Chapter 13

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***Hello, my loyal readers. This story is soon coming to an end. Only 3 chapters left. I hope you liked it.***

Morning arrived in a blink of an eye, and for the first time in history, Marinette Dupain Cheng woke up an hour before her alarm would ring. She was ready to get this settled. Marinette needed to put her mind and heart at ease. That is why she texted him last night. That is why they had agreed to meet in the park before school today.

Marinette took a nervous breath. Today was the day. Last night, with the help of her mother, she had found her answer, and Marinette wanted to make that known right away. Her heart had spoken, and this time, she would follow it. No more games, no more confusion, only love. The bluenette refused to make the same mistake again.

Marinette got up from her bed and sighed. To say she was nervous was an understatement, but she will not back out. Standing in front of the mirror, Marinette began to fix her hair in her usual ponytails. Biting her lip, she soon decided against it and took them back down.

Marinette was not sure what was happening to her at the moment, but she did not feel like herself. She was a complete mess, her nerves were a mess, and she was sure she looked like a mess as well. She was honestly beginning to doubt she would have the guts to confess the truth. Marinette's hands shook as she saw the clock. Only one minute had passed by, but it felt like an hour to her. Her mind was telling her she was running out of time. She wanted to forget about it. She felt like texting him and telling him to forget about it, but she couldn't. She needed to do this today!

Marinette then thought that maybe she just needed to give herself a little confidence, so that is what she soon found herself doing. Marinette then decided that if she looked better, she would have the confidence she lacked at the moment. That led her to decide against her usual clothing.

Marinette felt that if she looked more attractive, she would feel a bit more confident. That is why she decided to leave her hair down. That is the reason her everyday pink and gray clothing were replaced by a ladybug spotted dress. The same dress she made the night Adrien called her his ladybug, his lucky charm, his princess.

Marinette then applied some makeup to give herself even more confidence. Taking another look at the mirror, Marinette gasped. She looked good, almost unrecognizable. Now she was ready for what was to come.

Marinette shook her hands, attempting to stop them from trembling, and gave herself one last look at the mirror. Her eyes landed on the jewelry adorning her neck. Marinette took a nerve-wracking breath as she placed her hand on the necklace, lifting it higher to get a good look at the yin symbol.

Marinette held the necklace tighter. She wondered if she would still be wearing it after today. Would Adrien still think of her the same way, or would he regret ever giving it to her? What if he cursed the moment he met her? Marinette bit her lip as he eyes watered at the thought. She wondered if it was a good idea to return the necklace before he ripped it off her neck. "NO, Marinette, don't think like that. Adrien would never do that to you."

Marinette pressed her teeth on her bottom lip harder. Once again, her nerves had returned, now, even more than before. Today could end up going horribly wrong. Right now, all she could do was hope for the best. Now was not the time to overthink things. Therefore, Marinette mustered the courage before she backed out, picked up her backpack, said goodbye to her parents, and walked towards the park.

As she arrived, she noticed him already there, waiting for her. He looks as gorgeous as ever.



Adrien woke up feeling unquestionably defeated. Last night had been a difficult night for him. He couldn't even remember the time he had fallen asleep. It couldn't have been long before his alarm rang. He was sure he had about an hour of sleep at the most. All he could do all night was think of Marinette.

Adrien was sure he would not have much sleep from now on. It was true he had only had Marinette in his arms for just two nights, but he had gotten used to her warmth. Last night was cold, sad, and lonely. Adrien never knew how much he needed her till now. He felt so incomplete without her.

Adrien sadly sighed as he got out of his bed. Not only had the bluenette cut their weekend together short, but, also texted him shortly after, letting him know that she would not need him to pick her up for school.

The blonde could already imagine what this meant, and unfortunately, it would not be good. Adrien pictured many sleepless nights and tears coming his way. It was as if he could see the future. Marinette stood crying after calling him to meet her as she told him that they had no future together.

Adrien let out a shaky breath as he shook off the images in his head. Picking up his phone, Adrien re-read the message. 

The first thing Adrien noticed was the lack of a nickname. She would always call him Kitty, Chaton, Chat, and even Sunshine, but now there was nothing. The second thing he noticed was the lack of warmth. The message was straight to the point and so cold. She didn't even send so much as a smiley face. There was nothing. It was as if it wasn't Marinette at all.

Adrien was sure something was wrong. The messages were off. Marinette had made up her mind, and from the looks of it, he was not the one she had chosen. But what did that mean for their friendship?

The model was not sure what to think. He never imagined he would be this heartbroken. What else did he need for Marinette to love him? He was rich, famous, handsome, kind, and loving. What was it that he was missing? Adrien knew Marinette could care less about the rich or famous part, but what about the rest? He had given her his everything, his life, his heart. Why could she not see that? Adrien didn't just want a short relationship, her wanted a lifetime, but he wanted it with her!

Adrien couldn't understand. He had hundredths of girls throwing themselves at his feet, yet the one girl he wished would love him does not.

Adrien begrudgingly got ready for school. He did not want to attend. He had a feeling what was to come, and at the moment, all he wanted to do was cry. Adrien then looked down towards his necklace. He wondered if Marinette had taken hers off. The blonde would not be surprised if she did. Perhaps he should take his off as well before he looks like a fool.

Adrien reached for the back of his neck to unhook his necklace but then hesitated. He had promised to always be there for her, but if he took the necklace off, he would be telling her that he no longer would. Not that the blonde was sure that he could keep his promise anyway. He wanted to, but would he be able to? Could his heart resist the pain of not being able to love her?

Clenching the necklace tightly, he allowed a tear to drop. It was not Marinette's fault but his. He was the one that had been too late. He had wasted too much time doing God knows what, not to realize he had always been in love with her. Marinette loved Luka now, and he would have to learn to accept it.

Adrien whimpered. Apparently, both Alya and Tom had been wrong. He had hoped they were right, but they most have misread things, just as he did. While everyone believed the bluenette loved him, she had been head over heels for Luka, and no one noticed. Marinette loved Luka, while he- he was just a friend.

But then what about the kiss?

"Are you just going to allow her to walk away?" A voice called out from behind the blonde. Adrien stiffened and swiftly cleaned his tears as he recognized the voice.

"Father, I-"

"Save it, Adrien. I have been standing here long enough to realize what was going on." Mr. Agreste interrupted as he took a step forward.

His voice was his usual, cold and emotionless. Upon noticing his father take a step forward, Adrien immediately took a step back. The blonde felt fear rush down his spine. Adrien was aware of how much his father hated any signs of weakness, especially coming from an Agreste.

Gabriel sighed as he watched his son immediately back away. He knew Adrien's actions were his fault. The fashion designer had acted cold and distant towards him since his wife's death, but it hurt nevertheless. But he would fix that, even if it was the last thing he does.

"So, are you? Are you going to let her walk away?" Gabriel asked, surprising Adrien. The blonde couldn't believe it. He never thought his father would care about his love life. Actually, he pictured Gabriel setting him up in an arranged marriage with some rich girl, refusing to allow him to be happy with Marinette. This had to be a joke. Right?

"She made her choice, father," Adrien responded, attempting to hide his sadness and faking no emotion, but Gabriel saw right through that.

"Did she, or did you make it for her?" Gabriel asked, placing his hands behind his back. Adrien froze and stared at his father. "Adrien, I have seen you two together. I know it might look like I don't pay you attention, and I don't care, but I do. I care about you more than anything in the world. I apologize for my past actions, but know that I am working on it." Gabriel continued. For the first time since Emilie's death, Gabriel showed emotion. He was genuinely saddened.

Adrien took a deep breath in relief. His father did care about him, and that meant the world to him. "Thank you, father. You have no idea how long I have waited to hear that," Adrien responded with a sad smile. His father's words really meant the world, but as much as he wanted to be happy, he couldn't. Marinette was still on his mind.

Gabriel gave his son a smile, genuinely happy his son was so forgiving, just like his mother. Adrien gasped as he witnessed the smile. "Father, you can smile," the model attempted to joke. The blonde had forgotten what his father's smile looked like, but to his defense, it had been so long since he had last seen it. But it did not last long.

Gabriel's expression quickly morphed into a sad one. He knew his son was attempting to change the conversation, but Gabriel needed Adrien to know that letting Marinette walk away would be a mistake.

"Son, don't let her walk away." Adrien frowned as his father brought back the conversation.

"She already did, father. She had Luka now," Adrien responded sadly. His heart broke into smaller pieces the more he thought about Marinette.

"But she loves you!" Gabriel said sternly. "Adrien, anyone can see how much that girl loves you. Even I could see that for Goodness sake. Son, stop her. Show her that you refuse to let her go. If you don't believe me, you will regret it for the rest of your life," Gabriel added.

Adrien did not know what it was, but it was as if his father's words were just what he needed to hear. It was the motivation he was looking for to continue fighting.

Adrien smiled and ran to his father, giving him a hug, but was surprised when Gabriel broke the hug all too quick, taking a step back.

"What are you waiting for, Agreste? Go to her!"

Adrien laughed as he picked up his backpack and ran past his father. "To the bakery!" he exclaimed as he jumped into the car.

Adrien's leg bounced up and down during the car ride. He was beginning to feel nervous. The closer they got, the worst his nerves got. He prayed all throughout the way. He hoped he was wrong, and Marinette had not chosen yet. He had meant what he said to her. She was his life, and he couldn't picture living without her.

Adrien sighed as the car came to a stop. A red light? Really? Out of all days of the year, it had to be today? Why did the world like to make things difficult for him? Attempting to calm his nerves, the blonde looked out of his window and towards the park across the street, but he quickly regretted it.

What he saw utterly destroyed him. There in the middle of the park, stood Marinette, in Luka's arms. He almost didn't recognize her, but his heart knew who his princess was.

The teen held each other in a tight embrace. Adrien let out a quiet sob as he felt his world come to an end. He should have known. He should have listened to his head and stayed away.

Marinette had really picked Luka. Why did he ever believe he had a shot? He had seen it coming, but then, why did it hurt this much?

"Take me to the school," he cried out.

Marinette had chosen, but she did not chose him.

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