Chapter 16

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***Hello,  my loyal readers. I'm back and I bring the final chapter of the story. I hope you like it. Like, comment, vote, and follow. Thank you for the support. Sending love, MMF***

"You were right. I was with Luka this morning. What you saw was real."

 Adrien stared at Marinette, not moving an inch. He couldn't believe she could say the words as she did with no emotion or guilt. Marinette had just confessed to ditching him for Luka this morning, but he already knew that, so what exactly was the point of this, to rub it in his face some more?

Adrien refused to react. He had already shown pain to which she apparently cared very little. Therefore, he will keep his pain in and move on or attempt to do so.

"But I did have something to take care of, I swear. Adrien, I was not trying to stand you up this morning. I love our morning walks to school just as much as you do, but this was important." Marinette quickly added, attempting to defend herself.

Adrien remained still, not showing any emotion whatsoever. He wanted to believe her, he really did, but what the blonde saw this morning replayed in his mind reminding him that he would never have with Marinette what Luka had with her. She was probably feeling guilty and chose to lie, but even if it was a lie, what could he possibly do about it?

Noticing Adrien had no intention to respond, Marinette continued, "I needed to talk to him about something that happened Saturday evening during our visit to the park. Something t-that I haven't t-told you yet." Marinette softly confessed. Her voice ended as a bear whisper.

Her last sentence grabbed Adrien's attention. Finally choosing to react, Adrien took a deep breath and spoke up. "Something I don't know yet." He spoke sarcastically, adding a small disappointed chuckle while shaking his head. Adrien watched as Marinette bit her lip and nodded shyly, agreeing with his statement.

Why was he not surprised? He was not sure if it was the fact that what he saw this morning had changed the way the model saw the bluenette or if he was simply angry, but the news did not shock him as it should have.

Even though he was not surprised at the news, Adrien couldn't say he didn't feel betrayed because he did. He had always been completely open and honest to Marinette. Adrien had never lied to her. He had believed she was the same towards him, but apparently not.

Not only had Marinette chosen Luka behind his back, but now she was hiding things from him. When did their relationship take this big of a turn? Why didn't he see this before?

"Why?" he asked, turning his head away from her and towards the ground. Marinette knew what Adrien was attempting to ask her. Why did she hide it? Why couldn't she tell him about it before? They had talked that same night. She had slept in his arms, so why didn't she tell him what else had happened?

"I wanted to tell you, but I," Marinette hesitated. Did she really want to tell him the truth? Yes, she did. She loved him, and if they were going to be together, there couldn't be any lies between them.

"I was afraid. I was scared of how you would react. You were already mad at me, and I didn't want to upset you more than you were already. I was upset, confused, and I thought that it was best to try and figure things out before I did anything else," Marinette admitted.

Upset? Adrien questioned himself silently. Why would it upset her? What happened that day at the park? What was it that he didn't know? Was it when he left her side? Did Alya and Nino know? Adrien felt perplexed. He was not sure what he should really be feeling at the moment. Should he be worried, angry, scared? What should he be feeling? How could he know if she had hidden it from him!

"What happened? What is it that I don't know?"

"I- Umm, well, after you left, Luka asked to speak to me alone. He was upset with me. He claimed that you and I spent too much time together and that I tend to put you before him. He said that I- I c-cared about you much more than I cared to admit."

Adrien took a deep breath attempting to calm down his nerves. He had a feeling he knew where this was heading to, and it hurt like hell. Tightening his jaw, he blinked quickly, trying to blink away his tears. His hands made a fist, making his finger hold the edge of the fountain harshly, turning them white.

Adrien was readying himself up for her next word. The blonde knew it was a matter of time before she said the words. He could feel it. Her body language showed her to be nervous and scared. Adrien was seconds away from being rejected and possibly defriended.

Adrien then closed his eyes and took and another shaky breath. He was ready to hear it, or so he thought. Adrien just hoped she would be gentle with it. But what he heard next made his body freeze and his heart stop. The blonde was not ready. He was far from it.

"Adrien, he asked me to choose. It was either you or him," the bluenette confessed.

Adrien gasped. His eyes shot back open, and he looked up at her in shock. Did this mean what he thought it meant? Was Marinette kicking him out of her life completely? So this morning, she was choosing Luka and forgetting him?

Adrien wanted to scream. He wished to break things, cry, ask a million questions, but at that moment, he could find the words or voice to speak at all.

His knuckles turned whiter as his hands shook violently. Fear was spreading through his veins quickly. Was he really losing the love of his life for good? Was he only seconds away from their final goodbye?

In an attempt to hide the tears that were now threatening to spill, Adrien looked towards the grass. He attempted to hide his face as he did not want Marinette to see just how much she was destroying him at the moment. How could she hide something like that from him? How could she sleep in his arms during all this, knowing she would most likely leave him without her? Adrien felt like he was losing her, and he didn't even have enough time to fight. How was this fair?

"I- I thought about it, and I-" Marinette hesitated again. She was so scared this would end badly, but she had to do it. She needed him. Marinette loved him.

"Adrien, I realized something, something I should have known since the very beginning," she continued nervously.

Marinette looked towards the ground and fidgeted with her fingers. She needed to calm her nerves, but how? She was so scared, as much as she wanted to tell him the truth. Marinette was afraid that after what he saw this morning, Adrien's reaction would not be the same as she had believed it would be. Maybe he no longer wanted her.

"What was that? Have you? Have you made your decision?" Adrien asked as he cleaned his eyes and looked up at her. His heart then broke even more at the sight of her. Marinette couldn't even look at him. She only nodded at his question.

Marinette was so afraid of what could happen. She began to think negatively. Her thoughts had clouded with the worse possible outcomes. Once again, she would fail. She had already tried so many times before, and they all ended horribly wrong. To the point where she had chosen to give up and attempt to move on. Why would this be any different?

But Adrien loved her, so why was she so afraid?

At this point, Adrien could no longer contain his tears. His eyes watered, and tears stained his cheeks. His lips quivered as a chill ran down his spine, and pain overtook him.

Marinette had remained silent. That could only mean one thing. Marinette had chosen, and it was not him. Marinette picked Luka. She loved him. That is why she was with him this morning. That is why she had asked to see him here today.

Adrien was disappointed in himself. He honestly thought he was stronger than this. He believed that he needed to hear the words in order to move on, but now the blonde was not sure he could.

He had already lost the only other person who loved him, his mother, and now he was losing the one girl he loved, Marinette.

Not being able to remain composed, Adrien spoke up. "I get it. I- I should go now," he cried out as he got up and began to walk away.

"Chaton, wait! Please," Marinette called out, grabbing his arm, not allowing him to leave.

Adrien clenched his haw at the sound of her voice. God, he was really starting to hate that nickname. In fact, Adrien could deal with not hearing it ever again. He was hurt, and he was angry. How could she call him that after choosing to leave him? His mother never chose to leave him, but Marinette had. How dare she call him that after doing so and choosing Luka.

But as much as Adrien wanted to hate her, he couldn't. He just loved her too damn much for that. Adrien just hoped that he didn't have to let her go. He wished he could love her and be by her side forever.

That is why he didn't pull his arm away. That is why he stopped and turned around.

His green eyes filled with tears watched as she pulled out the necklace hidden under her dress. "It's you, kitty. I choose you."

Marinette smiled, letting some tears fall. She let out a breath of relief. For a second, she thought he would leave her, and she wouldn't have the time to confess. But luckily, that was not the case.

"I love you, Adrien. I always have and always will. I chose you, and I really want you to choose me."


"The reason I saw Luka this morning was to tell him that. He understood. He said he knew it would be that way. Chaton, it's always been you." Marinette confessed.

Adrien couldn't believe it. Even after hearing it from other people. He never thought he would hear it coming from her lips. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. He felt alive, complete, and loved. He wanted to hug her, kiss her, tell her he loved her, and ask her to be his forever. But once again, his body failed to move.

Noticing he had not reacted. Marinette looked in his emerald eyes for a sign. His eyes were full of joy and love. Marinette was sure of it, but why did he remain silent? Why was he not moving? Not knowing what else to do, she looked towards his neck in signs on the other half of the necklace. The necklace! Marinette gasped and took a step back as she noticed his bare neck. He had taken off his necklace. The other half. The yang to her yin. It was gone.

She then took another step back and turned. She was going to do the one thing she knew how to do. The only thing she was good at doing. Marinette was going to run.

Noticing the look on her face and realizing she was about to run, Adrien finally reacted. Adrien reached for her stopping her from going any further.

Adrien held onto her arm as if his life depended on it. "Marinette, look at me," he whispered, making her turn. As her eyes landed on him once again, Adrien reached for his pocket, pulling out his necklace.

He gave her a loving smile before responding. "They made me take it off during the photoshoot, but it has always been with me."

Marinette let out a breath she had been holding since she walked to the park. She could not explain the relief she felt as she saw him pull out the necklace. For a minute, she thought, he no longer wanted to be with her.

Letting out a small giggle, she responded. "Oh, kitty, I really thought you-"

"Never, M'lady. I love you, princess. I always had. You are my entire world."

Not wasting another second of his life, Adrien cupped his princess's face and slowly leaned in for a kiss. If the teens believe that their first kiss was the best, they didn't think that for much longer. Nothing was stopping them now. They had waited what seemed like all their lives for the moment, they could finally be together, and nothing would get in the way of their happiness.

The teens kissed passionately with no fears and no remorse. They poured out all the love they had hidden from each other for so long. To say it was the best kiss of their lives was an understatement.

Their lips molded together as if they were made for each other. He was the yang to her yin. The beat to her heart. The moon to her sun. They were soulmates, and they knew that now.

"I love you, Marinette."

"I love you, Adrien."

The teens then hugged as they walked out of the park together hand in hand.

"So, now let's talk marriage. I was thinking of a spring wedding," Adrien said with a smirk.

"That's not funny, Chaton!" Marinette pouted, playfully punching his shoulder.

"Who said I was joking, princess?" 

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