Chapter 3: More Familiar Faces and The Hero's Problem

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We now go to where the Canterlot High cafeteria is as it was packed now that it was lunchtime. The students have sorted themselves into their own particular groups, as is often the case in a school setting like this. Up at the counter, Fluttershy picks up a tray and works her way along to pick up items. Twilight follows her lead a bit awkwardly with (Y/N) right behind her getting his lunch as well.

Twilight Sparkle: I know we've just met, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something.

Fluttershy: Of course.

Twilight Sparkle: I've decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal, and-

This announcement throws the shy girl for such a loop that she sucks in a frightened gasp and drops the bowl of salad she holds which splatters all over Twilight's clothes.

Fluttershy: Oh, gosh!

(Y/N): Careful, Fluttershy. 

She then looks frantically about to grab some napkins to try and wipe Twilight's shirt clean.

Fluttershy: Sorry. It's just, oh, running for Fall Formal Princess is a really bad idea.

Twilight Sparkle: Why?

Fluttershy: Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess, and when she wants something, she gets it!

(Y/N): I explained those details to Twilight already. Sometimes she even tries to humiliate me as much as she can, but no matter what happens I always clean up her acts.

Fluttershy: I've. . . wanted to be Princess of Fall Formal some of the time, but. . . I never really had the confidence to do it. Sunset Shimmer will make life awful for anyone who stands in her way. Just ask the girl who ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling.

(Y/N): That girl being named Rarity. She tried running for Princess of Spring Fling, but soon after a little. . . "accident" she dropped out of it since something embarrassing was leaked out.

Twilight Sparkle: Really? What was it?

(Y/N): *blushes* Trust me. . . you don't want to know.

Fluttershy: I agree with (Y/N). If you don't want to be creeped out, then I wouldn't recommend knowing what the incident was. It was also kind of cringy for him to see it the most out of everyone.

(Y/N): *shudders* Don't remind me. . .

Fluttershy got a replacement salad for her tray and held it across the counter for Granny Smith who was working at the cash register to place an apple on the tray. (Y/N) and Twilight follow up on getting on as well before they all walk across the cafeteria to go sit down somewhere.

Twilight Sparkle: Was there anyone out there to help Rarity?

Fluttershy: No, that was around the time that me and her along with some other girls stopped being friends. . . 

Fluttershy then looks at (Y/N) with a guilty look on her face.

Fluttershy: It even cost us our relationship with (Y/N). . .

Twilight's eyes widened from that as her attention was suddenly focused on (Y/N) who was surprised as that was the one thing that (Y/N) didn't want Twilight to hear.

Twilight Sparkle: Relationship. . .?

(Y/N): I. . . *sighs* Guess you were bound to know this at some point. Fluttershy here. . . is my ex-girlfriend, well one of them at least.

Twilight was a little shocked to hear that while Fluttershy looks down a bit downtrodden.

Twilight Sparkle: What happened between you all?

(Y/N): . . .You wouldn't quite get it.

Twilight wanted to question (Y/N) a bit further on that, but seeing that he didn't really want to talk about it, she decided to let it go.

Twilight Sparkle: ((Y/N). . .? Of all people broke up with someone like Fluttershy? How could that have happened? I may need to look into this since Sunset Shimmer could be involved as well.) Well, even if my chances aren't high, I'm still going to try and run for the Princess of Fall Formal.

Fluttershy: Oh, I don't think you understand. You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her: the athletes, the fashionistas, the dramas, the eco-kids, the techies, the rockers. . .

(Y/N): . . .Pretty much everyone in the entire school.

Twilight Sparkle: Why is everypony-

Spike peeks out of her backpack, whaps her upside the head, and ducks back in.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, everybody separated this way?

They all then finally arrived at a free table where Twilight and (Y/N) sat across from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Maybe it was different at your old school, but at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind. One thing that they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule the school until we graduate.

She then glumly eats a bite of salad before (Y/N) get's a determined look on his face.

(Y/N): Heh, rule the school my foot!

Both Twilight and Fluttershy looked at (Y/N) when he said that.

(Y/N): If Sunset Shimmer even thinks for one second that I'm going to let her get away with ruling over this school then she's got another thing coming. I told Twi that I'm going to help her out with winning Princess of Fall Formal this year and I'm keeping my word on it. I'm going to show this school that a princess should be someone who is kind, caring, and beautiful. The three traits that Twilight here has.

(Y/N) said this with a determined smile and Twilight blushes a little while Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy of Twilight getting a compliment from her ex-boyfriend. Feeling determination inside of her as well, Twilight decides to take the first bite of her own apple, but instead of picking it up, she bends down and snatches the whole thing in her teeth. Fluttershy pauses in mid-chew, hopelessly perplexed, and it takes Twilight a second or two to catch on as she looked at a confused (Y/N) who points to his own hand to tell her how to remove the fruit from her mouth.

Twilight Sparkle: So, uh, *giggles nervously* where would I find the head of the party planning committee?

After lunchtime, Twilight and (Y/N) were told by Fluttershy that they need to enter the gymnasium to sign up just like she said. (Y/N) walks inside first and holds the door for Twilight who smiles as a thanks. They both then look around to see the gym filled with all kinds of decorations.

(Y/N): Seeing this setup, she should definitely be in here.


A hail of streamers pours down from somewhere above and all three duck and cover as they were liberally covered with it all. After this brief onslaught, they extract themselves from the multicolored fallout for a look around, and they look to see Pinkie Pie as she throws a handful of confetti into the air.

She proceeds to yank one of the balloons off her skirt and blow it up as Twilight and (Y/N) walk over to her, demonstrating that the pink party planner can demolish the laws of physics no matter what form she takes.

(Y/N): Pinkie, I needed to ask you something. . .

(Y/N) then suddenly got his mouth stuffed with the same balloon that Pinkie used to blow it up surprising him.

Pinkie Pie: If it's the offer to help then YAY! You're the best, (Y/N)! I'll need more balloons to blow up like that one, so can you fetch more for me?

Seeing her hyperactive attitude, Twilight and Spike looked at the pink party girl with unconvinced looks on their faces.

Twilight Sparkle & Spike: (Yeah, she's Pinkie Pie, alright.)

(Y/N) got an annoyed look having the balloon stuffed into his mouth before he takes it down to speak again.

(Y/N): I'm actually here to ask you for your help Pinkie so-

She then rushes to grab both of (Y/N)'s cheeks which shuts him up again.

Pinkie Pie: Help?! Help with what, my ex-sweetie?!

(Y/N): Stop interrupting me and touching my face so I can tell you!

Pinkie did just that as she pouted a little since (Y/N) would usually be more glad to see her if he hadn't broken up with her.

(Y/N): Listen Pinkie, this is Twilight. She's someone I met when coming to school today and she's from a city outside of Canterlot.

The said girl was then completely unprepared for Pinkie's sudden approach from behind. She finds herself being grabbed and spun in place to stare into the blue eyes.

Pinkie Pie: *gasps* Really?! And you've already met (Y/N)?! What do you think of him so far?

She said this narrowing her eyes into Twilight's a bit.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, he's. . . nice?

Pinkie drops her and sighs.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, that's all I needed to know.

She steps away, stretches out a fresh balloon, and starts blowing as Twilight gets upright. The image of the pink face is comically distorted by the inflating rubber in front of it.

Twilight Sparkle: I take it that you're another one of (Y/N)'s ex-girlfriends?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, I don't really let it get to me that much though since I can still tell that deep down in there, he still loves me.

(Y/N) sighs and rolls his eyes from that annoyed which Twilight did not fail to notice as that tiny little venomous gesture definitely made her think that (Y/N) must have had a pretty bad breakup with her.

Twilight Sparkle: So, Fluttershy said this is where I'd find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee.

Pinkie turns around when she hears that and her bubbly demeanor instantly giving way to bitterness.

Pinkie Pie: Fluttershy, huh? Don't let the whole "shy" thing fool you. She can be a real meanie.

(Y/N): Pinkie! What have I told you about giving out biased information like that?!

(Y/N) said this with a stern look on his face which made Pinkie flinch from his tiny outburst.

Pinkie Pie: Sorry. . .

Twilight Sparkle: Wait. . . what do you mean biased information?

(Y/N): *whispers* Remember how Fluttershy said that she not only broke up with me, but also she wasn't friends anymore with a few other girls? Well, Pinkie here is one of them. . . I swear that sometimes she doesn't take how the breakup went seriously. . .

As he said that, Pinkie was grinning hugely and walking backwards with her head bent back to point straight at the new girl before straightening up again.

Pinkie Pie: Heard some voices and decided to get your name on the ballot, huh? Dance is day after tomorrow.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, I did just arrive here after all.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh!

Her grin then yields to a searching stare.

Pinkie Pie: I thought you didn't look familiar.

(Y/N): What are you talking about? You've never mentioned seeing someone like Twilight here at all? Why would she even look familiar?

Pinkie Pie: I don't know. I'd just imagine that she has a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?

On the end of this, she points off to one side at Spike, who looks up eagerly from biting a balloon.

(Y/N): YYYeah. . . Besides of the one right in front of us, that doesn't ring a bell to me at all. Not only is this about me running for Prince of Fall Formal again, but Twilight here is going to run for Princess of Fall Formal too.

Pinkie Pie: *gasps* Seriously?! You'll be going up against (Y/N)'s rival here at Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer. The bully queen of Canterlot High.

Twilight Sparkle: I know, but I plan to make this year different and it's actually really important that I run for Princess of Fall Formal.

Pinkie leans into Twilight once more narrowing her eyes at her.

Pinkie Pie: How "important" exactly?

(Y/N) get's in between the two and pushes Pinkie away from Twilight slightly annoyed.

(Y/N): Pinkie. . . One, it's not the reason that you're thinking and two, this isn't something that requires specific candidates. If Twilight has the courage to sign up then she can definitely try and win, can't she?

Pinkie Pie: Hmm, in that case. . .

She then pulls out a clipboard out of her hair and holds it out towards the two.

Pinkie Pie: You must be brave if you really think that you can match Sunset Shimmer. Anyhoo, just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown.

Pinkie fishing around in her hair again before also holding out a pen. Twilight looks at (Y/N) who nods as if telling her to take the pen with her hand. She does so and writes her name down the best way that she could. During class, (Y/N) taught Twilight how to use writing utensils so that she could at least write letters of the alphabet. While it was tricky to teach, Twilight was able to nail it down so that she could at least write her own name down.

Twilight Sparkle: Like this?

(Y/N): *nods* Not the best handwriting, but it definitely shows that you're going to be in this party. Now it's my turn.

(Y/N) takes the pen from Twilight to write his own name down and Twilight was surprised that in just a few seconds, (Y/N) was able to write his name down perfectly in cursive form.

Pinkie Pie: Congratulations! You two are now running for both the Prince and Princess of Fall Formal. I already know who's going to win one of them.

Pinkie says this as she suddenly appears from behind (Y/N) to wrap him in a hug over his waist and he just gives a sigh that Pinkie is still this clingy to him.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* . . .That's Pinkie folks.

Twilight giggled from that as that's her (Y/N)'s iconic line. The sound of an opening door interrupts their thoughts, and a familiar female voice with a thick Southern accent gets their attention in a hurry. She is seen carrying a crate of apple cider and places it down on a table.

Applejack: Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?

Pinkie Pie: Oh! Oh! Me, me-me-me, me, yeah, ha-ha, me!

Twilight is taken aback by the new arrival which (Y/N) notices.

(Y/N): She's someone you know too?

Twilight Sparkle: Mm-hmm. Besides you, I've seen all kinds of friends who I'm familiar with, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and now Applejack.

Applejack: Can you bring in the rest?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

In walks her brother, whose head and upper body are almost entirely hidden by the four stacked crates he is carrying. Applejack takes the top crate off his stack and notices (Y/N) and Twilight.

Applejack: Oh, how's it been sugarcube. Who's this with ya?

(Y/N): I've been good for the most part. This here is a new student, Twilight Sparkle.

Applejack: Hey, I think I know you.

Twilight Sparkle: You do?

Applejack: Sure. You're the new girl who gave Sunset Shimmer the what for today.

Popping the cap with her teeth, she spits it aside and gulps her drink down as Pinkie leans into view.

Pinkie Pie: Twilight Sparkle here is gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal.

The mouthful of cider Applejack is working on finds its way back out of her mouth as she spits it out of shock Meanwhile, the pink party-lover blows up a heart-shaped balloon in her hand and floats up into the air.

Applejack: I'd think twice about that. Oh, sure, she'll probably approach you all friendly like. . .

She yanks Pinkie back to the floor, grabs the balloon from her mouth, and starts drawing on it while the latter goes to work on a fresh round one. Applejack then holds up the balloon now bearing a rough sketch of a beaming Sunset.

Applejack: *mocking Sunset* I sure am lookin' forward to some friendly competition.

Her other hand hoists the second one, decorated with Twilight's face.

Applejack: *mocking Twilight* That's so good to hear.

She then turns the Sunset balloon around, showing a pin taped to that side.

Applejack: But then, here comes the backstabbin'.

One quick jab, and Twilight's avatar has burst into a scatter of rubber scraps. The stunned real one watches as they drift down around her and (Y/N). Applejack lets go of the Sunset balloon, but a quick jump and mouth-grab by Pinkie save it from the rafters.

Applejack: Of course, my ex-boyfriend that you're standing next to would know that since he's been in tons of standoffs against her. About the only girl in this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash?

Pinkie then bounces past them on a gigantic balloon, having ditched the Sunset one.

Pinkie Pie: She's the captain of, like, every team at Canterlot High.

Applejack: She's also the captain of sayin' she's gonna do somethin' for ya, and then turnin' around and not even botherin' to show up.

(Y/N): *sternly* Applejack. . . What did we talk about with those arguments you had with Rainbow Dash?

Applejack: S-Sorry, I still haven't let go of it yet.

(Y/N): Well, you still need to get over it. That's was way past then and we're in the now.

Twilight Sparkle: (Wow, something did happen between them. . . (Y/N) would never talk that bitter to Applejack or Pinkie Pie like that.) *clears throat* Thanks for the advice, Applejack, but this is something I really need to do.

Applejack: Huh, suit yourself.

(Y/N): I've already ran for Prince of Fall Formal many times with dodging all of Sunset's shenanigans, so I'm helping Twilight actually make sure that Sunset doesn't get her way this year.

Applejack's eyes widened from that before she look away slightly dejected from that.

Applejack: Oh. . . that's nice to hear. Well, um, good luck out there you two.

(Y/N): Will do. . .

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), can you show me a little more around the school?

(Y/N) nods as they both exit along with Spike and Pinkie then rushes right beside Applejack.

Pinkie Pie: I know that (Y/N) broke up with us and all, but. . . don't you think that it's a little weird that he's hanging around the new girl so much? Way more than he does with me?! I think their hiding something!

Applejack: Huh. Now that ya mention it, he does seem really defensive of her. What could (Y/N) possibly be hidin' with that there girl?

The sound of a door being thrown open make the two turn towards it to see Sunset entering with two other kids that are supposed to be her lackeys, Snips and Snails. 

Snips is a slightly chubby guy with light opalish gray skin, brilliant orange hair, black eyes and he is wearing a black T-shirt with a scissor symbol on it, blue jeans and green sneakers while Snails has light amber skin, moderate turquoise  hair, black eyes and he is wearing a green long sleeve sweater with a snail symbol on it over a red shirt, whitish-yellow pants and red sneakers.

Sunset Shimmer: This looks terrible!

She strides to the center court with the boys following right behind her.

Sunset Shimmer: There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons.

One hard finger poke bursts a couple near Pinkie, who soon finds Snips holding up a length of streamer.

Snips: Yeah, streamers!

He rips it in two and walks off before Snails comes in squeezing a huge balloon.

Snails: And fewer balloons!

Sunset then notices the apple cider as she holds it at arm's length with two fingers and makes a face.

Sunset Shimmer: Fizzy apple cider? Ugh! This is my coronation, not a hoedown.

Applejack: Well, now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around.

Sunset whips over into her face and Pinkie who was thrown off balance, totters away.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, is that so? You country folk really aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you.

She turns Applejack hat backwards and over her face. Her hat then flips up to expose a pair of indignant green eyes and a circle of her face that has gone red and steaming with fury. A barely suppressed growl floats up through the opening. Across the way, Sunset approaches the stage.

Sunset Shimmer: Obviously, it's gonna be my coronation. I'm running unopposed. Even if that so-called Prince wins every year, this year he'll have no choice but to submit to me.

Pinkie Pie: Not this time. The new girl just signed up!

Sunset Shimmer: What?!

The clipboard which was in Pinkie's hands is handed over to Sunset who looks at the entry form in shock before it turns into anger as the name on there meant trouble for her.

Sunset Shimmer: *growls* Twilight Sparkle. . .

(Y/N) and Twilight were now walking down down a hall together passing some students however (Y/N) suddenly stops.

(Y/N): Hey Twi, think you can wait here for a second? I've got to use the restroom right quick.

Twilight Sparkle: Sure thing. I'll wait for you right here.

(Y/N) nods as he walks off leaving Twilight alone in the hall. She then looks around a corner to see a dim dead end as Spike peeks from her backpack and one open locker door creaks on its hinges.

???: Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier.

Twilight heard that arrogant voice as she turns around to see Sunset Shimmer leaning on some lockers right behind her.

Sunset Shimmer: Shoulda known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown, and her little dog, too. Although, I should say that I'm surprised that your silly prince didn't come along with you. It's was probably for the best though since that bozo even attends this school himself.

Twilight glares at Sunset.

Twilight Sparkle: One, don't you dare talk about my boyfriend like that! Two, it's my crown and you took his as well!

Sunset Shimmer: Whatever. This is just a minor setback for me. You don't know the first thing about this place, and I already rule it.

Twilight Sparkle: If that's so, why do you even need my crown? Heck, even (Y/N)'s? You went to an awful lot of trouble to switch them with the ones that belongs here.

Sunset Shimmer: Pop quiz: what happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world?

Twilight turns this query over a few dozen times, but has no immediate answer.

Sunset Shimmer: You don't know? Seriously? *laughs* And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student? Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria? Bit embarrassing that you were the best she could do.

She is barely past the edge of the blue backpack when Spike lunges halfway out of it to snap at Sunset's face.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your mutt. Hate for him to be. . . taken away from you.

Spike: Is that a threat?

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, of course not.

Spike barks at her before she puts a finger to his lips and drops the tone.

Sunset Shimmer: But I'd cut down on the chatter if I were you. Don't want everyone to know you two don't belong here, now would you? You wanna be a princess here? Please. You don't know the first thing about fitting in.

She starts to walk away before she smirks and turns back to Twilight.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, and by the way, don't think that just because your boyfriend lives in this world that he'll be able to help you out. You should know that it was ultimately him who decided to break up with the rest of his girlfriends.

Twilight and Spike's eye widen from that while Sunset chuckled.

Sunset Shimmer: See? Does he sound like a trustworthy guy to you now? He's just helping you so he can gain more popularity here in this school than he already his. Or maybe. . . he's ditching his exes for you. 

Twilight Sparkle: H-He would never. . .

Sunset Shimmer: Heh, you're so naive. Why not ask him yourself? I'll be right either way. You'll see, you and (Y/N) better watch your backs or you might not have the best time here.

Sunset then walks out of sight leaving a bewildered Twilight to think about her trust with (Y/N). However as she does, she's heads back down to where the gymnasium is. She stops short, surprise registering on her face as Snips and Snails lurch into view each of them heavily wrapped in streamers of all colors like technicolor mummies. When they are within arm's reach, the boss grabs a free end on each and delivers a swift yank, unwinding them in a split-second but leaving them very dizzy.

Sunset Shimmer: I want you to follow her. Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me.

She get's a salute from both of the boys.

Snips: You got it, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer: When the crown and its power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world. Not that she would've been much safer if she'd stayed in Equestria. And not only that, I'll be able to make (Y/N) mine as well.

Little did she know that the said person was behind the corner of a wall eavesdropping on the entire conversation and he get's a serious look that Sunset scheming something bigger than what she usually does this time.

(Y/N): (Oh, just you wait Sunset! Twilight and I will stop your silly plans and show the students of this school who you really are!)

With that being thought out, (Y/N) races back to go and find Twilight to warn her about Sunset's plans to try and get some dirt on her. Meanwhile, the purple girl had an uneasy look on her face from what Sunset revealed about (Y/N).

Spike: That's just. . . weird. The (Y/N) back from our world would never go so far as to break up with you and the others. 

Twilight Sparkle: I know. . . but if what Sunset said was true. . . Why would he do such a thing? And how is he even okay with it? He's been acting quite nice towards me, but when our friends in this world are involved it's like he's an entirely different person.

Spike then looks off to the side to see (Y/N) approaching.

Spike: Look, there he is. He's coming back.

Spike goes back into Twilight's backpack while Twilight herself faces (Y/N) with a slight worried look on her face.

(Y/N): Sorry if I was gone longer than expected, but I couldn't help but overhear Sunset Shimmer talk about some plans to try and sabotage your attempt to win Princess of Fall Formal.

Twilight Sparkle: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, heard it while I was on my way back here. Not to worry though, it's mostly Snips and Snails who do the dirty work for Sunset and I always keep a close eye on them so we should be fine. Come on, there's more that you need to see around the school.

(Y/N) walks away while Twilight who still looked worried decides to ask (Y/N) a question that wasn't easy for her to want to even ask.

Twilight Sparkle: Um, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): What's up, Twi?

Twilight Sparkle: Um. . . Is it true that. . . you broke up with all of your girlfriends?

(Y/N) goes wide eyed when Twilight asks that, but he sighs.

(Y/N): *sighs* Yeah. . . I bet you must've heard this from some students, but. . . Let me tell you more somewhere that's quiet, okay? There's a library here that we can discuss all of this at.

Twilight's worried expression quickly did a 180 as she got an excited look on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: There's a library?!

(Y/N) was surprised by her sudden excitement and raised an eyebrow before looking at Spike wanting an explanation.

Spike: She's a giant bookworm. . . 

(Y/N): Oh, makes sense. . .

The trio were just about to the library until Twilight suddenly stops and turns over to a vending machine which (Y/N) notices. Twilight walks up, eyes the treats on display behind the glass panel, and licks her chops. Juice boxes and packs of crackers get her attention, but she finds herself at a loss for a way to get them out.

(Y/N): Wow. Still hungry even after lunch?

Twilight rolls her eyes with a playful smile from that.

Twilight Sparkle: Maybe a little. How exactly does this. . . thing work?

(Y/N): It's a vending machine. 

(Y/N) then pulls out a coin from his pocket and flips it in the air before catching it.

(Y/N): You put money like this inside and you'll get the stuff that you want. Which one are you craving for?

Twilight points over to a protein bar with an apple design on it and (Y/N) does what he just explained as he inserted his coin to then press a button to make the vending machine dispense the protein bar and he hands it to Twilight.

(Y/N): There you go. One protein bar served.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, (Y/N).

???: Well well, hello (Y/N).

A female voice said that as (Y/N) and Twilight turn to see a girl with pale, light grayish cornflower blue skin, light gray and light cornflower bluish gray hair with a purple star hairpin with a yellow outline in it, moderate purple eyes and she is wearing a black jacket with light blue stars on the sleeves, a purple dress with the bottom part of the dress being light blue and on the bottom side is a symbol of a magic wand and a crescent moon, dark blue socks and blue and purple boots.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Trixie. It's been quite a minute, huh?

Twilight Sparkle: (Trixie?!)

Trixie: Excuse me, but the Great and Powerful Trixie! . . .Needs her peanut butter crackers.

Twilight was a little annoyed while (Y/N) rolls his eyes and gives a wry smile at Trixie speaking in the third person.

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. You need another one of your favorite snacks. Not a problem though. Go ahead and use the vending machine, Trix.

Trixie blushes from (Y/N) using a nickname that he came up for her.

Trixie: Trixie would really wish that you wouldn't call her that so much, (Y/N).

(Y/N): *smirks* Oh, don't whine about it. You know you love it.

Trixie crosses her arms and puffs out her cheeks while blushing a little.

Trixie: Trixie does not!

(Y/N) snickers from that before leaning over to whisper to Twilight.

(Y/N): *whispers* I love teasing her so much that it's almost hilarious.

Twilight smiles and rolls her eyes from that as her (Y/N) likes to do the same thing to her and their friends as well.

Trixie: But, yes. Trixie did come for her peanut butter crackers.

She then did the same thing as (Y/N) and inserted a coin to then press one of the buttons before she received her said snack.

Trixie: Voilà!

She said this holding up her snack before she notices Twilight right beside (Y/N).

Trixie: Hmm, Trixie has never seen your face before. You must be new here.

(Y/N): You got that Trixie. This is a new friend that I made while coming to school here. Her name is Twilight Sparkle and she moved here not too long ago from a distant city. She's also going to be running against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of Fall Formal.

Hearing that surprised Trixie as she darts her eyes back and forth between (Y/N) and Twilight.

Trixie: Whoa! That's something that would surprise even Trixie! If you're serious then you must have some bravery to run for Princess of Fall Formal. Sunset Shimmer will humiliate and torture just about anyone who dares to run against her. The only other person that's brave enough to stand up to her is the Prince of Fall Formal himself, or as we all like to call him, The Hero of Canterlot High.

Trixie points at (Y/N) finishes that statement before Twilight could feel more nostalgia as that title is similar to the one her (Y/N) had in Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle: Hero of Canterlot High, huh? I would see why the people here would call you that.

(Y/N): Oh, it's no big deal. I've had that title ever since my freshman year. I don't really mind it though.

Trixie: Every student here calls (Y/N) that due to his helpful nature all around the school. You cry for help and he's there.

(Y/N): *rolls eyes* Okay. . . It's not THAT natural, but it's close enough.

Trixie: (Y/N), you don't mind if The Great and Powerful Trixie and Twilight Sparkle here have some girl talk, do you?

(Y/N): Not at all. . . 

Trixie then guides Twilight slightly away from (Y/N) to speak with her privately.

Trixie: Twilight, if you think that you can win Princess of Fall Formal then you have just about the chance you win (Y/N) over there as your boyfriend.

Twilight Sparkle: *blushes* B-Boyfriend?!

Trixie: Of course. Many girls do have a thing for (Y/N) and so does Trixie, but as you can see, he likes to go his own path to choose a girl that's right for him. He broke up with five girls not too long ago and every year he rejects Sunset Shimmer's proposal to the dance. You might just be able to win him over this year.

Although that would make any girl happy, it didn't for Twilight as she looks down a bit perplexed after hearing the breakup part.

Trixie: What's that face for? *gasps* Don't tell me that you have no interest in the Hero of Canterlot High himself!

Twilight Sparkle: Yes. . . I-I mean no! Um, I mean. . . *sighs* You said. . . breakup right?

Trixie: Yep, (Y/N) had a pretty bad breakup with some girls, but don't worry. If you treat him the right way, I'm sure there is no chance at all that he'll do anything to you.

Twilight Sparkle: Um, what was the breakup about?

Trixie: Trixie does not know, but she can say that there was a giant argument going on at the time.

Twilight Sparkle: (A giant argument. . .? This is still confusing, but I know that (Y/N) would never just break up with my friends out of the blue like that.)

Trixie: Anyways, since Trixie sees that you have guts, she wishes to inform you that she will vote for you during the Fall Formal.

Twilight was surprised to hear that.

Twilight Sparkle: Really? You will?

Trixie: Of course. The Great and Powerful Trixie also thinks it's about time that someone else besides that bully queen deserves Fall Formal Princess. Trixie better go now and get back to her business, but I'll vote for you so you better win this like you want it.

With that being said, Trixie walks off leaving a surprised Twilight and (Y/N) walks up beside her.

(Y/N): Well, there you go. Looks like you've got your first vote already meaning that you're one step closer to try to beat Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight Sparkle: You know, the Trixie back from where I come form used to act more arrogant as a travelling magician, but she is who we're looking at now thanks to somepony I know.

(Y/N): Really? Huh. Who's that?

Twilight realized that she must've said too much as she looks to see that the library was just up ahead so she could change the subject.

Twilight Sparkle: Look! Isn't that the library that you told me about?!

(Y/N): Oh. Yeah, that's it. Come on, let's go inside and I'll give you the information that you want.

The two then arrived right at the front entrance of the library and Twilight was just in awe of seeing the entire room of it.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow! So many books!

(Y/N) then notices an empty table and points to it.

(Y/N): There. We can talk privately over there.

Both (Y/N) and Twilight then sat across from each other on the small table.

(Y/N): So what did you want to talk about again?

Twilight felt a little nervous wanting to ask this question to someone who is technically her boyfriend in the other world, but if she wants to know the truth then she has to ask. She decides to steel her nerves and ask away.

Twilight Sparkle: From what I've heard. . . You broke up with five girls right? Three of them being Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie?

(Y/N): Yeah, and the two others are named Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

Spike suddenly pops out of Twilight's backpack hearing that.

Spike: There's a Rarity here?!

Twilight gives Spike a look as if saying "You're just realizing that now" while (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. Spike then decides to conceal his interest and play it cool instead.

Spike: Uh, I mean, uh. . . that's interesting.

(Y/N): *whispers* What was that reaction about?

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* Spike has a crush on Rarity back where I come from, but she's actually taken.

(Y/N): Eh, not that surprising. . . Getting back on topic, why do you want to know about my breakup with them?

Twilight Sparkle: I want to know what happened. . . Did you really just break up with them out of the blue or was there a reason to it?

(Y/N) then get's a guilty look as this was something that was hard for him to explain, but he takes a deep breath before deciding to explain.

(Y/N): Okay, here's the thing. We all used to be close. . . The girls and I would hang almost everyday and trust me when I say that I did indeed love them from the bottom of my heart. . . I'd laugh with Pinkie, play sports with Rainbow, visit the animal shelter with Fluttershy, try some apple treats with Applejack, and even do some fashion tests for Rarity, but. . . then one day it all stopped.

Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean stopped?

(Y/N): One day they all got into a huge argument that to me wasn't a big deal at first since friends always get into arguments. . .

(Y/N) then started to get more serious the more he talks as Twilight was listening.

(Y/N): . . .But up even until now, they wouldn't stop bickering at each other and I couldn't do anything to help stop them as their boyfriend. I wanted to help, but they never even gave me a chance! It drove me nuts until towards the point that I snapped and said that it was over! I couldn't handle it any longer!

(Y/N) was finished with that as he crossed his arms in slight frustration just thinking about it while Twilight and Spike gave him a sympathetic look of what he had to go through. Spike then whispers to Twilight.

Spike: *whispers* That does sound like a bad breakup.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* I know. And by the sounds of it, he was happy to be with them until that day with all of the arguments.

Spike: *whispers* So what are we going to do?

Twilight thinks to herself for a minute before she get's a determined look and smiles.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* We're going to help him, Spike. I'm going to rekindle his relationship with them. (Y/N) and the others are my only hope of getting the crowns back.

Spike: *whispers* Great, but how exactly do you plan on doing that? (Y/N)'s probably still a bit ticked off from that incident even until today.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* We just have to show him that there's hope.

Twilight then turns to (Y/N) with a smile.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey, (Y/N). Can you actually tell me a little more about what's in this library too?

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow of her completely changing the subject, but decided to answer her regardless as he pointed towards the desks with computers.

(Y/N): Those over there are computers. You access the internet with them using the keyboards, but you need authorization from the librarian to use them.

Twilight Sparkle: In that case, can you ask the librarian while I look around for more information about this world myself?

(Y/N): Sure thing. . . Give me a minute.

(Y/N) get's up from his chair to walk off while Twilight had a look that said that it was all going according to plan.

(Y/N) looks around to see where the school librarian is and across from the other side of the computers he sees the school librarian up on a ladder organizing some books. The school librarian is Miss Cheerilee who was also a teacher in the school. Cheerilee has pale, light grayish cerise hair with lighter stripes, grayish harlequin eyes and she is wearing a white collar shirt with a brown vest over it, a green skirt with yellow flower designs on it and brown boots with green details.

Seeing that she didn't really look that busy, (Y/N) walked over to get her attention.

(Y/N): Hello, Miss Cheerilee.

Hearing her name being called Cheerilee turned her head to see (Y/N) and smiled before climbing down.

Cheerilee: Why hello there, (Y/N). Are you here to check out a book today?

(Y/N): Maybe if one catches my eye, but I also wanted to ask if me and another person that I know can use the computers.

Cheerilee: Of course, you can use the computers, but only for research purposes only, understood?

(Y/N): Don't worry, there is some research that I have to do with a topic anyway. I won't search up anything else though, promise.

Cheerilee: *chuckles* I believe you, (Y/N). Go right ahead.

As (Y/N) walks towards the computers however, a noise goes off and he looks towards another computer, where three girls younger than him are grooving hard to a beat.

The girl with light gamboge skin, moderate cerise hair, moderate purple eyes and wearing the zipped up black jacket, green shorts, and black boots is Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash's number one fan. The girl with pale, light grayish apple green skin, brilliant crimson hair with a pink bow in it, brilliant tangelo eyes and wearing a light green T-shirt, denim shorts and orange boots with red details is Apple Bloom, Applejack's younger sister. The girl with light gray skin, pale, light grayish rose and grayish mulberry hair, brilliant sap green eyes and wearing a dark pink opened shirt with a white shirt with light pink stripes underneath, a pale yellow skirt and dark pink boots is Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister.

(Y/N) looks at them rather annoyed for bursting loud music in the library as he switches off the speaker making them stop and give (Y/N) their attention.

(Y/N): What are you girls up to now?

Apple Bloom: Oh, heya (Y/N)!

Sweetie Belle: We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes from that as these three are part of the Canterlot Movie Club which is an after school club that this trio takes part in as it studies movies and you can even try and make your own videos.

(Y/N): Well not in the library, okay? If Miss Cheerilee catches you with such loud music, she won't be happy at all. Can't you just look at the hits without having to cast a sonic blast that disturbs everyone who's reading in here?

Scootaloo: In that case, let's check out the comments section. They've got to have posted some awesome things about our video.

Apple Bloom: Not really. Some of the comments about our song were really awful. "Epic fail". . . "Funniest thing I've ever seen"?!

Sweetie Belle: Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?

The other two young brains quickly tune in on her wavelength, but (Y/N) has a much more concerned reaction.

(Y/N): I don't think "that's" how you should take it.

However, that sentence was a lost cause as the three were already out of the library and (Y/N) sighs.

(Y/N): Those three can be way too ambitious at times. Hope that doesn't get them into trouble.

(Y/N) says that before he turns around to suddenly see Snips and Snails hiding behind a table with their phones out and trying to film Twilight who was looking through some books as she planned. (Y/N) get's a serious look seeing them trying to get some embarrassing pics on Twilight.

(Y/N): (Y'know, I almost forgot about you two. . . "almost." I better get them out of here before the plan backfires.)

(Y/N) then tiptoes to sneak up behind the two mischievous kids and he gives them a really quick scare.

(Y/N): BOO!

That scared the living daylights out of the two as they dropped their phones and fell to the ground before turning to see (Y/N) crossing his arms glaring at the two.

Snips: WHOA! (Y/N)! DON'T DO THAT!

Snails: Yeah! I wasn't prepared for that!

(Y/N): I wasn't giving you any time to prepare to begin with. What are you two plotting?

Snips: Ummm. . . Nothing!

(Y/N): Tch! I don't think I have to think much to guess what's going on here. Sunset Shimmer sent you two to try and follow the new girl of this school so you can take embarrassing pics of her, so she wouldn't have any chance at all at running for Fall Formal. I'm right aren't I?

Snails: Ummm. . . Nope. . .?

(Y/N): Don't give me those lies. I saw Sunset ordering you two around earlier to tell you to follow Twilight, well too bad, so sad. I'm not allowing it. I don't know why you two are even following Sunset's orders and frankly I don't care at the moment. Now I'll give you two a choice, you can leave right now and not bother Twilight anytime again during the day. . .

Both Snips and Snails looked at each other with worried looks and gulped for what the second option was going to be.

Snips: A-And the second choice?

(Y/N): Let's just say you'll be receiving a different broken crack than what your phones will receive. . .

(Y/N) cracks his knuckles very menacingly scaring the two boys as they instantly ran off out of the library which made (Y/N) chuckle.

(Y/N): I can't believe they fell for that. I'm more of a pacifist around here and I don't harm others unless they are actually a threat.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N) sees Twilight over at a bookshelf waving over to him and he approaches her.

(Y/N): So, did you find what you were looking for about information on our world?

Twilight Sparkle: Not yet, but I did find this and I thought I'd show you this.

(Y/N) looks to see Twilight picked out a book with a yellow horseshoe-C on the cover, the same as those on the banners in the lobby. He raises an eyebrow at the book.

(Y/N): That's the school yearbook. . . Why did you want to show me that?

Twilight Sparkle: I found this page inside and. . . you should take a look.

Twilight then turns to a page in the yearbook where (Y/N) sees a photo of his younger self with five other girls that he's way too familiar with.

(A/N): Just imagine that you're there in the photo as well.

(Y/N): Oh, that's the Freshman Fair. That was way before those girls and I started dating. That was some memory that I can never forget. Why are you showing me this?

Twilight Sparkle: From what you said earlier, not only are these girls not friends anymore, but you broke up with them in the process right?

(Y/N): Yeah, so?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, you all seem like really good friends in this photo. 

(Y/N): Yeah. . . We were. . .

(Y/N) said this while crossing his arms before Twilight continues.

Twilight Sparkle: However, I should tell you that from my world, I'm actually best friends with the one's in my world too. . . *blushes* along with you. . .

(Y/N): Your point?

Twilight Sparkle: *sighs* (Y/N), don't you ever stop to think that maybe your breakup wasn't a coincidence along with your exes not being friends anymore?

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow from that as he still wasn't catching on.

(Y/N): What are you saying?

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N). . . I can't help, but think Sunset Shimmer had something to do with your breakup with those girls. 

(Y/N) eyes widened from that as he started to think to himself.

(Y/N): That could be a possibility. . . Sunset Shimmer tried to ask me out many times and I always rejected her especially during the times of Fall Formal. However, I never heard my exes mention Sunset Shimmer in their stories at all.

Twilight Sparkle: Think about it though, she's won many title's herself, tried many ways on dating you, and even almost everywhere we go, she's bullying people you try to protect in this school.

(Y/N) thinks a bit more thoroughly on what Twilight was trying to theorize until his eyes widened in realization as Twilight may be right. . .

His breakup was probably something planned by Sunset Shimmer.

(Y/N): You know. . . the more I think about it. . . it all makes sense. She's won Fall Formal many times unopposed and this spring, a picture of Rarity kissing a mannequin and acting like it was me was exposed. At that time, Rarity wanted a dance with me as Princess of Spring Fling which I was really relieved on since she's way better than Sunset. But if what you said is correct, Sunset was the one who leaked out that photo to the entire school to embarrass her so she had no choice, but to drop her position. After that, she could've deceived and manipulated my ex-girlfriends into thinking that they couldn't trust each other anymore to the point where they all stopped being friends. And then that's where I come in. . . she must've planned that so that I would break up with them and she thought this would leave me no choice, but to date her instead.

Twilight Sparkle: See? Doesn't it all add up?

(Y/N) didn't face Twilight as he was still in shock by Sunset Shimmer being the possible culprit for forcing him to break up with his five ex-girlfriends.

(Y/N): I can't believe I was so dense to not even realize that before. . . Why would she go through SO much trouble just to either win pointless titles or even try to win me over?!

(Y/N) said this with a little bit of anger buildup by Twilight pats him on the shoulder to calm him down.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know, but I do know this. . .

(Y/N) faces Twilight with what she was about to say next.

Twilight Sparkle: You have to get back with them and tell them about all of this, if you want to get your girlfriends back.

(Y/N): How are we going to do that without proof? They'll probably just deny it.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, there's is no harm in trying. I have to fix your relationships, (Y/N).

(Y/N) was astonished by Twilight's slight determination.

(Y/N): Twilight. . . Why are you doing this much just for me? I know that you may know the other me in your world, but why go through so much trouble just to help me get back with my former girlfriends?

Twilight Sparkle: It's not just because I know you from Equestria. . .

Twilight then takes one of (Y/N)'s hands which made him blush a bit.

Twilight Sparkle: But someone once told me that I don't do it because of a special reason. I do it because it's the right thing to do.

This made (Y/N) a little bit more as he gives off an embarrassed smile while rubbing the back of his head with his free hand.

(Y/N): Well gee. Th-Thanks, Twi. I. . . guess I owe you one.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* It's not a problem at all, (Y/N).

Twilight let's go of his hand and (Y/N) still had a slight embarrassed look on his face.

(Y/N): (Man, I can't help, but see that this girl wants to help me so much that it's making me feel so warm and fuzzy. She's kind of cute and beautiful too. . .)

After getting rid of his blush, Twilight decides to ask (Y/N) a question.

Twilight Sparkle: Say (Y/N), you did say that you were able to get one of those. . . What are you big screen things called again?

(Y/N): A computer.

Twilight Sparkle: Right. Do you think you can show and tell me more about being a human in this world?

(Y/N): No problem.

Throughout the rest of the day, (Y/N) taught Twilight and Spike more about the humans in this dimension and how they advance with technology as well. However, there were moments where (Y/N) had to reveal the more. . . embarrassing lessons.

(Y/N) explained to Twilight how the human body works for male and female and why they all wear clothes too. He even had to explain how humans mate too. . . which was really embarrassing for all three of them to even talk about themselves.

(Y/N) even helped show Twilight how to use a computer and how the internet works, but he only kept it in moderation so that Twilight wouldn't search anything that would freak her out.

Right now though, it was now late in the afternoon where school has now ended and the three were walking out of the school.

(Y/N): So where are you two staying?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I haven't thought of a place to sleep yet. . . I guess Spike and I will sleep in the school.

(Y/N): Twilight! You can't sleep in the school! That's breaking and entering also known as trespassing. Why don't you spend the night where I live? It's only a couple of blocks away.

Twilight blushes at thinking of spending the night at her boyfriend's counterpart's house before she shakes it away.

Twilight Sparkle: A-Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother.

(Y/N): Don't worry it's all fine, trust me. I can't leave a beautiful girl like yourself out here, right?

Twilight blushes once more with a cute and embarrassed smile for being called beautiful and she gives in.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay. . . I'll stay with you for the night.

(Y/N): Great! Just follow me and we'll be there in no time.

(Y/N) then walks away along the sidewalks with Twilight following right behind.

Eventually, (Y/N) opens the door to where his house is and he steps inside to settle in while Twilight follows right behind. She looks around the place checking it out and the interior really looks like a more human version of (Y/N)'s old house back in Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow! You have a really nice house, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Heh, thanks. To me it's not that impressive, but everyone else says otherwise.

Twilight Sparkle: Does anyone else live here? What about your mother?

Hearing the word "mother" made (Y/N) go wide-eyed in slight shock before his expression turns into sadness as he rubs his arm and tear nearly escapes his eye too. Twilight was confused before she realized that what she said was too soon to even ask as she remembers about what happened to (Y/N)'s mother back in Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh! I-I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! I didn't mean to. . .

(Y/N): No. . . it's okay. I figured you may ask that once we arrived here.

Twilight then lays her backpack down on a couch and Spike hops out.

Spike: So. . . You live here by yourself?

(Y/N): Yep. This house is all for me. . . However, I do have a room with five more beds that's for of course. . . my girlfriends.

Twilight remembers that back in Equestria, the new house that she got for (Y/N) had six beds instead meaning that this house is just like the one she and other mares back in Equestria made for (Y/N).

(Y/N): So how about it? I can make you two some food if you're feeling hungry.

Twilight Sparkle: *smiles* That would be nice. Thanks, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Not a problem at all. Just treating my esteemed guests what they deserve.

Soon, (Y/N) was able to actually cook something good for all of them to eat at once as it was all mainly fruits and vegetables. Twilight was a little shocked to hear from (Y/N) that humans are actually omnivores and they eat meat as well. Luckily, (Y/N) was able to catch onto this quickly so Twilight wouldn't be creeped out.

After they all finished eating, it was now night time as (Y/N) was already in bed getting ready to go to sleep to prepare for a busy day tomorrow. However, it was interrupted once (Y/N) heard his bedroom door creak open and he looks up to see that it was Twilight that entered who had on some spare female pajamas that (Y/N) had for his other girlfriends.

(Y/N): Is there something wrong, Twi?

Twilight Sparkle: *blushes* Um, well, I was wondering if. . . I could sleep in this room. . . with you in one of the other beds?

(Y/N) blushes as well as a girl that he just got to know well in just one day is already asking him such a thing.

(Y/N): U-Um. . . sure. J-Just pick any bed that you want.

Twilight then decides to pick one of the beds that was the closest to where (Y/N)'s bed was as the bed that she picked was purple which was a certain fashionista's bed. Twilight get's in the bed and as she is about to get rest, (Y/N) decides to ask her a question.

(Y/N): Hey, Twilight. I want to know something.

Twilight Sparkle: What is it?

(Y/N): What's the me from your world like?

Twilight blushes a little as she knows that she can't just straight up say that he is secretly her boyfriend in Equestria, so she comes up with an answer to dodge that claim.

Twilight Sparkle: He's. . . about the same as how you are actually. Someone who is kind, dependable, and always wants to help others around no matter what their problem is. He's an alicorn with really powerful magic as well, he had to defeat many beings across Equestria to protect his own power from being stolen, but not only that, he also protected his loved ones as well.

(Y/N): *smiles* That sure does sound like me. 

(Y/N) then yawns signaling that he's tired.

(Y/N): Well, we've got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. Good night, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Good night, (Y/N). I lo-

Twilight almost blurted out something that was too soon to say and instantly covered her mouth while (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): You what?

Twilight Sparkle: *blushes* Uh, I. . . looked at the moon. It's pretty right?

(Y/N) was confused by that, but shakes his head and smiles.

(Y/N): Yeah, it is. Good night.

(Y/N) then goes fast asleep while Twilight couldn't help, but blush at thinking of what she was about to say. However, she decides to let it go and she get's a determined look on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* I've got to get (Y/N) back with my friends in this world no matter what happens. Even if he's from another world, he's still my prince deep down. You may have assisted me since the start (Y/N), but I'm going to help you too until the end.

Twilight then goes to sleep as the two rest for preparing to get all of the relationships back together.

Chapter 3 End.

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