Chapter 6: The Great Butterfly Migration

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Now we go back to Robo and Fluttershy now! (Robo will tell a story about how he was bullied in school, this story is true. I repeat, this story is true, this had happened to me in school!)
Fluttershies P.O.V
It was somewhere around 8am, and I hear loud moaning and muffling. I check to see who it is and it was Robo. "A walk on the beach? No... Too mainstream... Grocery shopping? No!... Too boring... Amusement park? No!!! Too noisy! What am I going to do just to know her better?!" He raged at himself. "R-Robo is everything ok?" He turns around and looks at me, making him a bit more calm. "Good morning Fluttershy, I am in a slump right now... I just can't find the right activity for the both of us to do today..." He placed his face on his desk. I didn't want to see him like this just for me, so I spoke up. "Is there anyways that I can help?" Robo said, "Sure, is there anything coming up that you would like to check out?" I thought about it, then I remembered that the Butterfly Migration was today in 30 minutes. "I would like to check out a butterfly migration, if that's ok with you..." Robo looks at me and nods. "When does it start?" I told him went and he started to pack something really fast and said "Let's get going!" Two magical wings comes out of nowhere on Robos back. One was a demon wing and the other one was an angle wing. I gasp as I began to fly myself. "Where did you get those wings?" Robo looks at them. "I had these for a while, but when I had this demon wing, I wanted to hide it from everyone, because I usually use it as a sneak attack to my opponents. Robo lead the way as I followed him, I was so excited to see all the different butterflies could fly over, hopefully Robo will enjoy it...

Robos P.O.V
We finally made our way to the stop Fluttershy was talking about, but was I landed, Fluttershy accidentally hits a bird and falls to the ground, she wasn't hurt, but the other ponies that were at our spot laughed at her and chanted that annoying song at her flight camp. "Oooooh no!" I get in front of her, as she looks sad on the floor. "No one is making fun of Fluttershys flying on my watch! She is great flyer, so I don't want to hear that song! You got that?!" The other ponies stopped and went back to there spots for the migration. Fluttershy got up and she hugged me. "Thank you Robo, you saved me from those awful songs at one of my favorite places..." She dozed off. I hugged back slowly, but happily. "Of course, I care for you feelings." She blushed a little bit. "Are you now ready for our picnic here?" She happily agreed and I set the picnic up. "Your seat awaits my darling!" She giggles and takes a seat on the blanket. "What did you bring for lunch Robo?" I take out some sandwiches with my magic. "Oh goody!" I handed her one and she takes a big and nods. "Mm..." Robo I close my eyes in a playful way. "Thank you, I haven't left this enjoyable since I hung out with my friends." I stopped to feel a little bit homesick. "Just remember, you can always go back to your friends anytime..." I could've finished with keeping my kingdom as my own, but that would be selfish so I kept that part shut. She nodded, "Have you ever had any trouble in your school before Robo?" I open my eyes wide and I look down to the ground. "Yes I have Fluttershy..." I gave the ground a smirk, trying to look like I am mad at my memories. "Oh I'm sorry... What happened that made you so annoyed?..." It was none other than the school bulling cliché. Let's begin.....hooray.....

When I was in a sorcery school, I was a really good student. But the thing that made me boil myself in the inside, was preparing your body for the magic(AKA gym). When we had to do all kinds of these warm ups, my teacher was so predictable, you can call out is move no problem. But that's not even the worst part. There is a warm-up called "Carioca" I had no idea what it means or how to even perform it. But some kids thought it was a splendid idea to copy the way I did it as a joke! Aargh! That really grinds my gears... Now I know how to do it, but the kids still copy mistakes like complete idiots.

"Aww... I'm sorry to hear your bulling." Fluttershy said as she put her hoof on mine. "It's ok, I pretend to think that they don't know how to do that exercise." She smiled at me sweetly. "I've heard these migrations will calm your inner soul. With all of the different patterns on these beautiful insects, I'm sure they will help you Robo." That sounded really promising, she probably used to it. "Look! It's beginning!" Somepony called out and thousands of colorful butterflies fly over our heads and Fluttershy was in love with the designs. I actually enjoyed the view, there as cute as Fluttershy, please don't tell her that... "Isn't it beautiful Robo..." She was amazed on how many new butterflies there were. "Yeah... I never thought they would look this amazing..." Our eyes sparkled as hundreds of butterflies flew in the skies. It may have been a little cold, but we didn't care. I gave Fluttershy a small kiss on the cheek. She blushed and have me a cute smile, she kissed me back on the cheek. I blushed more then she did. "This has been wonderful Fluttershy..." She nodded. "I wish this can last all day... But it only lasts an hour, but it's worth every minute..." As the last butterflies flew away, she signed in a sad way. "It's ok Fluttershy, the next migration will be here very soon, I promise." She nodded and she took a nap on the blanket, I sat next to her and I took a nap by her for company. I enjoy every minute of that nap...

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