Chapter 3

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*** Hello, my lovelies. Chapter 3 is here. Enjoy. Please vote, comment, share and follow. You have no idea how much your support means to me. Let me know what you think. Sending love, MMF.***

"Because we are done, Marinette! Because that is how things are now!" Adrien yelled out, standing up from the bed swiftly. Adrien wasn't thinking. He didn't mean to say that, but he was so upset before, and it didn't help that she showed up to remind him of his misfortunes. 

Adrien had blown up. He wanted to tell her the truth. How she broke his heart, how Luka will never love her as he did, but he couldn't. Instead, he said the one thing Adrien knew was a lie and the only thing that would most likely push Marinette away from him forever.

Marinette felt her body grow cold as she froze in her spot. Had Adrien just said what she think he said? Did he really want to end their friendship? Marinette felt her chest tightened as her heart broke. She placed her hand on her chest and began to rub circles around it in an attempt to ease the pain. His words hurt, the situation hurt, everything hurt so badly. "W-what?" Marinette whimpered. She couldn't believe what was happening.

Adrien remained quiet. He was experiencing an internal war with himself. What had he said? Why in the world would he say something like that? Losing Marinette is the last thing he wants, so why the heck would he say that? He didn't mean to say that. Why did he? How is he going to fix this now? Maybe he should leave it that way. Marinette would never love him, and he couldn't remain loving her in silence while she had a boyfriend. Marinette shouldn't have to deal with deciding between her boyfriend or her best friend, and somehow Adrien knew that is where it would eventually lead.

"A-Adrien, what are you s-saying?" Marinette asked again, praying she had heard wrong. Adrien sighed. He had made up his mind. If pushing her away was what it took for her to be happy with Luka, then so be it. 

"You heard me, Marinette. Our friendship is over," Adrien stated painfully. He then clenched his jaw tightly and closed his eyes as he tried hard not to cry. Saying goodbye to the girl he loved was the worst and most painful thing he has ever done, but he was sure it would save him from worse heartbreak later.

Adrien knew if he kept pretending everything was okay between them, he was only setting himself up for a world of pain. Adrien already had it pictured in his head. He had spent all of last night thinking about it. The situation would most likely be; him believing that things wouldn't change between them. Loving her in silence, and then when he least expects it, get pushed aside for Luka. That was something he wouldn't be able to handle.

 Adrien thought Marinette would run out of the room. He thought she would leave and never come back, but to his surprise, she stood still, staring at him with tears flowing from his eyes.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Marinette asked as she began to feel anger rise inside her. "Marinette it-" "Tell me why!" Marinette yelled out, interrupting him. "I don't understand. Everything was fine between us just last night. All suddenly, you change and tell me you want to end our friendship? Why? I need a reason! Just give me that!" Marinette continued, walking closer to where he stood to show him that she had no intentions of leaving.

"Because it will happen anyway! I am doing it now before you do it later, okay? I already know what is going to happen now that you are dating Luka. I am just ending it before you hurt me." Not being able to hold it in anymore, Adrien let his tears fall. He didn't want to lose Marinette. It felt like just yesterday they had become this close, just yesterday that she stooped stuttering and running from him, and now it was all ending.

"Adrien I-" "Don't," now it was his turn to interrupt Marinette. "We both know it's true, Marinette. You have a boyfriend now. All the game tournaments, baking lessons, and late-night talks will all be gone. I won't be able to see you when I want or call you when I need someone to talk to, and you won't come to me when you need help or call me when you are feeling down. You won't need me for help with your homework or come to me for even a simple laugh because you have him now."

" Things will start changing between us, and when we least expect it, our friendship will go back to how it was at the beginning of lycée, with you avoiding me every chance you get. Let's just finish it now before it becomes more painful." As he said the last few words, Adrien proceeded to walk towards his door and open it wide as if to let Marinette know it was time to leave.

Marinette was taken back by Adrien's words. That is what this was about, Her relationship with Luka? How could Adrien think she would push him away just because she started dating Luka? She would never do that. Adrien meant the world to her, and she would never allow anything to jeopardize their relationship. How could he think that? Nothing can and will change between them on her watch.

"No!" Marinette spoke firmly, responding to his last sentence. Confused, Adrien asked, "what?" "I said, No," Marinette repeated, wiping her eyes and standing up straight. "Marinette, please do-" "No! I am not leaving, and I'm sure in hell not letting things end between us," Marinette interrupted angrily.

Adrien sighed. He knew she would make things difficult. That is exactly why he didn't want to answer her phone calls or want her to come over. "Marinette, we both know it's true. It's easier this way, for both of us," Adrien whispered, backing away from the door but leaving it open for her to walk out. He then sat on the bed and covered his face with his hands. Things were hard as they were, and Marinette was making them even more difficult.

"No, it's not true! Adrien, things will never change between us. Not now and not ever," Marinette stated defensively. She wanted him to know that she will never turn her back on him. Not for Luka or anyone else. "You say that now but-" "but nothing, Adrien! How could you think that? Kitty, I promise you things will never change. I will still be there for you when you need me, and you will still be the first person I call. I promise. Please, don't push me away. Please don't doubt that I will change things between us because I won't."

Marinette then decided to sit beside him in the bed. She needed to hug him. Marinette wanted to prove to Adrien that no matter what happened in their life, things will not change between them. At least not by her doing. 

 Adrien didn't move. His face remained covered by his hands as he tried his hardest to hide his motions from Marinette. He didn't want her to see the lovesick expression on his face as she promised things wouldn't change between them or the look of doubt he had right now as no matter how badly he wanted to believe her, he couldn't.

Adrien knew Marinette would do what it takes to keep her word. But at the end of the day, that was a promise that can't always be kept. Adrien struggled to find an answer. Truth be told, he wanted to fall into her arms and hold her tight, but he knew he couldn't do that. Marinette loved Luka. She will never love him as he loved her.

In a matter of seconds, Adrien found his heart and his brain fighting with each other. His brain told him to stay away and protect himself, but his heart told him to trust Marinette and believe things won't change. Adrien decided to follow his heart.

"You promise?" He whispered as he pulled his hands away from his face. "You promise that things won't change?" He asked again, hoping she could give him the reassurance he needed. "I promise, kitty." "and I can still be the last one you talk to at night?" Adrien asked, feeling needy. "and the first one in the morning," Marinette answered, making him smile.

 "Can I still come over?" "Any time you want. As I said, Adrien. Things will not be changing. Not for Luka and most definitely not for anyone else. That I promise," Marinette spoke, reassuring him of all he needed to know while looking deep into his eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry, princess. I was so scared you would leave me. I panicked, and I am so sorry," Adrien apologized. "It's okay, kitty. I would have done the same, but next time talk to me, tell me what is wrong. Please, don't shut me out again," Marinette responded, earning a smile for the blonde. "I promise, princess."


Luka sat on his bed playing with the strings on his guitar while also staring at his phone. He had called Marinette twice since classes had ended, and he hadn't got any response. Marinette did tell him she and Adrien had to fix some things, but he couldn't understand what was so important that she couldn't answer his calls. Luka sighed. 

Sometimes he wondered if Marinette was really over Adrien as she said she was. It was no secret that Marinette was completely and utterly in love with the model for over a year. What if, deep inside, Marinette still loved him? "No, Luka, don't think that way. Marinette is with you now. You have to trust her," Luka said to himself. Even then, he couldn't fight the urge to pick his phone up and call her again.

Meanwhile, the teens talked and played video games as if nothing else mattered. They laughed and joked for hours as they always had when it was just the two of them. Adrien felt at peace. For the time being, he truly believed nothing will ever change between them. The teen model couldn't believe the lengths she went to for him. The second he was sinking in his sorrows, she came to pull him out. Marinette was astonishing, and this only made him fall for her deeper. For the rest of the evening, Adrien focused on his princess, and Marinette focused on her kitty, never once paying attention to the incoming calls of her worried boyfriend. 

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