Chapter 4 Fall Formal

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Me: (taking a shower) lala la getting ready for the fall formal

(I put on my tuxedo)

(I head to the fall formal and made it)

Me: well here I am the fall formal

(I went inside)


Celestia: and the princess of the fall formal is

(Drum roll))

Celestia: Twilight sparkle

(She puts the crown her head)

Celestia: and her prince is

(Drum roll)

Celestia: Timmy Jones

Me: (gasps) me

(She puts the prince crown on my head)

Spike: Twilight

(Snails and snips got him)

(Me and Twilight ran to get him)

(After things got way out of hand)

(Sunset catches the princess crown)

(She puts it on and it transformed her into demon shimmer)

Demon: (laughs evil)

Me: uh oh a demon

Demon: haha I want to rule equestria

Me: you will never get equestria, I wouldn't let you

Demon: oh TJ I'll give to you 2 options you either join me or you die

Me: no I will never your not getting away with this

Demon: oh please and what can you do, I have magic and you have nothing

Me: I may not have anything, but i can fight

Rarity: TJ no, you will die

Me: don't worry Rarity I'll be fine

Demon: when I'm done with you, you will be dead

Me: in your dreams, bring it

(We charge at each other)

(I punch her 5 times and kick her 7 times)

Demon: your making me mad

(She punches me but I block it)

Me: chaos control

(I disappear)

Demon: where did he go

Me: hey what's up

(I ground pound her)

(I run around in circles like sonic while she shoots fire at me but keeps on missing)

Demon: hold still

Me: nope (I use my spin dash to hit her really hard)

Demon: ow I had enough

(She catches me and picks me up)

Me: let me go

(She bites me in the neck)

All: *gasp*

(I fall to the ground)

Twilight: TJ you ok

Me: no she bit me in the neck really bad now my neck is starting to lose blood

Demon: now we end this, any last words

Me: yes I have 3 words

Demon: and what's that

Me: I'm more popular

(she stabs me in the chest with her hands)

(Every thinks I'm dead)

Demon: hahaha i told you I would kill him

Me: (was dead while blood comes out of me)

Fluttershy: no (crying) please do leave me please

Demon: too late fluttershy he's already dead

Fluttershy: please TJ come back us and to me

(She kisses my lips)

(I float up in the air)

Demon: now to kill you 6

Rainbow: no you don't

Demon: well goodbye

(She hits them with magic but it was blocked by me)

Demon: (laughs evil then stops to see me) what impossible I thought I killed you

Me: leave them alone demon, this fight is between you and I, I told I would finish this and that was not a lie

(I drop kick her)

(I jump on her and start punching her furiously)

Me: This is for Rarity *punches her*, This is For Twilight Sparkle *punches her*, This is For Rainbow Dash *punches her*, This is For AppleJack, *punches her*, This is For Pinkie Pie *punches her* and THIS MOST OF ALL IS FOR FLUTTERSHY *Punches her really really hard*

(She falls)

Me: behold my true power that I access that you don't have

(I transform into super TJ)

Demon: what

Me: girls now

(They transform to the power of friendship)

(Their power and my power combined turned demon shimmer back to sunset shimmer)

(It was over)

(We saw sunset shimmer at the bottom)

Me: I got this

(I walk to her angrily)

Me: it's over sunset you will never rule equestria, tonight you've shown everyone who you really are

(She hugs me while crying)

Sunset: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't know there was another way

Me: you can seek out friendship or forever be alone the choice is yours

Sunset: all I did was drive Everyone apart and I don't know anything about friendship

Twilight: (grabs her hand) I bet they can teach you

(Later the fall formal was over and everything was okay)

(I went home and went to bed)

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