I have too much going on and even I didn't ask for this: Day 1

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I didn't wanna do a week in a life ever again really but my friend irl wanted to see what a day in the life with my new and newish jobs are like and I have a bizarre complex where I can't do a day in the life, it gives me anxiety and I have to do a week.

Don't shoot me, I've already shot myself.

In case you're confused, because YOU WILL BE...(though that depends on anyone even reading this stupid thing)

—I work at an insurance office three mornings a week.
—My primary job (FOR NOW) is through tutor.com, which I have been with since June and largely hate (mostly because of the impossible rules and leadership). Up until last week I tutored essays, career help, and reading. I had essays removed from my subject list because it was making me literally miserable for a lot of reasons so hopefully it will get better.
—I tutor three fourth-graders over Zoom. Because two have the same initials, they'll be called Kid A, Kid B, and Kid C.
—I got a good editing position with a new company called Vantage Learning, but they're still in start-up and I haven't actually worked yet.
—In addition, I petsit most weekends.
—Additionally in addition, I still sell Usborne and I also have Usborne monthly subscription boxes for a couple of neighbors.
—Finally, I am in the process of editing my third book because I want to submit it this month. This ends up falling to the wayside because I don't like doing it and I forget about it.
—Oh and I forgot, I decided to start a freaking BOOK CLUB because why not.
7:30 My alarm goes off. Hurricane Delta is dumping rain and wind, but I trudge out into it to feed four dogs and some fish at one house, and a kitten, a fish, and a frog at another.

8:20 I get home and sit on the couch with my dog, Mattie. My mom is making pumpkin rolls.

8:40 I start reading over the very, very, very, very, very crucial scene in my third book that I have to rewrite today. Jasmine mentally pumps me up. I stall the inevitable by remembering things I need to do, like sending a grammar worksheet to one of my tutoring kids.

8:55 I tweak a few things here and there but I won't be satisfied till my beta reader has looked at it. Now I play Minecraft to reward myself for doing basically nothing.

9:30 We eat breakfast and then I pen some animals in Minecraft.

11:30 I get off Minecraft since I accidentally played for almost three hours. I clean my room, test the parameters of the new tank I'm moving a gourami into, and exercise Mattie indoors.

12:10 I REGRETTABLY venture out into the storm to drive and let the dogs out. I also check on the other two cats and hedgehog I'm keeping.

1:00 I come home with a fish. The dog family has a tank of gouramis and one was being bullied and had his tail ripped off so they asked if I wanted him. Once I got the tank set up and stable, I was ready. I got a heater for him yesterday.

This is what he's supposed to look like but stress changed him:

After discussing with Jasmine, I name him Eleven because he needs to regenerate like the Doctor to look like his old self again. Also it doubles as a Stranger Things reference.

1:30 We eat cheese noodles, roasted okra, mashed potatoes, and croissants for lunch.

2:00 We hang out watching football. The new fish is somehow already looking better.

4:30 There's a break in the rain so my mom and I walk Mattie. She (Mattie) sees two of her friends. Then I send the new scene to my beta reader.

5:45 We eat vegetable soup and homemade cornbread. The cornbread is fluffier than normal and amazing. As soon as I finish eating I leave to feed the four dogs and the remaining fish at one house, and then the kitten and the fish and frog at the other house.

6:30 I get home moments after the Alabama game starts. This is a big event in our house. Alabama barely beats Ole Miss which is absolutely ridiculous.

10:20 The game ends. After watching just a little post-game, I put jeans back on to go let the dogs out before bed.

10:50 I get back from the dogs, take a shower, and go to bed with Mattie while my hair is still soaking wet because I have a phenomenal hair-care routine.

Here are some pictures from today:

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