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It was-


Harry Osborn was one of my best friends before his untimely death. How and why is he here? What the f*ck is happening?

He looked just like he did when he was alive. The only difference was he was pale and translucent.

"Harry? What are you doing here? Where's MJ?-"

Before I could continue my string of questions, he interrupts.

"Listen Y/N! I don't have much time! I've come to warn you!"

Warn me? About what?

"Rood s'htaed ees ro! Eraweb! Eraweb!Erom on eb lliw efil ruoy! Luferac t'nera uoy fi!"

Wow, that's a bunch of gibberish!

The corpse of my old friend twitched multiple times. Then a light flashed and I'm alone again.

But how did Harry send me a text with MJ's number?

"Sorry I'm late!" MJ pants. "My dad held me back for a moment."

She collapsed to the ground next to me.

Huh, guess Harry didn't send me a text from beyond the grave! Well that's a huge relief!

I recorded the message with my positronic brain, I'll need to anylze it later.

Oh, I forgot to mention. The only thing truly 'human' about me is my DNA.

Yet, somehow I can still love. Wait is what I feel for MJ love? What even is love?

Out of all the avengers, I feel like I can trust Vision the most. He knows what it's like.

Heck! He's literally my half-brother when you think about it!

I love my little robot.

Wow, this girl is making me soft!

"Hey babe, what's on your mind." I noticed how Y/N seems to stare off a lot. Like she's pondering about something big.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just tired." She pretends to yawn. "Oh look at the time better go! Bye! See ya at school tomorrow!"

She rushes off, leaving me under the moon light.

I wonder, does she love me?

It's silly when you think about it. I mean, we are in high school.

"This is way too complicated."

I lay in the sand, looking at the stars.

I flew back home.

Why did I just do that to MJ?

It's moments like these where I question myself.

"Why does Tony call me his daughter when the only thing we (Me and human Y/N) have in common is DNA?  Am I the human, or the android? Why do I exist?" I sigh in defeat.

At least with dad it was only the arc reactor. At least he's human.

"Y/N your dad needs you outside." JARVIS alerts me.

I get on the elevator and go outside.

What I see was probably one of the weirdest things I have ever seen.

My dad was kissing a blue robot lady with a space ship behind them.

Dad noticed I was there and coughed awkwardly, breaking the kiss he had with the random lady.

"Ummmm, Y/N. This is your mother."

"What the F-"


Shut up Steve!

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