Chapter 4: Fluttershys biggest decision

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This picture has nothing to do with this chapter, I just wanted to put it here for LOLs and a good chuckle. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Princess Lunas P.O.V
When I said that Robo like-likes Fluttershy, she totally blushed and stayed totally speechless. "W-why would he like me that way?..." Fluttershy sounds like she couldn't speak proper english. "Love is a complicated thing. But I might have an exclamation on why he like-likes you Fluttershy." Fluttershy raised her eyebrow at me and asked me. I explained how Robos minions kept a secret room with special technology somehow able to scan data from anypony in Equestria. And when he viewed Fluttershys past of her sad events like her relationship with her parents, the fake love with that one colt incident, and the mean songs the other pegasi always sung to Fluttershy when she couldn't complete an activity in flight camp. It reminded him of his past and he believes that she doesn't deserve her sad past. Not forgetting her beauty and her friendly tone of course. "Aww...that is very sweet of him, so... Should I be the one to volunteer?" I answer back as I began to leave. "Do what your heart desires..." And I left, but Fluttershy didn't want me to go because she needs me to answer more questions about Robo, but I believe Fluttershy can answer her own questions with her confident friends...

Fluttershys P.O.V
I woke up, oddly calm in the morning instead of making a big peep as soon as I wake up from a bad dream. The other girls and spike were still asleep, meaning I have more time to think of I should go with Robo or if I shouldn't. But after a lot of thinking... I will be that volunteer... But don't forget I'm extremely nervous about telling my friends though... Wish me luck.
The others woke up somewhere at 9:30am and twi was preparing breakfast for us. I sat on my chair watching the other girls eat, but I was so nervous of telling my friends I wasn't able to eat a single bite of my breakfast. "What's the matter sugarcube?" Applejack asked me. I took a deep breath and slowly asked, "Girls... Can I tell you something crazy?" I'm sure the others weren't about to like what I was about to say. "I'm... going to volunteer to go to Robo..." The other girls gasped and looked at one another in shock. "Fluttershy, you can't do this!" Rarity said in a shocked tone. "Why would you want to go with him?!" The girls kept asking me in different forms of the question. "Please! Let me talk and I'll tell you why." I said to calm everypony in the dining room. "One, somepony has to go. Two, Princess Luna told me that me and Robo have similar pasts. Three, I don't think he's bad for reasons you all think." The girls looked at one another." "Why would you think that Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked me. "He didn't hurt me at the wedding, didn't he?" Twilight started to think like I was up to something. "You don't think Robo has a crush on you doesn't he?" Spike next ask me. I took a deep breath and nodded. "How did you know?" Rarity asked me. "Princess Luna told me. And if that's true, I'll have a better chance getting back Equestria, don't you all now see?" The girls nodded at each other. "Are you sure you want to do this Fluttershy?" Twilight asked me for the concerns of my safety, but at last I nodded. "I'm going to fly to Canderlot to volunteer, but I will not leave without goodbyes." I said as the other girls felt gloom, because I was leaving. But after my goodbyes from the girls, I waved goodbye and I flew away. "That is one brave pegasus..." Rainbow dash said as I flew high into the clouds. An hour later I arrive to in Canderlot. But it was really scary with all the minions trashing the pretty streets but nopony dared to come and arrest me for being on the streets, guess that's the work of Robo again. But at the castle, I walked in and there was this one room were it was loud. I enter to see what it was and it was a soda bar! With at least 80 minions and...and Robo!

Robo P.O.V
I am in my soda bar, while sipping some Mountain Dew. To celebrate my conquest all of Equestria, with my minions. We were having a good time, but what really made my day is when a beautiful voice, sweet like candy called out "E-excuse, is Robo h-here?" The other minions all looked at her as she covered her face into her hair with great shyness. I walked over to Fluttershy and let the party continue, as I took her out of that room and to a more quiet room. "Hi Fluttershy, what brings you to my kingdom?" I asked and she began to blush. "I-I-I volunteer to be your marefriend..." She dozed off. I burst to laughter, because I thought she was playing with me, but she wasn't laughing. "Your-your not playing?" She shook her head. "Ok, but I must warn you, if you be with me..." She finished for me, "There is no turning back?" I answered, "What? No, that's too mainstream. What I'm trying to say is that you can leave me anytime you want, but if you do... Equestria will remain all mine, okay?" Fluttershy nodded again, but she asked me a question back, "Can I see my animals though?" I sadly said, "Yeah... About that... I ate them..." Fluttershy gasped out loud and she looked like she was about to cry. I gave a small chuckle and told her I was just playing, but she gave me a glare and started to laugh at my joke. "Good joke, you got me there." I was shocked she laughed at my joke. "Yeah..." I said awkwardly. "Why don't you see them? There in that back." She was relieved and said, "Would you like to join me?" I shook my head in shame. "No, I would like to make a To-Do list for the two of us tomorrow to get to know each other better, is that ok?" Fluttershy nodded and went to go see her animals.
Two hours later I peek at the top of my room, I see Fluttershy singing to her birds. She has some of the most beautiful singing I have ever heard. I sighed like I was lost in her songs. I know that I have a crush on her. But can I ask all of you this question? What does she think about me?

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