Cider Flavor Truth

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Meanwhile in the streets of New York, a blue haired teenage boy with yellow eyes and fingerless gloves was beating the blood out of a group of thugs. Then he grabbed the leader of the thug by his jacket and lifted him up high.

"Please stop it, man!" said the leader thug,

"You said that no one would get hurt if I did this job! You lied to me! Now thank to you empty headed street punks, I'm a wanted criminal! Do you know how that makes me feel?!" asked the boy,

"N-n-no." replied the leader thug,

"It makes me feel like I need to brutal murder someone to calm my anger!" replied the boy, just as the sirens of a police car was sounding right near their location. So the boy fled from the cops by hidding under a sheet while a mysterious figure in a cloak observed the whole thing from the streets. When the cops lost his trail, they went back on their partrol. Leaving the boy to go to some random bar within the city and pull up a seat.

"Hello again, Zackary Hashper. It's been awhile since I saw you come back here. What can I get you?" asked the bartender,

"I'm down in the dumps, get me a glass of your strongest cider." replied Zack, and the bartender got him one.

"So.. got yourself too deep in the street thugs business?" asked the bartender,

"Deeper then I wanted. My sister was put in the infirmary because of what they made me do and I'm now a wanted criminal!" replied Zack, just as the mysterious figure in the cloak walked in and sat next to Zack.

"What can I get for you, sir?" asked the bartender,

"Ma'm. One glass of apple cider." said the figure, as the bartender got her one nice cold glass of apple cider and she drank it all.

"So what's your problem partner?" asked the figure,

"Why do you care, but I got involved with these thugs and got my own sister in the infirmary." replied Zack,

"Was it on purpose?" asked the figure again,

"The sister in the infirmary, no. However, I failed to understand the thugs. I didn't know that they were using my trust against me." replied Zack, but before the figure could reply, a group of monsters broke through the wall of the bar with them sharing the similiar appearence Mephiles and one of the monster's had the bodies of anacondas for arms and cobra heads for hands.

"Who are you and who are your friends?" asked the bartender,

"We are Mephiles's Shadow Alliance, Mephiles's personal soldiers. The warriors behind me are Shadits, the foot soldiers of the alliance and I am one of his Shadow assassians. Warrior of Dark Venom, Burakkukobura. We have come searching for the Element of Honesty. Reveal it's location and we shall let you humans live. Failure to comply and you will die, so where is it?" said the monster, however none of them even knew what the Element of Honesty.

"No one? Well then, we'll just murder everyone here for the fun of it!" said Burakkukobura, as he and the Shadits began attacking every human in the bar. Then Zack got up and started using his fists against the Shadits.

"Everyone, get out of here now!" said Zack, as all the people in the bar except for the mysterious female fled from bar while Zack started using his fists and his feet against Burakkukobura and the Shadits. However, Burakkukobura's arms came to life and stretched at Zack. Zack tried to fight the extendding living arms, but they overpowered him and wrapped him up.

"I'll sqeeze the life out of your pathetic human!" said Burakkukobura, as his snake arms began constricting Zack's body. Then the mysterious figure double kicked the snake arms, freeing Zack from it's grasp.

"Hey yah ugly two horned toad!" said the figure, as she removed her cloak to reveal a light brilliant gamboge earth pony with freckles, moderate sap green eyes, a light grayish olive mane and tail, a cowgirl hat and a blue bandana scarf and a satchel.

"The Earth Pony of Honesty, get her!" said Burakkukobura, and the mysterious pony fought between the Shadow Alliance. The pony had very impressive fighting style like it was from Texas. However, Burakkukobura tied her up with his snake arms along with Zack and hurled the two out of the bar and into a rocky plain with bloody scars on eachothers.

"Ugh, are you ok?" asked Zack, as the pony struggled in pain to get up.

"I'll live, but I think that chaotic varmint broke one of my apple-buckin legs." said the pony, as she looked back towards her right hind leg which was badly injuried and bleeding.

"I think I have something that might help you out." said Zack, as he pulled out a piece of cloth from his left pocket and tied it around the injured leg of the pony.

Where'd yah get that?" asked the pony,

"I've had it. It's been used to heal any wound or battle scar. It's a precious family gift. I'm Zackary Hashper by the way, but people call me Zack." replied Zack,

"I'm Applejack. I know what those monsters are after." said the pony, as she opened her satchel and pulled out golden neckless with an orange apple-shaped jem on it.

"This is my Element of Harmony. The Element of Honesty." said Applejack, as Burakkukobura found them and blew Applejack out of the way into a jagged boulder.

"The Element of Honesty! My master will be pleased that I obtained it." he said, however Zack grabbed the elemental jem from the neckless just as Burakkukobura grabbed it.

Ugh, your getting on my nerves. I rip that element out of you fifthy hand!" said Burakkukobura, just as the Element of Honesty began to glow brightly in Zack's hand.

We'll see about that!" replied Zack, as he fused his own two finger-less gloves with the Element of Honesty forging a new pair of weapons. Then Zack and Burakkukobura fought again, but this time Zack seemed to be more stronger then Burakkukobura and his snake arms. Then magical energy from the element was released into the gloves.

"Final Light of Hope, Kamisori chikyū e no eikyō!" shout Zack, as he slashed with both hands on Burakkukobura, badly damaging him.

"How? How could I lose to a weak human? WHY?!!!" said Burakkukobura, before he exploded.

"Well that was new. At least that monsters dead, but know what do we do. My home's probably been evicted by now and I can not go back to Finland with my parents!" said Zack, just as a small envelope slid in between Zack's legs.

Huh? Where'd this come from?" said Zack, then opened it and began reading it.

"What does it say?" asked Applejack,

"It's says that they can help with our living situation and to meet them at apartment 403. Looks like that solves us with that problem. Lets go." replied Zack, and the two race towards that specified location on the letter.

                                                                  To be Continued...

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