Chapter 9

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When they exited the elevator, Gwen lead the group towards the room that they would be meeting the Avengers. As they walked, Peter and his two friends were still at the back.

"What if they find out, man?" Ned questions, starting to freak out.

Peter groans and he runs a hand over his face and he says, "Please don't worry me more than I already am. I have to hide that from trained ex-assassins, and superhero's, and I have to ask Black Widow , 'Did you tell the Government to 'Kick my ass'?'!"

MJ rolls her eyes and says, "Don't worry, loser. Although you suck at lying, we're here to divert attention from you, if necessary."

"Aw, would you look at that?" Peter jokes. "MJ does care."

MJ glares at him and she says, "Say that again, Parker."

Peter laughs, along with Ned, and they start talking about random things as they walk with the rest of their Decathlon team.

Gwen then announces to the group, "Here we are. All of you must only ask questions if they pick you. Please be polite, and once again, don't touch anything."

Gwen then pushes the doors open and walks in, the group of teenagers walking behind her. Bruce walks up to Peter and claps him on the shoulder, smiles at him, and then walks up to his friends, and sits in the empty chair. Peter just blink in surprise, then shakes his head and walks with the others, into the middle of the room.

Gwen stands at the front and she announces, "We have about an hour in here, then it will be the end of your tour, so make the most of this time. Let everyone have a go, don't use up all of the questions."

She then hands it over Tony, and walks to the back, beside Peter. She smiles at the boy and she whispers to him, "I heard it was you who won them the tour. Congrats."

"Oh, um, thanks," Peter responds, flushing once again. "It wasn't just me though. We're all a team, so I can't take credit."

Gwen smiles softly at him. She gently points to Peter's chest, and she says, "You have a pure heart, Peter. You're going to do great things when you're older."

He flushes brighter and he stutters a thank you, fiddling with his hands. She softly chuckles and ruffles his hair, then turns her attention to Steve, who was answering a question.

After Steve answered, a boy asks Tony, "Is it true that you brought Spiderman to fight with you in Germany, even though you don't know his identity?"

Peter flinches slightly, which Ned notices. He discretely slides his hand into Peter's in a way to comfort him. Peter calms slightly, but his eyes are trained on the billionaire, who had tensed at the question.

Tony answers, "Yes, that's correct. We had offered him a place  on the team, but he declined, and refused to give away his identity. But don't worry, we'll find it out soon, and make sure he isn't a threat."

MJ's eyebrows furrow in frustration, and her hand shoots up. Peter looks over to her and shakes his head, trying to stop her from asking a question. Tony looks over and nods to MJ, who asks, "How can you say that Spiderman is a threat?" 

Before Tony can answer, she starts ranting, determinedly, "Sure, he's a vigilante, but that doesn't mean he's doing harm. He's helping the everyday people, who you don't bother with, and he's cleaning up your messes after your world saving activities. He even helps the civilians get to safety, and protect people while you are fighting, and he let's you get all of the attention and praise for what he was doing. Who knows what his home situation is? Maybe he has struggles he has to deal with, as well as saving the people, not only in Queens, but all of New York. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Spiderman inform you of the Vulture, and how he was trying to steal your stuff for when you transferred to the Avengers compound, and you didn't believe him. He then managed to take him down, by himself, and save all of your stuff, as well as save the Vulture from dying. He is better than all of you combined, as you don't care if the villain dies, yet he saves them. You get all of the attention, yet he hides away from it. You only save the world, yet he saves the people. What's the point of saving the world if it has no-one on it to save? That's why Spiderman isn't a threat, Mr. Stark."

The whole room is silent, letting the information sink in. Some of the Avengers look down in shame, others in shock. Peter was looking at the floor, tears in his eyes, some slowly slipping down his cheeks. Ned was rubbing circles on the back of Peter's hand, tears in his own eyes.

After a minute of silence, one of MJ's eyebrows raises and she questions, "Well?"

Tony looks at her, and clears his throat. "Well, I can see your point of view. But, as you said, we don't know his home situation. So he could easily be doing all of this to gain trust from us and the people, and then use it against us," Tony replies.

MJ scoffs and says, "Whatever. You just can't handle that someone is a better person and hero than you are."

"MJ, stop," Peter pleads, looking at his friend, his cheeks covered in tear stains. MJ looks at him, and her eyes show pain and anger, but she nods and backs down. He smiles slightly at her and he takes her hand in his free one, trying to calm her down.

Gwen smiles softly, seeing how Peter was calming down his friend, and how he was doing it, even though he was feeling the same himself. She knew Peter was respectable, but this only proved it.

Another boy asks a question, to try and divert the attention from the awkward atmosphere. Peter wasn't paying attention to what was asked, as he was wiping away his tears, and calming his friend down.

After a few more questions, Gwen turns to Peter and she says, "Peter, do you have a question?"

Peter looks at her questioningly, and he asks, "Uhm, yes... But, why specifically me?"

She smiles and says, "Because you deserve to ask a question. First, you solve a difficult equation, that even Bruce Banner didn't spot the mistake of. Second, you respect others and have a pure heart. Third, you calmed down a situation that could have gone south. And lastly, no matter what you say, you got your team that win, and helped them get this tour. If anyone deserves to ask at least one question, it's you."

"Th-thank you," peter stutters, smiling at Gwen. "It's actually a question my friends want me to ask."

Gwen nods and smiles, "Alright then."

After Clint answered a question about if he was actually deaf, which he is, Gwen puts her own hand in the air. Tony looks at Gwen and he raises an eyebrow at her. He says, "I don't think you can ask questions, if you have any anymore, Gwen."

"Oh, it's not me who wants to ask a question," She explains, which earns a confused look from many of the Avengers, but a small smirk from Bruce.

Bruce questions, "Is it possibly, Mr. Parker from earlier, Gwen?"

Gwen smiles and nods. She then turns to a flushed Peter and she says, "What's your question, Pete?"

Peter looks up at the Avengers, who were all looking at him with curiosity. He gulps and starts to sweat in terror. Ned rubs the back of his hand again, and Bruce smiles from his chair and nods to him, telling him it was alright.

"U-uhm.. M-my friends asked me to ask, sorry i-if it sounds rude, Ms. Romanoff, 'Did you tell the Government to 'Kick my ass'?'" Peter asks, blushing brightly.

Ned snickers slightly from beside Peter, even though he already knew it was coming, and MJ simply smirks from behind him. Gwen's eyes widen, and then she starts laughing. Bruce chokes on the water he was about to drink, causing Tony to hit his back for him. Natasha smirks at Peter, nodding in respect for him actually asking the question they had set for him.

"Yes, I did," she replies. "And not a day goes by that I regret it."

"A-alright then, that's the end of our session," Gwen announces, coughing slightly. "Let's get you back to your bus, Midtown."

Gwen then leads them out of the room, but before Peter leaves, he hears Tony mutter, "I guess we found him then..."

Peter's eyebrows furrow, unsure of what he meant. He then shrugs it off, and walks with his friends, excited to get on the bus, so he can message his friends about everything that happened today.

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