Chapter 6: The Night of The Fall Formal

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With the gym finally set to for the Fall Formal to happen tonight, the (Hu) Mane 7 and Spike made it back to Carousel Boutique with smiles on their faces after they were able to succeed with cleaning up the gym along with the help from everybody else that participated too. Everyone walked in through the front door of the boutique grinning from their accomplishments.

Fluttershy: I still can't believe we pulled that off!

Rainbow Dash: I can! We're awesome!

Rarity: Enough chatter, everyone. We need to get ready, and we need to look fabulous!

(Y/N): Well, since I personally need my own suit for the Fall Formal, I'll go out for a bit to let you girls get ready while I find myself a suit.

(Y/N) was just about to walk out of Carousel Boutique before Rarity walks in front of (Y/N) to stop him.

Rarity: Wait! Before you go (Y/N), I actually have to say that I've already got a magnificent outfit made for you.

This made (Y/N) surprised as Rarity actually was thinking two steps ahead for when he goes to the Fall Formal with them. Rarity runs off for a second before she comes back with a small, but wide box that was big enough to hold an entire suit and she hands the box over to (Y/N).

(Y/N): This. . . This is for me?

Rarity: *giggles* Of course darling.

(Y/N): When did you even get the time to make a suit for me?

Rarity: After we talked in the Sweet Shoppe yesterday, I knew that I just had to make an outfit for you that would make you look absolutely stunning for tonight. Especially now that you have another addition to your party of princesses for the Fall Formal.

(Y/N) smiles from this before he gives Rarity a short kiss on the lips which made her giggle.

(Y/N): Thank you so much for this, Rarity. I'm sure with this coming from you that I'll look my absolute best in this.

Rarity: That's wonderful to hear. One more thing is that we'll be traveling by limo to get to the dance tonight. Will you be joining us?

(Y/N): You kidding?! Of course! I've always wanted to ride in a limo. Don't worry, I'll be right back so you girls take your time in getting your dresses prepared.

(Y/N) waves all six of the girls goodbye before he walks out of the clothing store to head back to his own home.

Back at (Y/N)'s house, he was currently getting himself prepared to go to the Fall Formal with the rest of the (Hu) Mane 7 as he was in his bathroom making the final touches to himself before he walks over to where a mirror is to check himself out. The suit fits just perfect for (Y/N) as he had on a (F/C) suit with a (M/C) bowtie, a white undershirt, and he even had a pair of (F/C) formal shoes on as well. He smiles at himself in the mirror at just how nice he looks.

(Y/N): Wow! Huge compliments to Rarity for making this really cool suit. She even got all of the measurements correct, too. . . I guess she may say that when you're with your boyfriend for so long that she's always three steps ahead when it comes to her friends and her boyfriend.

(Y/N) then walks out of the bathroom and back to where his front door is. He takes a deep breath before getting a determined smile on his face.

(Y/N): You've got this, (Y/N). You're about to go in and actually for once have a Fall Formal where you'll be dancing with an "actual" princess this time. Let's make this a night to remember.

Once (Y/N) walks out of his house, he sees the sun setting.

(Y/N): It's almost time. I better hurry back and see what kind of beautiful dresses my six girls have got themselves.

After arriving back at Carousel Boutique like planned, (Y/N) walks inside to look around for where his girlfriends are, but he didn't see them around so he called out for them.

(Y/N): Hey, girls! You around here?

Rarity: Over here, darling.

(Y/N) turned toward the direction that he heard that voice and once he does, he let's out a silent gasp before his eyes sparkled and blush slowly crawled onto his face when he sees that his five girlfriends were in their formalwear choices and the only thing on his mind was how beautiful they absolutely looked.

(Y/N): (My goodness! I think I'm literally looking at five beautiful angels right now. . . I'm hitting the jackpot with this dance tonight!)

Not only did (Y/N) have that romantic thought going on around his mind, but the girls all saw (Y/N) in his suit and it brought blushes to their faces while having their own romantic thoughts too.

(Hu) Mane 5: (My boyfriend looks so handsome in that suit!)

Everyone quickly got rid of their blushes and (Y/N) spoke up.

(Y/N): So how do you girls think this suit looks on me?

Rarity: Just as I would expect for our Prince of Fall Formal to look like. You are stunningly handsome in those clothes, darling.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Like super duper handsome!

(Y/N): *chuckles* Thanks! Looking at all of you, I'll be honest to say that I'm absolutely mesmerized by how you all look in those outfits. You all look like five beautiful beauties that just radiant light of how pretty you look.

They all blushed from (Y/N)'s compliment before one by one they each walked up and decided to give (Y/N) a small peck on the lips. However, (Y/N) looks around once more and notices that one more person is missing from this entire group.

(Y/N): Wait, where's Twilight? If you're all here, then is she ready yet?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm over here, (Y/N).

(Y/N) turns around and the moment he did, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Twilight in her Fall Formal dress as well.

(Y/N): (Oh. . . my. . . She's just a straight up shining diamond.)

Twilight Sparkle: So what do you think of this dress?

Rarity: You look astonishing.

(Y/N): That's an understatement. You look so gorgeous that I could probably say hundreds of things of how beautiful you look, Twilight.

Twilight blushes and looks away with an embarrassed smile at (Y/N) complimenting her.

Twilight Sparkle: Th-Thanks (Y/N).

(Y/N): Well now that we're all prepared, I'd say it's time that we get going and make this our big night.

The rest nod in agreement with that as the (Hu) Mane 7 and Spike leave the clothing store to walk up to the street and they instantly see a limo driving up which was the one that Rarity mentioned earlier and seeing it arrive made everyone excited. The driver lowered his window to look at all of the teens.

Limo Driver: You all are the kids that are heading to the Fall Formal at Canterlot High School, correct?

(Y/N): That's right sir.

Limo Driver: Alright, everyone climb inside and I'll take you all there.

(Y/N) walks over to the passage door and he opens it up before gesturing the girls inside.

(Y/N): Ladies first~.

Rarity: Oh my, always such a gentleman (Y/N).

Each one of the girls climbed inside one by one before (Y/N) went inside last and the limo departs from the boutique to head for CHS.

With it now being nighttime at Canterlot High, students were seen showing up and entering the front entrance of the school to participate in the Fall Formal. The limo soon arrives at the entrance and the (Hu) Mane 7 and Spike all exit and the girls except for Twilight immediately walk inside to head into the school. She stayed with (Y/N) as they both smiled at each other before they notice a car arriving which stopped and the driver comes out, revealing to be Flash Sentry wearing a suit of his own. Once he steps out, he notices (Y/N) with Twilight and walks up to both of them.

Flash Sentry: Well, looks like we both got here at the same time.

(Y/N): Guess so. By the way, nice car Flash. Did you just get it?

Flash Sentry: Sure did. I figured I should drive it here to the Fall Formal since it's brand new and let me tell you, it wasn't easy to afford at all.

(Y/N): Heh, I can tell. You'll be grabbing up your own harem soon enough with those wheels.

Flash rolls his eyes and smirks at (Y/N).

Flash Sentry: Ha ha.

Flash then looks at Twilight right next to (Y/N) and he smirks at his best friend once more.

Flash Sentry: And seeing how you two are together right now, I suppose that my words got through and you've got your "sixth" edition to your humongous date?

(Y/N): *blushes* W-Well, I-I mean. . . I-It wasn't all. . . *sighs* Okay, you got me.

Twilight Sparkle: *chuckles* You're actually correct, Flash. (Y/N)'s promised that I'll be his main girlfriend for the Fall Formal.

Flash Sentry: That's great to hear. You two better head inside then. Since my band was chosen to play for the Fall Formal's music, I'll be sure to not only play some music for the whole school to hear, but I'll make some to set the mood for you two as well.

(Y/N) and Twilight sweatdrop from this as Flash walks inside of the school. Twilight looks at (Y/N) with a wry smile on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: He's joking. . . right?

(Y/N): I have no idea. . . But since this is your last night here. . . I suppose we should make the most of it before we give you both of the crowns back.

(Y/N) extends his arm out to Twilight while giving a charming smile.

(Y/N): What do you say. . . princess~?

Twilight blushes and giggles a little with a smile on her face before she wraps her arms around (Y/N)'s so that he can escort her inside. As they enter the school, Twilight eyed (Y/N) a little as this almost reminded her of when she had her coronation with her (Y/N) back in Equestria and as the thought circled in her mind, she could feel her heart beat fast with being this close to (Y/N).

Inside of the school gym, the Fall Formal was now on as many students were enjoying themselves dancing to the music which was played by Flash Sentry's band, Flash Drive while many of the others that weren't dancing were either talking to each other or eating food at the tables.

The (Hu) Mane 7 were all together on the dance floor together enjoying themselves at the Fall Formal as well dancing before Twilight get's a serious look on her face as something seemed fishy to her.

Twilight Sparkle: Anybody see Sunset Shimmer?

Rainbow Dash: Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide!

(Y/N): Hmm. Now that you mention it, it is kind of suspicious that she isn't here. Out of everything we did though, I doubt she could even have any more tricks up her sleeve to stop Twilight and I from getting the crowns.

Applejack: True. What more could she do after she tried trashing the whole gym?

Fluttershy: I don't know, but I hope she doesn't do anything awful.

(Y/N): Me too. Everyone just keep an eye out for anything else that doesn't add up here.

The girls nod from that before they all turn their attention to the stage. The band finishes playing their song and Micro Chips who was on the soundboard turns down the volume and everyone else clears off as Principal Celestia steps up onto the stage. The crowd became silent to listen to what she has to say.

Principal Celestia: First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crowns.

Vice Principal Luna then steps into view carrying a wooden strongbox. The lid is then opened, revealing Twilight's genuine tiara inside and (Y/N)'s crown as well as they were both the elements of Magic and Heroism. Twilight and (Y/N) watch with wide eyes with the former apprehensive and the latter smiling. Luna then hands an envelope to Celestia.

Principal Celestia: The Princess and Prince of this year's Fall Formal is. . .

Everyone leans forward in anticipation of who won this year and before they knew it, the expected names were called out.

Principal Celestia: . . .Twilight Sparkle and (Y/N) (L/N)!

That announcement follows up with a round of hugs and cheers among the seven and cheers from all present students, during which Snips and Snails sneak into the gym. Both have donned black top hats with Snips wears a tuxedo-patterned shirt while Snails wears a giant red bow tie over his usual outfit.

Both Twilight and (Y/N) cross the stage towards Celestia, who takes the tiara from Luna's box and lowers it on Twilight's head while she then takes the crown and lowers it on (Y/N)'s head.

Principal Celestia: Congratulations, you two.

With both of the crowns on their heads, they even glowed for a split second. (Y/N) and Twilight looked at one another before holding each others hands. Their five friends can barely keep their emotions in check of how cute they look together, and both (Y/N) and Twilight waves gratefully to them and everyone from the stage. Suddenly, the noise dies off abruptly as a voice yells out.

Spike: Twilight! Help!

(Y/N): That sounded like. . .

Twilight Sparkle: Spike?

They both then see that the growling-mad little dog is now in the grip of Snips, who tips a nasty wink before he and Snails clear out. To Spike's credit, though, he nearly gets loose, losing his hat and tie, and has to be briefly restrained by both boys as they go.

(Y/N): *gasps* Oh no!

Twilight Sparkle: They've got Spike!

Both of them immediately jump off of the stage to pursue to the rescue of their tiny dog friend.

Bursting out into the hall, they follows the two delinquents through one turn, but Twilight skids out on the next and hits the lockers while (Y/N) help her back on her feet. A quick look back tells them that the rest of the crew is on the way, prompting the two to nod to each other and get back in the chase.

Snips and Snails race past Trixie at the vending machine, the other seven barely missing her as they charge by, and make it out of the building while Trixie watches in confusion of what's happening.

Trixie: Huh? What's going on?

The chase then goes to outside as (Y/N) and Twilight burst through the fire doors, catches sight of the dognappers rounding a corner, and follows them across the lawn as the close in towards the school statue. When the (Hu) Mane 7 start to close in, though, Sunset's flame-tipped boots plant themselves firmly next to the masonry surprising them.

Sunset Shimmer: That's close enough!

Sunset reveals that she has a sledgehammer, which she hefts over her shoulder in preparation to swing at the portal leading back to Equestria much to the shock of the (Hu) Mane 7.

Spike: Twilight!

Snails clamps a hand over his muzzle to silence him.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't hurt him!

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm not a monster, Twilight.

She then turns her attention to Snips and Snails.

Sunset Shimmer: Let him go.

That order earns a couple of puzzled glances, but they follow it and put Spike on the grass. He runs off back to the group as Twilight kneels to pick him up.

Sunset Shimmer: You don't belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home. (Y/N), you keep your little accessory, but if you do so much as move a muscle then I'll smash the mirror to pieces.

She gets ready for the strike, prompting a gasp from Twilight while (Y/N) growls in anger.

Sunset Shimmer: Tick-tock, Twilight. We haven't got all night. The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So, what's your answer?

(Y/N): What's the big deal, Sunset?! Why are you going through so much measures just to make sure that you get Twilight's crown?! This is all completely sunken in your head!

Sunset Shimmer: Power, (Y/N)! Ever since you were called the Hero of Canterlot High, it's made me sick that you always get the attention from others! But as soon as that crown is mine, I'll have more power than you could even have in this school!

(Y/N): Power? You're the only one who thinks that I have power over this school! People like me for who I am and what I do for them, it's not because I want to see them like me for my own gain!

Twilight Sparkle: That's right! I knew that you were wrong about (Y/N) the moment you told me that he broke up with his girlfriends! He didn't do it because of selfish reasons, he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do for both him and them! It was you though who drove him into making that decision! Don't you even feel any guilt for your actions?!

Sunset Shimmer: Shut up! This is taking too long! You have fifteen seconds or I destroy this portal, Twilight!

Twilight cradles Spike for a moment to then slowly reach up and removes her tiara making (Y/N) give her a surprised look if she actually going to go through with this. She looks at him before she closes her eyes. . . and opens them back up with a serious look on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: No!

This shocked Sunset as that answer was completely unexpected.

Sunset Shimmer: What!? Equestria! Your friends! Lost to you forever! Don't you see what I'm about to do to the portal?!

Twilight stands up glaring down at Sunset while (Y/N) looks at her shocked before giving a determined smile at Sunset along with the rest of the girls.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, but I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic. Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. You are NOT getting this crown!

And with that, she plunks it firmly back on her head. One beat of dead silence came from Sunset as she glares at her.

Sunset Shimmer: Fine. You win.

Instead of swinging for the fences, she lets it drop backwards over her head, barely missing Snips' and Snails' feet and carving a deep divot in the lawn. The tension in Twilight's mind gradually relieves itself as Rainbow Dash rushes up to her.

Rainbow Dash: You. . . are. . . so awesome!

Applejack: I can't believe you were gonna do that for us!

Rarity: It's no wonder you're a real live princess!

(Y/N): That was a bold decision, Twilight. More reasons of why you're a perfect princess.

Those words set off a quiet growl in Sunset whose frustration translates into words all too soon.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, yes, she's so very special!

She dives across, tackling Twilight to the ground, and the tiara bounces away as the two struggle to reach it. Sunset is first to make a grab, but Twilight drags her backwards and the dragon-turned-dog jumps on her head, snatches it in his teeth, and darts away.

Sunset Shimmer: Grab him, you fools!

Snips and Snails charge after Spike, but Sunset outpaces both and shoves them down. They get up and resume pursuit, being chased in turn by the other seven, and Spike beats paws up the front steps. However, he is stopped short by the closed doors, whose handles are too high for him to reach, and he finds Sunset's shadow and savagely grinning visage leaning over him.

Rainbow Dash: Spike! Over here!

Spike quickly catches her drift and heaves it to her, but Snips promptly tries to snatch it away. There follows a brief tug-of-war, which ends with the tiara in Rainbow's hands and him falling on his face, and Snails' attempt at the steal only earns him a palm shoved into his face to keep him at bay.

Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy!

She throws it towards the said girl and it bounces off her back, then into her hands when she turns around. Here come the three miscreants straight toward her, throwing her into a panic, but Applejack responds by pulling out a coil of rope and lassoing her away so that Sunset grabs nothing but air. The yank causes Fluttershy to lose her grip on the tiara, and Snips is there to make the catch and hold it overhead.

His victory is short-lived, though, as Pinkie reaches from behind him to pick it away and hand off to Applejack, who throws it to Rarity, who slings it to Twilight. Her victory lasts just as long as she notices Snips and Snails rushing at her.

(Y/N): Twilight! Throw it here!

Twilight sees (Y/N) flailing his arms signaling that's he's wide open and she hurls it his way. He was just about to catch it, but not before Sunset Shimmer shoves him down to the ground and catches it herself.

Sunset Shimmer: I'll take that! *chuckles evilly* At last! More power than I could ever imagine!

(Y/N) stands and back ups towards his girlfriends and opens his arms wide out in case they were all about to get hurt. Spike has all his teeth bared and is ready to go on the offensive, but Twilight scoops him up.

Once she nestles the tiara on her hair, its jewel starts to hum with black magic and emits a field that courses down over her body. It consolidates into a blue-green pillar of energy, coupled with black bursts issuing upward from the ground, and slowly lifts her clear of her feet as all shield their eyes. One by one, the (Hu) Mane 7 risk a look at the cataclysm and a few students venture out from the front entrance and gasp softly as well.

By now, Sunset has been carried almost to roof level, and she opens her streaming eyes to reveal pure white light glowing behind the lids as the tiara blazes madly. Piece by piece, her body reconfigures itself until she transforms into a completely different being where her skin is brilliant crimson, her eyes were completely black with cyan irises, and her hair was standing straight up as she now has a pair of wings.

She laughs wildly and evilly witnessing her new form and Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie gasp at her new form while (Y/N) and Twilight look at her seriously.

Demon Shimmer: Finally! After all these years of waiting, I finally have the magic and power and the means to become the true ruler of Equestria!

(Y/N): SUNSET! Give us back that crown NOW!

Demon Shimmer simply just laughs at (Y/N)'s order.

Demon Shimmer: Really now? You think that yelling at me like that will make me give this up? Sorry (Y/N), not you, Princess Celestia's "prized pupil," or anyone else is going to get in my way! Oh, and another thing Twilight, I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school; I want Equestria!

Twilight Sparkle: Why do you want this so much?! What good do you think will come from trying to take over Equestria?!

Demon Shimmer: It's not just about Equestria! But also those that wronged me as well!

Twilight Sparkle: What are you talking about?

Demon Shimmer: You've always had everything good going on for you Twilight, but I never did! You had friends and a loving boyfriend to be with, but I never did!! You had a family that cared for you, but I never did!! To others, you had always mattered, BUT. I. NEVER DID!!! Once you became both an alicorn and a princess, you stole all of my dreams in hoping that one day I can truly experience what it's like to be appreciated! Now, you along with your foolish prince and Princess Celesita, and especially my parents, I'm going to prove that the power that I wield is more than enough to surpass them!

Demon Shimmer then lowers herself down to the ground and points at (Y/N).

Demon Shimmer: Speaking of which, (Y/N), you still have that crown on your head so I'll be a bit unselfish and give you a choice. You can step away from Twilight and the rest of your girlfriends and come by underling for the rest of your life without any problem with me going against you at all or you can just stand there and accept your fate that'll go along with Twilight.

Twilight gasps from that before she looks at (Y/N) who was still glaring her down angry.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't do it, (Y/N). She's got to be bluffing again.

Demon Shimmer: The first deal that I gave you was a bluff, but I guarantee you (Y/N). You and I will never have to suffer again. Just walk forward and I'll probably even consider sparing your girlfriends.

(Y/N) stayed silent from that while his fists balled up, but he did hear Demon Shimmer say that he had to walk forward which gave him a idea. . . A rather crazy, insane, and stupid idea. He stands up straight and unbuttons his (F/C) suit, and takes it off only revealing his white long sleeved undershirt that he was wearing along with it and throws it backwards confusing the girls and Demon Shimmer.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N). . .?

(Y/N) stares down Demon Shimmer once more with an angry look on his face staying completely silent for a few more seconds before he makes his decision. . . and it was neither of them.

(Y/N) instead charges straight for Demon Shimmer with a fist ready to punch her and the rest of the girls' eyes popped wide open and they gasped too as they think they know what (Y/N)'s doing. . .

He was going to fight Demon Shimmer without even thinking that the odds were against him entirely.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! What are you doing?!?!

(Y/N): I'm not just going to sit back let this selfish monster hurt anyone ANYMORE!

Twilight Sparkle: But you have no magic!

(Y/N): I don't care! Twilight, get back!

Once he was in range, (Y/N) threw a punch to try and attack Demon Shimmer, but to no surprise she dodged it with little to no effort with a bored look on her face.

Demon Shimmer: Typical. Of course someone idiotic like you would choose neither of the options I offered especially once your girlfriends are involved.

Demon Shimmer grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and twisted it making him wince in pain before (Y/N) decides to counter with a kick to the stomach knocking Demon Shimmer away from him. Demon Shimmer growls that (Y/N) was able to think ahead and she flies straight back at him to try and pierce him with her claws.

Once she took a swing at him, (Y/N) sidestepped to evade before he follows up by punching Demon Shimmer in the face. That did little to no damage to her though considering she had magic powers and (Y/N) did not. (Y/N) tries another punch, but this time Demon Shimmer blocked the attack, but (Y/N) wasn't about to give up as he then does a backflip kick to break Demon Shimmer's guard.

The (Hu) Mane 6 were watching the fight as Twilight was just shocked at seeing how good of a fighter this (Y/N) is just like hers, but the other girls were more surprised that (Y/N) is even fighting Demon Shimmer.

Twilight Sparkle: Where did he learn how to do all of that?!

Rainbow Dash: Oh, right. Maybe he should've mentioned this to you some other, but (Y/N)'s actually a great martial artist.

Applejack: However, he only fights if he needs to. He even said it himself that unless someone is actually getting hurt, he's never pulling out his fists against anybody else.

Fluttershy: I was really hoping that I would never have to see him do anything like that. . . but he is to protect us.

Twilight looks back with a worried look and (Y/N) was indeed losing as he was knocked back a bit and breathing heavily that he is really outmatched against Demon Shimmer. He tries to punch her, but Demon Shimmer smirks as she grabs it and quickly uses her own punch to hit (Y/N) hard in the stomach making him cough up spit and he even yells in pain before dropping to his knees.

Demon Shimmer flies behind (Y/N) to then kick him in the back which knocks him to the ground. He wasn't done yet though as he stands up and turns towards Demon Shimmer once more. She then flies up into the air and conjures a small ball of magic energy to then throw it down to (Y/N) who rolls to dodge it, but the splash from the explosion got him and nearly knocks him off of his feet.

Demon Shimmer flies down on the ground to face (Y/N) once more as he tries to do a roundhouse kick, but she caught it surprising Demon Shimmer and she picks (Y/N) up off of the ground by the leg, to spin him around dizzy before throwing him making yell out in pain as he rolled across the ground. (Y/N) lifts his head up and in shock to see that Demon Shimmer wasn't finished with her assault yet as she lifts him up by the collar and throws him once more in the opposite direction of the girls.

(Hu) Mane 6: (Y/N)!!

Demon Shimmer: Weak! How naive to think that you could as just someone who doesn't fit in as much similar to your girlfriends.

(Y/N) was in pain as all he could do was groan from some of the injuries that he had on him. Demon Shimmer then turns to the girls who all huddled up frightened from her as she literally just beat up their boyfriend.

Demon Shimmer: Guess your Hero of Canterlot High won't be able to save you all this time! I told him that I would get even with him one day and sure enough tonight he's not even close to my level. He really should've just did what he was told like tiny little subjects that you all are about to become.

The (Hu) Mane 6 glare at Demon Shimmer from when she said that.

Twilight Sparkle: Sure he made a crazy decision to try and protect us like that, but that's who he is! He'd never stop protecting those that he loved even if it meant that he'd get really hurt in the process!

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! In our eyes, (Y/N)'s our sweet hero!

Demon Shimmer: *chuckles* Oh, please. He can't even protect you even now and yet you still think that he's applicable to even fight now? Get real! Perhaps I should show you that's no hope at all!

Demon Shimmer makes some more magic energy in her hands, but unbeknownst to her where (Y/N) was, the crown that was still on his head glowed (F/C) a little making his eyes slowly open.

Demon Shimmer was just getting ready to launch her attack on the (Hu) Mane 6. . . before something fried her on her back making her cease.

Demon Shimmer: What the. . .?


Demon Shimmer immediately turns around and she gasps in huge shock and even the (Hu) Mane 6 did as well. (Y/N) was standing up with a serious look on his face as he hands were glowing (F/C) showing that he was the one responsible for throwing that magic blast.

Demon Shimmer: Y-YOU HAVE MAGIC?! H-How is that even possible?!

(Y/N): Trust me! I don't have a clue either! But now that I do, stay away from them Sunset! I was hoping that I would never have to fight you one day, but I will if I have to!

Demon Shimmer: Tch! Just because that you have magic won't make any difference that you'll be incinerated into crisps by me!

Demon Shimmer and (Y/N) both fire magic blasts at each other at the same time which caused them to collide and cancel out in a small explosion. Once the smoke clears, they both ran towards each other to duel it out once more with (Y/N) having his new magic powers. Twilight was just as shocked, but thought to herself.

Twilight Sparkle: (Could the Element of Heroism react with (Y/N)'s willpower to fight for us giving him his new powers? That must mean that. . . there's still magic inside of my element as well.)

Back with the fight, (Y/N) was putting his new magic powers into use as this time when he punch Demon Shimmer and she tried to block, it had more power than the last one causing her to take more punishment from the attack and it made her slide across the ground. Demon Shimmer then jumps and tries to slam her fist down onto (Y/N), but he does a backflip to dodge it. He then barely misses another swipe from her claws and it made him jump back in slight fear as he knows that those claws have got to hurt.

With a magic infused hand, (Y/N) decides to throw another magic blast which hits Demon Shimmer, but while it was suppose to hurt, Demon Shimmer actually felt little pain and barely flinched from the attack surprising (Y/N).

Demon Shimmer: Looks like even with magic, you're still no match for my own power!

(Y/N): Even so, I won't you lay a finger on the school, Twilight's world Equestria, or any of my friends at all!

Demon Shimmer: Oh come on, (Y/N). Now that you have magic, that's enough for a reason to get anything you want without anybody standing in your way. We could even rule Equestria as one.

(Y/N): Over my dead body!

Demon Shimmer: Hmm. If you insist.

Demon Shimmer instantly flies up to (Y/N) to grab his arm and twist it harder than before making him scream out in pain.

(Y/N): ACK!

She then roundhouse kicks him in the back towards the (Hu) Mane 6 as he slides down on the ground towards them with more injuries on him. The girls run up to him to see if he was okay.

Rarity: (Y/N), please stop! You're only going to hurt yourself even more!

(Y/N) ignores that request and stands up on both of his feet to stare down at Demon Shimmer once more.

Applejack: Sugarcube, don't! There's no point in continuin'!

(Y/N): *weakly* I'm. . . not. . . going to stop protecting those that I love! I've got to do what I've got to do, and keeping you girls safe is all I care about right now!

(Y/N) slowly brings up his hand to face his palm at Demon Shimmer and she slowly approaches him while (Y/N) fires a magic blast at Demon Shimmer on each step that he took. They all only pushed her back somewhat as (Y/N) kept approaching her. Once Demon Shimmer got into range, she then grabs (Y/N) over the neck and glares at him.

Demon Shimmer: I'll give you one thing, you are incredibly tenacious! But seeing how you won't stop. . .

Demon Shimmer then takes (Y/N)'s crown off of his head shocking him.

(Y/N): NO!

Demon Shimmer: I'll be taking this as well!

Demon Shimmer then throws (Y/N) back at the (Hu) Mane 6, and lucky for him, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight caught him before he could hit the ground. (Y/N) had many injuries on him as his shirt was slightly torn as well.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! Are you okay?!

(Y/N): *grunts* Don't worry. . . I can. . . still move.

Demon Shimmer then laughs evilly as she now has both crowns in her possession now and the (Hu) Mane 7 glare at her.

Demon Shimmer: You all really have a fool for a boyfriend, do you know that? You all have no absolutely NOTHING at all to stop me now that I have more power than I need!

Rainbow Dash: Not exactly! (Y/N) and Twilight may have lost their crowns, but at least they still have us!

Twilight grins hugely back at them and takes (Y/N)'s hand with a reassuring look which made him smile as he was able to stand back up, but Sunset adopts a snarling grimace and lets one eye start twitching again. All seven fall in line amid the swirling winds as the demon's contemptuous laughter drifts down to them.

Demon Shimmer: Gee, the gang really IS all back together again.

A fresh bout of the giggles leaves her wiping a tear from one of her eyes. It ends as if slashed off with a knife, and she conjures a huge ball of magic energy between her hands as her eyes go pure gray.

Demon Shimmer: Now step aside! Twilight's the one who has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already! She needs to be dealt with!

Her magic ball of energy grows several sizes and she hoists it at the (Hu) Mane 7. Everyone gathers around to shield one another from the blast as if they were ready to accept their fate of being obliterated by her. An small explosion happens and Demon Shimmer gloats with an evil laugh that she has taken care of her enemies.

Demon Shimmer: *laughs evilly* At last, I've taken care of those seven! Now I'll be able to rule Equestria with my own army as well!

So she says until her exultation turns into hopeless confusion just before a second as sees that something unexpected occurred where she tried to harm the (Hu) Mane 7.

Twilight was in the center of a huddle of all six friends. Not only are they completely unharmed, they are in fact being protected by a magenta aura that has sprung up out of nowhere. (Y/N)'s injuries were even just gone like they never even took place.

Demon Shimmer: WHAT?!

The others step back a pace from Twilight, exposing the hands they have linked to encircle her, and she and they react with no small degree of wonder at this mighty save. She is first to figure it out, having seen it firsthand in Equestria on multiple occasions, and aims a confident finger up at her nemesis.

Twilight Sparkle: The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it!

A beam of the magenta energy lances out from the tiara's jewel on Demon Shimmer's forehead. It descends to the seven, having grown so intense that it has partially gone white, and lifts them off the grass. One by one, they each started to transform.

Starting with Applejack, her head rises as a pair of pony ears materializing under the brim of her hat. Her blond hair also lengthens nearly to the ground and forms a long tail-like braid.

Twilight Sparkle: Honesty!

Fluttershy was next as the emergence of her own new ears catches her off guard, followed by a pair of wings sprouting from her back and a tied-off extra length of hair.

Twilight Sparkle: Kindness!

Now it is Pinkie's turn to get her ears and tail-like hair extension. She has a bit of fun by bending over to stare at its trailing end through her legs, then does a quick cartwheel to come up as a magenta silhouette.

Twilight Sparkle: Laughter!

Next was Rarity as she glances warmly back over her shoulder, her hair extending and acquiring a jeweled band on the extra length, and twirls it around herself as a purple silhouette.

Twilight Sparkle: Generosity!

Rainbow Dash then earns her ears, wings, and extended hair. Her dark blue silhouette executes a spin kick and comes up into a half-crouch as light bursts forth amid a shower of cloud/lightning-bolts.

Twilight Sparkle: Loyalty!

(Y/N) even got his own pair of pony ears, his back grew wings, and he even looks with a bright smile that his hair extended out more too. He does three backflips before crossing his arms and he gives a determined look.

Twilight Sparkle: Heroism!

Finally, rising slowly through her own nimbus of light and with her own new pair of ears, wings, and added hair, Twilight comes into view.

Twilight Sparkle: Magic!

Seeing all of their new transformations, all Demon Shimmer could do is recoil in fear.

Twilight Sparkle: Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: The Magic of Friendship!

Now all seven join hands to form a heart, the spark at Twilight's forehead winking out, and a double helix of rainbow beams rips upward from them toward the heavens. The free ends meld into a ball of blinding white light, from which a complete rainbow thunders down toward Demon Shimmer.

Demon Shimmer: NO!

She trails off into yells and grunts as the light wraps her up, starting from the toes.

Demon Shimmer: WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

Sparks of all colors rocket up out of the multi-hued tornado that now hides her from sight.

Twilight Sparkle: Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!

After a few moments, the entire scene was done as all of the (Hu) Mane 7 were sprawled out over the ground semiconscious from exploiting all of their power like that and still in their Pony-Up forms. (Y/N) was the first one to get up as since his injuries were gone, he was tough enough to withstand all that happened. He looks over beside him to see Twilight completely out and kneels down to smile at her. Spike approaches Twilight lick her cheek, waking her up. Once she works herself to a sitting position, she smiles hugely and holds out her arms so he can jump up for a hug.

Rarity: D-Did we do it?

Everyone looks around before (Y/N) notices a massive crater in the middle of the courtyard and points to it.

(Y/N): I think we did. Look over there.

The (Hu) Mane 7 all walked towards the crater to see Sunset Shimmer was back to her normal form and was hunched over on the ground. Her hair was a complete mess and her clothes were torn in a few places similar to how (Y/N) was when fighting her.

(Y/N): Seems like all of us using the magic of friendship was able to change her back to her normal self.

???: Wait, magic?

Hearing that voice sounded familiar, (Y/N) looked at the front entrance of the school to see that many students have arrived and might've possibly witnessed the entire thing as well. They all had confused looks on their faces and (Y/N) decided to answer them with a nervous look on his face.

(Y/N): Um. . . yeah. Magic exists. . . No doubt from what you all probably saw.

Flash Sentry: That's. . . surprising.

Trixie: I know. Trixie is very shocked at this sudden revelation.

(Y/N): Well, we can answer questions later. Right now, someone else needs to explain herself.

(Y/N) said this while looking at the crater that Sunset was in. Twilight was getting to go inside, but (Y/N) put his hand in front of her to stop her as he went inside instead to check and see how Sunset was holding up. Once (Y/N) is right in front of her, he stares at her for a second before he kneels down and lightly shakes her shoulder.

(Y/N): Hey. You okay?

Sunset slowly starts to wake up as she takes notice of (Y/N) looking at her surprising her.

Sunset Shimmer: Wha. . . (Y-Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, it's me alright. Luckily you're still able to wake up. But we've got something to tell you.

(Y/N) looks back and gestures for his girlfriends to come and join him which they did as Twilight walked up right beside him giving a small glare at Sunset. Sunset blinked a few times wondering why they're just staring at her and she gives a glare at them, but she decided to keep her silence.

(Y/N): Tonight, it wasn't just Twilight or me who who beat you. It was all of us as with the magic of friendship, we showed your true colors. What you really are on the inside. Don't you see that because that you were so stubborn and greedy to listen to us that it led you to choosing the wrong path? All of what you did in this school has led to nothing, but your mind filled with evil and loneliness. Something that I almost drove a path on myself. Do you really want to follow a path like that?

Sunset looks down in extreme guilt which made (Y/N) sigh.

(Y/N): I get that you may think that some may not think you mattered and I'm someone that a lot of people look up to compared to you, but let me just tell you that jealousy, hate, and anger, those aren't things that you can just let consume you. You can take another path and change yourself for the better. And trust me when I say that you're not alone at all.

Sunset had so much regret inside of her that she then started to tear up and (Y/N) places a hand on her shoulder to comfort Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer: *sobbing* I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know there was another way.

Twilight Sparkle: The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere. You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours.

Sunset Shimmer: But. . . But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship.

(Y/N): Then I'll help you.

Sunset was surprised to hear this while Twilight smiles at (Y/N)'s kindness.

(Y/N): I'm always happy to help someone learn what true friendship is and even what it's like to even have friends. And I can tell you that I have a certain group of girlfriends who know more than the basics just like me. They'll give you a second chance just like I did. Right girls?

Twilight Sparkle: Of course. We're willing to teach you what it's like to have friends so you won't be alone anymore.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! We'll be sure to even teach you some of the important aspects of friendship that we know. Like Loyalty.

Applejack: Honesty.

Pinkie Pie: Laughter!

Fluttershy: Kindness.

Rarity: Generosity.

(Y/N): And of course, Heroism.

Sunset Shimmer: B-But. . . but why? After all of what I did and said to all of you. . . Why would you be so willing to help me?

Rainbow Dash: Well, to be fair, it wasn't entirely your fault that our friendship ended along with the breakup that happened. None of us talked it out with each other and thanks to Twilight, we were able to see that we all let our pride blind us from the truth. And hey, if my guy here is going to give you another chance, then why should I deny it? We'll help you out too.

(Y/N) then extends his hand out to Sunset to give her a genuine smile that said that if she takes it then he'll immediately forgive her for what's she done. Sunset takes (Y/N)'s hand and he helps her out of the crater before she straightens herself out.

Spike: Those are my friends! Woo-hoo!

He said out loud around the other students which made them look at Spike shocked.

Brawly Beats: Did that dog just talk? Whoa. Weird.

(Y/N): *nervous chuckle* I thought the same thing. Don't worry, you'll get used to it eventually.

Fluttershy: (Y/N), here I grabbed your suit for you.

Fluttershy hands over (Y/N) his suit which he puts back on and buttons it before pecking Fluttershy on the cheek.

(Y/N): Thanks, Flutters.

Principal Celestia then approached both Twilight and (Y/N) carrying their crowns.

Principal Celestia: I believe these belong to you two.

She said before presenting both of the crowns to (Y/N) and Twilight.

Principal Celestia: A true prince and a true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her.

She then places both of the crowns back on the user's heads one by one making them smile.

Principal Celestia: We have all seen that you two are fully capable of just that. I hope both of you see it too, Princess Twilight and Prince (Y/N).

Twilight and (Y/N) looked at each other with smiles before hugging each other tight.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): We do.

Everyone around cheers for the two designated and absolute winners of the Fall Formal as they were still hand in hand.

Principal Celestia: Now then, let's resume the Fall Formal.

Everyone around was returning inside of the building and the (Hu) Mane 7 were too before (Y/N) notices Sunset Shimmer and stops with a concerned look. Twilight saw her as well and looked at (Y/N) before smiling as she knew exactly what he was thinking.

Twilight Sparkle: Go talk to her.

(Y/N): *nods* Way ahead of you. I'm sure with some of what she did, there had to have been a reason for it and I want to help her by knowing what that reason.

(Y/N) let's go of Twilight's hand to walk over to where Sunset Shimmer and the rest of his girlfriends smile at him.

Rarity: There he goes again. Always helping everyone he can.

Applejack: Yeah, that our (Y/N) for ya.

Hearing footsteps approach her, Sunset turned around to see (Y/N).

Sunset Shimmer: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hey, Sunset. . . I want to talk to you.

Chapter 6 End.

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