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The voice seemed to come from nowhere. 

"Xi, c'mon..."

They were pleading. This voice was laced with worry.

"Xi, wake up..." 

My eyes fluttered open slowly. I was in a hospital. Still in a hospital. Someone was hovering over me. It was Michael. His hand caressed my face gently as he said, "There you are, beautiful." 

No, this wasn't right. He didn't feel right. The look in his dark brown eyes was different form what I'm used to. He wasn't mine. 

My eyes opened fully. "No," I whispered. "Go away." He seemed taken back by this, but soon recovered when he realized I had caught on. He smiled evil and sat at the end of the bed, a hand on my thigh. He walked his fingers up to my stomach, and I flinched. "Stop," I demanded. He only snickered and continued to walk up my chest and onto my neck. "W-who are you?" I asked shakily. He shook his head. He wasn't going to tell me. His fingers made it up my chin and onto my mouth, then stopped. I shut my mouth tight, but it was no use. He forced his disgusting digits down my throat, causing me to cough and choke. An insane smile spread across his face as he pushed his arm further down, almost elbow deep. Then he clutched to whatever organelle he could hold, and pulled. He pulled my guts through my mouth, and I lurched forward and threw up blood. I gasped for air, but it was painful because my lungs were ripped and parts of them weren't inside of me. I looked up, my vision fading fast, at the devil in front of me. He still smiled, still looking down on me. 

Then he was gone. 

I woke up again, jolting forward and nearly falling off of the hospital bed. Another person grabbed me by the shoulder, worriedly calling my name. I looked in the direction of the voice to see Michael once more. The real Michael. I started to tear up as I fell into his chest, pleading to not let me go. He seemed confused, but held onto me anyway until the doctor came in. 

"Okay, so we ran a test on you. Your vitals are at their norm, and there wasn't any damage to your stitches." He looked up from his clipboard. "We're going to need you not to do that again. The medicine we had to give you contradicted with the others, and could've killed you. But we had no choice, since you wouldn't calm down." 

I wasn't listening, but Michael was. He nodded and brushed my hair, leaning against my head. I was shivering violently now, but I'd stopped crying. The doctor didn't care, didn't ask if I was okay or what had happened. He simply left. Even though it seemed inconsiderate and rude, I sighed with relief. I didn't want to hear any more news are problems. I didn't want to have another test just to be told I need to stay here. I only wanted to sit here, in Michael's arms, hearing him breath.

That peace was interrupted by yet another doctor. 

I groaned and slumped onto the bed, facing the wall, away from the professional. 

"Ah, don't gimme that," he said coolly. "I've got some news."

He put his clipboard on a close desk and sat in the chair next to my bed. I decided to turn over to him. His voice was different from the other doctors. He had a serious face, but his eyes showed...worry?

"I need your help," he started. "I know what you can do, and that you aren't using your full potential. There are some secrets about yourself I can help you discover, and in return you will help me. Deal?"

He held out his hand. I looked at it, then back at him, then at Michael. He seemed to be looking at him suspiciously. I could tell he didn't trust him, but what did he know about my powers? This guy seemed to be the only one who thought I was sane, knew that my screaming had meaning. But there was one thing that was off. 

"How come I've never seem you around here?" I questioned. "I know near every doctor here, and there's no way you're new."

I squinted at him, analyzing all his details. He had navy blue eyes, blonde roots and dark red hair, A semi-long blonde beard and scruffy, small blonde mustache, and a skinny face. His hands were clammy, and shaking slightly. He was obviously too skinny for the coat he was wearing, and it didn't even have a name tag. He rubbed the back of his next and looked up at me as if to say," Promise you won't call the police?"

"Well, uh...when I heard you were here I may or may not have knocked out a doctor to steal his coat. The badge fell off, but I didn't have time to look for it. Another doctor was walking into the room we were in, so I had to quickly hide his body in a closet and walk out as if I was busy." He chuckled. How could he be so laid back?

"How did you know this was the right hospital?"

"I didn't."

I nodded, taking all the information in. "So you stole a doctors suit to get to me because you think we can help each other?" He nodded in response. "Huh. Sounds legit. What do I do?"

The man smiled, obviously surprised that I agreed. "Let's start with names," he said. "I did kinda just burst into here."

"Wait, you mean to tell me that I'm super important to you...but you don't even know my name?"

He only smiled. "I'm Aluid, but you can call me Al."

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