"Chapter 1: Friendship is magic-Part 1"

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The sun's rays were beginning to enter through the window of a room, causing a lump in a bed to move a little.

The sun's rays hit the bed, making the bundle groan.

??? (groaning): Hmmm, 5 more minutes.

But the sun's rays were very annoying, making the bundle growl in frustration, revealing a stallion unicorn with golden fur, yellow and red mane, cerulean blue eyes and on its side its cutie mark, which was a shield with the center being a sun, with its 2 halves being red and yellow.

With her eyes still sleepy, Sunshine saw a calendar hanging in her closet, noting a particular date, which made her eyes widen.

Sunshine (alarmed): It's today!

He quickly got up from his bed and ran to the bathroom, hurriedly brushing his teeth, he was about to leave until he saw himself in the mirror, giving himself a small wink.

He was about to leave his home, until he noticed that he had forgotten something important, returning to his room and searching through all the mess for his most precious object.

Finding what he was looking for, he opened the small box, seeing a necklace with a sun of which the other half was missing.

He just smiled a little wistfully, remembering the pony that gave him this necklace.

(The song inspired me in part in that, I just hope it turns out as I imagine it)


Sunshine: ♪Everything is great, spectacular, the whole world feels like it's in my helmet♪

The stallion with his magic had put on his collar, then put on a brown sash with a badge stuck on it.

♪Everything is perfect, with everything in its place, and I can't erase my smile♪

After making sure nothing was missing, he proceeded to leave your room.

♪How good it is to live, when someone always sings with you♪

As he walked the halls of his home, he took a few small dance steps, imagining having someone else by his side.

♪Complex is when only you see yourself♪

Sunshine noticed a picture sitting on a shelf, causing her to have some flashbacks from when she was a foal.

The photo was of him as a colt and a filly a little older than him, many would think it would be a female version of him, but they had certain characteristics that differentiated them.

♪You feel like a little being♪

Remembering the good times with him and his older sister made him smile a little.

♪You nothing else, it's not easy I know♪

Having a job to do, he proceeded downstairs.

♪If there is no one by your side♪

But due to an oversight, Sunshine fell rolling down the stairs to the floor.

Sunshine (pained): Ouch.

Sunshine: ♪Everything is great, spectacular, the whole world feels like it's in my helmet♪

Fully recovered from that fall, the stallion left his home heading to the town hall, on his way he greeted some ponies that returned his greeting.

♪Everything is perfect, with everything in its place, and I can't erase my smile♪

Between his walk some foals passed by his side, causing him to shake his head while smiling.

♪Life is friendly♪

Sunshine passed by a place where they made portraits, noticing certain ponies looking at the paintings.

Painter: ♪With one to paint♪

Pony (posing): ♪And another to pose♪

♪Life is to enjoy♪

Some ponies in carts brushed past Sunshine making her dizzy.

Stallion: ♪With whom to compete♪

Stallion 2: ♪And the one who's going to brake♪

They both end up colliding with a fruit stand, causing Sunshine to shake her head.

Sunshine: ♪Deal is to live♪

Some workers were building the stage for the great event of this day.

Worker: ♪When you must go down♪

Worker 2: ♪And the other to go up♪

Due to an oversight, the after mentioned stepped on a loose board, which sent his partner flying.

Sunshine: ♪How good it is to live, when someone always sings along with you♪

Arriving at a sector of the town, he saw in a stall a light orange earth pony with green eyes, blonde hair, with a slightly curly lock and the rest of the mane tied in a red ponytail.

Her tail is also held in a red ponytail holder. He always wears a tan cowboy hat. Her cutie mark is three red apples with green stems.

Recognizing her, Sunshine decided to get closer.

Sunshine (smiling): Good morning, Miss Apple, how's business?

Noticing her friend's presence, Applejack smiled.

Applejack (Smiling): I just finished setting up my apple stand, and no formalities are necessary, mate, we're friends after all.

Sunshine (smiling): I'm sorry, but it comes with the job, being the sheriff of Ponyville is a responsibility.

Applejack just held back a laugh.

Applejack (smiling): Yeah sure, sleeping all day is part of the law.

Sunshine: Please, it was just one time.

Applejack (smiling): You're the boss.

Sunshine (smiling): Of course.

The after mentioned left the business being followed by Applejack.

Sunshine/Applejack: ♪I have everything I need right in front of me♪

They both went to the side of a cart, in which a pony was unloading some boxes, but some were about to fall to the floor, Sunshine's magic was present in the boxes, leaving them aside, causing the pony to greet the after mentioned and he greets was due.

♪That, I thought, I can get it if you're by my side like this♪

Some were struck by the singing of both friends, coming to follow them.

Chef: ♪Sweet to live♪

Applejack: ♪Sometimes it's giving♪

The chef is about to hand a mismatched golden-eyed pony a box containing a cake.

Sunshine: ♪Or else receive♪

But the song of both ponies made her look away, and consequently the cake fell to the floor, ruining itself.

Baker: ♪Smooth as bread♪

He said it while giving some loaves of bread to a family.

Waiter: ♪Yes, they are going to wash♪

Waiter 2: ♪And another to dry♪

Applejack:♪ It's easy to charge♪

Sunshine/Applejack: ♪If someone shares the load equally♪

But before they both could continue singing, a pink blur crashed into Sunshine, sending him rolling across the floor.

Seeing who it was, he just shook his head, removing the dirt from his mane.

Sunshine: Pinkie, do you have to-

Pinkie Pie (excited): It's today it's today it's today!

Sunshine: Easy party lady, it's not the end of the world.

Pinkie Pie: You're wrong about that, Sunshine! TODAY IS THE CELEBRATION OF THE SUMMER SUN!!

Applejack: Calm down your horse's sweetie, we're just getting started with the festival preparations.

Sunshine (smiling): AJ is correct, and as Sheriff of Ponyville, it is my duty to guide the Canterlot representative in keeping her up to date on the progress of the festival.

Applejack: Anyone knows why, you've helped many ponies since you came to Ponyville.

Sunshine: If anyone needs help, I'm your pony.

Several ponies began to gather.

All: ♪I have, everything I need, right in front of me♪

The ponies began to dance to the beat of the music as Sunshine made her way to City Hall.

♪That, I thought, I can get it if you're by my side like this♪

♪I have everything you need

Sunshine: ♪Right in front of-

But he stopped his singing when he saw a pony in front of him.

She was a unicorn with light purple fur and a navy-blue mane and tail, stylized with cuts on the edge, and has two lighter purple and pink stripes running through both, purple eyes, and on her side a cutie mark of a pink six-pointed star.

She was accompanied by a light purple scaled baby dragon with a light spring gray belly and light lime green ears, moderate pistachio eyes, and moderate harlequin spikes.

Twilight (confused). Hmm, hello?

Sunshine gave a small laugh as she scratched the back of her head, flushing red with embarrassment.

Sunshine: H-Hello, I guess you're the Canterlot representative Mayor Mare told me about.

Twilight: That's right, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my little assistant, Spike.

Spike: Nice to meet you.

Sunshine (smiling): Likewise, my little friend.

Twilight: You must be the volunteer Mayor Mare mentioned.

Sunshine (smiling): Yep, Sunshine Shimmer at your service, and for today I'll be the one to give you a tour of Ponyville.

Twilight: All right, Spike, what's first on the list?

Spike: Summer Sun Festival Overseer's Checklist. Number 1, banquet preparations, Sweet Apple Acres.

Sunshine (smiling): You're in luck, I know a friend of mine who works there, follow me.

He started walking with Twilight and Spike following behind.

Spike: Very nice, don't you think, Twilight?

Twilight: I guess, she makes a better impression than that pony from earlier.

The 3 arrived at the mentioned place.

Sunshine: Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, home to the juiciest and best apples in all of Equestria.

Twilight: It's a very country place.

Applejack: YE-HA!

All 3 turn to see Applejack kick a tree with her hind legs, causing the apples to fall into the baskets below.

Sunshine: Hi, AJ.

The after mentioned turned, noticing Sunshine's presence and walked towards him with a smile.

Applejack: Hey mate, who are your friends?

Sunshine: Oh, that's right, this is the manager I told you about, this is Twilight Sparkle and her assistant, Spike.

Twilight: Good afternoon, my name is Twilight Spar-

Her sentence was interrupted when Applejack shook her hoof too quickly and vigorously.

Applejack: Good afternoon, Miss Sparkle, nice to meet you. I'm Applejack, here at Sweet Apple Acres we like to make new friends.

Twilight (confused): Friendship? I was going to-

Applejack: So, what can I do for you?

Due to Applejack's force, Twilight's helmet is still shaking until Sunshine stops her. Spike had laughed a bit and Twilight glared at him.

She gave Sunshine a grateful nod for a second.

Twilight: Actually, I'm here to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. Are you in charge of the banquet?

Applejack: Of course, sweetie.

Sunshine: Would you like to try a Sparks sample?

Twilight: As long as it's not too late- Wait? You just called me Sparks.

Sunshine (confused): Umm, yeah, I always give my friends nicknames, like Applejack, who she always called AJ.

The after mentioned ran and touched a triangle and made a loud sound.

Applejack (screaming): LET'S HAVE LUNCH PARTNERS!

Sunshine: Oh sure, I forgot the Apple family reunion was today.

Twilight gave the stallion a shocked look.

Twilight (alarmed): What?! And you didn't tell us before.

As she finished her sentence, a huge stampede came and the next thing Sunshine, Twilight and Spike knew they were in chairs with a table full of food made from apples and in front of them they were surrounded by Applejack's family.

Applejack: These are Apple Fritter, Apple Pumpkin, Red and Golden Delicious, Red Gala, Caramela Apple, Strudle Apple, Apple Pie, Apple Crunch and Apple-

Applejack took a deep breath after saying so many words.

Applejack: Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith.

Granny Smith was asleep in her rocking chair, seeing that Applejack woke her up.

Applejack: Wake up Grann Smith, there are visitors.

Grann Smith: What? Where? When? Is the food ready? I woke up, don't be impatient.

Sunshine: Wow, I didn't expect to see the Apple family back together.

Applejack: You forget that you're part of the family too, Sunshine, just like Twilight.

The after mentioned had a lot of food in her mouth before spitting it out.

Twilight (laughing/nervously): Alright, I see the banquet is set up, so we'll be on our way.

Sunshine: Please Sparks, there's plenty of food for everyone and its only noon.

Applejack: Sunshine's right, at least eat with us.

Twilight looked confused at her guide through this town, who nodded slowly, causing her to sigh in defeat.

Twilight (resigned): Fine.

Everyone cheered and the 4 of them had lunch as planned.

Minutes later

After having lunch with the Apple family, Sunshine continued her guide with Twilight and Spike to another part of Ponyville.

Spike: Feast, ready, next on the list is the weather.

Twilight: Ugh, I ate too much cake.

Sunshine (smiling): AJ and his family really know how to make good apple food; I don't remember when the last time was I ate one.

Twilight: It looks like you and her get along too well.

Sunshine (smiling): All I can say is that AJ and I have shared history since we were foals.

Spike: Hmm, a Pegasus named Rainbow Dash is supposed to clear the sky.

Sunshine: I know her too; she should be somewhere.

Twilight: Well, it looks like you're not doing your job right.

Sunshine (smiling): He must be doing his morning practice. Hey Dash! There are some ponies here that I want you to meet.

Suddenly, a blur crashed into Twilight right next to Sunshine, startling him and seeing them both collide into a puddle of mud.

Sunshine (worried): Are you two okay?

Rainbow Dash: What's up Sunshine, I heard your voice, and I just came down to try to surprise you, but you see what it was like.

Sunshine (laughing/nervous): Yeah, and I think you're crushing my friend there.

Rainbow Dash, noticing that she was sitting on Twilight, let out a sheepish laugh.

Rainbow Dash: Hehe, excuse me?

Twilight just groans with a slightly amused look as she is now covered in mud.

Sunshine: Maybe you can clean it up a bit, Dash.

Rainbow (smiling): On the way.

She then flies out and returns with a rain cloud placing it on Twilight and jumps on it, causing it to rain on Twilight. The rain washes the mud away completely, but now her hair and hair were soaked.

Rainbow Dash: Oops, I think I overdid it.

Twilight (sarcastically): Do you think so?

Rainbow Dash: How about this? My own patented Rainbow Dry!

She created a rainbow tornado around Twilight and when she finished, Twilight's mane and tail were now all fluffy.

This caused both Rainbow, Spike, and Sunshine to burst out laughing while Twilight kept from exploding in anger.

She then looks at Sunshine annoyed.

Twilight: I'll guess, is this your friend Rainbow Dash?

Sunshine (smiling): Yep, the one and only.

Rainbow Dash: Why? do you know about me?

Sunshine: Dash, this is Twilight Sparkle and Spike. I'm giving them a tour as they oversee preparations for tonight, as well as checking on your job as weather manager to keep the skies clear.

Rainbow Dash: Is that it? Don't worry about it, I'll do it as soon as I finish practicing.

Twilight: Practice? what for?

Rainbow Dash: The Wonderbolts! You're going to be at the celebration tomorrow, and I'll show them my tricks!

Twilight: The Wonderbolts? The most talented fliers in all of Equestria?

Rainbow Dash: The same!

Twilight: Pff, please, they wouldn't take a Pegasus who doesn't keep the sky clear for a day.

Sunshine instead of defending Rainbow, just gave her a slight nod while smiling slightly.

The after mentioned noticing her friend's signal, she just smiled and took off into the sky and pierced through the clouds, clearing the entire sky before landing on a nearby bridge.

As Twilight stopped mocking Rainbow's arrogance, she noticed that there were no clouds in the sky, leaving her and Spike gaping in shock.

Rainbow Dash (laughing): You should see the look on their faces, they're priceless.

Rainbow Dash is blown up again about to leave.

Rainbow Dash: See you later.

Then she flew away.

Spike: That...was...AWESOME!

Twilight just growled.

Twilight: Spike, the list.

Spike: The list? Ah yes, the list, let's see, next on the list is, Decoration.

Sunshine: That's easy, there's a unicorn in Ponyville who takes care of the decorations, plus he can fix your Sparks mane.

Twilight: Thanks to Celestia, I didn't want to have this mane for the rest of the day.

Sunshine: If I'm honest, it looks good on you.

What the stallion said made Twilight blush a bit before making him disappear.

Minutes later

The three arrive at the town hall which is being set up with decorations for the festival.

Spike: Decoration, ready.

Spike then looks ahead to see a certain fashionista pony inspecting and attaching some ribbons. Spike looked at her with hearts in his eyes, mesmerized by her beauty.

Spike (gazed): Beautiful.

Twilight: Yes, the decoration is beautiful, with all this done, I can finish quickly and get to the library to continue my investigation.

Sunshine: Library? Like in the golden oak library? I didn't know you were staying there, my house is near there.

Twilight looked at Sunshine slightly surprised.

Twilight: Really?

Sunshine: I guess we'll kind of be neighbors.

Spike: Not the decorations, her.

Spike pointed at Rarity with hearts in his eyes, then began to check himself.

Spike: What do my scales look like? do they look good?

Sunshine: Hehe, easy Romeo.

Twilight shook her head at the little dragon's crush.

Sunshine: Hey, Rarity, there's some ponies that want to see the-

Rarity: I'll be right back dear, I'm in the action zone.

After finding the perfect ribbon, she magically made a beautiful ribbon, leaving it in place.

Rarity: Alright, how can I help-

Noticing Twilight's mane, Rarity points at it in shock.

Rarity: By my stars! What happened to your hairstyle?!

Sunshine: It's a long story, but I'd like to know if you could fix that problem.

Rarity: Don't worry dear, you went to the right pony.

Rarity started to push Twilight and the after mentioned turned her gaze to Sunshine, who only shrugged her shoulders while smiling.

Sunshine: Don't worry, it'll just fix your tail and mane.

Everyone was now at Boutique Carousel where Rarity not only fixed Twilight's mane and tail, but also had her wear different dresses as Spike and Sunshine watched.

Spike: Wow...she's amazing.

Sunshine: Yes, that's right Rarity. If there's one thing she's the best at, it's being a fashion designer.

Rarity looks at the dress Twilight is wearing and has an idea.

Rarity: Emeralds?! What was I thinking? Let me bring you rubies.

She then went looking for them and Twilight used this as an opportunity to escape.

Twilight (hurriedly): Quick! before I want to change my color!

Spike didn't listen to what he had been told, he just gave a sigh full of love and Sunshine simply dragged him with her magic.

Sunshine: Let's go Prince Charming.

Change of scene

On the outskirts of town, Sunshine, Twilight, and Spike, who was sitting on Twilight's back, headed to the next place.

Spike: Wasn't she wonderful?

Twilight: Easy in love, what's next on the list?

Spike (clearing throat): Let's see, ah, music, that's the last thing.

Sunshine (smiling): Today is your lucky day, one of my friends takes care of it, come on.

Twilight: It looks like you know pretty much everyone in Ponyville.

Sunshine: Well, when you're the Sheriff of the town, it's normal for everyone to know you.

Twilight was surprised to hear that her guide was the Sheriff.

Twilight: Are you the Sheriff?!

Sunshine: Of course, that's what the badge is for.

Spike: I thought it was just a decoration.

Sunshine: Please, nothing can imitate a badge like this, besides, as Sheriff I must help and protect every pony in Ponyville.

Twilight: You say that like it's your duty or something.

Sunshine: And it is. And no matter the situation, I will do everything in my power to protect you.

Twilight was touched by Sunshine's noble purpose, but put that out of her thoughts, she had an important mission.

Twilight: All right, where's that friend you mentioned?

Sunshine: It should be right on the other side of here somewhere. Also, a word of warning, she can be very shy when it comes to meeting new ponies.

Twilight (confused): Okay.

The 3 reached their destination, managing to see Fluttershy leading a choir of birds.

Sunshine: Hi Fluttershy.

The after mentioned turns to see Sunshine giving her a small smile.

Fluttershy: H-hello Sunshine, why are you visiting?

Sunshine: Well, I'm giving the pony in charge of supervising the festival a tour to see the preparations.

Fluttershy: I see...

She gave Twilight a shy look as she turned her head to hide behind her mane.

Twilight: My name is Twilight Sparkle. What's your name?

Fluttershy (quietly): Umm, I'm Fluttershy.

Twilight: Excuse me, could you repeat that? I did not understand anything.

Fluttershy: My name is Fluttershy.

Twilight just looked at Sunshine confused.

Sunshine: This is Fluttershy, she's the pony I mentioned to you.

Twilight: I see, a few moments ago I heard your music and it's amazing.

Spike: I agree, it was amazing.

Fluttershy noticed Spike, causing him to shriek as she ran towards him.

Fluttershy: A baby dragon! I had never seen one in my life, how cute it is.

Twilight looked at Sunshine in confusion.

Twilight: I thought you said she was very shy.

Sunshine: I said she was shy when it comes to meeting ponies, but when it comes to animals, she's a fanatic in her own right, hehe. Well, we'd better go, we won't see you at the Fluttershy festival.

Fluttershy: Oh, okay, I'll see you guys later.

She waves goodbye to Sunshine as he waves back as he walks off with Twilight and Spike.

Hours later

After a long walk, the 3 of them had finished their tour and were now heading towards the library and by the time they arrived it was already dark. Twilight had an irritated look on her face.

Twilight: I can't believe I wasted my time with a bunch of crazy ponies, when I should be researching how to defeat Nightmare Moon and convincing Princess Celestia of her return.

Spike: Well, what about Sunshine? It looks like he's a good pony.

Twilight looks at Sunshine as she walked in front of him and didn't hear their conversation.

Twilight: It's something... different from other ponies I've met, there's something I just don't know how to describe.

Spike: Yeah, sure.

Twilight turned her head to Sunshine.

Twilight: Thanks for the tour, Sunshine, it was nice meeting you.

Sunshine: My pleasure Twilight, maybe if you stay longer, we can get to know each other more as friends.

The 3 of them reached the library and both Twilight and Spike entered.

Twilight: Okay, now that we're in the library, what about the lights?

As she said that, the lights came on and a bunch of ponies were around her surprising her with a party.

Everyone: SURPRISE!

Twilight and Spike were surprised by the surprise party while Sunshine just smiled because she knew there was only one pony who would throw this kind of party.

Twilight: What's all this?!

Sunshine (smiling): Your "Welcome to Ponyville" party. Pinkie Pie always does this kind of thing for ponies that are new to town.

Twilight: Pinkie Pie? Let me guess? Is he one of your friends too?

Sunshine: Something like that.

But suddenly Pinkie Pie appeared in front of Twilight.

Pinkie Pie: Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm throwing this party just for you. You are surprised?! Are you? Are you?

Twilight: Yes, very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet places.

Pinkie Pie: Whoa! Do not be silly! Silence is sooooooo boring! You see, I saw when you arrived, remember? You said "hi" to me and I was *gasps in surprise* remember? I've never seen you in Ponyville, which means you're new and if you're new, that means you don't know any ponies here and that made me sad! So, I thought, I know, I'll throw you a super Ponyville welcome party and you'll be able to make lots and lots of friends.

When Pinkie is done talking, the rest of her friends come up behind her and Twilight pours herself a drink in a cup. Sunshine realizes what the liquid was and quickly uses her magic to prevent Twilight from drinking it.

Sunshine: Hehe, I wouldn't drink that if I were you.

Twilight: Why?

Sunshine: Umm...well, let's just say there's a "flame" on the bottle for a reason.

Sunshine shows Twilight the bottle that she poured into her cup, it being hot sauce.

Twilight instead of thanking him, goes up to her bedroom a little upset.

Rainbow Dash: What mosquito bit him?

Sunshine: Hmm, I'll talk to her. Great party Pinkie, as always.

Pinkie Pie: Thank you, Sunshine.

The stallion follows Twilight into her room to see her sitting on her bed, a pillow covering her head with a depressing atmosphere around her.

Sunshine (worried): Hey, are you okay?

Twilight (sighing): It's just... I thought I could study the elements of harmony, but I was naive, and this silly party has prevented me. I read an old pony story that on the long Friday of the thousandth year, the stars will release Nightmare Moon from her captivity and bring eternal night.

Sunshine: Well, you said it yourself, it's just a pony tale. But if that's true, you have my full support.

Twilight: Really?

Sunshine: Of course, that's what friends are for, right?

Twilight was shocked that a stud she just met believed her story and was willing to risk his life to save Equestria.

As Sunshine left the room to go downstairs and enjoy the party, Twilight smiled seeing that Sunshine considers her a friend.

Twilight (thinking): I just hope that story isn't real.

To be continue......

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