Chapter 14: The Battle for a valuable life...

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In the offical Canderlot Courthouse...

Fluttershys P.O.V
I gone ahead and sat the left right of the table politely waited for this case to begin. I look around to see who and where is my competition, and quickly, she came out of the main door. "Hello Fluttershy..." Twilight faintly said as if she was worried, while Cadence walked beside her. "I'm afraid we'll have to face you in court, but... Good luck on trying to prove Robo innocent..." The Princess said to me as they both sit down waiting for the case to begin, and in the matter of time, it did, Celestia sits on the court desk hitting the desk with her gavel for everyone to quiet down. "Mares and GentleColts, we are here to set the trial of Robos scheme to an end, as Fluttershy and Derpy as the defense and with Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence as the offense. The defense may speak." She finished off as I began to speak," Your honer, I do in fact know that my fiancé is innocent, you may think this is a stretch but I have found proof that something had possessed him to act like so crazy..." Everyone begins to murmur about what I meant of "possessed" but Celestia again quiet them down to hear what I had to finish. "Yes... Robo was possessed by ghosts!" A few ponies held in there laughter, but the princesses didn't. "I know it may seem unusual for such a crime, but my friend and I have proof! I said as Derpy took out a suitcase which contained the sword that belong to one of Robos ancestors." We hear some ponies murmuring some more as they took back some of the giggling they've been doing. But sadly, Cadence step out of her chair to say, "How do you specifically know that belong to some ghost Fluttershy?" I choked hoping to find an answer to counter the attack, "We did some researching back in the castle to see if we could find anything useful, and that's not all that we found, we found these!" I flew to Celestias desk and showed her the pictures of the ghosts performing some stunts and drinking soda as there celebration for their plan going into progress. "Oh my... Does the offense have anything to counter?... Twilight and Cadence kept there mouths closed and threw there heads in shame for mistaking that Robo was the one to kill Phill, but it was rye ghosts were the ones to do so. "This is all very well-proving Fluttershy, but do you have any ideas on what your next move is going to be?" I nodded, "Celestia... I need you to give us permission to revive Robo... I can guarantee he's the only one that can rally up the ghosts together..." Celestia looks at her sister, then at Twilight and Cadence, "If that what you need to prove... Bring in the statue..." I quietly squee as the guards brings in the frozen pony, as my other 5 friends surrounded the object, as we put on our elements, "Are ya sure about this plan Fluttershy?..." Applejack asked me in a worried way. I nodded as the 6 of us focused our energy and revived the king back to normal. "Robo!" I hugged him with glee, as he was still gloom about the death of Phill.

Robos P.O.V
"W-what happened?..." I asked as if I was awaken from my deep slumped of prison. "I'll explain later, but I need you to summon your grandparents, please!" I wondered why, by staring at her for a minute, but I couldn't say no to Fluttershy, so I focused my magic to summon my ancestors as they appeared right in front of us, the crowd gasped with fear of real ghosts right in front of them. "What?! Hey! Where are we?!" One of the ghosts said. "Omg... Fluttershy... You were right... W-we are so sorry..." Twilight apologized. "You told them our plan you idiot?!" One of the ghosts said to the other, as Twilight and the other princesses created a barrier to trap the ghosts in. "You all will be imprisoned for murder..." Celestia and Luna booth said, and the trapped all of the ghosts inside a stone like cage that was as big as a normal rock. "T-thank you Celestia..." I weakly said. "Robo... From the help of Fluttershy, we have agreed you are innocent of the murder of Phill, you are free to go!" The guards took off some heavy chains off of me as I hugged Fluttershy. "I can't thank you enough..." Fluttershy hugged back, "You showed me that love is something big... Something to fight for... I love you Robo the 15th..." I smiled and we both kissed as everypony cheered with glee. Applejack smiled,"Yall make a good couple... And so do me and Scott..." Scott jumps in to say, "Not to toot the horn or anything!" We all have a good chuckle as we all left the room.

Hey everyone Henry here, I'm sorry that I have to cut the chapter early here, I sorta ran out of steam with the court case, but I promise you that the wedding chapter will be worth the wait! Stay tuned!

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