Prologue final part

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Important note: This prologue takes place after doom (2016) and before MK9, MKX, MK11, and MK11 AfterMath.

I wake up as my vision was blurry and my helmet was still on and intact. I get up slowly as I groan.

Doom Slayer: Ugh. Jesus head.

I get up as I take my helmet off so I can breathe properly. I rub my eyes as I noticed that I was in a whole new world or dimension.

Y/N: Where the fuck am I???

I walk around and examine the area. I then reach over to the edge as I saw something that reminded me of hell.

Doom Slayer: Oh great. Don't tell me I'm back in hell.

I put my helmet back on as I scan the area.

Helmet: Scan complete. Location: NetherRealm.

Doom Slayer: The fuck's a nether realm???

I keep walking around as I examine more of the area until I heard a rock falling. I turned around and noticed a stone on the ground as I heard rustling noises.

Doom Slayer: Well shit. Visitors already huh?

I brought out my shotgun as I loaded it. I started walking towards the giant stone slowly as I had my weapon ready. I then look behind the giant stone as I saw no one.

Doom Slayer: Well shit. Must be nature.

(3rd POV)
A tarkatan warrior was watching the slayer walk around as he growls. He then signals the other tarkatan warriors to ambush him. As the slayer was walking the other direction a tarkatan was about to pounce on the slayer as he quickly turned around and catches him by his head.

Doom Slayer: Not too fast enough.

He then slams the tarkatans head on the ground exploding his head to bits as blood and his brains splattered all over the ground. Then he heard loud roaring and screeching as he saw multiple tarkatans appear and surround him in a circle. He then noticed their leader on the giant stone.

Tarkatan Leader(translated): KILL HIM AND FEED ON HIS FLESH AND BONES!

They all charge at the slayer as he cocks his shotgun.

Doom slayer: Alright then. COME AT ME!

He rushes towards them as he punches one of them in the face and connects it with an uppercut as he grabs him and knees him in the face before kicking him towards the others. Another tarkatan tries to stab him from behind as he was fast enough to grab his arm and break it as he rips their head apart. He continues to kill each Tarkatan as one of them shoots a blade towards the slayer as he got shot on the shoulder but that didn't phase him. He kicks one of them onto the ground and stomps on their head to bits. Two tarkatans try to ambush him as he backhands both of them and grabs both their heads and smashes them together killing them. One tarkatan jumps on his back as the slayer grabs his head and slams him onto the ground as he slams him once more causing his arm to come off. The slayer slams him one more time killing him as he brings out his double barrel shotgun. He shoots a tarkatan in the head as his head exploded, there were only a few tarkatans left as the slayer started punching them and tearing off their limbs brutally. As he killed the rest he noticed one of them was missing. He sees the leader running as shoots his leg causing him to fall. The leader starts to crawl away as the slayer grabs his neck and lifts him up.


He rips his head off as he throws his body off the cliff.

Doom Slayer: Rip and tear until it is done..

He puts the leaders head on the side of his armored pants as he starts walking away.

I've been walking for hours and this place leads me nowhere. Just a never ending hell. As I was walking I've been thinking about something that's been stuck on my mind. If Dr Hayden wanted me to not get in his way then why did he keep me alive instead of killing me??? It makes no sense as to why I was needed alive but I'm just glad I'm still standing after everything I've been through. After I get out of this nether realm or world whatever this place is I'll look for Dr Samuel Hayden after and rip the fucker into two. Then out of nowhere I heard someone yelling.

???: Let go of me you fools!

It sounded like a woman's voice, I quickly run over to the cliff as I saw more of those weird looking people or whatever they were. I also saw a beautiful woman with long white hair, beautiful skin tone, beautiful eyes, and just many beautiful things about her. She was also wearing a purple outfit along with gloves.

One of those thing's kicks her as she falls on the ground as i noticed another leader of that group. But he wasn't wearing any armor or anything superior.

Baraka: Empress Sindel you are here for your execution for enslaving Tarkatans.

Sindel: Listen Baraka. I told you i was forced to by Shao Kahn! Why doesn't anybody believe me?! I'm the empress here!

Baraka: That may be so but your stench and your role in outworld is forbidden to tarkat. Now you must pay the price for our comrades deaths.

So that's what they're called. Tarkatans. What a weird name. I noticed the tarkatans holding the woman was lifting her neck up as their leader brought out what looked like blades from his skin. That's just gross, I have to step in before he kills her. I look down and noticed 2 tarkatans patrolling the area as I jumped down and smashed their heads on the ground as I caused a giant crater and smoke to surround the area.

(3rd POV)
Baraka and his tarkatan friends looked at the smoke as they saw a figure in the smoke as Sindel noticed someone in green armor and a helmet as the smoke was clearing up. Y/N gets up as he dusts himself off as blood was on his gloves.

Baraka: Another warrior? Interesting.

He lets go of Sindel's neck as he walks towards the mc. Baraka stops mid way as he glared at the mc as he did the same.

Baraka: Who are you?!

The slayer didn't say anything as he was just standing there. The slayer grabs the other tarkatan leaders head he killed earlier as he just throws the head in front of Baraka as he noticed who it was. He growls and takes out his blades from his skin as he calls the other tarkatans for backup.


Doom Slayer: Go ahead then. I'll welcome you all properly to hell!

They all charge him as he takes out his plasma gun and starts shooting them as the tarkatans skins we're getting burned due to the plasma energy. As the slayer was shooting his plasma gun he ran out of ammo as he throws the weapon towards a tarkatan warrior as it breaks his nose. The mc clotheslines two tarkatans charging at him as he back handed another one as he almost got attacked from behind. As he was distracted with the tarkatan's Baraka shot his blades towards the mc hitting him on his arm as he groaned in pain but he didn't let the pain stop him. He kneed a tarkatan in the stomach as he spit out blood as the slayer grabbed him and used him as a human shield. Baraka accidentally shot his blades into the other tarkatan as the slayer snaps his neck. As the slayer was fighting Sindel was watching as she was still tied up.

Sindel(thoughts): Who is he?! He fights incredibly! He's........he's............he's stronger than Shao Kahn. Maybe......maybe I can try and get out of Shao Kahn's marriage and be with him! I can't believe Sho Kahn would force me to marry him just to be empress this is pathetic! But would that slayer even accept.....

Her thoughts were broken when a dead tarkatan fell in front of her. She moved to the side as she tried to break free from the rope. The slayer was fighting as more of them kept on coming and coming. The slayer brought out his chain gun.

Doom Slayer: Eat led you sons of bitches!

He shoots his chain gun towards every single tarkatan as they all were getting their body parts dismembered from the chain guns bullets. Not knowing what was behind him Baraka jumped on his neck and bit him as he drops the chain gun and tries to punch him in the face. Then more tarkatans started surrounding him as they all were attacking the slayer as he was surrounded and dropped onto the ground. Sindel notices as she breaks free and gets up from the ground as she screams loud enough to make the tarkatans ears to bleed and fall on the ground. Sindel then falls on the ground since she was weak and couldn't stand. The slayer gets up as more and more of them arrive. They all charge at him as the slayer notices the woman on the ground weak. He starts to feel a rage within him. He clenched his hands as the tarkatans charge at him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Play song*

A tarkatan was about to stab the slayer until he grabbed his arm snapped it in half and headbutts his head brutally as his whole face was destroyed and his brains were splattered everywhere. They all noticed the slayer was mad and they all started to fear him. The slayer started running towards each and every one of them as he started killing them with either one punch or three punches. As he continues his killing spree massacres Baraka orders two tarkatans to grab Sindel so he can escape with her. The slayer was punching tarkatans when he notices Baraka and the other tarkatans trying to get away with her. The slayer grabs a grenade and throws it knocking them down when he slices the other tarkatans open as it was just him and Baraka left. He looks at him as Baraka was prepared to fight. Baraka charges towards the slayer as he grabs him and slams him on the ground as he starts to punch him over and over as he slams both of his fists onto Baraka knocking him out. As he finished fighting he looks at his hands as he had lots and lots of blood on him and he notices many dead tarkatans bodies. He was breathing heavily until he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Sindel groaning. He walks towards her and picks her up.

Doom Slayer: Hey you alright????

Sindel: I.........I-I'll live........

Doom slayer holds her in his arms bridal style as he gets up.

Doom Slayer: Do you have a place to stay at???? Or recover????

Sindel: M-my palace..........outworld........

Doom Slayer: Alright hang in there.

He walks as he carries her.

The slayer arrives in outworld as he was walking for 30 minutes until he finally arrives. He walks up the straight pathway as he sees guards guarding the palace gates.

Doom Slayer: This it?

Sindel: Y-y-yes.........

Doom slayer: Alright hang in there.

The slayer walks up the walkway as the guards notice him.

Guard: HALT!

He kept walking as he was holding Sindel.

Guard 2: HE SAID HALT!

Doom Slayer: WAIT! I have your empress! She's been wounded by tarkatans! She needs medical aid immediately!

The guards immediately noticed it was Sindel he was holding as they rushed to help her.

Guard: Empress!

Guard 2: We need to get her to Queen Sheeva! She can help! 

Guard: You! Come with us!

The slayer nods as he follows the guards into the palace as other guards noticed Sindel in the slayers arms.

Guard 3: Who is that???? And why is he holding the empress???! 

Guard 4: I have no clue.

The slayer continues following the other guards as he ignores people's comments. He finally arrives in another room where he sees other guards and a female warrior with 4 arms.

Female Warrior: What is it??? I'm in the middle of a meeting here!

Guard 1: We're sorry Queen Sheeva!

Guard 2: But look! This slayer said he saved Sindel from tarkatans!

Sheeva immediately looks at the slayer and sees him holding Sindel who has her eyes closed and is groaning.

Sheeva: Empress! She said as she stood up and immediately walks over to the slayer. What is your name???

Y/N: The names Y/N! And yes it's true, I saved her from Those- those damn cannibals or whatever the hell they're called!

Sheeva simply nods as she grabs Sindel and holds her in her arms.

Sheeva: Thank you for rescuing our empress. I'll take her from here. She said before walking away with the other guards.

The slayer nods as he was about to leave until a guard stops him.

Guard 1: Wait! Where are you going?!

Y/N: I'm leaving-

Guard 1: You can't leave! You just got here!

Y/N: And??? What's your point?!

Guard 1: You can't leave until the empress shows you her kindness and her thankfulness.

Y/N: W-wha- listen I don't got time for that! I'm just gonna-

Guard 2: Please! Just stay!

The slayer just sighs under his helmet as he just gives in.

Y/N: Fine..... I'll stay..

Guard 1: Follow us then please.

The slayer follows the guards to a guest room as he walks inside and closes the door. He then takes his helmet off as he groans in pain as he noticed a blade from Baraka was still in his shoulder.

Y/N: Shit......... this is gonna hurt.... 

Y/N grabs the blade and starts to pull it slowly as he winced in pain. He fully pulls it out as he groans and grabs bandages from his armored pants pocket and starts wrapping the bandages around his shoulder as he takes his chest armor plate off. He then started applying bandages in his body and anywhere that was affected by the tarkatans.

A few hours later

Sindel wakes up in her room as she groans and holds her head.

Sindel: ow............

Sheeva: Empress! Are you alright???

Sindel gets up and rubs her eyes as she sees Sheeva.

Sindel: Sheeva??? Is that you??

Sheeva: Indeed empress. You are safe now.

Sindel gets up but immediately stumbles and falls until Sheeva catches her.

Sheeva: Easy Empress. You need time to recover.

Sindel groans as she gets up as Sheeva is holding onto her just in case.

Sindel: W-what happened.....??? T-the last thing I remember was Baraka and his tarkatans capturing me and- wait! T-that slayer- h-he saved me! I remember now! W-where is he?! I hope he didn't leave!

Sheeva chuckled.

Sheeva: Relax empress. He is currently in the guest room still. Just take your time, don't rush now.

Sindel just nods slowly while still trying to recover from the dizziness. A few minutes later she started heading to the guest room as she knocked on the door.

Y/N: Come in.

Sindel opens the door and sees the slayer that saved her without his helmet on. Sindel couldn't help but blush knowing that this strong slayer that saved her was a handsome and muscular looking man.

Y/N: Hey.

Sindel(blush): H-hello! She said as she walks in and closes the door behind her. U-ummmmm..... I-I'm sorry if kept you waiting long...

Y/N just chuckled while fixing his gun.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. I was going to leave but that Sheeva girl and the guards wouldn't let me and since they said you wanted to thank me I decided to stay. He said as he fixed his gun and puts it down as Sindel sat next to him.

Sindel: Y-yes I did want to show you how thankful I am for saving me. Even though you don't know me.. She said while blushing a little.

Y/N: Yeah? Well I'm right here now. He chuckled as he stares at her.

Sindel couldn't help but blush allot as she slowly put her hand on his cheek and caressed it. Y/N couldn't help but blush a little bit for the first time in his life as he just stared into her eyes.

Y/N: Careful. Flirting can be..............deadly. He teased as he still stared into her eyes.

Sindel: How would you know if I was flirting with you though hm~? She asked seductively.

Y/N just chucked as he pulled her close to him.

Y/N: Because the way you speak and the way you stare at me. He said softly as Sindel was blushing too much from the close contact.

Sindel just bit her lip as their faces got closer and closer and closer. As their lips were inches away from each other it felt like everything around them was disappearing. Sindel immediately rushes in and kissed him catching him a bit off guard at how fast she was but he just enjoyed it as he kissed back. They kissed for about 30 seconds as they pulled away while breathing heavy.

Sindel: Well~? How was that~?

Y/N just smirks as he kisses her again catching Sindel off guard now but just kissed him once more. They continued kissing until Sindel started shoving her tongue deep in his mouth as they started making out with each other now. Sindel then pushes him on the bed and gets on top of him while making out with him still. They both shared a wonderful and lovely night together as they ended it with a passionate make out session. After their wonderful night Sindel explained to U/N about herself and about her forced marriage between her and Shao Kahn. After she had explained the living hell she's been through, Y/N started explaining about himself and why he's dressed as a slayer. Then 2 months pass by and it is now the day of Y/N and Sindel's secret wedding due to Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung sand Quan chi and their minions possibly searching for her.

Sheeva: We have all gathered here today to bring two lovers in harmony. It is my great pleasure to be here and tie the knot of these two. Both in which will fight by each other's sides with any challenge that they may face. Be there for each other in sickness, health, and any means regarding any sort of trouble that fate may bring. Now Y/N, repeat after me. She said as Y/N was blushing and smiling.

Y/N: I Y/N, take you Sindel, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part. I will always fight with you and for you. I will always strive to be patient, kind, curious, and open to the challenges we face together. I promise to help, cherish, work, create, and explore this life with you.

Sindel couldn't help but tear up a little as she wipes her face and smiles.

Sheeva: Now Sindel. Repeat after me. Sindel listens closely as she started speaking.

Sindel: I, Sindel, take thee, Y/N to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to The Elder God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith. Always and forever.

Y/N smiles and blushes as a tear falls out his eye.

Sheeva: If anyone has anything to say before we move on, speak up now. Or forever hold your peace.

Y/N and Sindel looked around the room as it was quiet still. They then looked back at each other as Sheeva speaks again.

Sheeva: Then I may now pronounce you, Husband and Wife! She smiles.

Y/N and Sindel suddenly kissed as everyone was cheering and clapping while throwing flowers in the air. They then pulled away as Sindel was blushing and smiling as tears of happiness fell down her face as Y/N was smiling and blushing. A week later they both had their honeymoon which was by a beautiful lake and a forest as they both spent time together and had a nice dinner. Then they ended their night with a make out session as always and they finally had each others "first times" together. A month later Y/N and Sindel were seen sleeping in bed together until Y/N is awakened by a loud beeping from his helmet as he gets up from the bed and quietly leaves the room leaving Sindel alone as he grabs his helmet and goes outside.

Y/N puts his helmet on.

Y/N: VEGA. What's wrong??

VEGA: I'm sorry slayer, but I must inform you of some urgent news.

Y/N: What is it??

VEGA pulls up a photo of a giant red looking armored robot.

VEGA: This person who is also known as the DARK LORD, is currently taking over the world as we speak. You must leave immediately and embark on your journey to find him and stop his plans before all of the world's population will be gone. You must kill him.

Y/N sighs knowing that he must leave and find the dark lord.

Y/N: Alright just- give me a minute.

Y/N takes his helmet off and walks inside the room as he gets geared up and ready to kill more demons. As he was about to leave he looks at Sindel and sees her peacefully sleeping still as he walks over to her and kneels down as he kissed her forehead and whispers:

Y/N: I'm sorry babe....... But I need to go on a mission.... I'll be gone for a while. But I promise...............I will return home to you alive my love. He said as he kissed her cheek and left the palace as he informed Sheeva of where he was going.

Y/N opens a portal to the other dimension as he walks in and returns to hell. He looks around and sees the same old demons that he's encountered his entire life. He then grabs his shotgun and cocks it as he then smirks under the helmet. After fighting through huge waves of demons and going through a long journey he finally finds the dark lord or also known as Davoth and defeated him as he is now seen on the ground on his knee as Y/N gets up and takes his helmet off and starts walking towards him.

Davoth: Tell me, have you nothing to say to your creator before you strike him down???

Y/N ready's his Doomblade and stabs him in the heart and looks into his eyes and spoke.

Y/N: No.

He says as he rips the blade out of his chest as a laser beam came out of his mouth and eyes as his life spear exploded, he was finally dead. The dark lord is no more and hell is sealed away forever which means Y/N had saved the world by trapping the demons. Then all of a sudden Y/N started feeling a bit weird and dizzy as he looks at his hands and falls on his knees. He then hear the father speaking.

Father: By his hand, all things were made. Even you.

That was the last thing Y/N hears as he passes out and falls on the ground.

Three Seraphs were around Y/N's body and he was in his coffin as his helmet was placed back on his head. The Seraphs placed the cover on the Coffin as he was sent back to a universe he once was in and where he met the love of his life.......... Sindel.

Father: May you find peace, and your wife in the old world you lived in.

To be continued....

Authors note: Hey everyone! Sorry if that was a bit rushed and all and I'm sorry for taking long on this story but I promise you I'll still continue this story no matter what. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed. -saiyanman1233

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