"Chapter 4: The Ticket And The Fan"

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It's been over a week since Mane 7 fought Nightmare Moon and things have calmed down of late. Today, Sunshine was heading to Sweet Apple Acres since yesterday Applejack requested his help in the apple picking, and as Sheriff of Ponyville and now Guardian of Harmony he is always available when someone needs help.

His walk was smooth, until he suddenly bumped into someone, causing Sunshine and whoever he bumped into to fall to the ground.

Sunshine shook his head in confusion, until he noticed the pony in front of him.

Sunshine: *confused* Twilight?

The aforementioned, noticing Sunshine's presence, quickly approached him with a pleading look.

Twilight: *desperate* Please, you have to help me.

Sunshine: *confused* Help you, but-

Twilight: *desperate* All the ponies have gone crazy and are trying to do any favor to give them the extra ticket.

What Twilight said only left Sunshine confused.

Sunshine: Bonus ticket? What are you talking about?

And as if by magic, Spike appears in their midst.

Spike: She's referring to the extra ticket to the Grand Gallop Gala.

Sunshine: *surprised* The Grand Gallop Gala?! Wow, haven't heard of that in a long time.

Twilight: *deadpan* Don't tell me you want to go too.

Sunshine: Not really.

Twilight/Spike: *surprised* No?!

Spike: But it's the Grand Gallop Gala, the biggest event that happens every year to celebrate the completion of Canterlot after the founding of Equestria. I'm surprised you simply refused.

Sunshine: Well, my job as Sheriff takes up most of my time. So it doesn't give me enough for events like that.

But while Sunshine talked to Spike, Twilight just stared at Sunshine.

Twilight: *thinking* I wonder if.....

Twilight looks up at the sky and begins daydreaming about how she would like Sunshine to be the one to accompany her to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Twilight Imagination

Twilight is seen alone, sitting at a table in a dress and looks down until someone approaches her and that was Sunshine, who was in a suit that made Twilight blush just looking at it.

Sunshine: Grant me this dance.

Twilight blushes as she smiles and nods and takes Sunshine's hoof as they walk to the dance floor. They both danced to the slow music and moved perfectly in sync with it. Then Sunshine's face moved closer to Twilight's, causing her eyes to widen and she moved closer to him as well. They both closed their eyes as the moonlight shines through and makes a bright light.

End of imagination

Twilight made a face as if she was going to kiss someone even imagining that scene.

Sunshine: Twilight! Equestria to Twilight!

Twilight regained her composure as she snapped back to reality and both Sunshine and Spike looked at her in confusion.

Spike: *confused* Twilight, are you okay? You got distracted for a second.

Twilight: Oh yeah, I'm fine, sorry. Anyway, like I was saying, are you sure you don't want to go to the Gala?

Sunshine: I'm sorry, but I'll have to say no again.

Applejack: Stop your hooves there, Sunshine.

Applejack interrupted their conversation being accompanied by Rainbow Dash.

Applejack: I asked for that ticket first.

Rainbow Dash: No way, I asked for it first.

Applejack: Me!

Rainbow Dash: Me!

Applejack: Me!

Rainbow Dash: Me!

Twilight was only annoyed to hear this discussion again.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash begin to argue with each other, but Sunshine pushes them both away.

Sunshine: Alright, that's enough. It shouldn't be Sparks who decides who to give the other ticket to, besides, what reasons do you have for going.

Applejack: Preparing business for Gran Smith's farm and hip fix?

Rainbow Dash: A chance to audition for the Wonderbolts?

Sunshine: Really? Hey, I understand your reasons for wanting to go, but you're making Twilight choose an over-

Turning his gaze to Twilight, he noticed that she and Spike had disappeared.

Sunshine only had a surprised face.

Rainbow Dash: *surprised* She's gone.

Applejack: Not on my watch.

Applejack ran past Sunshine.

Sunshine: Wait u-

Rainbow Dash: I won't let you get ahead of me!

Rainbow Dash speeds past Sunshine, leaving the aforementioned falling to the ground as his eyes spiraled.

He shook his head and got up from the floor.

Sunshine: I have to stop them before they do something crazy.

After saying that he ran off to Ponyville to look for Twilight.

Change of scene

Sunshine after arriving at the town started looking everywhere for Twilight and Spike, but there was no sign of them, even in places where he didn't search.

Sunshine: Twilight? Spike? Are you around?

Not receiving any response, the stallion only gave a frustrated sigh.

Sunshine: Everyone has gone crazy for just one ticket to The Grand Gallop Gala. I mean, yeah, it's a big event and all, but it's not going to be too exaggerated.

But suddenly a great rain covered all of Ponyville causing all the ponies to take refuge in their homes, all except Sunshine, who was all wet.

That was the last straw that spilled the camel's back.

Sunshine started growling like a mad dog while his eyes burned with rage, knowing the only pony capable of handling the weather.

Sunshine: *growling* Rainbow Dash.

He began to take heavy steps, heading towards the Golden Oak Library assuming that Twilight should be there.

Ignoring that the weather had returned to normal, Sunshine walked ignoring the ponies that saw him surprised by the aforementioned attitude.

Finally reaching the library and about to open the door, He hear several familiar voices arguing.

Just hearing them argue over a simple ticket only made his anger out of bounds.

Inside the library

Applejack: I'll have to know you intervened before I could get my ticket, Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: If you sleep, you lose, Applejack!

Rarity: *clears throat* Clearly girls, this is my ticket. And my only chance to meet my prince charming.

Pinkie Pie: It's also my only chance to have the most fun! So you should have the ticket!

Fluttershy: I've cleaned for Twilight, so I guess it's best to assume she'll give me the ticket.

Soon, all the ponies began arguing, until they were interrupted when the library entrance was blasted open by an irate Sunshine.

Rainbow Dash: *nervous* S-sunshine, what did you-

Sunshine: *angry* IT....WAS ENOUGH!

The mares shuddered at Sunshine's outburst as they gave him their attention. It was the first time they had seen him so angry.

Sunshine: *angry* How come they haven't noticed yet?! Twilight has been turning down her favors because of how selfish all of you are for that stupid ticket!

Rarity: Oh Darling, I'm sure he's just waiting for whoever has the best reason.

Sunshine: *sarcastic* Oh sure, how I didn't think of it before, or maybe *angry* SHE CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT WHILE YOU ARE ACTING LIKE FOALS FIGHTING OVER A TOY!

The mares looked at each other for a second before realizing what Sunshine was saying. They then all looked at the ground with an embarrassed expression on their faces. Sunshine just smiles when she sees that they learned their lesson.

Applejack: Twilight, I didn't mean to push you so hard, and if it helps, I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to another pony. I won't feel bad, I promise.

Fluttershy: Me too. I feel horrible for making you feel so bad.

Pinkie Pie: And me too. It's not fun to annoy your friends.

Rarity: Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force myself on you like I did.

Rainbow Dash: Yes! That means the ticket is mine. Ha ha ♪ I have the ticket, I have the ticket. ♪

The other Mane 6 and Sunshine looked at Rainbow Dash with a "Seriously" look.

Rainbow Dash: You know, I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don't need that ticket either.

Sunshine: Much better.

Applejack: We were all so excited about going to the gala that we couldn't see how unenthusiastic we were making you.

Mane 6: Sorry Twilight.

Twilight smiled at her friend's apology and looked at Spike.

Twilight: Spike, take notes. "Dear Princess Celestia, I have learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings, but when there are not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel very bad. So, while I appreciate the invitation, I will return both Tickets for the Grand Gallop Gala".

Mane 6/Sunshine: What?!

Twilight: "If my friends can't all go, I don't want to go either."

Applejack: Twilight, you don't have to do that.

Twilight: No. I've already made up my mind. Spike, you can send the letter now.

Fluttershy: Now you won't be able to go to the gala either.

Twilight: It's okay, ponies. I couldn't have fun without my best friends with me, so I'd rather not go.

Sunshine: I couldn't have said it better, Sparks.

Twilight blushed at what Sunshine said.

The Mane 6 then formed a group hug around Twilight as Spike chomped down on the sensitive moment.

Spike then belched a flame and then traveled over Applejack surprising her and turning into another scroll.

Sunshine: Another letter? That was fast.

Spike: "My faithful student Twilight, why didn't you say so in the first place?" Seven tickets to the Grand Gallop Gala.

Mane 6/Sunshine: *gasps*

Twilight: Now we can all go! Sunshine, are you coming?

Sunshine from the beginning began to doubt. Saying that he didn't have time to go alone was an alibi for the truth, since the last time he was in Canterlot he had a bad experience that made him leave that place.

Sunshine: Okay, if you all go, then I'll go. Count on me, one hundred percent!

Then they all cheered until they heard Twilight's stomach rumble again.

Rarity: Let us treat you to dinner.

Pinkie Pie: And to celebrate! Come on everyone, the cupcakes are on me!

When everyone left, Spike had a downcast look on his face.

Spike: How come I don't get a ticket to the gala?

Spike then burps another letter and reads it.

Spike: "And one for you, Spike."

Spike runs out of the Golden Oak Library following Mane 6 and Sunshine gave him a smug look.

Sunshine: *smiling* That you weren't saying it was just frou-frou nonsense with girly frills.

Spike: Don't bother me, buddy.

Both Sunshine and Spike laugh at each other.

The next day

All the ponies in Ponyville walked around calmly, some buying food from home and the foals playing among themselves.

Right now Sunshine was carrying some boxes thanks to his magic and leaving them on a shelf.

Sunshine: Those are the last boxes, Mrs. Cake.

Mrs. Cake: Thank you very much Sunshine, it would have been difficult for me and my husband to carry the supplies to the store.

Sunshine: You don't have to thank, if anyone needs help, I'm your pony.

Just as Sunshine says that, a filly's voice can be heard that caught his attention. That made him quickly spring into action and leave the bakery, he looked around for the voice until he came across a well that he saw and heard the voice of the fillies once more.

???: Help! Help! Help! Help!

Sunshine: Hold on! I'll get you out of there right away!

Sunshine looked around for something to pull the filly out of the well, until he saw a rope tied to a bucket, so using only the rope he approached the well.

He then threw one end of the rope into the well and held the other end in his mouth.

Sunshine: Hold on to the rope!

Sensing the rope tighten, Sunshine began to pull on the rope and gradually a filly with navy blue fur, a dark blue mane and tail, and golden eyes.

Sunshine: Are you okay?.

???: Y-yes, I think so.

Noticing Sunshine's presence, the little filly gasped, then her expression changed to a look of fascination.

???: Y-you're Sunshine Shimmer.

Sunshine: *confused* Ummm, yes?

???: You are the great Sunshine Shimmer! I can not believe it's you!

Sunshine: Okay, I think the great Sunshine is overreacting.

He said it while scratching the back of his head.

???: But if it's true, you've helped many ponies.

Sunshine: Alright, you're right about that. What's your name little one?

???: Sapphire Dusk.

Sunshine: Well, Sapphire, what were you doing down in that well?

Sapphire: I was just going to fetch some water from the well and I didn't see anything so I thought I'd take a closer look and before I knew it I was falling and I was stuck in this well.

Sunshine: The important thing is that you're safe now.

Sapphire then walks in front of an excited Sunshine.

Sapphire: And it's thanks to you, you're my hero.

The little filly Sapphire hugs Sunshine as he just gives her a small smile and pats her on the head.

Sunshine: You don't have to thank me, it's my duty after all. Now I have to go, and you must return home before your parents worry.

Sunshine said goodbye to the little filly Sapphire and then walked away, not noticing a sad look from the aforementioned when she heard the word "Parents".

The next day

Ponyville School

Sapphire Pov

Right now I was in class with Miss Cheerilee, who was just now explaining what cutie marks represented.

But I wasn't listening to anything as instead I had various things on my mind right now.

Sapphire's imagination

I was on the back of a Manticore, which was on the floor knocked out thanks to me and my amazing skills.

Sunshine: *surprised* Wow, that was amazing, Sapphire, I couldn't expect much from my little sister.

I just laughed while scratching the back of my head, feeling touched hearing such praise from my idol.

Sunshine: Sapphire, are you there?

End of imagination

Sapphire: Huh?

Sapphire regained her composure as she came back to reality and both the others in the room and Miss Cheerilee looked at her in confusion.

Miss Cheerilee: Sapphire Dusk, what is so important that you don't listen to my class?

Sapphire: Ummm, well, I.......

Diamond Tiara: It seems that dear Sapphire Dusk doesn't know what her parents do, oh wait, she doesn't have them.

Sapphire just had a sad look from the aforementioned.

Minutes later

After I got scolded by Miss Cherilee, I watched from the school entrance to the others being picked up by their parents or their siblings.

From the beginning, seeing each one being praised or receiving a lot of love from their families filled me with great sadness and pain. But I shook off those thoughts, I must not let those things get to me.

Sapphire: Heh, I don't need a stupid family, I'm fine the way I am, I don't need anyone to control me.

I ignored the others and decided to go home.

Narrator Pov


Sapphire: ♪I don't need anyone♪

♪Who can control me♪

A stallion was selling some fruits, which Sapphire took advantage of the distraction and took some. But the seller saw her and began to chase her, until he lost sight of her without noticing that she was flying above him while enjoying the fruits that she "borrowed".

Sapphire: ♪There's no time to hang around♪

♪My adventure has just begun♪

The vendor was about to give up, but a banana peel fell on his head, causing the aforementioned to grunt, while Sapphire giggled.

Sapphire: ♪I don't need any friends♪

♪As I chase the setting sun♪

While she was passing through, she noticed an old pony who was having some difficulties with some groceries, so deciding to help her, she picked up some things and helped her.

After saying goodbye, she continued on her way, towards her home.

Sapphire: ♪But I'm leaving them behind♪

♪I'm on the run♪

But she noticed for a moment a little colt enjoying the day with his family, making her emotion go away for a moment, but she shook off those thoughts and continued on her way.

Ignoring the "Caution" and "Danger" signs, she strode into the Everfree Forest. During her way, she ended up running into a dog, but the supposed "Dog" when rising above Sapphire, the expression of the aforementioned changed to one of fear when she saw that what she actually saw was a "Wood Wolf".

From one moment to the next, she fled from the Wood Wolf and hid in some bushes, after several minutes of being hidden, she breathed a sigh of relief and then continued on her walk.

♪(I'm on the run)♪

Sapphire: ♪I don't care about what all the others say♪

While walking, she jumped between the small rocks that were in the great current of a river.

♪(I'm on the run)♪

Sapphire: ♪Well I guess there are some things that will never go away♪

Casually passing a large log that served as a bridge in a large ravine, while her expression changed to a sad one.

Sapphire: ♪I wish I could say that♪

♪"There is no better place than home"♪

And upon reaching what seemed to be a dead end, covered by only a few vines. She walked through them like nothing happened, revealing it to be an entrance to a cave, which Sapphire kept walking through.

Sapphire: ♪But home is a place I've never known♪

She stopped, looking among some things, a sleeping bag that was in a deplorable state, some worn books and a small candle that gave enough light not to be in the dark.

Sapphire: ♪That's why............i'm on the run♪

At the end of her song, she had laid down on her sleeping bag and with some difficulty she was able to fall asleep.

At night

Some slight tremors made Sapphire wake up from her rest, she looked around and looked at the cave in a hurry.

Sapphire: What was that?

Seeing that the only candle she had was going out, she quickly tried to light it again.

Sapphire: *desperate* Come on, Come on.

Managing to turn it back on, she breathed a sigh of relief. But something touching his back interrupted his relief.

Sapphire: Wait a minute.

Ignoring the annoyance, she tries to make sure the candle doesn't go out again, but is again interrupted.

Sapphire: I said wait.

Instead of receiving an answer, she received grunts. Fed up, she decided to confront whoever was bothering her night.

Sapphire: I told you to wa-

But seeing what was bothering her, she froze to see what was in front of her.

With Sunshine

Right now he was heading home after a long day at work, but when he got home he saw a certain filly in the distance being chased by a

Sunshine: MANTICORE!?!

Without thinking twice, he took some things from his house and the stallion followed the Manticore from behind.

Sapphire ran as fast as she could while the Manticore followed behind her with a furious face. But the filly with an idea in mind began to flap her wings hurriedly trying to fly.

And when she flew successfully, she began to smile.

Sapphire: *mocking* Hah, take that silly cat, now you can't-

But because of her hasty victory, she ended up colliding with a tree.

Sapphire: *painfully* Catch me.

She shook her head a little in pain, but a large shadow loomed over her.

The filly backed away in fright as the Manticore loomed closer.

Sapphire just closed her eyes, hoping for a quick death.

But Before the Manticore enjoyed its dinner, a shadow smashed its 4 hooves onto its head using it as momentum and landed in front of Sapphire, thus revealing Sunshine as its savior.

The Manticore only growled as it began to approach the 2 Ponies, ready to devour them.

Sunshine quickly searched his backpack for something to intimidate or stop the Manticore, without looking at what he had taken out he had thrown a frying pan that hit the Manticore's face, leaving him with a confused face.

Sunshine: *nervous* Heheh.

The Manticore only got even angrier, about to finish off the 2 ponies.

Sunshine using his trump card, created with his magic a whip with which he began to intimidate the beast, which began to retreat.

The Manticore's gaze met Sunshine's serious eyes. They were like this for several minutes until the beast just gave a snort and proceeded to return to the Everfree Forest.

Sunshine just gave a big sigh as beads of sweat ran down his face.

Sunshine: *relieved* That was a close one.

Turning his gaze towards the filly, he saw that her eyes were still closed, making Sunshine smile slightly.

Sunshine: Hey, you can open your eyes now.

Sapphire, a bit doubtful, slowly opened her eyes, immediately recognizing the yellow and red mane.

Sunshine: Are you alright?

But he is interrupted when he is hugged by Sapphire, he was about to ask her what had happened to her until he heard some sobs, realizing the state of the little filly. With a slight smile on her face, Sunshine stroked Sapphire's mane trying to comfort her.

Sunshine: *smiling* It's okay, it's okay, you're safe now.

The sobs continued, until Sunshine heard some light snoring, noticing that Sapphire fell asleep after crying so much.

Sunshine: Now why was a filly like you running from a Manticore at this time of night?

Hours later

Sunshine was found with a thoughtful face as he walked around the living room.

But his thoughts are interrupted when he hears a knock on the door and when he opens he smiles when he sees who it is.

Sunshine: It's good that you came Twilight, for a moment I thought you wouldn't come.

Twilight: No problem, so how can I help you?

Sunshine: *nervous* Weeelll, I think it's better if I show you.

Twilight, a bit confused, followed the stallion until she reached a room.

When he opens the door, it shows a small sleeping pegasus in one of the beds.

Sunshine: I found her outside the Everfree Forest being chased by a Manticore, I was lucky to save her. But, Twilight...after trying to look for any sign or anything of her parents, I didn't find a single clue.

Twilight upon learning what Sunshine was referring to covered her mouth with one of her hooves.

Twilight: *puzzled* You don't mean she's-?

Sunshine just nodded in response.

Sunshine: I talked to the orphanage and they told me that she disappeared several months ago. I'm surprised that despite that she goes to school with Apple Bloom.

Twilight: *sad* Oh... *looks at the filly* You poor little thing...

Sunshine: I tried to drop her back to the orphanage, but she refuses and I don't want to force her. Twilight, I don't know what to do, and it would be very stupid to leave her at this time of night and alone.

Twilight began to think a bit about the situation in her hooves.

Twilight: If she refuses to go back, and doesn't want to talk about her parents... Have you tried to find her a new place for her to stay? A possible new family?

Sunshine: *confused* Huh? No, i didn't.... But she, with just her presence, I don't know why......but that filly somehow reminds me of me in my worst moments.

Twilight: *intrigued* How else do you feel?

Sunshine: *thoughtful* Somehow it makes me feel.....different. I don't know, this feeling is like-

He opens his eyes in bewilderment as he realizes this familiar feeling.

Sunshine: *surprised* Like....a brother.....taking care of his sister.....

Twilight: Sun...

Sunshine stared at the little pegasus for a few moments, until after thinking about it for a few minutes, he made a decision that would change his life.

Sunshine: *smiling* Twilight, I think I have an idea of ​​what to do.

Twilight raised a confused eyebrow.

The next day

Sapphire slowly opened her eyes, her vision a bit blurry as she gave a big yawn. Rubbing his eyes she got a better view of where she was.

Sapphire: *confused* Where am I? This doesn't look like the Everfree Forest.

Sunshine: *smiling* It's because you're not in the Everfree Forest.

Sunshine said it, entering the room with a tray, with some toast and a glass of juice. Sapphire had her mouth hanging from not believing that her greatest idol was in front of her, and even bringing her breakfast.

Sunshine: What's up? Why the long face?

Sapphire: *surprised* W-what how you what?

Sunshine: *smiling* What? Is it for breakfast? Can't I bring my little sister breakfast?

She was about to respond but the last thing said by the stallion left her static.

Sapphire: Wait what did you just say?

Sunshine: *confused* What? breakfast? Or adoption?

Sapphire: Don't play dumb with me! Wait, adoption?

The little pegasus stared at Sunshine who only had a slight smile. That smile answered all the doubts she had.

Sunshine was concerned when he saw Sapphire start to cry, thinking that he did something to make her act that way.

Sunshine: *worried* W-what's up did I say something wrong? It's the food? Damn, I should have asked before I brought breakfast.

Sapphire: *crying* N-it's not that....it's just that I'm happy....to finally have what I've always longed for forever.

Faced with such an answer, Sunshine only smiled slightly and caressed Sapphire's mane, until she hugged him again, this time accepting him while he comforted her as now her older brother.

Sunshine: "Record number 36: After a long time, I understood that family isn't just about blood conection, it's about the bonds you create with who you meet.

Friendship can be seen in many ways, between friends, even between siblings.

Signature, Sunshine Shimmer."

Change of scene

Sunshine was walking with Sapphire towards the school.

Sunshine: Do you have everything?

Sapphire: Yes sir.

Sunshine: Pencil and scrapbook?

Sapphire: Yes sir.

Sunshine: Spare pencil?

Sapphire: Yep.

Sunshine: Spare of-

Sapphire: You don't have to worry, it's not like the end of the world.

Sunshine just scratched the back of his head.

Sunshine: *smiling* I know, I'm just trying to take the role of your older brother seriously.

After saying so, both of them arrived at the entrance of the school.

Sapphire: Okay, I have to go.

Sunshine: Alright, but if you ever run into any other Manticores, don't hesitate to yell.

They both laughed at what the stallion said, but before Sapphire entered, she gave him a quick hug before entering the school.

Sunshine just smiled.

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