End of Friendship Games Arc: We're All Winners

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It is now close to nighttime as the final event of Friendship Games is being held near the front of Canterlot High School as bleachers for both schools have been set up at this small arena. The sky has gone a foreboding dark gray with a sudden pall of clouds, and cheers and whistles ring out across the space from the packed house. The Rainbooms were all back in their normal attire as they all stood at the bleachers.

Dean Cadance: Since the score's tied, the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games.

Over at the Crystal Prep bleachers, the Shadowbolts including Sci-Twi and Cinch could be seen, however (R/N) and Sunny Flare stood far apart from each other clearly not in the mood to talk to each other after their extremely bad argument earlier. By the looks of it, the rest of the Shadowbolt girls didn't seem to know yet.

Vice Principal Luna: Somewhere on campus, a pennant from each school has been hidden. The first team to find their school's flag and bring it back wins.

Dean Cadance: And as soon as our teams are ready, we'll begin.

This was the Rainbooms' cue to huddle up, but the games were honestly the last thing on their minds for most of them.

Fluttershy: I don't feel like playing these games anymore.

Rainbow Dash: But we have to play. This is the last event!

Rarity: *scoffs* It's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening.

Sunset Shimmer: And I feel awful about what I said to Twilight.

Fluttershy: Especially since she obviously didn't mean to do all the stuff she did. She's actually really nice.

Another stab of remorse goes through the mind under the tumble of red/yellow hair, and she covers her face with her hands as Fluttershy finds herself on the wrong end of searching looks from the other five Rainbooms. The wordless scrutiny is enough to make the animal lover hunch into herself and sidestep away ever so slightly. (Y/N) then looks over at the opposing side while scratching a finger on his chin.

(Y/N): It's not just Twilight though... I'm kind of also worried about (R/N)...

All heads turned to (Y/N) the moment he said that second sentence as the Rainbooms hoped he wasn't being serious at all.

Rainbow Dash: What?! Why are you worried about that jerk faker of you?!

Applejack: He's been nothin' but rude and bitter towards ya!

(Y/N): Yeah, I've noticed... It's pretty much his thing along with all of Crystal Prep, but... I've had a talk with him and one of his girlfriends earlier and... I think he's hiding something. Something that he doesn't want to admit to anyone, not even those he trusts the most.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh! Like you just want to take the entire word "secret" and barricade it deep down in a treasure chest, plastic bottle, or even a safe and lock it just for you to find out that the secret is really some big surprise waiting for everybody in the end?

(Y/N): Ummmm... Sure? I know it should be hard for me to care about him at this point, especially after he did tell me that he has a reason to hate me, but I can't put what happened a while ago past me so soon. And I'm willing to help, but after a little "episode" I had to witness... I don't know if he'll answer to anyone at this point.

Fluttershy: What happened?

(Y/N): ...Let's just say we're not the only ones to experience relationship issues.

This makes some of their eyes widen and look at each other, but Applejack crosses over to (Y/N) and places a hand on his shoulder.

Applejack: Let's just get through this last event and prove we're not a bunch of cheaters. Then whatever's goin' on with (R/N), ya can sort out later. And you'll be able to apologize to Twilight as well, Sunset.

That suggestion brings up a grateful smile from both of the dispirited Rainbooms as (Y/N) shrugs his shoulders.

(Y/N): Meh. Not like we have any other choice.

Across the way, very nearly the full complement of Shadowbolts has gathered to listen to what Principal Cinch has to say, but Sci-Twi's attention is focused on Spike, hiding in the bushes at the back wall. (R/N), who was with Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap, slightly makes eye contact with Sunny Flare who was with Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest. They both had similar reactions and turned away with bitter looks while crossing their arms, but (R/N) felt just a tinge of guilt for what he said to Sunny Flare earlier.

Principal Cinch: I know I'm asking you to beat a team that isn't playing fair, but Canterlot High must be made to understand that even with magic at their disposal, beating Crystal Prep is simply not an option.

Twilight waves discreetly but frantically back toward the bushes as Spike retreats from sight.

Sugarcoat: What if they grow wings again?

Principal Cinch: A fair question. Though I believe we can now fight fire with fire.

She then approaches Sci-Twi as her purple eyes behind the thick lenses flick up worriedly. (R/N) was a little confused on what Principal Cinch was planning. He looked down at Twilight's device and immediately knew what she was implying, his eyes widened with worry as well.

Principal Cinch: I've seen what your device can do, Twilight. Containing magical energy is fine, but have you considered releasing it?

(R/N) immediately interrupts her question as he walks up to Sci-Twi as well.

(R/N): Are you out of your mind?! While I will admit that we've seen what those peons can do with their supernatural "magic" as you call it, WE have no idea how it works! It summoned flesh-eating plant snakes, who knows what else it can do that'll put not just Canterlot High, but us in danger too! No one should be using this!

Principal Cinch: If we do not use this "magic" to our advantage, our competitors will seize victory and I'd rather not have our school's reputation tarnished by cheaters. Besides, they likely wouldn't have resorted to it if you hadn't pulled that little stunt of yours during the Quad-cross Relay.

She gave him a hard glare when she said that last part. (R/N) however crossed his arms sending her back the same glare.

(R/N): Don't make this my fault. Especially when you said it yourself that Crystal Prep must do whatever it takes to win.

Principal Cinch: Hmph. You do have a point on at least one thing. Crystal Prep must win, and Ms. Sparkle here, along with her pendant, is the key to it.

(R/N): So you're suggesting... that we use the dangerous energy that nearly cost us our lives?! The same energy that we don't understand how it functions?! I'll admit I want to get even with Hero after he used me as a stepping stool, but I want to do it in a natural way.

Principal Cinch: And what more natural way is there than using the same thing they used to beat us?

(R/N) looks behind himself and sees (Y/N) talking with his harem and while he remembered what they talked about earlier after the Quad-Cross relay, he still knows that (Y/N) is someone who he needs to beat at all costs. To make it worse for him, Cinch wasn't really giving him much of a choice considering he still has both his reputation and relationship to lose with the other girls despite what happened with Sunny Flare. He then groans and rolls his eyes before looking back towards Cinch.

(R/N): (Dang, I'm really backed into a corner here...)

Principal Cinch: I'll take your lingering silence as an agreement.

Sci-Twi: B-But (R/N)'s right! I-I don't even understand how it works!

Principal Cinch: Though, you want to and since our competitors had such a pleasure in exploiting it, I see no reason why we shouldn't throw it back. Unless, of course, you have no interest in Everton. Although, I think there's more knowledge packed in that little device, than any independent study program could offer.

(R/N): (I got a bad feeling about this...)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Principal Cinch: ♪ I realize that you've always been an outcast ♪

♪ It's not everyone at school who likes to think ♪

♪ To find a student that's like you ♪

♪ I've had one or maybe two ♪

♪ But the good ones disappear before I blink ♪

Shadowbolts: ♪ Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh. Oh, wuh-oh-wuh. ♪

Principal Cinch: ♪ Now, I understand you have your reservations (oh-wuh) ♪

♪ It's hard to have a brain as large as yours (oh-oh-oh-oh) ♪

♪ But if we don't win these games ♪

♪ Well, I think I've made it plain ♪

♪ What will happen if we have the losing scores! ♪

Shadowbolts: ♪ Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh. Oh, wuh-oh-wuh. ♪

♪ Unleash the magic, unleash the magic ♪

♪ If we lose, then you're to blame (ah, ah-ah-ah) ♪

♪ They all have used it, maybe abused it (ah-ah-ah) ♪

♪ So then why can't we do the same? ♪

♪ Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh

Oh, wuh-oh-wuh ♪

Principal Cinch: ♪ Call it power, call it magic ♪

♪ If we lose, it will be tragic ♪

♪ More important is the knowledge we'll have lost (oh-oh-oh-oh) ♪

♪ A chance like this won't come again ♪

♪ You'll regret not giving in ♪

♪ Isn't understanding magic worth the cost? ♪

Shadowbolts: ♪ Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh

Oh, wuh-oh-wuh ♪

♪ Unleash the magic, unleash the magic ♪

♪ We're not friends here after all ♪

♪ Our only interest in this business (ah-ah-ah) ♪

♪ Is seeing Canterlot High School fall♪

(R/N) felt the cold chill in that verse. He glanced over at (Y/N) for a moment, but then Sunny stood in his way with her arms crossed.

♪ (Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh

Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh) ♪

Principal Cinch: ♪ What I'm suggesting's very simple ♪

♪ And since it's win-win on all scores ♪

♪ You only want to learn about the ♪

♪ Magic that you have stored ♪

♪ And as for me and all the others ♪

♪ We only want what we deserve ♪

♪ That our school will clinch the win ♪

♪ And my... ♪

Principal Cinch and Shadowbolts: ♪ ...legacy will endure ♪

♪ Unleash the magic, unleash the magic ♪

♪ If we lose, then it's a crime ♪

♪ But we can win it if you begin it (ah-ah-ah) ♪

♪ It's up to you to not fail this time ♪

Male Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

Female Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

Sci-Twi: ♪ Imagine all I'll learn by setting it free ♪

Vice Principal Luna: If both teams are ready...

Male Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

Female Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

Sci-Twi: ♪ And now winning these games depends on me ♪

Male Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

Female Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

♪ Sci-Twi: And what doors might open if I try to use it ♪

Dean Cadance: ...the last event of the Friendship Games begins...

Male Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

Female Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

Sci-Twi: ♪ But the magic's what I really want to see ♪

Puppy Spike: Twilight, no!

Male Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic now ♪

Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic... ♪

♪ Unleash the magic, free the magic... ♪

All: ♪ Now! ♪

Sci-Twi opens the amulet, exposing the magical energy in front of everyone. However, before she could fully open it, another pair of hands slammed the device closed. Sci-Twi looks up, revealing it to be (R/N) as Cinch, Sci-Twi, and the Shadowbolts all looked at him in shock.

Principal Cinch: (R/N), what is the meaning of this?

(R/N): This is a step too far. This energy is capable of putting us all in danger! Think of what could happen to CPA's reputation when they find out it was responsible for the deaths of all the students it could take! Lawsuits would be coming in left and right!

He then turns to Sci-Twi with a glare.

(R/N): I told you to give it back, Twilight! They were already onto you and if you release it now, they'll know for sure!

Sci-Twi: I-I'm sorry, (R/N), but—

Her eyes flashed a cyan blue for a second again as she looked at (R/N) with a shadow casted over her eyes. A small, malicious smile spreads across her face as she pulls the spectrometer away from him.

Sci-Twi: I've worked too hard on my research for this magic and no one, not even you, is going to mess it up for me now!

With that, Sci-Twi kicks him away, knocking him a couple feet into the center field. She quickly opens the spectrometer again, all the way as the magic ball of energy escapes it. She blinks for a moment as her eyes return back to a violet color.

Sci-Twi begins to float up in the air with the magical ball of energy that was just released. It begins to grow as she starts to get engulfed in it. Everyone only watches in horror as Sci-Twi looks back at the Shadowbolts and Cinch.

(R/N) quickly stood up as he looked towards the Shadowbolts and then to Twilight as he took a small moment to think.

(R/N): (If I help her, I'll lose everything whether we win or not, but if I don't...that may actually kill her. *sighs* Cinch was right about one thing, it's difficult to have a brain her size, because there's no way to control her intuition.)

Principal Cinch rises to her feet, but can only manage a couple of terrified steps back toward her now-upright students as Sci-Twi trains two freaked-out purple eyes on her. Spike manages a gasp as his owner's arms disappear into the brightness, but there is not a sound from the others witnessing this paranormal event in front of them.

Sci-Twi: Heeeeeeeeeelllllllp... meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

She manages to yank one arm free and reach blindly toward any shred of aid... and luckily there was one person bold enough to sprint as fast as they could towards the light so that they could put in some vain to save Sci-Twi... but it wasn't (Y/N)...

It was (R/N) as he had leaped up to grab onto Sci-Twi's leg as he pulled as hard as he could to get Sci-Twi free from all of this magic that was slowly consuming her.

Sci-Twi: (R-R/N), what are you doing?

(R/N): What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to pull you out of this!

Sci-Twi: But...you don't care about me!

(R/N): And who told you that? You think I like to pick on you? Sometimes it's for the sake of peer pressure, but it's not something I'd consider a personal hobby of mine!

He yanks back as much as he could, but his efforts were slowly failing as (R/N) looks down and could feel himself being pulled off of the ground with Sci-Twi.

(R/N): (Dang, this force is strong, but I'm not gonna let it take her.)

His eyes widen in shock from this as he turns his head around and looks back towards his girlfriends who all stared at him in both shock and worry for (R/N). He then makes eye contact with Sunny Flare once more as her expression was a lot more of worry than of bitterness. (R/N) wants to reach out an arm for his girls, but he retracts his arm.

(R/N): (I'm such a coward. I couldn't tell my own classmates to back off when they were picking on her, I couldn't tell Cinch to back off when she chose to blackmail her, I couldn't tell my own harem to back off either and I just...pretended to enjoy it. This... honestly wasn't even worth all the trouble I went through to become King. If I could do it all again, I'd renounce my title just to have my harem again. I...I'm sorry, Sunny.)

The expanding radiance of magic then quickly consumes both (R/N) and Sci-Twi as only their hazy silhouettes can be seen for a moment. Both groups stare up at the two helpless students as she floats helplessly within the ball of multicolored magic. It flickers black, then shifts into a black-edged white sphere that explodes.

A point of pink light ignites in the center of Sci-Twi's forehead, quickly spreading to encompass her entire form and touching off a radical transformation. Her skin has gone a darker violet than before, and long, winged, deep pink boots with large holes and pale green feet materialize on her legs, starting from the ankles up. A long purple dress train burns into view behind them; next an elbow-length, fingerless, ragged-edged glove forms on one arm in extreme close-up and two black-edged, deep purple wings unfurl, each with a single pinstripe of pale-glowing green.

(R/N) was grasping his head straining before he opened his eyes to show that they were glowing crimson red and his entire form was changing just like Sci-Twi's as he grew pony ears on his head. On his forehead, a glow of (R/F/C) energy could be seen building up as well as it quickly turned into a broken (R/C/C) horn, his back grew pitch black wings, and a dark (R/M/C) ponytail formed in his hair.

Once the light died down, it revealed two malicious figures floating up into the air with the look of pure evil on their faces as Sci-Twi had transformed into Midnight Sparkle while (R/N) had become Dark-Alicorn (R/N).

The sight of them is enough to start Principal Cinch backing ever so slowly away through her other prize pupils. Spike hunches down with a very scared little whimper as these new being's crazed laughter drifts down from overhead. Dark-Alicorn (R/N) holds out his hand as he produces some (R/F/C) energy from his palm.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): *smirks* You were right... Magic does indeed exhilarate me!

Midnight Sparkle just smiles evilly back at Dark-Alicorn (R/N).

Midnight Sparkle: How does it feel?

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Like I could use it to surpass anybody who I want to.

Midnight Sparkle: If magic can make the two of us feel powerful already then who knows what infinite possibilities it holds once we use it more and more.

All five of the girls in (R/N)'s harem were looking up at this new form that (R/N) was in shock as none of them were even sure if they were even looking at their boyfriend anymore.

Sunny Flare: (R-R/N)?

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): (R/N) is on sabbatical right now, my dear!

Lemon Zest: Dude...no...

Indigo Zap: Give him back! We can't participate in the last event without him!


Indigo Zap: And that he's our boyfriend. I was gonna get to that part.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Forget the games! I'm no longer interested in upholding my reputation for the school! I want to make sure NO one ignores who I am any longer! And I'll use this magic as much it takes to attain that goal!

Midnight Sparkle: And we'll gladly start to achieve our goals by doing THIS!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Channeling power through her horn, she extends a palm toward the Wondercolt statue and hits it with a wide-angle beam that blows it to powder. The Rainbooms shield their faces against the shower of debris and look up to find that there is nothing left except the base and the two hooves rooted onto it. In the space where the stallion had so proudly reared up, a gash opens to expose Ponyville's town hall beyond.

Sunset Shimmer: Equestria!

At a flick from Midnight Sparkle's eyes, a glowing crack forms in the sidewalk near the base and starts to zigzag its way along the surface. Dark-Alicorn (R/N) smirks at her with his arms crossed.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Hmph. Nice fireworks. Let me see what ultimate power I can use!

(R/N) warms up a hand as the crack that Midnight Sparkle formed made its way toward the Rainbooms, and the blast (R/N) then uncorks gives them almost no time to break for cover. It forms a pathway that gives onto an overhead view of the village of Rainbow Falls.

As the stands empty and screaming students flee, Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) throw shots at several cracks that have formed above them. The first one she hits becomes a jump to the hot-tub room in the Ponyville Spa; the second, to Sweet Apple Acres. Two more open on their own, creating passages to Cloudsdale and a stretch of train tracks in a desert.

The two dark creatures just grin madly as another spark hits the air over a few classmates' heads, creating a route to somewhere outside Ponyville proper. As Canterlot High students flee from a pair of portals, one to a snow-capped mountain range and the other to Manehattan, Principal Cinch takes advantage of the major-league distraction to start edging quietly away. However, she does not escape Sunny's attention.

Sunny Flare: Hey! Where are YOU going?!

Principal Cinch: Anywhere to avoid those... monsters! And I suggest you do the same!

Sunny Flare: But two of those monsters are one of your best students AND my boyfriend! Both of which are like this because of YOU!

Principal Cinch: Not my problem! Besides, all of you are at fault for encouraging it.

Sunny Flare: WHAT?!

Principal Cinch just peels out. Two scared red-violet eyes turn up toward the source of all this devastation, then toward Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, and Lemon Zest standing nearby.

Sunny Flare: She left us... this is all her fault and she won't even bother to fix the problems she caused!

Sugarcoat: She does have a point though, both of them are like this because of us too. We were singing along with her.

Sour Sweet: What are we gonna do? We can't leave him like that!

Lemon Zest: What can we do?! They got consumed by that weird magic stuff!

Sugarcoat: Yeah, and they could hurt us if we draw any attention to ourselves.

Sunny Flare: I don't know... but I won't let some magic demon lord wear my boyfriend's face!

She quickly sprints off from the rest of the group as Lemon calls out to her.

Lemon Zest: Dude, where are you going?

Sunny Flare: There's only one person who knows how to reverse this. He may be (R/N)'s sworn enemy, but he's the only one that can help them both!

She was referring to (Y/N) who was with the other Rainbooms witnessing all of these horrible events that Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) were causing as (Y/N) looks around with a serious look before pointing in a direction.

(Y/N): We need to get everyone to safety and fast!

Rarity: It's a bit too late for that. Everyone's already scattering away, darling. It'll be hard to round up anybody.

Applejack: Well it ain't hard for me to round up a bunch of hens into a chicken coop. This should be no different.

Sunset Shimmer: Applejack's right. As long as we can get as many people away from this area, then we'll at least know that nobody can get hurt.

Fluttershy: But without our magic, we probably won't be able to do a lot.

Rainbow Dash: Well, we're not doing a lot just being sitting ducks right here!

(Y/N): I agree. You all try to get people to avoid the rifts, Sunset and I will try and deal with the elephant in the room.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, cool. They brought an elephant around here somewhere?!

Rainbow Dash just facepalms from this question.

Rainbow Dash: He means the two maniacs up there!

She said pointing a thumb up towards Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N).

Rarity: Are you sure about this, darling? They don't even appear to be in the slightest of moods to have a conversation.

Sunset Shimmer: It's better than doing nothing. They're probably getting more and more corrupted with magic as we speak.

Sunny Flare: Well, I hope it's not too late for them.

They all immediately turned towards Sunny Flare who had heard them speaking.

(Y/N): Me neither. We had to deal with something like this twice, but we don't exactly have our powers to help out this time.

Sunny Flare: But do you know if there's a way to reverse what happened to them? I-I don't want to lose my boyfriend to... whatever that thing is.

Sunset Shimmer: One source of magic can overlap another source of magic from what we've seen, but like (Y/N) said, we don't have the power to do that.

(Y/N): Our best effort right now would be to convince them to give it up through reason and see another angle around that.

Sunny Flare: I think you may have missed something. Those two beings up there aren't Twilight or (R/N). The way they're acting right now is out of character for both of them. You'd be conveying with two different people entirely.

(Y/N) and Sunset looked at each other and they knew that she was right especially they both know what Sunset turned into when she got corrupted with magic. They both thought hard and quickly before Sunset gained a quick idea in her head.

Sunset Shimmer: Do you know where Twilight may have dropped her device when she released that magic on herself and (R/N)?

Sunny Flare: Yeah, during that blast, it was knocked over onto our side of the school. I don't know exactly where, but it's likely near the bleachers; you should be able to find it there.

(Y/N): Alright, that's more than helpful! We'll put an end to this as fast as we can!

Both (Y/N) and Sunset give each other an agreeing nod before they sprint out onto the middle of the school courtyard.

Sunny Flare: (Please save my boyfriend... (Y/N).)

As they do, Dark-Alicorn (R/N) notices (Y/N) and Sunset from above and he smirks as he taps a finger on Midnight Sparkle's shoulder getting her attention. He then points down at (Y/N) and Sunset as Midnight Sparkle gains the same exact look that Dark-Alicorn (R/N) was giving.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): You thinking what I'm thinking?

They both then immediately landed right in front of (Y/N) and Sunset as the two instantly came to a halt right in front of the two. They start slowly approaching them as (Y/N) and Sunset slowly take steps back from them with fearful looks on their faces.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): You and I have some unfinished business, (Y/N)!

Midnight Sparkle: You were right, Sunset! I didn't understand magic before, but I do now!

Sunset Shimmer: Twilight, you can't do this!

Midnight Sparkle: Why not?! There's a whole other world right there, and it's just filled with magic!

Sunset Shimmer: But you're destroying this world to get it!

Midnight Sparkle: So what? There's more magic there, and I want to understand it all!

(Y/N): You two are just consuming yourselves more and more with corrupted magic! You've got to get rid of it!

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Get rid of it? You're joking, right? This power defines who we are and if it means that I finally get vengeance on those who wronged me like you... why refuse it in the first place?!

(Y/N): Twilight! (R/N)! Listen to us! We're not going to let you use magic, not like this!

Midnight Sparkle: Well, if you want us to stop...

She and her evil cohort brought up a fist as they're engulfed in a dark aura of magic.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Then you'll just have to make us.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They both then opened their palms and shot different colored beams out of their hands which made (Y/N) and Sunset gasp before the beam suddenly engulfed around (Y/N) and Sunset from their necks all the way down to their feet. The beams then formed into chains as both Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) immediately hovered off of the ground carrying (Y/N) and Sunset with them.

Sunset Shimmer: *straining* H-Hey!

(Y/N): *straining* Let us go!

Both of them laughed evilly before they started tossing them around in the air and the two victims were yelling out in both worry and fear. The Rainbooms who were helping some of the students along with the Shadowbolts heard their screams as they looked and saw Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) throwing (Y/N) and Sunset around like ragdolls. The Rainbooms were the most shocked at seeing (Y/N) and Sunset entrapped in this.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N)! Sunset!

Pinkie Pie: Stop! You're hurting them!

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): What do you think the point of this is?

He snarkily comments as the two then proceed to start swinging them either onto the ground or onto the wall of the school as (Y/N) and Sunset voiced extreme yells of pain through each impact. (Y/N) gets thrown onto the ground once more as the Shadowbolts on the opposite side were staring at all of this in shock as they know that neither Twilight nor (R/N) wouldn't go so far as to try and actually kill someone.

Lemon Zest: Stop (R/N)! Snap out of it, dude!

Indigo Zap: Please, (R/N)! Stop it!

The violent moment was concluded when they both took (Y/N) and Sunset and slammed the two into each other, making them go unconscious as Dark-Alicorn (R/N) and Midnight Sparkle both smirked evilly while raising them high up into the air.

Midnight Sparkle: Hm, by my calculations, I'd say that they now have a 0% chance of waking up.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Not good enough... Let's put it in the negatives.

He said as they both raised their hands up into the air making all of the Rainbooms and Shadowbolts gasp at what they were about to do.

The Rainbooms: NO!

Midnight Sparkle & Dark-Alicorn (R/N): ...Farewell!

They both threw their hands downwards... and they slammed both humans down onto the ground with such an impact that it caused a small explosion.

(End Music Here)

Everyone shielded their eyes from the dust, but when it cleared... it showed two severely injured and unconscious human figures... which were (Y/N) (L/N) and Sunset Shimmer. The Rainbooms all gasped in horror at seeing their friend and boyfriend beaten like this as they were just about to make their way over to the both of them before being rudely cut off by Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N).

Midnight Sparkle: I'm afraid it's much too late to save them!

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Now that they're out of the way, you can call us even! Now...

He starts prowling closer to the Rainbooms, making them back away.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): What to do with the rest of you?

Pinkie Pie: Hey, that rhymed!

She chirped which was met with deadpanned stares from the rest of her friends including both Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N).

Rainbow Dash: *sarcastically* Really? Really, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: What? It does!

Fluttershy then turns to Applejack with extreme fear and worry.

Fluttershy: W-We can't let them get away with this... c-can we?

Applejack grumbles in frustration for as much as she wanted to say no to that, she had to face the harsh truth.

Applejack: Without magic... or our friends... What can we do?

Applejack was indeed right about that as all five of them continued to look ahead at their fallen comrades as they didn't appear to be moving a single inch.

Midnight Sparkle: Heh, nice to see someone with halfway decent common sense. Mind keeping them at bay whilst I open a few portals?

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Knock yourself out.

Midnight Sparkle then proceeds to fly upwards and do her thing while Dark-Alicorn (R/N) made sure that the Rainbooms didn't move an inch by threatening them with dark (R/F/C) energy in his fist.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Go ahead. Make. My. Day.

The camera then cuts over to both (Y/N) and Sunset who were still unconscious as it zooms in on the both of them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The entire scene then went pitch black as this couple began hanging in the air in limbo as while there was no one for them to talk to in their state... various faces of those they deeply care about started floating across from them.

Over both of them, the rest of their friends' forms in colorful silhouettes could be seen as they just circled around the two while shooting genuine smiles before disappearing as a small spark of light.

Over (Y/N), a small spark of light then slowly formed into a certain purple alicorn princess that he knows that he cares so much about just as much as she cares for him no matter what world he is from.

Over Sunset, another spark of light formed vaguely into another alicorn princess that was formerly Sunset's mentor and somepony she knows thinks and cares about her just like how she wanted her parents to treat her as well.

They disappear before two familiar voices that sounded like Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia could suddenly be heard from around them.

Twilight Sparkle: (Echo) The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it!

Princess Celestia: (Echo) We cannot change what we have done in the past, but for now we both try our best to give ourselves a better future.

Twilight Sparkle: (Echo) The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere.

Hearing all of those words from their past interactions with these close allies made both of them realize that they didn't need to find the magic inside of the pendant all of this time in order to use the magic of friendship to put a stop to this...

It was with them the entire time. (Y/N) and Sunset's eyes opened up... to show that they were both glowing light blue and (F/C) as now they know what they have to do.

(End Music Here)

Back in reality, Midnight Sparkle was still wreaking havoc across Canterlot High by blasting in random directions to create rifts between the Human World and Equestria, possibly to tear and combine both parts of the realities into one. Dark-Alicorn (R/N) smirked at Midnight Sparkle doing her job while he kept an eye on the Rainbooms watching this destruction go on and on.

The Rainbooms didn't think they would have any chance of winning without the rest of their friends being by their side as they stood still clearly still dejected about the loss of (Y/N) and Sunset...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

That is until random rainbow light illuminated in the middle of the courtyard which the Rainbooms were the first ones to notice.

Pinkie Pie: What's that?!

She pointed as Dark-Alicorn (R/N) would be completely stupid to not also notice the blatantly obvious rainbow light emitting from the two individuals that him and Midnight Sparkle tried to destroy earlier. Midnight Sparkle was even concerned about this as she quickly paused her curiosity on magic and turned towards (Y/N) and Sunset.

Everybody around at this point was watching as (Y/N) and Sunset slowly floated off of the ground, covered in auras of their respective colors. They both then got upright in the air, still with their eyes completely closed... before (Y/N)'s hand slowly balled up into a fist.

Swirls of (F/C) and orange magic then slowly circled around (Y/N) and Sunset before slowly picking up pace around them... and they suddenly entered both of them as the two opened their eyes and a huge bright white light shone across the entire area.

(Skip to 0:43)

Once the light died down... it revealed to (Y/N) and Sunset completely awoken and alive as they were both Ponied-Up with serious expressions on their faces as they both glared towards Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N). The Rainbooms all grew huge happy looks at seeing that their best friend and boyfriend were alive.

(Y/N): Hmph. You actually thought you could defeat me by transforming into a monster?!

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): This shouldn't be happening!

Midnight Sparkle: We practically destroyed both of you!

Sunset Shimmer: Wrong! You two may feel powerful right now, like you can have everything you want!

(Y/N): But it's not going to make you feel better! Trust us, we've been there!

Midnight Sparkle: Oh, you're wrong. Unlike you two, we CAN have everything we want!

Sunset Shimmer: No, you can't. Even with all that magic and power, you'll still be alone!

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Really?! And why is that?!

(Y/N): Because you don't know where true magic comes from! It comes from Honesty...

As he mentions this Element of Harmony, Applejack's hair blows straight up from her head, her hat falls off, and a rivulet of magic shoots skyward from it.

Sunset Shimmer: Loyalty!

Next was Rainbow Dash as the same thing happened with her.

(Y/N): Laughter!

Pinkie Pie's hair then flows upwards as well.

Sunset Shimmer: Generosity!

Rarity was up as she felt the same magic energy causing her to levitate like the rest.

(Y/N): Kindness!

Fluttershy was the last one as we now see five streams of magic retract into the five heads, then redirect themselves towards the benevolent pair in the air confronting the two out of control beings. Sunset then takes (Y/N)'s hand as she smiles at him which he returned with one of his own.

Sunset Shimmer: And Heroism!

They both then aimed their confident glares back at the duo who were staring at the two entirely in shock of what was happening.

(Y/N) & Sunset Shimmer: And we want to show you two that it makes the most important magic of all...

(Skip to 1:16)

An explosion of pure white light then blanks out the entire screen as everybody including Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) shield their eyes as the same ball of light grows to envelop them, but unlike her counterparts, (Y/N) and Sunset puts up no struggle against the encroaching glow and simply lets it take them.

The metamorphosis that happened with Sci-Twi and (R/N) earlier was happening the same way with (Y/N) and Sunset... but they took completely different forms than they did as inside, (Y/N)'s grows pony ears, his hair grows in length, and flows upwards and constantly changed colors from orange, yellow, pink, white, light blue, purple, and (F/C).

He then grows wings on back that were longer than his original Ponied-Up form and they had a touch of (F/C) on them as well. His clothes took on an entirely different form as well as the design all over his outfit grew (F/C) hearts and a train extended down to his legs before flowing like a cape. Finally, a bright rainbow energy forms from his forehead as it slowly transforms into a rainbow glowing horn. (Y/N) had transformed into... Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N).

Sunset had a change herself with winged, gold-colored high-heeled shoes marked with her red and yellow sunburst and flame-like projections that extend up the shin from the instep. A long white dress train materializes behind them. A short, white fingerless glove appears on her hand, a sun-marked bracelet on her upper arm, and a point of burning yellow light flares up in the center of her forehead. It then elongates into a long, straight horn.

Her hair is blowing up from her head, and there are red markings around her eyes to resemble a domino mask. The dress is strapless, in shades of white, light yellow, and pink, and the skirt is knee-length in front. She wears a white choker set with a sunburst, gloves and bracelets on both arms, and two immense wings of golden light stand out from her back. Sunset Shimmer has transformed into... Daydream Shimmer.

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) & Daydream Shimmer: ...The Magic of Friendship!

Everybody below including the Rainbooms and the Shadow Five were staring at these two new powered up beings in both astonishment and extreme shock. Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) both grew the same amount of shock as well before they both looked at each other and scowled as now they've someone who can even the playing field with them.

(End Music at 2:12)

Both Dark-Alicorn (R/N) and Midnight Sparkle growled in anger... but they both soon chuckled mischievously as the former crossed his arms arrogantly.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): You two can pull off any effort that you want to try and stop us...

Midnight Sparkle: But all it will do is delay the inevitability that both of these worlds are soon to witness!

Dark-Alicorn (R/N) then turns around and gets ready to shoot a magic blast towards the school with a smirk on his face... but a hard kick to the face from Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) stops his assault in an instant as he yells out in pain before crashing onto the wall himself.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): GAH!

The Rainbooms and Shadowbolts all had their mouths hanging open at this new insane power that (Y/N) and Sunset have against their foes now. Midnight Sparkle stares at Dark-Alicorn (R/N) in shock before looking back at the two in slight fear.

Midnight Sparkle: (This is impossible...)

She then scowls at them once more.

Midnight Sparkle: (I've gotten THIS far in trying to figure out how the magic works between this world and that world... I'm not going to let these two stop me from finding all of the answers that I seek! Or getting in the way of his goal as well!)

Once this thought ended, she reached out an arm towards Dark-Alicorn (R/N) before activating magic to pull him out of the wall that he got knocked into and back towards her as Dark-Alicorn (R/N) shakes his head before glaring back at Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) and Daydream Shimmer.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Hope that brain of yours is big enough to come up with an idea for what comes next to dealing with these two!

Midnight Sparkle: Working on it!

Dark-Alicorn (R/N) then points towards Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N).

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Don't think that just because you caught me off guard means that you can stand up to me alone, Hero!

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N): Clearly, you've forgotten about my partner, (R/N). *smiles* Neither of us are ever alone.

Daydream Shimmer: And we're not going to let you two be alone and let that magic consume you either.

Midnight Sparkle: *chuckles* How amusing! Come on then, show us what you got!

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) and Daydream Shimmer looked at each other and gave agreeing nods.

Daydream Shimmer: I'll try and take on Twilight. (R/N) is all yours, (Y/N).

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N): You read my mind, Sunset. Alright... time to show them what we're made of!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Both Daydream Shimmer and Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) then charged up fiery auras around both of them to exert their power ready to fight. Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) both smirked as they did the exact same things with dark purple and dark (R/F/C) auras around them. Once both pairs felt ready to fight, they each charged towards each other getting ready to rumble.

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) & Daydream Shimmer: ♪ I don't care what you're thinkin' as you turn to me ♪

Both of the boys exchanged punches and kicks clearly on equal ground with each other while the two girls were shooting blasts and beams at each other to avoid each projectile as they fought.

♪ 'Cause what I have in my two hands ♪

Dark-Alicorn (R/N) punched Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) back which he blocked with two arms. Dark-Alicorn (R/N) then tries to rush at him again, but Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) countered with a kick that sent him backwards.

♪ Is enough to set me free (set me free) ♪

When Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) tries to follow up with a couple of more kicks, Dark-Alicorn (R/N) blocked every single one of these before uppercutting him into the sky which sent him flying and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) quickly caught up as he punched Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) a couple of times in the back as well.

♪ I can fight the feelin' to resist it all the time ♪

Down below on the ground, all of the students were looking up into the air witnessing the battle going on with extreme worry in their eyes as the Rainbooms were all worried for both (Y/N) and Sunset while the Shadowbolts on the other side were all hoping that (Y/N) and Sunset will be able to save Sci-Twi and (R/N) from their evil transformations.

♪ But when it's just too much to take ♪

♪ You sneak up from behind ♪

Over with Midnight Sparkle and Daydream Shimmer, Midnight Sparkle covered one of her fists in a turquoise aura and repeatedly tried to jab at Daydream Shimmer with this, but she just kept on dodging with a calm look on her face before finally catching one of her attempts her own hand.

♪ Is it me ♪

♪ You say, you're looking for ♪

Midnight Sparkle growls in anger as her eyes glow a menacing green color and she fires a beam from her free hand at Daydream Shimmer's stomach. Luckily, Daydream Shimmer was able to make a force field in time to block this assault on her.

♪ Let me show you who I am and what I'm here for... (here for) ♪

As Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) was knocked away a fair distance from the school, he suddenly made six spheres of energy in different colors appear around him before they got absorbed into him and he begins rocketing himself back towards Dark-Alicorn (R/N) at incredible speeds as the guy got a hard knuckle to the face and it was so powerful that it caused a small gust of wind to blow around them.

♪ Heeeeeeeeeeeey! ♪

Dark-Alicorn (R/N) got sent flying right past Midnight Sparkle as Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) chased after him. Midnight Sparkle tries sending a hook punch towards Daydream Shimmer who ducks under this before parrying her second attempt at this and she was able to counterattack with a magic blast to Midnight Sparkle's body.

♪ Try to reach inside of me ♪

♪ Try to drain my energy ♪

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) caught up with Dark-Alicorn (R/N) as he began attacking him in all directions before roundhouse kicking him in the back which sent back and Midnight Sparkle was getting ready to send another attack towards Daydream Shimmer, but she wasn't ready for Dark-Alicorn (R/N) to get knocked straight into her.

♪ Let me show you just what I'm made of! ♪

♪ Simple curiosity, try to take a bite of me ♪

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) then teleports right beside Daydream Shimmer and lets the huge rainbow aura that he had dissipate and gives an arrogant smirk ahead of them before it quickly changes to one of worry that Daydream Shimmer had as well.

♪ Let me show you just what I'm made of now! ♪

Two blasts then came out of nowhere and hit the two in the face which they didn't have time to block as they both shook their heads to regain their composure. Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) was getting ready to go after Dark-Alicorn (R/N) again... but not before Midnight Sparkle intercepts his assault by body blowing him in the stomach and she grabs Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) by the back before throwing him downwards to the ground.

♪ Like a million faces, I've recognized them all ♪

♪ And one by one they've all become ♪

Daydream Shimmer anticipates this with some surprise before she sees Dark-Alicorn (R/N) shoot a spear-like projectile from his hand towards her which Daydream Shimmer almost failed to put a force field up to block, but it apparently was so strong that it broke her force field.

♪ A number as they fall (as they fall) ♪

♪ In the face of reason, I can take no more ♪

Seeing that they're targets have now decided to take on their opposite foe, Daydream Shimmer gets a serious look as she won't let their plan stop them from trying to end this fight as quickly as they can.

♪ One by one they've all become ♪

Daydream Shimmer then charged some magic energy into both of her hands as she swung both of them outwards towards Dark-Alicorn (R/N) producing an energy wave that pushed him back a fair distance away from her. A dark (R/F/C) glow then grew around Dark-Alicorn (R/N) as he made himself teleport over to Daydream Shimmer before making his aura explode with energy that knocked Daydream Shimmer onto the front school wall.

♪ A black mark on the floor ♪

♪ Is it me (Is it me) ♪

With Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N), he was laying on the ground grasping his head before he glared back up at Midnight Sparkle as he made his aura grow once more before making himself teleport. He then somersaults himself into Midnight Sparkle and brings both her and himself up into the sky before flying above and stomps her back towards the surface with both feet.

♪ You say (You say), you're looking for ♪

♪ Let me show you who I am and what I have in store (in store) ♪

This sends her through a portal and back out another one making her get launched back into the air as she grows an angry look before instantly teleporting to Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) and throws a couple of punches to his face before slamming him back down the ground.

♪ Hey! Hey! Yeah! ♪

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) was able to stick his landing as Midnight Sparkle quickly lands back down on the ground and prepares another energy-charged jab at him, but not before he sees Daydream Shimmer land right behind him. They both looked at each other and smiled, getting the same idea as both of their foes were ready to assault them with magic, but they both duck as Dark-Alicorn (R/N) accidentally shoots a beam at Midnight Sparkle who didn't see this coming.

♪ Try to reach inside of me ♪

Daydream Shimmer and Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) then swapped places as both the latter and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) collided punches with each other once more to test each other's strength.

♪ Try to drain my energy ♪

The camera cuts to each one of their faces showing Dark-Alicorn (R/N) glaring Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) down with increased anger and effort while his rival slowly gets a smirk on his face even though he was somewhat struggling.

♪ Let me show you just what I'm made of! ♪

Meanwhile, Daydream Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle tested each other's magic strength by firing beams at each other as Midnight Sparkle's angry eyes slowly narrowed towards Daydream Shimmer while Daydream Shimmer had a more calm and serious look towards Midnight Sparkle.

♪ Simple curiosity, try to take a bite of me ♪

Both of the heroes were soon able to catch the other one off guard as Daydream Shimmer fires a blast as Midnight Sparkle while Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) throws Dark-Alicorn (R/N) upwards once more.

♪ Let me show you just what I'm made of now! ♪

Both of the corrupted beings then glare down at their enemies as they made their dark auras grow bigger than them, their hair was flowing, and their eyes were glowing too as both Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) and Daydream Shimmer were getting a bad feeling from this.

♪ You can take another life long try ♪

Midnight Sparkle then brought her hands up and charged a giant cyan energy sphere, crackling with purple electricity. She then fires this down at the two as Daydream Shimmer and Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) both hold their hands together to share their power with each other before they both use their linked hands to shoot a golden beam upwards towards Midnight Sparkle to counter this!

♪ You can take another try ♪

The beams cancel each other out midway between them. Daydream Shimmer and Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) push their energy toward Midnight Sparkle. Dark-Alicorn (R/N) wasn't going to let them win so easily as he shares his energy with Midnight Sparkle allowing her to shove a larger beam back causing her to smirk at Dark-Alicorn (R/N) as thanks. They both laugh crazily as the backwash comes perilously close to making contact with the both of their faces. Students from both schools stare in mingled fear and awe at the cataclysmic showdown raging above their heads...

However, the Rainbooms weren't going to let their foes win so easily as all five of them grew magic auras around them and they all yelled out as different colored beams overtook each of them and when they all died down... They revealed each of the Rainbooms Ponied-Up from the magic of friendship that was in each of them.

Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) look to the side and they both look at this in extreme shock while both Daydream Shimmer and Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) were surprised to see their friends Ponied-Up as well. Applejack and Rainbow Dash rise up into the air before the former grabs the Ponied-Up tomboy's wrist and swings her around before throwing her upwards towards Dark-Alicorn (R/N) and Midnight Sparkle.

The Rainbooms: ♪ Try to reach inside of me ♪

Rainbow Dash flies up to them at supersonic speeds as she flies and circles around them causing them both to lose their focus on their power and spin around dizzy from this. Once they were caught off guard, Applejack took this opportunity to fly up to them herself... and she pushes them downwards towards the beam that was coming their way.

♪ Try to drain my energy ♪

♪ Let me show you just what I'm made of! ♪

The rest of the Rainbooms then gather around Daydream Shimmer and Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) and share their power with them to help them defeat Midnight Sparkle and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) as the two smile at them before at each other as they are both glad to have the rest of these girls as their best friends.

♪ Simple curiosity, try to take a bite of me ♪

Dark-Alicorn (R/N) and Midnight Sparkle both felt dizzy, but they both put the last bit of their effort to try and hold back some defense on the beam that was nearly overtaking them... but they were slowly losing to what the magic of friendship holds.

♪ Let me show you just what I'm made of now... ♪

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) & Daydream Shimmer: ♪ Try to reach inside of me (The Rainbooms: Let me show you what I'm made of!) ♪

♪ Try to drain my energy (The Rainbooms: Let me show you what I'm made of!) ♪

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N), Daydream Shimmer, & The Rainbooms: ♪ Let me show you just WHAT I'M MADE OF!! ♪

Both of the villains above were groaning and straining against this magic and down below, Spike and Sunny Flare both ran onto the sidewalk and called up to both of them.

Spike/Sunny Flare: Twilight!/(R/N)!

Their call shakes them out of their insane reverie as they both look down to see them staring up with big, wide, and terrified eyes as Sunny Flare's eyes were watering up as well. A blink returns their constricted pupils and irises and glowing whites to their normal appearances.

Sci-Twi/(R/N): Spike?/Sunny?

The distraction gives Daydream Shimmer and Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) the perfect opportunity to bulldoze their beam towards them, widening it at the same time. As it surges into their faces as they blink their eyes back into their transformed state, but it does not a lick of good.

Midnight Sparkle & Dark-Alicorn (R/N): NOOOOOOOOO!!

The glare washes out all of her color before the view fades to white.

Inside of this white void, they were both looking around before they turned around with their eyes in their normal states as they saw that Daydream Shimmer and Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) were also with them as they both slowly approached them while extending their hands out to them.

Daydream Shimmer: Take our hands.

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N): We can both show you that there's something better waiting out there for the two of you.

Sci-Twi cowers away from the proffered fingers and squinches her whole face up in a silent internal war and (R/N) was pretty much the same as he had one of his hands clenched up in a fist shaking it in deep thought... before the two slowly opened their eyes and reached out across the space to accept their offer.

The two pairs of hands clasp each other as a wisps of energy appear and snake along their arms, making their way to their shoulders and hair. Sci-Twi and (R/N) look at each other before closing their eyes with a tremulous smile, a tear drifting away on the wind, and the view fades to white.

The broad pillar of light begins to shrink and dim, exposing the silhouettes of the two girls and two boys within as they slowly descend to the sidewalk. When it winks out, all of the rifts Midnight Sparkle created including the one she blew open in the walk have been closed and all four of them stand side by side, back to normal, if rather disheveled. Sci-Twi's hair has come loose from its bun and (R/N) looked somewhat frazzled as they both looked and saw that they were fully human.

Sci-Twi: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

She looks away as (R/N) places a hand on her shoulder. Sunset solemnly looked back as she placed a hand on her heart.

Sunset Shimmer: I know, and going by my own experiences, they'll forgive you.

She takes both of Sci-Twi's hands as she smiles warmly at Sunset. Then, Spike barked off screen before he tackled his owner with glee. She giggles lightheartedly as she rekindles with her puppy. For once, (R/N) smiled at her out of genuine happiness for her well being.

(R/N): (I think this is the first time I ever saw her smile. What is it about girls looking prettier that way?)

???: (R/N)!

A voice calls out to him and before (R/N) could react, he's tackled to the ground by an overly anxious Sunny Flare hugging him dearly. She then grabs him by his collar and starts shaking him like a ragdoll before slapping him hard across the face.

Sunny Flare: Don't you EVER worry me like that again! Do you have any idea how worried I was?! I almost thought you were a goner!

She starts to pepper him with kisses as (R/N) slowly backs away for a moment. He grabs one of his arms and looks away from Sunny in guilt.

(R/N): I... I didn't think you'd care that much after we fought.

Sunny Flare: (R/N), of course I care! That's what I was trying to tell you the whole time!

The rest of the Shadowbolt girls approach Sunny Flare from behind.

Sunny Flare: All of us care about you, we want to help you and I felt... betrayed that you wouldn't tell us what was wrong. I just want you to be honest with me, (R/N). Is that really too much to ask?

(R/N): It would be... if it wasn't so complicated.

Sugarcoat: What's complicated about trusting your own harem? That's the whole point of it.

(R/N): That's not what I mean. Look, you all remember that time Dean Cadance called me to go meet with Cinch?

Lemon Zest: Yeah, after that musical number, right?

(R/N): Yes, that. I didn't want her to find out, but... she apparently knew about us from the security system and I know for a fact she wouldn't allow the relationship we have.

Sunny Flare: Okay...

(R/N): But she was willing to let it slide if we won the Friendship Games which is why I was a bit... unnerved than usual these past couple days. The last thing I'd ever want is to lose you girls and I couldn't let Cinch get in the way of what we had, so... I had no choice. I couldn't say anything because I'm certain Sunny would've told her off and I would've lost you all regardless, but there's also the fact that I know how much winning means to all of you and I didn't want you to see me fail... I'm sorry.

Sunny Flare: Dearie...

She takes a couple steps closer as she cups his cheek in her hand.

Sunny Flare: We never cared about winning; we just want to please you. I thought that winning meant a lot to you, so I always tried my best for your sake. I'd do anything for you, (R/N). Anything at all for you.

Her face turns to a scowl.

Sunny Flare: And I would never let someone like Cinch break us up. If she does end up releasing the footage from those tapes, then so be it! That's not going to stop me from being with you and I doubt it'll stop them either!

Sugarcoat: Well, realistically—

Sunny Flare: Just get over here and hug him already!

She snaps as the other four comply and trap (R/N) in for a group hug. He smiles a little before he hugs them back as a small tear streams down his face.

(R/N): I'm so lucky to have all of you.

Sunny Flare: So am I, but listen (R/N), I'm sorry for what I said at the Quad-Cross Relay field. I shouldn't be nosy with your personal business.

(R/N): No, Sunny, I'm the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have said I didn't need you to care. I'm happy you care that much, but that's what made it worse for me when Cinch threatened to take you girls away from me, so... I said that, so that I could ease the pain, but it only made it worse.

Lemon Zest: Dude, I don't care if Cinch expelled me, I'm not gonna leave you just because she wants it.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* It makes sense why she'd want to break us up. *sourly* She could never get out of the friend zone!

Indigo Zap: Where even is Cinch?

Sunny Flare: Who cares where she is? She left our boyfriend to rot in the mess she caused.

(R/N): The only thing Cinch is concerned about is her own well-being and rep. I know everyone believed that she was looking out for our futures, but she never cared in the slightest about any of her students.

Sugarcoat: Well, it's not rocket science considering how she bailed when she saw you and Twilight transform.

Speaking of which, the headmistress herself peaks out from behind the bleachers and looks around to discover that the situation had been resolved. However, considering how she fled from the situation like a coward, she hadn't learned a thing. So, the second she saw the three other principals, she immediately scowled at them.

Principal Cinch: Principal Celestia, on behalf of Crystal Prep, I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games! Clearly, CHS has had unfair advantage for quite some time! And it's certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit!

Apparently, this was heard from right behind her as both the Rainbooms and the Shadowbolts instantly shot her glares especially (Y/N) and (R/N) as the former facepalmed in annoyance while the latter growled in anger.

(Y/N): Seriously...? She's still on about the Friendship Games after all of what just happened?!

Sunny Flare: She left the second (R/N) and Twilight became those things. This honestly isn't all that surprising.

(R/N): So that's what you're gonna feed to them? After you purposely coaxed Twilight into doing the exact same thing, which by the way, is the reason why we couldn't even finish the Friendship Games?!

Principal Cinch: Who's side are you on?

(R/N): Obviously, not yours! Do you have any idea how much of a dread it is to pretend to like having you as a principal?! I'd honestly prefer to beg on the streets if I didn't have an ulterior motive to attend this school! Excuse me, girls.

He breaks off from the group hug as he stomps over to Cinch as he raises a fist at her.

(R/N): I'll be frank with you, I hated you since the day my father dumped me into this asylum of a school and the only thing keeping my sanity is everyone else at CPA. Especially those five.

He thumbed towards his harem behind him as the five girls approached behind (R/N), slightly intimidating Cinch.

(R/N): I honestly could rule this school better than you ever could! I am the King of Crystal Prep after all!

Principal Cinch: A true King doesn't abandon his school by making peace with his adversaries.

(R/N): You abandoned us.

She paused for a moment, seeing that he had a point there until she scoffed.

Principal Cinch: ...Well, it improved you. You're a lot more respectful than the (R/N) I talked to days ago.

(R/N): Oh, am I cool enough for you now? *laughs* Well, that was easy. It only cost me, oh, I don't know, freaking EVERYTHING!

Principal Cinch: Now—

(R/N): You talk to your own students and staff like we aren't people, Cinch! Then you bailed and left me and Twilight as power-hungry maniacs that could put all of their lives at risk when it was all YOUR FAULT!! Everyone was convinced that this was all for the sake of their own futures, but all we are to you is nothing more than a bunch of meat shields that you can blame if people get leery! You are a pathetic, corrupt, selfish, aging, control freak who's so lost in her own world that you'll go as far as to leave the people that trust you to rot! I don't know who nominated you to be the head of a private school like CPA, but I guarantee that it's one of the worst mistakes they ever made!

Principal Cinch was slightly surprised by this outburst, but this didn't phase her at all as she adjusted her glasses while staring down at (R/N) with a calm look on her face.

Principal Cinch: Hmph. I think you seem to forget the most crucial part of this as I do indeed have a special alliance with your father. I can blame all of Canterlot High at the school board for all of the said magic that happened and I can blame you for your father, especially for your extreme defiance which technically won't be a lie. So it's my word against yours.

(R/N)'s eyes widened from this with a small gasp of worry as he didn't want to even imagine what he might go through if his father found out that all of this happening was his fault and he could lose pretty much everything in this state. However, (Y/N) who was with his harem saw and heard this before he gets a smug grin as he looks at his girls before he casually walks over to Principal Cinch, (R/N), and his harem.

(Y/N): *clears throat* Ladies... and gentleman right here.

(R/N): *sighs* Hero, please... not now.

(Y/N): Actually, this is something you all might wanna hear, and I do mean ALL of you. It turns out that you're right about your principal here being possibly the worst one that I've ever seen.

(R/N): Um... I think that's putting it lightly, but go ahead.

(Y/N): So... I wasn't entirely sure why exactly Cinch meant so much business when it came to the Friendship Games until my principal, who is actually a close friend of someone who used to be the superintendent of the school, told me everything.

He then turns to Principal Cinch with a deadpan look on his face.

(Y/N): I mean seriously... Does hearing (L/N) always strike a nerve down your spine? You do realize that I'm her one and only son.

(R/N): Uhh... I'm still kinda lost here, Hero. What exactly are you trying to convey here?

(Y/N): That's the icing on the cake here, (R/N). About some time ago, my mother used to be superintendent of Canterlot, so I wouldn't be surprised if she made a ton of friends or allies with the school board considering she's best friends with my principal and vice principal. Cinch, I'm sure the school board would already find it hard to believe that all of this magic across Canterlot High happened... but I wonder... what exactly would the school board react... to hearing THIS~?

(Y/N) then pulls out his phone and immediately plays a recording that was clearly of Principal Cinch's voice.

Principal Cinch: (Recording) Let's just say I'm covering my bases. Who knows? Perhaps they will reveal to you the secret to Canterlot High's newfound success.

Sci-Twi: (Recording) I dunno. Spying feels kind of... wrong.

Principal Cinch: (Recording) Well, it's your decision, Twilight. It's not as if your application hangs in the balance. On second thought, yes, it does.

Everybody around clearly heard this as all of their eyes popped wide open while Principal Cinch's mouth slowly dropped in shock as (Y/N) even played the recording once more with a smug look on his face to clearly show that this was Principal Cinch and Sci-Twi's voices being heard. Even (R/N) was shocked by this as he didn't know if he should be shocked or impressed that (Y/N) is able to turn the tables on Cinch. The principal attempts to keep her composure, despite having an exasperated panic attack on the inside.

Principal Cinch: I suppose eavesdropping is something you inherited from your mother. Not that I'm shocked or that it matters. This doesn't change anything.

(Y/N): That's great to hear. I suppose that I could just show and tell the school board this about how the principal of CPA loves to coerce her students into getting what she wants. *sharp inhale* Imagine the outrage.

Principal Cinch: What I'm imagining is why the school board would even care to listen to you. Your mother isn't the superintendent anymore; she can't hold your hand to get through to them.

(Y/N): You're right... she isn't. BUT I know one, she has a close friendship with Celestia and Luna who we can all already agree have much more benevolent minds than you for someone who runs with their tails between their legs when something involving all of your students is going on. Two, she has a second job too if you didn't know that involves her working for the government. So... combine a former superintendent with two close friends AND work for the government... What does that spell out for you~?

(Y/N) asked, smugly grinning at her. Principal Cinch's eyes widened from this and she had nothing else to counter this as even (R/N) was smirking at Cinch with his arms crossed.

(R/N): Wow, Cinch... Are you speechless? That's a first.

Principal Cinch: I-I can... Y-You can't possibly...

(Y/N): Hold your lips. It's called a hustle, sweetheart... Boom!

(R/N): I never thought I'd ever hear "sweetheart" out of you.

(Y/N): It's... a reference to something.

It wasn't just these two who were against Principal Cinch as even the rest of the Rainbooms, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and even Dean Cadance were all going up against her with mixed looks of either smug grins or mischievous smiles. The pressure was really getting to Cinch as her usually stoic demeanor was replaced with heated, frustrated anger. The grins around her only served to multiply said anger which was enough to even make one of her eyes twitch as a result. With no one in support of her, and with her options backed into a corner, Cinch had no choice but to relent which would finally put an end to her near perfect streak of wins, and that much was clear to her. Straightening out her vest, she takes a quick intake of breath and speaks.

Principal Cinch: *sighs* Well, I suppose one loss on my record isn't all that big of an issue. Very well, I admit defeat. I hope that's what you wanted to hear because it's the only time you'll ever hear me say it. Though don't expect me to stick around for the after party however, I... need time for myself.

With that she turns around and walks off as everyone watches her leave across the curb which (R/N) sees with a deadpan expression before turning to everyone else with a smirk.

(R/N): You know, 67% of people die from jaywalking.

This makes everyone around snicker from this little claim that (R/N) made before Principal Celestia decides to speak up for everyone around.

Principal Celestia: Well, I know these Friendship Games haven't been what any of us expected, but given what we've all just been through, I think it's fair to declare us all winners.

Hands and fists shoot toward the gloomy gray sky as cheers float up.

Applejack: Hey Rainbow, you mind tossin' mah hat for me?

Rainbow Dash: Heh, sure thing, AJ!

She takes the cowgirl's hat and tosses it high into the air while cheering alongside her classmates.

Applejack: Now, go get it.

Rainbow looks back at her to see her with a serious look before she grows a little nervous and hastily runs off to retrieve her friend's hat.

Pinkie Pie: I'll take that as a win any day of the week! I mean come on, you all can agree that battling evil magic already makes us look so cool, right?

Rarity: Well, of course darling. But really though, I think we can all agree on the fact that these days were a bit rough with both schools. A win for all of us is what we rightfully needed.

(Y/N): Yeah, you're right, Rares. These days were pretty tough, but I have to admit...

He then turns to (R/N).

(Y/N): (R/N) here was actually pretty tough himself and that's something I've got to acknowledge... *smirks* Though that didn't mean anything at all since I beat him in the end anyways.

(R/N): Oh, don't stroke your ego so much, Hero. You know a part of me actually wants to imagine kicking your butt in that crazy form I had to take for some time.

(Y/N): Kicking MY butt?! Puh-lease, (R/N)! I knocked you out in no time flat!

They both then started to butt heads again as Sunset Shimmer facepalms from this a little before approaching the two clearly-still rivals.

Sunset Shimmer: Guys, come on. Everything turned out alright in the end, so does it really ma-

(Y/N) & (R/N): OF COURSE!!!

This causes Sunset to flinch in fear as she puts her hands up in defense.

Sunset Shimmer: Geez, okay!

(R/N): But, enough of this friendly banter, Hero. I think you and I can agree that this last Friendship Games was rather indecisive as to which of us was truly more skilled, so until next time, when we're under more favorable circumstances, you'd better make sure you're ready for when we meet face to face once again.

His challenge was answered by (Y/N) through a smirk and a nod.

(Y/N): You bet.

(R/N) smiled at him a little, before that quickly dropped to a more serious expression.

(R/N): Hey, Hero...I mean, (Y/N)? I, uh... you mind if we have a talk in private?

(Y/N): Sure. Lead the way.

(R/N) leads him into the school and the two of them stop in the main foyer. (R/N) remained silent as he glanced back to the entrance to observe his harem talking peacefully amongst themselves which made him smile slightly before his serious expression returned and he looked back at (Y/N).

(R/N): I'll get straight to the point here, you really have it better than me.

This made (Y/N) raise an eyebrow in slight confusion.

(Y/N): What makes you say that?

(R/N): You're really asking that? Didn't you hear me screaming my frustrations out at Cinch earlier?

(Y/N) rubbed his head with a slightly embarrassed look.

(Y/N): Honestly, I was more surprised to see you of all people snap at your own principal like that, but I can't really blame you after all that happened out there. I think I did hear you mention something about a father though. What's that all about?

(R/N): *sighs* Well that... that's kind of a long story.

(Y/N): Well, my schedule's cleared up thanks to all that business out in the courtyard, so I think I've got enough time to hear you out.

(R/N): It's... not exactly something I like to talk about, and while I may not exactly consider us friends, I think you should at least know why I was pretending to be lost in my own world.

(Y/N) turns around and walks down the corridor, leaving (R/N) stranded and slightly confused as to what he was doing. Moments later, (Y/N) came back with a desk chair as he placed it right in front of (R/N) with its back facing him. He sits down in the chair backwards and rests his arms on the back part of the seat.

(Y/N): Proceed.

(R/N): So, about nine years ago, I was living with my dad before my days of attending Crystal Prep. Thing is, he had a corporate mindset, meaning he only cares about having a good rep and the benefits that come with it and he used me as a means to get to that point. He always pushed me to be the best of the best and I did everything he told me and more, but... it was never enough for him. He'd always say things like, "You're lucky enough to possess the privilege of being my son" or "Of all the sons I could've had, I get stuck with you?" or even "You fail one more time and I'll feed you to the poor!"

(Y/N) was definitely shocked to hear this as his eyes widened a little, but he kept on listening to (R/N)'s story.

(R/N): Because of that, I've always been a jerk to people and it got so bad to a point where I actually spoke out against my father at one point. That was when he planned on actually kicking me out of the house... after probably one of the worst beatings I've ever received from him. Though, before he could, Cinch called him up and somewhere during the conversation, my father asked if I could attend CPA and Cinch, being such a suck up to my dad, obviously agreed to it. Looking back at it... she probably had her eyes on him.

(Y/N): Seeing how Cinch is herself and hearing the way you describe your own father... I'm more surprised those two haven't really gotten together yet.

(R/N): Yeah, *sarcastically* a real match made in heaven. When I started attending CPA, I was miserable and also a whole lot worse than any of the average CPA students. Though, that all changed when I met Sunny Flare. I don't know why she ever bothered to talk to me that day, but she made me feel at ease there. And for the first time, I actually felt happy to be around someone else, so I started hanging with her and her friends. Then, I confessed to her one day, she accepted, her friends got jealous, we formed a harem, and the rest is history.

(Y/N): From the looks of it though... you seemed sort of defensive when it came to your harem, especially when it came to Cinch. I'm guessing not a lot of people knew about the harem?

(R/N): Oh, believe me, everyone knew about it. Everyone except Cinch... or so I thought. She's way more perceptive than she makes herself out to be, and it's honestly kinda terrifying. I hated the thought of her disbanding our harem, but what hurt me the most was the idea of losing Sunny to her.

He clenches his fists as he feels a small stream of tears fall down his face.

(R/N): She said that she loved me so many times, I almost lost count, but my father never told me that once. For once in my life, I had someone who loved me for myself and not just as a pawn to boost their rep, despite that being what Crystal Prep is. Sunny's not like the other students. She may give a cold shoulder in certain cases, but her heart's as warm as her name implies. If Cinch took her from me... I couldn't handle myself. I don't want to be lost in a sea full of more people to walk all over me, but more importantly, I didn't want to lose the one girl that actually brought joy into my life.

He looked up at (Y/N) as he wiped his tears away.

(R/N): I'm not saying the others don't bring me joy, but Sunny is the one that keeps me going in life. Losing her is a loss that no length of any winning streak could make up for.

There was no way (Y/N) couldn't feel so much sympathy for (R/N) as he turned his back towards (Y/N).

(R/N): Forget it... You probably wouldn't understand how this feels like.

Silence went on between them for some time before (Y/N) looks down to the ground with a sad look before he looks back up at (R/N) and stands up to respond to this comment.

(Y/N): Actually... I do...

(R/N) turned to (Y/N) surprised from hearing as now it was his turn to explain how he became the Hero of Canterlot High.

(Y/N): You ever get that feeling where you just have no place to escape and have walls surrounding you in every path? ...Well, that was pretty much how I lived my entire life outside of Canterlot... Isolated... no one to speak to... Well, no one but one person.

(R/N) went into thought with this for a second before he believes he could guess on who (Y/N) was talking about after their confrontation with Cinch outside.

(R/N): Wait... I think I did hear you say something about a mother and superintendent and all of that.

(Y/N): My principals pretty much explained the gist of that to me yesterday when I met Cinch for the first time. You see... I was pretty much alone my entire childhood... I didn't have any friends... nor could I make any because my mother told me that it was for my own protection... It made me miserable and I experienced loneliness for quite some time... that is until my mother decided to step down from her superintendent job and focus more on taking care of me instead. I always wondered before that, why I always had to stay trapped in a house... somewhat similar to a lost princess whose blonde hair glows when she sings.

(R/N) raised an eyebrow at that reference that (Y/N) made as the Hero waved off that last part as that was off topic.

(Y/N): Ignore that. My mother was always by my side when I needed her... She would play with me, train me, help me with pretty much anything... She was the friend I pretty much dreamed of having my entire life and I couldn't imagine a day where we would be separated... until it did happen.

(R/N)'s eyes widened from this as (Y/N) continued to explain and his eyes started to water when he got to this sensitive part.

(Y/N): I never talked about this around anybody else, but my girlfriends, but... one day I found her laying down on the floor unconscious and I got in contact with my principal who is a very close friend of my mother. We took her to the hospital and everything... turns out she's stuck in a really bad coma... and she still is to this day...

(R/N) was trying his best to not look so sad, but the best effort that he could put for this was to cross his arms and look slightly away with a sad look, but he was still willing to listen to the story.

(Y/N): *sighs* I didn't think there could be anyone who could replace her... I didn't want to feel alone again... Luckily, Principal Celestia was kind enough to help move me here to Canterlot and attend CHS here as well. I didn't think a school would even be the right place for me... I was definitely wrong as so many people here welcomed me with open arms and happy smiles... especially those girls out there.

He said pointing a thumb outside to his harem as they both turned to see the Rainbooms getting some medals from Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

(Y/N): All of them were willing to let me be happy again and I couldn't thank them enough for it. One day, I just knew I loved those girls so much that I convinced my own principal to allow me to form a harem with them and it's pretty normal for her and Vice Principal Luna to see at this point... but yeah, I've had it rough too, but I think we can both agree that we share something really big in common... and I'm not just talking about our harems.

(R/N): What do you mean?

(Y/N): Don't you see? We both were able to learn pretty much the exact same things when we attended our schools...

Him and (R/N) then turned back to look outside at all of the students as the Shadow Five outside were getting medals from Dean Cadance which made (R/N) smile and (Y/N) smiled as well.

(Y/N): Neither of us were ever alone in the first place.

(R/N) just crosses his arms with a slight smirk.

(R/N): Hmph. You never cease to surprise me, (M/C)-haired Hero. Honestly... you're the last person I would expect to be making me feel all sentimental.

(Y/N): You know what can I say? It's a habit of mine that dies hard.

(R/N): But-

(Y/N): And there it is.

He chuckles right after that.

(R/N): *smirks* You are something else, (Y/N) (L/N). Though I do suggest we reunite with our school and harems as they're probably waiting for us to receive our medals from the Friendship Games as well.

(Y/N): *smirks* What? Plannin' on stealing my spotlight, faker?

(R/N) just shakes his head genuinely.

(R/N): No... honestly, it pains me to say this, but... I owe you one. You helped me twice... from both the magic that consumed me and Twilight... and you pretty much saved my entire reputation when I was backed into a corner with Cinch.

He then looks down at one of his hands, the same one that he smacked (Y/N)'s away with earlier during the Quad-Cross Relay before he extends it out to (Y/N) which surprised him as (R/N) smiles at him.

(R/N): I think CHS made an adequate choice choosing you... Hero of Canterlot High.

(Y/N) looks down at (R/N)'s hand before he smiles back at him and accepts his hand as the two share a friendly handshake.

(Y/N): I could say the same thing to you... King of Crystal Prep.

(R/N): That said, don't think that this'll automatically make us best friends all of a sudden. I've still gotta properly kick your butt before anything else.

He stated, smirking competitively while (Y/N) had the same look.

(Y/N): Heh, I think you've got that backwards, pal.

The two of them narrowed their eyes at each other with small frowns that came back onto their mouths as they stared into each other's eyes for quite some time... before they both started laughing.

Once the laughter died down, both of them retracted their hands from each other before smirking at once another.

(Y/N): But don't you worry, (R/N), I'm gonna show you that you're not going to be able to beat me anytime soon.

(R/N): Hmph. The ultimate student doesn't lose to anyone. I guarantee that there won't be a challenge soon. In fact, let's make this more interesting. Loser has to buy milkshakes for the winner and his harem. Deal?

(Y/N): Deal!

The two of them trade arrogant smirks at each other before they proceed to walk back outside to join the rest of their friends.

The next day came around as a crowd of students had formed outside the front of CHS. (R/N) and his harem arrive a little after as they just came out of the front entrance of CHS as the awards ceremony for the Friendship Games has concluded. However, (R/N) spots Sci-Twi sitting down with Spike on the stairs and he contemplates a little bit if he should even talk to her.

He then decides to exhale before walking over to her and he kneels down before tapping her on the shoulder. Sci-Twi turns around and the moment she makes eye contact with (R/N), she flinches slightly.

Sci-Twi: (R/N)?

(R/N) sighs exasperatedly before he crosses his arms and looks away.

(R/N): Cool your jets, Spa- uh, Twilight, I'm not here to cause trouble... in fact it's the opposite...

He then sits down next to her and takes a deep breath before speaking to Sci-Twi while trying to look directly at her.

(R/N): L-Look, I'm... I'm sorry.

Sci-Twi's eyes light up upon hearing this and even Spike who she was holding in her arms looked up at (R/N) surprised as well.

(R/N): You may have accidentally made something that nearly caused us both to perish, but honestly... you wouldn't have done so if you hadn't been pressured into it... and even before Cinch convinced you to use that magic... I'll admit that I'm somewhat at fault too...

He then turns to Sci-Twi still with a slight frown on his face.

(R/N): You know, I don't really consider teasing a fun endeavor, despite it looking that way. I'm sorry for all the times I blew a fuse at you. You honestly aren't as bad as the school makes you out to be. To be honest, back when we were both being absorbed by that magic you released, I've realized that... that I've been nothing but a coward.

Sci-Twi couldn't believe that she was hearing (R/N) say this to her as it made her form a really small and sweet smile.

(R/N): I kinda wish I found you first...

Sci-Twi: Found me first? What do you mean?

(R/N): Well, you remember what I told you about my dad? After he was out of my life, I was pretty much on my own for the most part. Miserable in the exact same way that you were and the last thing I want is for anyone to go through the same kind of pain I did. Though, considering how high my rep was at CPA, I was too afraid to risk losing it by becoming friends with you. Peer pressure makes you do some of the worst crap, but I'm not saying that to justify what I did to you. I'm not asking for forgiveness, but I just want you to know that when we get back to CPA, I'll make sure everyone treats you with more respect and find you a lot of friends if that helps.

He said with a genuine smile making Sci-Twi smile brightly back at (R/N). They remained like that for a few moments until she did something unexpected... she gave him a hug, making him freeze in place.

Sci-Twi: Thank you so much, (R/N).

(R/N): U-Uhh... yeah... Don't mention it.

He said as all he did to reciprocate was just to pat her on the back with one hand. Sci-Twi breaks the hug before a huge thought comes to her mind. She looks over at (Y/N) conversing with the rest of the Rainbooms over at the Wondercolt statue.

Sci-Twi: Though... I think I already found them.

(R/N) raises an eyebrow from this before he looks over where Sci-Twi was looking and he looks at the Rainbooms for a moment before looking back at Sci-Twi.

(R/N): You mean them?

Sci-Twi: *nods* I may know about a lot of things, but friendship isn't really one of them. And you're right... I'm definitely not gonna learn more about it by being alone all the time.

(R/N): Well, you don't have to transfer to learn about that. I'm certainly far from a professional, but we could learn it together. Cinch is likely not going to stay in power for much longer, so I honestly think things are going to change for the better at CPA. I can't really change what happened between us before, but can't I at least have a chance to show you that I'm not the same guy that told you you're an accident waiting to happen?

Sci-Twi just smiles at (R/N) as she places her hand on his shoulder.

Sci-Twi: You already have.

She then looks back at the Rainbooms once more.

Sci-Twi: And it seems the students here at CHS know an awful lot about the subject, but it's not just that reason I feel like I should transfer. Those girls and... (Y/N) actually made me realize that I don't need to feel alone anymore.

She noticeably blushes at the mere mention of (Y/N). (R/N) saw this with a raised eyebrow as he looked back and forth between the Rainbooms and Sci-Twi. He then gets the idea as he crosses his arms with a sly smirk.

(R/N): *smirks* Ohhh, you got the hots for him don't you?

Sci-Twi: W-What?! N-No, what are you talking about?! Th-That's ridiculous!

(R/N): Come on, Twilight, you can't hide it from me. I've got five girls that get easily flustered around me on a daily basis, and you're incredibly easy to read.

Sci-Twi: O-Okay, fine. M-Maybe... maybe I sort of do. J-Just please... don't tell him.

(R/N): *chuckles* Heh. Your secret's safe with me.

He says as he stands up and begins to leave Sci-Twi so that she can go with her new friends, but he turns back towards her one more time with a smirk.

(R/N): Though, if I find out you guys aren't together in a couple of months, my mouth may slip.

He said with a wink before walking ahead and he joined with the rest of his harem who were all happy to have him over as Indigo Zap had an extra medal with her that she immediately put around (R/N) and Sunny Flare walks up and pecks (R/N) on the cheek before the King of Crystal Prep wraps arms around her and Sour Sweet bringing them for a hug. Sci-Twi and Spike look at each other with smiles as they couldn't help, but feel happy for (R/N). (R/N) looked back at her and then toward (Y/N).

(R/N): (Take good care of her, Hero.)

The Rainbooms, who were over at the Wondercolt statue were happily going on about their business as (Y/N) now has a medal around his neck with the Wondercolt emblem on it as he along with the rest of the girls had them as well. Sunset then opens up her journal and looks inside to still see no response from Princess Twilight.

Fluttershy: Still no word from Princess Twilight?

Sunset Shimmer: Not yet. But I think I may have figured out how magic works in this world. We pony up when we're showing the truest part of ourselves. I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself. I'm sure there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world, but like Applejack said, Princess Twilight has her own problems to worry about in Equestria. We can't expect her to always be around to help us.

(Y/N): Yeah, I agree. As much as it would be nice to have her here, she's got her own problems to deal with, especially with her being a princess and all. Though I can't lie on the fact that it would be nice to have someone with us that could help us explain more on problems that we face.

Sci-Twi: Maybe I can help?

They all turned to see Principal Celestia along with Sci-Twi as the tall woman placed a hand on the girl's shoulder with a smile.

Principal Celestia: It seems we have a new Wondercolt here at Canterlot High!

The Rainbooms all trade various smiles at varying levels of excitement from hearing this as they've now got a brand new addition to their group.

Sci-Twi: I'm not sure how much help I could be. But I'd like to try. If you would all give me a chance.

Principal Celestia: I'm sure I can count on you all to help her feel at home.

Sunset then throws an arm around Sci-Twi's shoulder.

Sunset Shimmer: You sure can.

(Y/N) then places a hand on Sci-Twi's shoulder with a smile.

(Y/N): Welcome to Canterlot High, Twilight!

All seven of them gather around the new arrival and her pet as Pinkie Pie cranks off a squeaky grin during this group hug.

The very next day, all of the Rainbooms were with their brand new friend, having a picnic over at the Wondercolt statue. Sci-Twi watches Fluttershy pet Spike, Applejack drinks a glass of juice, Rarity is working on Rainbow's hair, and Sunset eats a sandwich with (Y/N) sitting right beside her looking through his phone.

Applejack and Pinkie watch a couple of butterflies flit past, after which the side of the base ripples with energy... the portal has finally been reactivated after Twilight sealed it and somebody came out...

Princess Twilight emerges, sliding to a quick stop and in a tizzy. Unlike her two previous trips to this side, she manages to stay on her feet this time.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner! I didn't get your messages until just now because (Y/N) and I were caught in this time travel loop and, honestly, it was the strangest thing that's ever happened to me!

Finally stopping for breath, she looks straight ahead of herself and lets her eyes bug out so far that they might be in danger of entering low earth orbit. The person in question that had obtained her sight was none other than her shy, human counterpart who was only able to give a small wave as a response.

(Y/N): Well... this is about as awkward as when I met myself... Twilight Sparkle... meet Twilight Sparkle...

After a couple of incredulous blinks, the one who was born a quadruped works her face into a weak grin.

Twilight Sparkle: Make that the second strangest.

Sci-Twi: T-There's... There's another me?!

(Y/N): (...Yep, exactly my reaction.) Y-Yeah, sorry we didn't exactly be more direct on the details, Twilight, but there's another you who's apparently also a pony princess from another world and blah, blah, blah. Basically we're living in a parallel world to hers... and vice versa.

He then turns towards her direction along with Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer: We're glad you were able to come... even though you came after everything that happened during the Friendship Games.

Twilight Sparkle: Really? What did I miss?

Both (Y/N) and Sunset look at each other before eyeing Sci-Twi behind them before they both cringed and get nervous smiles on their faces.

Sunset Shimmer: Maybe it's better off that we explain sometime a little later.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, what she said. Anyways, you seemed like you were in quite the rush. You said you had to deal with... time travel?!

Twilight scratches the back of her head slightly embarrassed.

Twilight Sparkle: Basically a pony that my (Y/N) and I knew from back when you and Sunset came to visit us... she wanted to take revenge on us by altering time causing me and him to be stuck in a loop and like you said... blah, blah, blah, it made us awfully busy, but we took care of everything and made a new friend too.

(Y/N) just chuckles at the similar explanation that Princess Twilight gave him as he just smiles at her.

(Y/N): I guess in Equestria, there's never a dull moment with you.

Twilight Sparkle: *sigh* You can say that again.

(Y/N): Even though crazy things have been happening on both sides of our worlds, it didn't stop us from thinking about you. We missed you a lot in fact.

Sunset Shimmer: Besides the whole story of needing you to figure out why magic still lingers in us... but yes, it's been quite awhile since we were able to see you back here.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, it has.

The pony princess turned human now went up to her human self.

Twilight Sparkle: Sooo... I'm sure you're practically bursting at the seams with questions, huh?

Sci-Twi: *nervous giggle* Honestly, that's exactly what's on my mind. It's also pretty much how I reacted when I found out about my talking dog...

The said talking dog walks past Sci-Twi sniffing the ground before going up towards Twilight.

Spike: It was all weird discovering it all at once. I mean, you smell exactly like my Twilight, but I can't help but catch a slight scent of a horse from you.

(Y/N): Pony actually, Spike. Anyways Twilight...

Twilight Sparkle & Sci-Twi: Yes?

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from this and he facepalms as he should've seen this outcome coming at some point.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Right... How did THIS not happen when I saw myself? We don't know how often you're even going to come back, Twilight... so we might wanna find a way to tell you two apart...

Twilight and Sci-Twi look at each other before smiling nervously at each other.

Twilight Sparkle: That... seems like the best option...

Sci-Twi: Uh-huh. I can agree with that.

Sunset Shimmer: Uh... in that case... anybody got any ideas?

A certain pink hand from a rambunctious party girl suddenly shoots up into the air as she starts hopping up and down frantically.

Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me, me, me, me! Pick me! Pick me!

(Y/N): Hmmm... Yes... Pinkie Pie?

Pinkie Pie: How 'bout... Glasses Twilight?! No, how 'bout Nerdy Twilight?! Nonono, how 'bout... *gasp* Sci-Twi!

(Y/N): Sci-Twi?

Pinkie Pie: It's a pun on her name mixed with Sci-Fi! I mean it's pretty much what our entire fandom calls her at this point!

(Fourth Wall Break)

(The Nintega Guy: Oh, come on!! SO close to being broken fourth wall free in this one!!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Nintega, you realize that this is Pinkie, right? No matter what we try, she always does it.)

(Shadowlight2784: She's kinda like Herpes. It may not show itself physically after a while anymore, but it's always there lingering somewhere in your body, or in this case, always lingering somewhere in our stories to break the poor fourth wall.)

(The Nintega Guy: *groans* I literally have no argument to counter that... *sighs* Excuse me guys, while I run off and grab some extra gorilla glue and flex tape...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Don't forget the cans of crack filler!)

(Shadowlight2784: Or Flex Paste! That's also just as effective!)

(The Nintega Guy: Good call! Thanks!)

(End of Fourth Wall Break)

Everybody was looking around with strange looks before (Y/N) turned back to Pinkie Pie who was wearing an innocent grin on her face.

(Y/N): Uh... Pinkie? What are you talking about? Our fandom? What is that?

Pinkie just leans over with cute dilated eyes towards (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: Say it~

She said with a squee. (Y/N) just groans and facepalms before shrugging his shoulders.

(Y/N): That's Pinkie folks!

Every girl around, but Sci-Twi chuckles from that as the violet human counterpart just raises an eyebrow.

Sci-Twi: I don't get it...

Rarity: You will after a while, darling.

(Y/N): Despite that... what do you think, "Sci-Twi"?

The girl with the brand new nickname puts a finger to her chin and thinks about it before she just nods and smiles.

Sci-Twi: It's acceptable. I think it'll grow on me.

Sunset Shimmer: Well, that's settled then.

Sunset then turns to Twilight Sparkle with a slight guilty look on her face.

Sunset Shimmer: Sorry we had to call you out here for basically no reason at all.

Twilight Sparkle: No worries. I don't think coming here to visit you all anyway is something I could count as no reason.

This makes Sunset smile as she walks up and shares a small hug with Princess Twilight which she gratefully returns.

Sunset Shimmer: Still, we're happy that you dropped by to see us.

Twilight Sparkle: Me too.

They end the hug soon after as Twilight goes up to (Y/N) next.

Twilight Sparkle: And how are things with you when handling your harem?

(Y/N): Pretty good, actually. And get this, I've come to recently learn that I'm not the only one around here with a harem.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, really? Who else is there?

(Y/N): I won't go too in depth into them, but... let's just say they're like my look-alike.

Pinkie Pie: A look-alike that REALLY acts dark and mysterious.

Twilight raises an eyebrow from that as those words definitely don't sound like the (Y/N) she knows.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, I find that hard to believe.

Rainbow Dash: We said the same thing... and yet it's true.

Applejack: You should see for yourself when the chance comes.

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm... in that case, I'll have to take your word for it.

(Y/N): So what are you going to do now?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I have a little bit of time, I don't mind staying for an hour or two with my friends from another world.

She said before taking both of (Y/N)'s hands and smiling up at him which made him blush.

Twilight Sparkle: And I guess boyfriend too.

She then gives (Y/N) a quick kiss on the lips and this didn't surprise anyone around... well, no one but one girl. Sci-Twi saw this with extreme shock on her face as her face turned just a slight tint of red as well.

Sci-Twi: A-Are... A-Are you two...

(Y/N) turns to Sci-Twi with pretty much the same identical colored face that she had while scratching his head in huge embarrassment.

(Y/N): *chuckles nervously* Remember, the whole "sweetheart" claim that happened a couple of days ago...? Long story short, I'm a pony prince from that other world, have my own harem...

He then points a thumb at Princess Twilight behind him.

(Y/N): ...with this girl part of it.

The whole situation left Sci-Twi not just physically incapable of speaking about it, but also not being able to mentally comprehend it. (Y/N) kind of expected this reaction from her as he just continued to give her an extremely nervous look before his stupor was broken by the sound of someone calling out to him.

???: (Y/N)!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N): If you all want to listen to the normal credits theme then go ahead.

All of the Rainbooms, Princess Twilight, and Sci-Twi turned towards that voice as they see (R/N) riding on a skateboard as he speeds right past all of them. (Y/N) stands up and stares off at (R/N) as the guy smirks and gives him a two-finger salute. (Y/N) smirks back before he looks back at the rest of his girlfriends and Sci-Twi as they all know what he was thinking as they all nod to tell him to go ahead. Princess Twilight however, walks up to (Y/N) confused.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)? ...Who is that?

(Y/N) just smirks after (R/N) before he answers this with a couple of words.

(Y/N): My old competition...

(Y/N) reaches down and grabs his skateboard before getting a running start and he tosses it up into the air before it lands on its wheels and (Y/N) hops right onto it flawlessly before kicking the ground and catching up with (R/N) to share a friendly and competitive race with him down the street. As they race, neck to neck with each other... They both smile and start to sing as the camera fades to black. The credits are interspersed with photographs that slide onto the screen.

(Y/N): ♪ In no way any other way will do ♪

(R/N): ♪ Fly, ride, any weather, nothing new, in blue ♪



(Y/N): ♪ Speeding in a stream with a sense that no one else can define ♪

(R/N): ♪ Floating as a dream, in a bliss that you no longer feel time ♪

Up first is a series of shots taken during the pep rally, with the vast majority of students in them wearing Wondercolt ears. The Crusaders whoop it up, Snips and Snails get funky, and two pictures show different groups of students goofing around in their own ways. Flash Sentry sticks his tongue out, Micro Chips checks his phone, Sandalwood gives a thumbs-up, and Vice Principal Luna sings and dances onstage as Principal Celestia throws her an embarrassed smile.

(Y/N) & (R/N): ♪ Right through gravity ♪

♪ Just right through what earth planned ♪

♪ Right through gravity ♪



♪ Right through, now, let them loose ♪

♪ Ride through gravity ♪

The next group of photos are shown as the seven band members who played accompaniment for Rainbow Dash at the rally smile for the camera. In the library, Snips puts finger to lips as Snails gets ready to pop an inflated paper bag over the heads of Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon) and Lyra Heartstrings, asleep at a study table. A techie takes a selfie photo with an annoyed Cranky Doodle and three waving students in the background.

♪ For all that's not, falls down ♪

♪ Right through anomalies ♪

(Insert Your Favorite Voice Actor Here) as (Y/N) (L/N)

Rebecca Shoichet as SUNSET SHIMMER



Tabitha St. Germain as RARITY


♪ With one worth believing in ♪

(Y/N): ♪ All within the speed of a light that one will fight to command ♪

In a hallway, Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon) holds her phone up for a selfie that includes Derpy, Lyra, and Micro Chips. The entire Canterlot High team are then seen standing on the school's front steps, flanked by Celestia and Luna; Applejack is asleep on her feet, while Bon Bon makes a goofy face.

(Y/N) & (R/N): ♪ Just maybe ready never, still we do ♪

A similar shot for the Crystal Prep team on their steps, with Sci-Twi's face showing the only smile while (R/N) was looking the most apathetic out of the rest of the students.

♪ For none is ever better, win or lose it all ♪

(Insert Your Favorite Voice Actor Here) as (R/N) (R/L/N)

Brittney Irvin as SUNNY FLARE

Kelly Sheridan as INDIGO ZAP

Sienna Bohn as SUGARCOAT

Shannon Chan Kent as LEMON ZEST

Sharon Alexander as SOUR SWEET

Iris Quinn as ABACUS CINCH

♪ Beaming just to be on a path that's set to shatter the grounds ♪

♪ Although it's but a dream, but in dreams are where the nevers are found ♪

Vice Principal Luna and Dean Cadance laugh themselves silly as they stand outside one of the Crystal Prep buses and (R/N), Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare stare in disbelief from a few yards back. In the Canterlot High practice room, Pinkie and Rainbow stand back to back, wearing the cowgirl and police outfits Rarity designed as Rainbow twirls her nightstick. (Y/N) is then seen in a photo grinning with his back to the camera as he points two thumbs down at his favorite two-digit number on the Friendship Games outfit Rarity made for him.

♪ Rise and let go ♪

♪ Up-rise until unbound ♪



♪ Keep rising, evermore ♪

♪ Let all go, let them loose ♪

Fluttershy and Sunset smirk at one another, fully suited up in hockey-goalie and welding gear, respectively. During the Pre-Games party, Featherweight glances fearfully over his shoulder toward the camera as several Crystal Prep students stand across the gym. A picture then shows (Y/N) and (R/N) standing back to back with each other while narrowing their eyes at each other with frowns of extreme annoyance. Upper Crust and Trenderhoof do not quite know what to make of Pinkie Pie's party alterations and the instant camaraderie they have touched off. Lemon Zest gets down on the dance floor with (R/N) as the two get their groove on to the music.

♪ Ride and let go ♪

♪ In light in which sun drowns ♪



♪ Break and make it all ♪

♪ Don't stand down against the rules ♪



♪ Don't stand down, break through ♪

♪ Through light in which sun drowns ♪

Micro Chips and Sandalwood smile over the hovel of a birdhouse they put together in the wood shop portion of the Academic Decathlon. Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Dean Cadance gorge themselves on slices of the Mona Lisa cake made by Fluttershy and Pinkie in the preceding bake-off as even (Y/N) was seen on camera trying to sneak a bite of it himself. Pinkie Pie and Sunny Flare are then seen jockeying for the lead in the speed skating leg of the Quad-Cross Relay, with Rarity behind them and ahead of Zest. Indigo Zap powers through a turn on the motocross course, trailed closely by Sunset Shimmer. (Y/N) and (R/N) are then seen performing tricks in the air as (Y/N) does a heel grab while smirking and (R/N) smirks down at him while doing a side grab on his skateboard.

♪ Don't stand down, break through ♪

♪ Let all go, break them loose ♪

The jubilant Rainbooms gather on the front steps, clustered around Twilight and Spike. This last picture zips off screen as we are taken back to the scene with (Y/N) and (R/N) racing with each other as they both made a U-turn while crossing paths before heading back in the same direction they came from with cocky smirks on their faces as they continue singing.

♪ Right through gravity ♪

♪ Just right through what earth planned ♪

They pass the Shadow Five who were seen walking down the street as when they see (R/N) racing (Y/N), they grew surprised expressions that quickly turned into delighted when they see (R/N) pass by as Indigo Zap pumps her fist cheering for (R/N), Sunny Flare blows a kiss at (R/N), Sugarcoat just smiles while putting one of her hands on her hip, Sour Sweet gives a wave with a huge grin, and Lemon Zest barely misses them pass as her eyes widen while listening to music on her headphones.

♪ Right through gravity ♪

♪ Right through, now, let them loose ♪

The Rainbooms, Princess Twilight, and Sci-Twi are then seen at the statue once more as they all look to see (Y/N) and (R/N) coming their way which made them all smile at seeing the two have a friendly competition.

♪ Ride through gravity ♪

♪ For all that's not, falls down ♪


"FREE" from Sonic Free Riders

"SONIC SPEED RIDERS" from Sonic Riders

"ALL HAIL SHADOW" sung by NateWantsToBattle

"ROXAS" from Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN (INSTRUMENTAL)" from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

"MONSTER SCHOOL" from Animation vs. Minecraft

"DISMISS" from Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix

"I AM (THE STORY IS OVER)" from Shadow The Hedgehog

"VS. NEGA-WISP ARMOR - PHASE 2" from Sonic Colors

"WHAT I'M MADE OF" sung by NateWantsToBattle

"UN-GRAVITY (CRUSH 40)" from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

♪ Right through anomalies ♪

♪ With one worth believing in ♪

The Rainbooms then all begin vocalizing with the song as (Y/N) and (R/N) continue their race and the camera pans to right in front of them.

♪ With one worth believing in ♪

♪ With one worth believing in ♪



♪ Just ride on until it's through ♪

(R/N) was the first one to approach the camera in slow motion as he frowns before he quickly looks at the camera while giving a smirk. Time resumes before (Y/N) comes up to the camera and does a trick in the air as he strikes a pose before looking at the camera with a charming smirk and a wink before the scene cuts to black.

The scene then fades back at Crystal Prep Academy where the Shadow Five were seen in the hallways together which clearly signifies that another day has passed. Everybody around Crystal Prep seemed to look like they were having a lot more fun talking to one another as the atmosphere has definitely taken a huge turn since the last time we've seen Crystal Prep Academy.

Indigo Zap: So, guys, you're not gonna believe this, but Dean Cadance is taking over as principal! I heard from some people that Cinch sent the school board her resignation letter!

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* Oh, finally! I'm so glad she's leaving! *sourly* But I hate that it only costs us putting our lives on the line for it.

Lemon Zest: I'm sure (R/N)'s gonna love to hear that. He was happy the whole time on the ride back.

Sugarcoat: Yeah... first time I ever saw him smile like that.

Her cheeks turned a small shade of pink as she looked away slightly.

Sugarcoat: It was... sort of cute.

Indigo Zap: *smirks* Ooh, are you blushing?

Sugarcoat: No, you're imagining things.

She readjusts her glasses as her blush grows slightly.

Indigo Zap: Doesn't look that way to me! Oh, man! Wait until (R/N) hears this!

Sugarcoat: I swear, if you tell him anything...

She grits her teeth at Indigo who sweat drops a little before she runs off as Sugarcoat chases her from behind.

Indigo Zap: Oh, (R/N)~!

She calls out as her voice echoes throughout the halls, aggravating the flustered girl chasing her even more.

Sugarcoat: Stop making drama out of my emotions!

Indigo Zap: It's hard to believe you even have any!

She yells as the two of them turn a corner while Sour, Lemon, and Sunny all watch while snickering amongst themselves. Sunny then decides to change the conversation.

Sunny Flare: I hope Twilight's doing alright over at Canterlot High.

Lemon Zest: She seemed pretty happy when she was with CHS (R/N).

Sunny Flare: His name is (Y/N), Lemon.

Lemon Zest: Ohhhh... what was his name?

Sour Sweet: *sigh* Anyway, speaking of (R/N), did either of you know where he went?

Sunny Flare: He said he needed to grab something from his locker.

Lemon Zest: Wait, what?

She flipped off her headphones.

Sunny Flare: (R/N) needed to get something from his locker.

Lemon Zest: Oh...shoot.

Sour Sweet: What?

Lemon Zest: Well, uh, funny story. You guys remember how we used to prank CHS every year after we won?

Sour Sweet: Uh, yeah?

Sunny Flare: *sighs* What did you do?

Lemon Zest: O-Okay, well, don't get mad, but I snuck a bunch of ink bombs into the school the day before we left for the Friendship Games, and I didn't have enough time to get to my locker and (R/N)'s locker was the only one around that was open, so...

She starts to sweatdrop as Sunny and Sour narrow their eyes at her. Then, they hear the sound of (R/N) yelling a couple hallways down. He eventually comes into view from the corner, completely covered in black ink.

(R/N): Alright, who planted ink sacs in my locker?! That is NOT funny! That thing is a holy relic!

Lemon Zest: O-Okay, if anyone asks, it was Uppercrust. Gotta juice!

She saluted her friends before she quickly zoomed off down the corridor.

End of Friendship Games Arc.

(The Nintega Guy: Wow... I feel like this is one of those times where I have outdone myself... and we aren't even halfway through this book yet!)

(Shadowlight2784: I feel like outdoing yourself is a normal thing for you, though. I mean...creative juices, am I right?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: I mean seriously... Where do those things even come from you at this point? He's gotta have a machine making them at this point, right?)

(The Nintega Guy: I'm not even sure myself! Ideas just pop out of nowhere every few seconds!)

(Shadowlight2784: It's in his atoms. It takes up his entire molecular structure. That's the only explanation there could be.)

(The Nintega Guy: I-It's like my creativity is on steroids!)

(Shadowlight2784: It's as if steroids were creative and contagious because I got so many ideas for my own work just be collabing with you. It's...Nintevitus!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: If that really is a disease then it's sure one that I want to catch right about now. Or any day of the week for that matter.)

(The Nintega Guy: Nintevitus...? *snickers* I have no words to respond to how that is both clever and accurate.)

(*Nintega then turns towards the audience along with Jordan and Shadow*)

(The Nintega Guy: Now I know you guys may think that this is the end... but there's something extra that we have been waiting to show you guys as making this arc wasn't easy... and I'm not just saying that for all three of us... We've had some unfortunate, yet hilarious moments with the characters during this arc!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Which is why we're going to show you a monta-)

(*Nintega and Shadow narrowed their eyes at Jordan as he sweatdrops before rephrasing his sentence*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Uh... I-I mean a "marathon" of bloopers that we took while trying to make this arc as best as all three of our own creative juices could do combined.)

(Shadowlight2784: You are on thin ice, Jordan. Thin. Ice.)

(The Nintega Guy: Agreed. Wait at least until that moment to say it... even though I don't really want to think about that segment too much... but yes... Let us all show a collection of random bloopers that we took when making this story.)

(*Nintega then pulls out yet another disc before inserting it into his computer and he presses play as some scenes came up that were from the Friendship Games*)

(Blooper 1: The Worst Case Scenario... folks)

It is late afternoon, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash are already at the steps, the latter kneeling over her guitar case, as Fluttershy and Rarity walk up. Here comes Sunset and (Y/N) both looking concerned.

Sunset Shimmer: We got your text, Rainbow Dash! Did something come through the portal? Is Equestrian magic on the loose? Did Twilight come back with a problem that only we can solve?!

Pinkie Pie then appears out of nowhere, holding a cupcake in each hand and grinning hugely.

Pinkie Pie: Has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world in cake?!

(Y/N): ...How can you cover cake... in ca- N-Never mind! That's uh...that's Sunset folks!

A record scratching sound was heard as every girl around gasped in extreme shock at what (Y/N) just said as he looked around at all of them confused.

(Y/N): ...What??

Before any of them respond, Pinkie storms up to (Y/N), her face red with rage. It was the first time (Y/N) had ever seen her so disgruntled in his life. She lifts her hand up before she gives him a hard slap across the face, scaring away nearby birds on telephone poles.

(Y/N): OWwwwwww...! What'd you do that for, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: You messed it up, (Y/N)... you messed up your own catchphrase! HOW COULD YOU MESS THAT UP?!

(Y/N): Uh, Freud's slip? I don't know.

Pinkie Pie: No, I mean how could you mess that up?! The only one who's part of your catchphrase is ME, so how did Sunset come out?!

(Y/N): L-Look, it sort of slipped my mind, okay? I was thinking about Sunset and—

Pinkie then grabs his collar and starts shaking him like a ragdoll.

Pinkie Pie: And WHY were you thinking about her for a catchphrase that's about ME?!

Sunset Shimmer: P-Pinkie, just—

Pinkie Pie: You stay out of this!

She points to Sunset who takes a couple steps back, intimidated. Pinkie puts (Y/N) down and inches her face closer to his with a glare

Pinkie Pie: There's only one girl you mention in that catchphrase. ONE! That's. Pinkie. Folks. Not Sunset. Not Dashie. Not Derpy, and ESPECIALLY not Sonata. Pinkie. "That's Pinkie folks!" You got that?

She growls as she jabs a finger into (Y/N)'s chest, making him nod furiously in response.

(Y/N): Y-Yes, ma'am!

Pinkie Pie: Good. Now, we're gonna do this again and if you say ANY name besides "Pinkie"... you and I are going to have a lonnnnnng talk.

(Y/N): D-Duly noted! (Geez, I've seen fire in many women... but not a woman as hyperactive as her! If I expected an outburst from anyone, I'd think it'd be Sunset.)

Pinkie Pie: Are you thinking about Sunset again?!

(Y/N): No!! No, no, no, no! I swear I'm not!

He said waving his hands frantically.

Sunset Shimmer: You're not...?

(Y/N) looks behind himself and gives Sunset a glare that was practically begging her to play along with this tiny fib.

Sunset Shimmer: U-Uh, I mean...y-yeah, he's not. He's not, Pinkie. He's not thinking about me.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, okay! Come on, let's go again!

She jumps gleefully as she skips away from the courtyard, leaving the rest of the girls to slowly gaze at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Okay, that...was certainly one of the most horrifying experiences of my life.

Applejack: She's committed to her part, sugarcube.

(Y/N): Yeah...I'm starting to question if that's a good thing.

(End of Blooper 1)

(Blooper 2: The Hero of Canterlot High Adventure 2)

(Y/N) groans in pain before slowly trying to stand up, but when he gets onto his knees, he sees the figure's shadow on him which makes him look up to see (R/N) staring him down with a smirk.

(R/N): It all starts with this... One student who contains the ultimate-

The Nintega Guy: That's NOT the right time to use a reference!

(Y/N) snickers while (R/N) facepalms before turning towards the camera.

(R/N): You said that you would implement that reference sometime during this arc!

The Nintega Guy: I said A reference to that game! Not specifically that one though! Get back on the street and replay that part again!

(R/N): *scoffs* Fine!

We then turn to the scene during the Pre-Games party at Canterlot High School.

(R/N): You're not in a position to demand anything you nasty, little, pincushion!

That voice definitely sounded familiar to (Y/N) as he turned around and his eyes widened for what he saw next. The Shadowbolt girls who were confronting The Rainbooms immediately make space to let none other than (R/N) (R/L/N) through as he immediately pointed at (Y/N). (Y/N) then points back at (R/N) with a smug grin.

(Y/N): I found you, faker!

(R/N): Faker? I think you're the fake student around here! You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!

(Y/N): I'll make you eat those words!

Jordanwolfboy9743: That's STILL not the correct reference or the right time to use it!

The Nintega Guy: Will you two be patient with all of the SA2 references despite that perfectly go with everything during this arc?!

(Y/N): If they go so perfectly, then why even leave them out in the first place?

The Nintega Guy: Because I want a VARIETY of references! Get back in position and do the confrontation all over again... as a matter of fact... Rainbow Dash, you intervene this time! Not (Y/N)!

Rainbow Dash: What? Me?! How do you want me to do that?

The Nintega Guy: I don't know... I didn't write the script for that! J-Just... ad lib!

Rainbow Dash: Uh... okay... Whatever you say, Nintega.

(End of Blooper 2)

(Blooper 3: Unleash the Chorus)

Principal Cinch: ♪ You only want to learn about the ♪

♪ Magic that you have stored ♪

♪ And as for me and all the others ♪

♪ We only want what we deserve ♪

♪ That our school will clinch the win ♪

♪ And my legacy...♪

Principal Cinch and Shadowbolts: ♪ ...legacy will endure ♪

Shadowbolts: ♪ Unleash the magic, unleash the–♪

Suri Polomare: *cough*

Indigo Zap: OH, COME ON!!

Suri Polomare: Sorry, sorry. I was holding it all day.

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* We had to sing this eight times already. *sourly* I'm LOSING MY VOICE HERE.

Principal Cinch: *groans* My god, these child actors...

Suri Polomare: Hey, I don't even get a line in this movie! I'm just an extra!

Sugarcoat: Then it shouldn't be so difficult for you to lip-sync a song.

Suri Polomare: I had to cough!

Sour Sweet: *sweetly* Yeah, you wanna know what happened the last time someone "had to cough"? *sourly* They started an ENTIRE PANDEMIC!

Suri Polomare: Alright, alright, I'm sorry! What do you want from me?!

Shadowlight2784: Okay, guys? You're wasting a lot of time arguing about this. I know it's a pain in the as—groin, but every actor's gotta go through this.

The Nintega Guy: *sighs* Let's run it back again... for the ninth time.

Sunny Flare: Can I at least get a coffee?

Jordanwolfboy9743: Get Suri a cough drop first, and then get your coffee. Take five, people!

(End of Blooper 3)

(Blooper 4: Hanging on the Wrong Edge)

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) & Daydream Shimmer: ♪ I don't care what you're thinkin' as you turn to-

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N) then suddenly falls out of nowhere while screaming the last lyric.

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N): Meeeee!!!

A loud thud is heard on the ground as Daydream Shimmer, Midnight Sparkle, and Dark-Alicorn (R/N) cringed at the fall that (Y/N) took before they see that the wire that was supposed to be holding him up into the air has snapped.

Dark-Alicorn (R/N): Uhhh... you good?

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N): *groaning* I-I can shake it off... It's only my bones, my muscles, my organs...

Shadowlight2784: Man, I told you we should've used something stronger!

Shadowlight9743: Don't blame me for this! You didn't give me enough time to search!

The Nintega Guy: Ugh! I knew we should've replaced this one sooner after what happened to Pinkie Pie during the party...

Jordanwolfboy2784: So... should we worry about danger pay for him?

Jordanwolfboy9743: Um... I don't know. Probably should've gotten a stunt double.

Shadowlight9743: Oh, wait! We could've used—

Shadowlight2784: No. We are NOT bringing Guardian into this!

The Nintega Guy: Thank you! In this story, one (Y/N) is plenty for us!

Rainbow-Alicorn (Y/N): *groaning* In that case... Can someone please find me a new rib-cage so I CAN be the only (Y/N) here?

Shadowlight9743: I was gonna say Pony (Y/N), geez...

(End of Blooper 4)

(The Nintega Guy: *sighs* Good times...)

(Shadowlight2784: Wow, I kinda forgot me and Jordan invited... me and Jordan into this.)

(The Nintega Guy: Well, we needed all of the writers we could find especially since you two along with your counterparts are masters with not this arc, but Equestria Girls as well.)

(Shadowlight9743: Well, thank you. We do try our best.)

(Shadowlight2784: When did you guys get here?)

(Jordanwolfboy2784: Right when you guys started watching the bloopers.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: And you didn't say anything?)

(Jordanwolfboy2784: What's there to say? Besides, it was THEM who let us in.)

(*He pointed a finger over to the Shadow Five who were also apparently watching the bloopers as Lemon Zest had a bucket of popcorn with her*)

(The Nintega Guy: ...Seriously. You guys have GOT to stop doing that whole appearing out of nowhere thing.)

(Shadowlight2784: Wait, appearing out of nowhere? Hold on... *turns to Jordan* Doesn't this remind you of something?)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Uhhh... no?)

(Shadowlight2784: Seriously? You don't remember Uncle Steve? *sigh* Nevermind. That's probably not the case anyway...)

(The Nintega Guy: *rolls eyes* Anyways, what did you five think of the Friendship Games arc that me and my fellow writers have put together?)

(*Nintega said this looking towards the Shadowbolts as he wanted to hear their opinions*)

(Sunny Flare: Oh, I thought it was very well done. Quite possibly the best arc you've done yet.)

(Lemon Zest: I could go for something well done right about now...)

(Sunny Flare: *scoffs as she takes Lemon's headphones off* You really shouldn't wear these 24/7, dearie.)

(Lemon Zest: HEY! Gimme that! *snatches her headphones back from Sunny* But yeah, I like my part... even if it was minor.)

(Shadowlight2784: I wouldn't phrase it as minor. You all played a supporting role in (R/N)'s harem which was basically what most of his arc revolved around.)

(The Nintega Guy: Honestly, if you ask me you guys should've honestly had that kind of role in the first place in the canon Friendship Games.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: There's a lot Hasbro didn't do with Friendship Games, such as the deleted scenes that told a whole different story. Can you imagine how cool it would have been if we had gotten that story instead?)

(Shadowlight9743: Uhhh... you know he's gonna be doing that, right?)

(Jordanwolfboy2784: Yeah, in fact, he'll be doing it about three times in a row.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Wait, he is? *sigh* Dang, I totally forgot. Sorry for that, pal.)

(Shadowlight2784: Eh, don't sweat it. Besides, Nintega somehow managed to make a somewhat mediocre sequel a lot more interesting. Honestly, that beats anything I could do with this arc.)

(The Nintega Guy: Hehehe~ This is only the beginning my friends~ Sadly though... This won't continue anytime soon until after the ending of Arc 2 of the Hero of Equestria which is coming up next... then after that... Legend of Everfree.)

(Sour Sweet: *sweetly* Aww, I just realized, we won't be in that one! *sourly* *murmurs* Thanks a lot, Hasbro.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: I mean, you guys later do come back in Dance Magic.)

(Shadowlight2784: Except for her.)

(*He points at Indigo Zap who pouts.*)

(Indigo Zap: No need to remind me.)

(*Nintega just pats her on the shoulder*)

(The Nintega Guy: You may be left out now, but I can assure you that I'll find some way to give you a comeback role sometime after that special.)

(*Slowly, returns his promise with a smile.*)

(Indigo Zap: *chuckles* I look forward to it!)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *to Nintega* Uh, you gonna have all that in writing?)

(The Nintega Guy: I have EVERYTHING in writing, my friend.)

(Shadowlight2784: He got you there.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *groans* Walked right into that one...)

(*Nintega chuckles from that before him and the rest of the gang turn towards the audience*)

(The Nintega Guy: Anywho, we all hope that you enjoyed the Friendship Games arc as this one was a blast to write! Shoutout to TheBlueAlicornHiro and Bombo for the character design and personality for (R/N)! We'll see you all later... as it's time to move onto Season 6 very soon!)

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