

"I'm so sorry we did this to you," she says into his neck, her sokovian accent coming through stronger. She had always imagined Peter, well Spider, as a little brother to her, as she'd lost her real one. They seemed so similar, especially now she knew about his self sacrificial ways.

"Hey, hey, don't cry, it's alright," Peter replies, gently. His hands still working to try and calm her, his heart clenching as he knew in this reality she hadn't actually done anything to him, but she was in pain from seeing an alternate version of her self harming him. "You didn't do anything, it's all in the past for me. I don't blame you at all, okay? It's not your fault." He then looks to everyone else and continues, "it's none of your faults. You weren't to know, and that's a different version of yourselves. You know better now, and you have learnt from the error of your ways, alright? You don't need to be upset or sorry, it's not your fault."

Wanda sniffles and nods, pulling back from the hug, before kissing his cheek and saying, "I'm glad you're feeling better. And I'm glad you have people who love you and accept you, I know I accept you for being LGBTQ+, for being transgender."

Everyone in the room nods and makes noises of approval and agreement. Peter smiles brightly, tears forming slightly.

Loki then steps towards the teen, which makes Wanda walk away back to Clint, who pulls her into a fatherly sideways hug.

Peter looks up at Loki and gulps, worried about how Loki would react about seeing everything.

"Thank you for showing us, darling," Loki says, giving their boyfriend a genuine smile. "I love you all the same, for being trans and for being the spiderling. You're my favourite Midgardian, and I wouldn't replace you for the world. I am sorry that all of us hurt you, even if it wasn't physical, it still would have hurt."

Peter smiles with tears in his eyes up at Loki. "Thank you, Loki. I love you too, and I don't blame you for anything. I really appreciate you, for everything."

The two hug and Peter nuzzles into Loki's chest, who gently holds onto the boy, one hand on his head and the other on the small of his back. He hears Tony snicker from the side, finding it funny seeing the God/Goddess/Diety (is this alright for a Non-binary version of god-? (Help from someone in the comments)) of Mischief act so cheesy and sappy. Loki turn to look at him and gives him a glare, while still holding the teen in their arms, being so gentle, as if Peter was made of porcelain and would smash at the harshness of holds.


A/N: Hello again! I finally published like I promised 🥳

I'm sorry it's so short, bit I wanted to get something out!!

Again, please do send in your requests for what you want to happen in the story (even if it's just a one off chapter for some fluff/angst/split off storyline).
I have a sort of ending, but I'm not sure how to get there :/

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed.
Good night/good day/good morning everyone, stay safe!

[And no, it's totally not 2:33am-]

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