Mixtape eleven

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"Mrs Eunbin what do you want for your lunch?"Mrs.Nam one of the loyal maid asked Eunbin who she have raised along with the Shin's since little

"Anything will be fine Mrs.Nam"Eunbin said showing her smile towards the elder who she cherish.

Eunbin sit on the couch silently waiting for her parents to arrived.When the door of the house open she expect it to be one of the maids but her eyebrow's knitted together looking at Felix,Chan,6 other boys and one familiar boy.

"Oh sweetie your early today"Mrs Shin exclaimed looking at her pissed daughter who's sitting on the couch eyeing the 9 boys making them sit awkwardly on one couch.

"Yeah, I dont know what to do at home"She answered her playing with her phone.From afar Mrs Shin just sigh knowing better that Eunbin hate having Felix there.

Soon, Mr Shin joined them.Both of the Shin's sit beside Eunbin in one couch.The Shin's sit infront of the 9 boys.

"As you may know, our rival company The Heo's are inviting all of us to their party next week.Thats mean you also need to come Eunbin"Mr Shin said nudging Eunbin who widen her eyes.

"The nine of you are also invited and I assign you guys to look out for my daughter"He continue making Eunbin rolled her eyes.

"Oh wow just great"Eunbin said sarcastically.Everybody knew the reason why she's acting rude its because of her father,Felix and mostly MIXTAPE.The game that her parents created.

Eunbin scanned the boys and soon her eyes met with a boy who looks familiar.She knew that she saw him somewhere.

"Wait your Seungmin right?"She said looking at Seungmin who pointed at himself and nodded at Eunbin.

"Oh the boy who made Yujin's heart shattered"Eunbin said loudly enough for making everyone to hear it.

"Eunbin stop with this attitude of yours"Mr Shin said firmly making her chuckle bitterly at her father.

"Look dad I dont want to sound rude but you created this games and Yujin play it.Obviously she's crying her heart out like a madwoman.I dont care about your business Im fed up dude"She said taking her phone with her and walked out of the house again just like how she did in the restaurant.

"Felix just go and comfort her"Chan said pushing Felix to follow the girl.Felix just gulp hard and stumble while trying to chase the girl.To be honest he's frighten at the girl.

"Eunbin wait up!"Felix shout as his deep voice made way to Eunbin's ear making her stop at her tracks.

"What?!"She remark but it sound sarcastic making Felix flinch at her.I told you that he's scared at Eunbin.

"L-lets be friends, lets talk over an ice-cream.My treat"Felix said offering her.Eunbin eye the boy up to down before agreeing since she's not in the mood and she needs ice-cream.

Eunbin quietly followed Felix to a convenience store and the both of them eat the ice cream quietly while sitting on the chairs outside.

"Im sorry for mixing your feelings up okay?"Felix said at the girl who's munching her ice-cream quietly.So not like her, Felix thought.

"Its..fine"She said in her soft tone like she always talk to him during the game.How she missed that side of her.

"Your not bad as a girlfriend in the game."Felix blurted out randomly and immediately regret on what he's saying.

Eunbin was shocked hearing it but nonetheless she chuckle loudly making Felix smiled.

"Your also not bad being a boyfriend with your endless flirt attempts"Eunbin said cheerfully.

Felix smiled at the girl.Its been awhile since she smiled at him.He feels butterflies flying around his tummy and this is when he feel so fucked up.Is he falling for her?

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