Hollywood Harmony

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A/N: This chapter will be their performance in Hollywood, Los Angeles. How they will fare in one of the world's entertainment mecca?

Also, as I am not yet be able to go to Disneyland, please help me in capturing the feeling and glimpse of being in the park in this chapter. Thank you!


July 15th, 2024. Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA.

The young couple are now enjoying their dinner after an uneventful flight from Vancouver, in a Wolfgang Puck, inside their place of sleep, Hotel Bel-Air.

The restaurant itself is one of the favorite Hollywood celebrity spots.

"I think I know who that guy is. Looks like Robert Downey Jr. I like Iron Man, to be honest."

"Well, you know I like MCU too thanks to Takeshi who introduced me into it." Kousei replied to his wife when they enjoyed their dinner.

Then Kousei's eyes also seems to be recognizing someone.

"That man there, is one who back then played as Owen Grady in Jurassic World."

"Chris Pratt? Oh yeah! And don't forget Star-Lord." Kaori replied, and they continued their dinner in peace.


Next day

After an uneventful rehearsal, a woman visited them behind the stage. 

"Good afternoon" she faced both couple with a friendly expression in her face, with bodyguard-like people behind her. 

"Seems she's like us too." Kousei said to himself.

"Let me say I am much impressed with your performance today. Especially you, Mr. Arima. Very compatible to each other. No wonder while people in Vancouver back then wants you to play encore." She pointed at him.

"Oh, and I am Lindsey Stirling." the woman introduced herself. 

"I just about to say it's Lindsey, Arima Kousei-kun" Kaori, a long time fan of the American violinist, whispered to her husband. 

"Nice to meet you, and you can call us Kousei and Kaori, Ms. Stirling" both Japanese said.

"Very well, Kousei and Kaori. Count me in for your performance!" Lindsey said and left the stage, clearly curious to see the young couple's performance later.."


July 17th, 2024.

It's time for sightseeing, around the Cali.

"Disneyland!" Kaori childishly exclaimed as the couple entered the famous theme park. They had visited the Tokyo one before, but not yet the original park which is in Anaheim, California.

Kousei and Kaori first went to Frontiersland and play inside one of the newest attraction inside the sprawling complex, the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, followed by a simulated shootout in a mid 1800s Wild West city called Frontiersland Shootin' Arcade.

After finished enjoying the Frontiersland, they soon visited Tomorrowland, with it's flagship attraction, another space-themed, the Space Mountain. 

"Yee-haw!" This time Kousei enjoyed the thrill of the roller-coaster inside the attraction. Later on, the Jedi Training; Trials at the Temple. The most exhilarating scenario inside the attraction is no other than simulated duel with Star Wars villains like Darth Vader and Kylo Ren. In fact they need almost 25 minutes, as a team, with Kousei using a blue lightsaber while Kaori a yellow one, in tribute to her hair color, to defeat Ren.

They closed their first visit to "original" Disneyland by entering and taking photos in front of the famous Sleeping Beauty Castle, inspired by a German castle by the name of Neuschwanstein Castle, and also appears in the Walt Disney Pictures title card.

"What a day!" Kousei said to Kaori as their car, provided by the Los Angeles organizer of their concert, brought them back to their hotel in LA from Anaheim. Their next sightseeing will be after the concert.


July 19th, 2024, Walt Disney Concert Hall. 

It's time for the big show, in the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.

" Audiences please give your applause to Miyarima! The prodigious family of musicians from Japan, with the wife was a cancer survivor.." The MC announced Kousei and Kaori's arrival on stage in front of the large curtain as they went into their stations.

Upon the applause faded and the curtain opened, Kousei and Kaori started playing one of their original piece, Rise from the Ashes, bringing mostly American West Coast audience to be the part of Kousei's painful journey to greatness, with Kaori's ultimately successful effort to return him what he belongs to. Importance of family also one of the main aspect in the piece with mostly minor keys and sad tunes in the beginning, later on phase which Kousei and Kaori played together and Kousei come to terms with his past back in the day, happier tones went out from their instruments.

Even while the piece was only the beginning, it touch almost the entire audience inside the hall. Including the Governor of California, Henry Miller, the first independent politician who held governorship of the state, along with the Mayor of LA, and other distinguished visitors of the concerts which mostly local entrepreneurs and financiers and of course, Hollywood celebrities. 

Lindsey Stirling almost unable to hold her tears upon the conclusion of the piece, too.

"This young couple deserved to be titled as Enchanter, period.." said Carrie Underwood to herself, watching the show with her husband, ice hockey player Mike Fisher.

The audience subsequently enjoy performances from local California musicians, most prominently, the current champion of the California State Piano Competition in adult category, Jonathan Bay (no relations whatsoever with prominent director Michael Bay) who like Kousei and Kaori also an aspiring composer with a piano piece he himself composed, under title "Breaking the Wall". Contrary to some perception he did not intend the piece for political purposes of any kind, as the word "wall" in American discourse has often became associated with the border wall between US and Mexico since it was completed in 2022 during Trump's administration.  

"My name is Jonathan Bay, nice to meet you in person." The 21 years old Jewish American man introduced himself to Kousei and Kaori upon the conclusion of their rehearsals inside the hall, three day before the concert.

"You definitely proud to be able to play on the same stage as us." Kousei said to Jonathan.

Still in admiration, Jonathan continued. "Your stories, especially Mr. Arima's one inspired me to train hard and my mentor here" he pointed his mentor, Robin McCormick. "used your story too as a lesson for me to not become someone who is a perfectionist and too much a demanding person if I have my own student in the future. As you know, while composition in my aspiration I also know that I might need to teach someone. Just like you, Mr. Arima."

"It's okay, Jonathan. Me and Kaori had made peace with our own past. It's good to see young people making music which touches people, and you are no exception."

The young couple continued their conversation with their newly-found American admirer. They soon know that despite Jonathan family's economic hardship, they still not lost their hope and the circumstances also inspire him to compose piano pieces on his own, for him to play in his spare time, particularly as he entered Julliard's School via scholarship. 

"Have you followed our YouTube channel, young one?" Kaori asked.

"When I know you are composing your own piece I followed it and it helps me for further inspiration!" the man said again.

The couple ended their conversation by giving the American their signature on his music book.

After Jonathan's turn, it's time for the couple to deploy for the second time. They soon played a contemporary piece composed by Brian Crain titled Dream of Dreams for Piano and Violin.


Many audiences are brought into dream like state when the piece was played and like most contemporary classics, the interpretation is delegated to the touched audience. For Kousei and Kaori, they felt the piece was representative of their young hope to "reach the world" and have their already bright stardom shine much more. 

Short, but powerful. 

Thundering applause once again rocked the hall.

Later, the couple plays Graceful Ghost Rag, composed in 1979 by an American named William Bolcom. 


And despite their first time playing the piece, the tune surprisingly effortless and light hearted. They brought the Americans watching them to experience a life of a nameless, dead American veteran, the story began when the soldier was born in some American small town with a loving family. The song fast-forwarded the story when the man was attending the United States Military Academy in West Point and he meet a girl.

Soon the tune switched when he finished his first deployment overseas and soon marry the girl. They bring the audience to experience the girl's feeling when the officer finally become her husband.

The same carefree and peaceful melody continued, repeating various changes in the officer's life; when he got a decoration (some interpreted it as Medal of Honor for extraordinary heroism he show in the mountains of Afghanistan) and his wife looked at the officer as he received his medal. Then the piano began to show a hint of sadness, then the violin also slowly become sadder, as the scene switched on the soldier and the girl, retired with honor and now old, and she lay on her bed inside their home, with their children and grandchildren in their side as the lady are close to dying.

Then, the melody turns bittersweet, quieter, and slower, as the officer's wife finally no longer awake, the flower in her side wilted and die. Kousei and Kaori can see one particular audience, a US Navy admiral which had served in Japan, sniffed as the man held his tears, along with his wife. Kousei then slowed down the piano and Kaori joined for the last moment when the old soldier looked out at the window, reminiscing his life, and finally closing his eyes.

Once again, a booming applause with many members of the crowd, not just the Admiral, wiped their tears upon the conclusion of the piece. They felt the rendition of the Graceful Ghost is more impactful than the first piece Kousei and Kaori plays, with all respect to their effort to compose Rise from the Ashes.

Later, after two more guest performances, Miyarima went to the stage for the final piece. This time, they showed another of their original piece from Miyarima Rises, titled What Home Means. The title speaks of itself, about what a real family means. Despite the piece was originally written by the couple for Japanese and East Asian audiences in light of low birth rates of East Asian nations, particularly Japan and Korea, the variety of tone, up and down represent stages and complexity of child-rearing, with one main point that a children need both father and mother. It rings true for Kousei which suffering from an absent, while kind and hardworking, father, and an abusive mother, in contrast to Kaori with a full set of loving parents.

The piece ended up with the child in their "story" went into marriage, had reached a stable life in terms of finance of his/her own and has prepared to start his/her own family. A hopeful, major tone represent the child hope to continue the legacy of his/her parents for a new generation of the family.



"I love you!!"

The audience, some in tears once more, boomed in standing ovation in larger scale than before and praised them.


Both Kousei and Kaori smiled and soon played their planned encore piece to end the performance with a bang. Their weapon of choice is Chopin Etude, in C-sharp minor, Op. 10 No. 4.


The mixture of virtuosic-grade textures, mood, and colors originally created by the Polish man brought the audience to stay in their seat until the end of the piece with eyes open. The strong impetus, high-powered tone described by one audience inside the hall as powerful as a Formula One engine. 

A fiery end for their performance in City of the Angels.

Soon enough, their fans flocked towards them as they wish to have the couple's signature.

Later a woman came towards them. 

"My name is Carrie Underwood and let me say, marvelous performance. My husband even brought to tears in one of your original piece, the What Home Means. Your name has already been known here in Los Angeles and especially. Hollywood."

"Thank you, Mrs. Carrie" The couple politely replied in gratitude of one of the American singer appreciated their performance.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Arima. Congratulations on your enchanting performance! I'm Kelly Clarkson and I can only say that you are amazing!" the singer praised.

"Absolutely brilliant!" Another artist came behind the stage, this time, Matt Damon, known as his portrayal of Jason Bourne. He soon took picture with the couple, along with several more celebrities came to see their performance such as Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis, Robert Downey, Jr., Taylor Swift, Brie Larson, and even a Canadian singer by the name of Michael Buble, before Kousei and Kaori went off for a press conference, their first one since the tour began. A good move for their name to be further known to the world.

The couple ended their tour in Hollywood by visiting the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame one day after the concert, flanked by bodyguard to ensure paparazzi not recognized them.

"We swore that we will have our names in it too, one day!" The couple said to themselves as they took pictures of theirs on the famous sidewalk.

"Love you!" Kousei said upon they went back to their hotel.

Kaori replied by kissing her husband's forehead. They are proud, but also extremely exhausted.

"Oh no, you're looking warmer than usual." Kaori said in concern to her husband's health.

"Well, thanks for the warning. To be honest I definitely need a copious amount of rest, period.." Kousei replied, know that if he pushed himself too much, he might break down and fell sick.


1. The way I make the musical descriptions was heavily inspired by Love's Melody, a Kousei and Kaori fanfiction by ProdigalSnake. Credits for him. Read his story in  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11123175/13/Love-s-Melody

2. If there's an inaccuracy in the portrayal of celebrities mentioned in this chapter, please let me know. And please don't start a flame war!

3. Vote and comment!

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