Chapter 17: The Cutie Mark Chronicles

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It was currently a pleasant noon at Ponyville as today, Princess Celestia is at Sugarcube Corner with a bunch of ponies there including the Mane 7 as they all are hosting a big brunch for her. Ponies are are either mingling or eating delicious food made by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Mr. Cake, who's full name was Carrot Cake was an Earth pony who had a light brilliant amber coat, a light brilliant orange mane and tail, moderate pistachio eyes, his Cutie Mark was of course three carrot cakes, and he was wearing a baker's hat and a bowtie that was red and white, along with an apron. His wife Mrs. Cake, who's full name was Cup Cake was also an Earth pony, and she had a light cerulean coat, brilliant rose eyes, a light crimson mane and tail with pale, light grayish crimson stripes, her Cutie Mark is also of course three cup cakes, she was wearing pink earrings and she was also wearing an apron.

They were both currently just giving their services out to anypony in need and in the middle of the room, Princess Celestia was enjoying the banquet and (Y/N) was right beside her.

(Y/N): This is such a wonderful gathering were having. I'm so glad that were able to accept this visit here in Ponyville just for you, Celestia.

Princess Celestia: Of course, (Y/N). By the way, thank you for keeping me company over here at the table.

(Y/N): No problem at all.

Princess Celestia: However, I must say that your friends do have a way for gatherings with esteemed guests.

(Y/N) then sees Rarity telling ponies to keep their distance from her gala dress, Applejack was confused on what to eat first as she wanted to be formal, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Fluttershy seemed normal, and Pinkie Pie was just being her usual Pinkie Pie self. Mr. and Mrs. Cake then approach Princess Celestia and (Y/N).

Mr. Cake: How are both of you doing? Good?

Mrs. Cake: Anything else we can get for you, dearies. . .? Ooh, I-I mean, esteemed guests.

Princess Celestia: Everything is fine, Mr. and Mrs. Cake.

(Y/N) takes one of the cupcakes that Mrs. Cake offered and ate it.

(Y/N): Don't worry, if it's a more casual place that you want, then I'm more than happy to give it to you Princess.

Princess Celestia nods as (Y/N) walks over to Rarity who was still pushing ponies away from getting in the distance of her gala dress.

(Y/N): Rarity, what are you doing?

Rarity: Whatever do you mean? I do believe that it is most polite for a lady like myself to dress properly for the princess at this event.

(Y/N): Rarity, you don't need the dress. This is just a casual get-together for Princess Celestia. She won't mind one bit with you not wearing that. Besides, do you see anypony else in dresses?

Rarity was about to retort to that until she looks around all around in Sugarcube Corner and then reluctantly sighs as she knows that (Y/N) is right.

(Y/N): See? Just enjoy the brunch like everypony else is.

Rarity: Very well, but I still would like my everything to remain spotless.

(Y/N): *sighs* That's fine with me.

Rarity: Great!

Rarity then uses her magic to change back to her normal attire and walks off. (Y/N) then walks over to Applejack and he still sees her having trouble of what to pick out.

(Y/N): Having trouble on deciding what to eat Applejack?

Applejack: Well. . . which is the salad and which is the appetizer again? And which am I supposed to eat first?

(Y/N): *sighs* Just eat whatever you want.

Applejack: B-But. . . with the princess here-

(Y/N): She's not going to judge the way you eat Applejack. Everypony in here is enjoying as much as they want. Besides, appetizers? Salads? This isn't a fancy restaurant.

Applejack blinks a couple of times before looking back at the food table and gulps before pointing a one.

Applejack: Okay, what about that apple fritter right there?

(Y/N): Here just take it.

(Y/N) passes the apple fritter she pointed at to her and Applejack was reluctant to take it.

(Y/N): Just take it and enjoy it.

Applejack: Ya sure the princess is okay with this?

(Y/N): One hundred percent sure.

Applejack: Okay then, I trust ya. Thanks (Y/N).

Applejack takes the apple fritter that was offered to her and walks off to go to a nearby table and enjoy it. (Y/N) then notices Twilight and Fluttershy and walks up to both of them.

(Y/N): Hey, Twilight. Hey, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Hello, (Y/N). I must say, you really know how to help guests out with their problems.

(Y/N): I know that our friends don't exactly have the best manners, but the princess doesn't mind one bit.

Twilight Sparkle: Really?

(Y/N): Yep, just watch Pinkie.

As (Y/N) says that, they all look to see Pinkie giggling and laughing as she hopped from table to table.

Pinkie Pie: Whoo-hoo! Cupcakes, candies and pies, oh my!

Pinkie then pies herself in the face before going over to a chocolate fountain.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh! Chocolate fountainy goodness!

Pinkie puts her entire face in the chocolate and in a few seconds the chocolate breaks off of her face as Pinkie was munching on some of the chocolate before rushing up to Princess Celestia.

Pinkie Pie: You gonna eat that?!

Pinkie then chomps on one of the cupcakes that Princess Celestia was about to eat and she just smirks and rolls her eyes at Pinkie's antics. However, Mr. and Mrs. Cake thought Pinkie was being a little too casual with the princess as Mrs. Cake pulls Pinkie away and Mr. Cake offers Princess Celestia a new plate.

Mr. Cake: A thousand pardons, Your Majesty.

Princess Celestia: That's quite all right, thank you.

Twilight and Fluttershy then look at (Y/N) confused.

(Y/N): Come on, you could see the look on her face that she didn't mind Pinkie's actions at all.

Twilight Sparkle: I know. . . but still I want everypony to make a good impression.

(Y/N): Trust me, our normal selves are more than enough for a good impression.

Princess Celestia: He is right Twilight, this is just like any other social gathering event.

Princess Celestia then notices Fluttershy.

Princess Celestia: And what about you, dear? Fluttershy, is it?

Fluttershy: Me? Oh yes, Your Highness.

Princess Celestia: I understand from Twilight Sparkle's letters that you enjoy tending to the needs of woodland creatures.

Fluttershy: Yes, I love to take care of animals.

Princess Celestia: As do I. As Princess, I care deeply about all creatures, great and small.

A loud cough was then heard as it came from the golden cage beside Princess Celestia which gave (Y/N), Fluttershy, and Twilight confused looks.

Princess Celestia: Oh, do not worry. That was just Philomena. Philomena, my pet. You're awake. Do say hello to our gracious hosts.

A bird then appears in the cage as it looked to have all of it's feathers plucked off and it had it's head bent downwards.

Fluttershy: Oh. . . my.

Princess Celestia: She is quite a sight, isn't she?

Fluttershy: I. . . I. . . I've never seen anything like it.

A royal guard then goes up to Princess Celestia and whispers in her ear about an urgent matter before the princess herself stands up to announce to everypony.

Princess Celestia: I'm sorry, everypony. I'm afraid I have to cut the party short. The mayor has requested an audience with me. Royal duty calls. Thank you for a wonderful time. It's been a joy getting to know you all better.

Princess Celestia then leaves along with the royal guards that were by her side. Fluttershy looks at Philomena with a worried look on her face and she goes up to try and open the cage to take her, but (Y/N) stops her.

(Y/N): Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What do you think you are doing, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: Oh, sorry (Y/N). But I have to take Philomena home with me and nurse her. Look how sick she is.

(Y/N): Sick? Philomena's not sick Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: What? How could you say that? Just look at the poor thing.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Fluttershy. Philomena is a phoenix.

Fluttershy: A phoenix?

(Y/N): Princess Celestia actually told me a little bit about Philomena and yes she is a phoenix. It's a majestic and magical bird. While it may not seem like it looks healthy now, it's actually at it's point where every so often it must shed it's feathers and it bursts into flames and goes into ashes.

Fluttershy: What?! But wouldn't that mean Philomena would die?!

(Y/N): No! No! No! It's okay, Fluttershy. It is a little dramatic, but it then rises from it's ashes into a majestic looking bird. It's a phoenix's life cycle.

Fluttershy: Oooh. That sounds interesting.

(Y/N): Also, do you really think Princess Celestia would appreciate it if you stole her pet like that?

Fluttershy then had a guilty look on her face and looked down before (Y/N) puts his hoof around her.

(Y/N): Don't feel bad Fluttershy. I know you had good intentions, but next time ask someone before just jumping to conclusions okay.

Fluttershy looks at (Y/N) in the eyes, smiles, and nods.

(Y/N): Tell you what, if it makes you feel any better, I can ask the Princess Celestia to show us Philomena's transformation when she comes back. How does that sound?

Fluttershy then got a huge smile at that as she nods vigorously.

Later on, after Princess Celestia was finished she returned to Sugarcube Corner to retrieve Philomena and when she walked inside she looks to see the Mane 7 inside as all.

Princess Celestia: Oh. Well this is a surprise. Were the seven of you waiting for me here?

(Y/N): Yes princess and I've told them all about your pet phoenix, especially Fluttershy. We thought we'd ask if you can show us how Philomena's life cycle as a phoenix works?

Princess Celestia: Why, I would be delighted to show you all how phoenix's transform.

Fluttershy: Yay!

Princess Celestia brings the Mane 7 outside and Princess Celestia let's Philomena out of her cage and she flies up into the air.

Princess Celestia: Now pay attention everypony and don't be alarmed by what you see.

Philomena flies up into the air and in just a minute, she bursts into flames and lands on the ground in ashes as everypony, except for (Y/N), Fluttershy, and Princess Celestia gasp at what happened.

Twilight Sparkle: W-What happened?! Why is she in ashes?!

(Y/N): Calm down Twilight. Watch what happens next.

Princess Celestia then walks over to Philomena and stares at her for a little bit as she wasn't turning back yet like (Y/N) explained earlier, she then rolls her eyes.

Princess Celestia: Oh, stop fooling around, Philomena. You're scaring everypony.

Philomena then rises up into the sky and next thing everypony knows, she was now a more real-looking phoenix with light brilliant yellow eyes and both vivid amaranth and luminous vivid gamboge feathers.

Fluttershy: Wow. She's so beautiful.

Princess Celestia: Like I said, she's quite a sight.

Philomena then lands on Princess Celestia's hoof as (Y/N) and Fluttershy approach her.

(Y/N): She is indeed. Hello, Philomena it's nice to meet you.

Philomena simply squawks at (Y/N) to say hello back.

Fluttershy: Hello, Philomena. I'm sorry if I thought you were sick in anyway, I was wanting to help, but it turns out you are a very beautiful creature.

Philomena squawks and decided to do something nice for Fluttershy and puts one of her feathers on Fluttershy's ear as a gift.

Fluttershy: Oh my goodness. It's beautiful. Thank you, Philomena.

Philomena then flies back up into the air and Rainbow Dash looked at the royal guards before getting an idea in her head as she flies up to Philomena to whisper something to her.

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* Hey, you know what you should do? You should go over there and tickle them!

Philomena nods at that as she lands on top of her cage and she uses her feathers to tickle the two royal guards on their noses and they both indeed laugh from that. Philomena then flies back to Rainbow Dash to share a hoof-bump with her and they then laugh as well. Everypony else then laughs along with Rainbow Dash's and Philomena's little prank.

A few days later. . .

(Y/N) was just doing his normal duty of flying around Ponyville, but when he got over to the forest area, he heard some screams and he glowed his horn to find out who and where it's coming from and as he realized who they were, he quickly flies into action.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were all trying to get their Cutie Mark by zip lining, but it backfired on them as the rope couldn't handle the friction of their zip lines and the rope ended up snapping and they ended up falling. However, just as they all were about to hit the tree branches and get covered in sap, (Y/N) swoops in the save the three fillies as he sets them down somewhere nearby.

(Y/N): You girls okay? I heard you all screaming.

Apple Bloom: Yeah, thanks (Y/N). We thought we were about to become pony sap.

(Y/N): Let me guess, you girls were trying to find what your Cutie Marks are again?

Scootaloo: Yeah, so we tried zip lining. Spike said it was awesome.

(Y/N): He's not wrong. Zip lining is fun, but I don't think anypony could get a Cutie Mark in zip lining.

Sweetie Belle: Well, in that case, anypony got a Plan B?

Scootaloo: Yeah. You know where we can find a cannon at this hour?

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle didn't like that idea and at all and (Y/N) simply glares at Scootaloo to imply that he doesn't want them to be trying any dangerous daredevil stunts.

Scootaloo: Well (Y/N), you have a Cutie Mark! Don't you have any advice on how to get one?

(Y/N): No I don't. This isn't something you can force remember? Cutie Marks come when they're ready to come.

Apple Bloom: Wait! (Y/N)! Tell us about how you got yer Cutie Mark!

Scootaloo: Oooh! Yeah, this has to be an awesome story.

(Y/N) then had a guilty look on his face at that.

Sweetie Belle: What's wrong (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Well. . . I don't know how I got my Cutie Mark.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: WHAT?!

Scootaloo: B-But how is that possible?! Everypony has a Cutie Mark and it appears on them at some point in time! But you don't know how you got your Cutie Mark?

(Y/N): I was originally from Earth, remember? We don't have Cutie Marks in that world. So even if it did come, I wouldn't know when.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked down to the ground at that as they can't hear (Y/N)'s story about how he got his Cutie Mark. He feels bad that he can't give that story to them, but then soon enough (Y/N)'s get's an idea and smiles at them.

(Y/N): I may not be able to tell you three my story of how I got my Cutie Mark, but maybe my friends and your older sisters can.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders got happy looks at that as they agreed to that.

Scootaloo: Oh man, I can't wait to ask Rainbow Dash how she got her Cutie Mark! I bet it'll sound as cool as if you had a Cutie Mark story (Y/N).

Sweetie Belle: Rarity never told me hers, but maybe asking her can give us some advice for our Cutie Marks.

Apple Bloom: It just came to me now that Applejack never told me her Cutie Mark story before, I can't wait to ask mah big sis.

(Y/N): Well then, my young crusaders. You'll have me as your guide on this little journey.

Scootaloo: Sweet! This will definitely make up for not having a story!

(Y/N) gives Scootaloo a judgmental look from that and he rolls his eyes.

(Y/N): Whatever. Let's just go and see my friends, so we can hear all of their stories.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Yeah!

Later on, (Y/N) was guiding the Cutie Mark Crusaders through the forest as he was glowing his horn to sense his friends energy. Scootaloo was following (Y/N) using her scooter while pulling Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in a wagon.

(Y/N): Apple Bloom, I can sense Applejack's energy nearby. . . she's close.

Apple Bloom: Cool.

Some bunnies then hopped in front of the group carrying apples as (Y/N) used his magic to stop all of them to a halt. Then a familiar southern female voice was heard.

???: Get back here, you thievin' varmints!

Apple Bloom: Thievin' what now?

Applejack then appears and jumps over a bush and accidentally tackles both (Y/N) and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Applejack: Apple Bloom?

Apple Bloom: Hey sis!

Applejack: What are ya doin' here?

(Y/N): Uh. . . Applejack?

Applejack then looks down to see that she was on top of (Y/N) which made her blush as she instantly get's off of him to let him get up and she rubs the back of her head.

Applejack: *nervous chuckle* Sorry 'bout that (Y/N).

(Y/N): I-It's not a problem. Anyway, the fillies here actually wanted to ask how you got your Cutie Mark, Applejack.

Applejack: Really? I never told you that story Apple Bloom?

Apple Bloom simply shakes her head no at that.

(Y/N): I'm actually curious as well. You don't mind telling us the story do you Applejack?

Applejack: Of course not. Why I was just a little filly. Even littler than y'all.

(Applejack's Cutie Mark Story)

Applejack could be seen as a filly leaving Sweet Apple Acres with Granny Smith and Big Mac feeling sad that she was leaving.

Applejack: I didn't want to spend my life on a muddy old apple farm. I wanted to live the sophisticated life, like my Aunt n' Uncle Orange. So I set out to try my luck in the big city, Manehattan! The most cosmopolitan city in all of Equestria.

Manehattan was a big, metropolitan city full of many skyscrapers and urban buildings.

Applejack: I knew I'd find out who I was meant to be in Manehattan.

Young Applejack eventually finds out where her Aunt and Uncle Orange live in a large building and when she finds their room, she knocks on the door which they answered and let her in.

Young Applejack: Aunt Orange! Uncle Orange! Thank y'all so much for lettin' me stay!

Aunt Orange: "Y'all". *laughs* Isn't she just the living end?

Uncle Orange: *chuckles* How quaint.

Aunt Orange: Don't worry. We'll have you acting like a true Manehattanite in no time.

Soon enough, Young Applejack's hairstyle change as she now had her mane wrapped up in a bun similar to her aunt. They were all gathered in a formal social gathering with other high class ponies. A pony named Tall Order then decides to talk to the young Applejack.

Tall Order: And how are you finding good old Manehattan?

Young Applejack then spoke in a Posh accent just like the rest of the high class ponies.

Young Applejack: Although, I must admit the city noise took some getting used to. Where I'm from, nights are so quiet, you seldom hear a peep until the roosters wake you.

The ponies were then confused by a word in that sentence.

Dane Tee Dove: The. . . what?

Tall Order: I say, my dear, what in the world is a "rooster"?

Young Applejack: (Thoughts) What's he talking about? What do I say? I don't wanna look like a fool.

Random Stallion: Dinner is served.

A couple of stallions came in with some service plates for everypony which made Young Applejack relieved and she changed back to her normal tone.

Young Applejack: Thank goodness. Being a city pony's hard work. I'm so hungry I could eat a. . .

However, when the tops were removed, it revealed that on the plates had extremely small portions of food which made Young Applejack a little sad as she wasn't enjoying her new life in Manehattan.

The next day, Young Applejack looks out of the window with a sad look and sees the Sun rising up.

Young Applejack: Cock-a-doodle-doo. . . Oh, I wonder what Granny Smith and Big McIntosh are up to. I bet they're applebuckin' their way through the Red Delicious trees. Oh, what I wouldn't give for just one bite. . .

Applejack: I never felt so homesick in all my days as I did right then.

However, an explosion was heard as Young Applejack looks up to see a rainbow headed in the direction to Sweet Apple Acres and she smiles.

Applejack: It was amazin'! A rainbow pointin' right back to. . . home. In that moment, it all became clear. I knew right then just who I was supposed to be.

Young Applejack then decides to run back to Sweet Apple Acres where she reunited with Granny Smith and Big Mac and they both hugged her with happiness and Young Applejack's Cutie Mark appears on her flank.

(End of Story)

Applejack: That's when this here appeared. I've been happily workin' in the farm ever since.

(Y/N): Wow, Applejack! No wonder you're always so dependable. I mean in my opinion, you're the best apple that I know.

Applejack: *blushes and chuckles* Aw shucks, sugarcube.

The bunnies that Applejack were chasing blew raspberries at her at she glared and chased after them again.

Applejack: There they are! Get back here, ya thievin' varmints!

(Y/N): Heh, heh. Go easy on them AJ.

Sweetie Belle: Aw. That was such a sweet story!

Scootaloo: Sweet? Try sappy.

Apple Bloom: I thought it was pretty good.

Scootaloo: Come on (Y/N)! I want to know how Rainbow Dash got her Cutie Mark already!

(Y/N): Be patient Scootaloo. She's not going to appear right in front of us bluntly and just give it to us. Follow me girls.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders continue to follow (Y/N) as he glowed his horn to find the rest of his friends in the area. They were currently near Fluttershy's cottage and (Y/N) then abruptly stops them with his magic.

Scootaloo: Why are we stopping?

(Y/N): Look.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders look past (Y/N) to see some ducks crossing their way as they walk across the road with Fluttershy guiding them.

Fluttershy: All right, little ones. This way. This way.

After Fluttershy guides the ducks across the road, she then notices (Y/N) and walks up to him.

Fluttershy: Hello (Y/N). What brings you out here?

(Y/N): Hey Fluttershy. I'm here with the three little fillies here and they want to know the story of how you got your Cutie Mark.

Fluttershy: Oh, that sounds interesting. You know, if it wasn't for Rainbow Dash, I would have never gotten my Cutie Mark.

Scootaloo got excited to hear that.

Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash?! Really?!

Fluttershy: Oh yes. It all started at Summer Flight Camp.

(Fluttershy's Cutie Mark Story)

Fluttershy: You'd never guess, but when I was little I was very shy. And a very weak flyer.

At the Junior Speedster's Flight Camp, Young Fluttershy is seen alone trying to fly up high in the air through a ring cloud and she does go through, but she then trips over the cloud and she slides down a cloud and get's launched into the air and crashes into a flag before landing flat on her stomach with the flag over her. A Young Dumb-Bell and Young Hoops were now flying over her and laughing at her before landing on the ground in front of her.

Young Dumb-Bell: Nice going, Klutzershy! They oughtta ground you permanently.

Young Hoops: Ha! My baby brother can fly better than you!

Young Fluttershy just recoiled in fear of the two bullies.

Fluttershy: It was the most humiliating moment of my life. And then, out of nowhere. . .

A rainbow streak flies by a couple of times before somepony landed in front of Young Fluttershy, and it revealed to be Young Rainbow Dash who glares at the two bullies.

Young Rainbow Dash: Leave her alone!

Young Hoops: Ooh, what are you gonna do, Rainbow Crash?

Young Rainbow Dash: Keep making fun of her and find out!

Young Dumb-Bell: You think you're such a big shot? Why don't you prove it?

Young Rainbow Dash: Whaddya have in mind?

A race was then held as Young Rainbow Dash was racing Young Dumb-Bell and Young Hoops as they were all standing on a cloud at the start line and Young Fluttershy was holding a checkered flag on another cloud.

Young Hoops: You're going down!

Young Rainbow Dash: In history, maybe. See you boys at the finish line!

Young Fluttershy then waves the flag and the three young ponies sped off flying so fast that Young Fluttershy fell of the cloud that she was on and due to her being a weak flyer, she couldn't fly back up to Cloudsdale and she was falling straight to the down.

Young Fluttershy thought she was going to fall to her doom, but suddenly was she was at ground level, a swarm of butterflies caught her in time which made her smile and Young Fluttershy was mesmerized by them.

Fluttershy: I had never seen such beautiful creatures. Butterflies don't fly as high as my cloud home. And I'd never been near the ground before.

Young Fluttershy then started to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Young Fluttershy: ♪ What is this place ♪

♪ Filled with so many wonders? ♪

♪ Casting its spell ♪

♪ That I am now under ♪

♪ Squirrels in the trees ♪

♪ And the cute little bunnies ♪

♪ Birds flying free ♪

♪ And bees with their honey ♪

♪ Hooooonneeeeeeey! ♪

♪ Oooh, what a magical place ♪

♪ And I owe it all to the Pegasus race ♪

♪ If I knew the ground had so much up its sleeve ♪

♪ I'd have come here sooner, and never leave ♪

♪ Yes, I love ev-er-ythiiiiing! ♪

Suddenly, a loud explosion happened and all of the animals got scared and hid themselves away. However, Young Fluttershy goes over to each one of them to calm them down.

Young Fluttershy: Shhh. It's okay. You can come out. Everything's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of.

Young Fluttershy then sat down with a bunch of peaceful woodland animals surrounding her which made her smile.

Fluttershy: Somehow I had the ability to communicate with the animals on a different level.

Young Fluttershy's Cutie Mark then appears on her flank which a bunny saw and was amazed by.

(End of Story)

Scootaloo: Wait, wait, wait. What happened to Rainbow Dash? What about the race?

Fluttershy: Oh. Well, I wasn't there, so I don't really know what happened.

(Y/N): See? This is exactly why I like you Fluttershy. You're just so good with animals that you're like an angel. . . well no pun intended.

Fluttershy giggles at that as she used her mane to hide the blush on her face from (Y/N).

Scootaloo: Ugh! Gag me! Can we get find Rainbow Dash already? I can't take anymore singing.

Sweetie Belle: Maybe my sister knows where she is.

(Y/N): Well in that case, it's time that we head on our way to Carousel Boutique. We'll see you later Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Bye, (Y/N)! Bye, girls!

(Y/N) and The Cutie Mark Crusaders then head on their way to go see Rarity and find her Cutie Mark story.

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders and (Y/N) got to Carousel Boutique, their visit was not one to be expected as Rarity made the Crusaders wear some outfits for her with (Y/N) helping out a bit. Scootaloo was not amused by this at all.

Scootaloo: How did we get roped into this? Oh, we'll never hear Rainbow Dash's story.

Rarity: Are you girls still obsessing over your cutie marks?

Sweetie Belle: Of course! Most of the fillies at school already have theirs.

Rarity: I know how you feel. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I didn't have mine.

(Y/N): Really? What's the story, Rarity?

(Rarity's Cutie Mark Story)

At a small stage, a group of fillies were dancing to music in some costumes with Young Rarity and her teacher watching from backstage. While Rarity's teacher thought the costumes were nice, Young Rarity thought that they looked bland.

Rarity's teacher: Well done, Rarity. Your costumes are very nice.

Young Rarity: Nice?! They need to be spectacular! And the performance is tomorrow!

The next day, Young Rarity was seen in her room sewing some material that she thought would make up as better costumes for her school's performance.

Rarity: I tried every trick I could think of, but nothing seemed to work. The costumes just weren't right, and the play opened that night.

Young Rarity just sighs and has a sad look at her poor talents.

Young Rarity: Maybe I'm not meant to be a fashionista after all. . .

Young Rarity's horn then glows brightly and it forces her outside of her home and was dragging her somewhere far away.

Young Rarity: Aah! What's going on?!

Rarity: I had no idea where my horn was taking me. But unicorn magic doesn't happen without a reason. I knew this had to do with my love of fashion and maybe even my Cutie Mark! I knew that this was. . . My destiny!

Young Rarity's horn eventually stops glowing and she stops in front of a large boulder.

Young Rarity: A rock?! That's my destiny?! What is your problem, horn? I followed you all the way out here for a rock?! *groans* Dumb rock!

An explosion then happens which frightened Young Rarity a bit, but the explosion cracked open the boulder in half to reveal a lot of shiny gems which Young Rarity was just mesmerized by.

Young Rarity: Ooh!

Later that night, many ponies gathered around to see Young Rarity's school perform on stage with the costumes giving out a sparkling light due to the gems. Rarity's teacher simply gives Young Rarity a smile at her generous act which she then sees a sparkle on her flank to reveal her Cutie Mark.

(End of Story)

(Y/N): That was sweet Rarity. I guess that's why they call you a "Rare gem."

Rarity blushes and giggles at (Y/N) little joke. However, Scootaloo was getting impatient.

Scootaloo: Ugh! These namby-pamby stories aren't getting us any closer to our Cutie Marks! They're all about finding who you really are and boring stuff like that.

(Y/N): Well duh, Scootaloo. It's the same way Rarity explained it in her story.

Scootaloo: Come on, I want to know Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark story!

(Y/N): Scootaloo! Be patient, and we'll get there in no time. Besides, even if we do find her early, I still want you two to hear Twilight's and Pinkie's stories as well.

Apple Bloom: Yeah, we need all of the help we can get.

Scootaloo: Ugh, fine!

(Y/N): Sorry to leave so abruptly Rarity, I hope we weren't any trouble.

Rarity: Of course not, darling. I'll see you later.

(Y/N): Likewise. Come on girls, follow me.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and (Y/N) then leave Carousel Boutique to go and try to find the rest of the Mane 7.

As the four were strolling through Ponyville, (Y/N) then notices Twilight nearby and he brings the Crusaders with him towards her.

Scootaloo: Why are we going over here?

(Y/N): Isn't it obvious? To hear Twilight's story.

(Y/N) then walks over to Twilight.

(Y/N): Hey Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, hi (Y/N). How's it going?

(Y/N): Nothing much. Hey, is it okay if I hear your Cutie Mark story?

Twilight Sparkle: Sure, but why?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then approach the two.

Sweetie Belle: We want to know the story of how you all got your Cutie Marks so it may help us in the future.

Twilight Sparkle: Really? Okay then. In that case girls, sit down right here.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then sit down on a rock while (Y/N) stands beside Twilight to listen to her story.

Twilight Sparkle: As a young filly in Canterlot, I always wanted to go to the Summer Sun Celebration, where Princess Celestia raises the sun.

(Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark Story)

Twilight Sparkle: And I saw the most amazing, most wonderful thing I've ever seen.

There was a previous Summer Sun Celebration Festival with many carnival rides, a trumpet fanfare was made and Young Twilight then appears to get a proper view to see Princess Celestia. Young Twilight and the rest of the ponies then watch in awe as Princess Celestia uses her magic to raise the Sun all over Equestria. Young Twilight was the most impressed as she had a big smile when Princess Celestia eyed her for a second.

Twilight Sparkle: I poured myself into learning everything I could about magic.

Young Twilight is then seen studying a bunch of books about magic and she is practicing as hard as she can as she barely was able to turn a page in a book with her magic and she kept on studying until she was finished with her entire stack of books.

Twilight Sparkle: My parents decided to enroll me in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. It was a dream come true!

Twilight's parents then appeared with a certificate for Young Twilight as it approved her for Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Young Twilight jumped up and down in joy for that achievement.

Twilight Sparkle: Except for one thing. . . I had to pass an entrance exam!

Young Twilight is then seen in a room filled with strict ponies as they had very serious looks on their faces about Young Twilight's exam. She was a bit nervous, so her parents signal her to give a smile which she does. A pony then pushes in a wagon with a dragon egg in it before exiting and Young Twilight stares at it with an extremely nervous look on her face. One of the ponies that was judging Young Twilight's exam named Crystal Clear then speaks to her.

Crystal Clear: Well, Miss Sparkle?

Young Twilight just nervously laughs and the ponies started writing down some stuff to grade Twilight a little. Then they put their boards away and Young Twilight started to sweat before she took a deep breath and tried to use a spell to crack the egg open, but it was no use as her horn only made a small spark. The ponies quizzing her were started to get impatient as one of them yawns.

Crystal Clear: We don't have all day.

Twilight Sparkle: I knew it was the most important day of my life, that my entire future would be affected by the outcome of this day and I was about to blow it!

Young Twilight tried her best to make her horn crack the egg open, but it was no use at all as the small spark was made on her horn after all of her efforts and she falls to the ground tired and ashamed.

Young Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry I wasted your time.

Suddenly, an explosion happened as it startled Young Twilight and her horn instantly glows and shoots a beam at the egg, making it break to reveal a newborn baby dragon, which was Spike. That wasn't the end however as Young Twilight yelped and an extremely large and magical raspberry aura surrounded her and she starts to shoot magic all around the room making the ponies that were quizzing her levitate off of the ground, her parents were turned into plants, and the newborn Spike was enlarged to be as tall as the building they were in as his head was sticking out. Apparently from outside, Princess Celestia saw this outburst of magic and she was intrigued.

Back in the exam room, Young Twilight was losing control over her magic until she felt a hoof on her shoulder and she turned to see Princess Celestia looking at her which calmed her down as all of the effects caused by her wore off and she looks up at Princess Celestia with a guilty look.

Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle.

Young Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean. . .

Princess Celestia: You have a very special gift. I don't think I've ever come across a unicorn with your raw abilities.

Young Twilight Sparkle: Huh?

Princess Celestia: But you need to learn to tame these abilities through focused study.

Young Twilight was simply baffled by what Princess Celestia was saying.

Young Twilight Sparkle: Huh?!

Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to make you my own personal protégé here at the school.

Young Twilight Sparkle: HUH?!

Princess Celestia: Well?

Young Twilight looked back at her parents who were nodding vigorously for her to accept this and she jumps up into the air super happy of what she accomplished.

Young Twilight Sparkle: YES!

Princess Celestia: One other thing, Twilight.

Young Twilight Sparkle: More?

Young Twilight falls to the ground on her stomach and Princess Celestia points to her flank for Young Twilight to see her Cutie Mark which she got extremely excited by and she starts hopping all over the place.

Young Twilight Sparkle: My cutie mark! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. . .!

(End of Story)

Apparently, Twilight was also hopping around all over the place happily as well even though the event already happend.

Twilight Sparkle: yesyesyesyes. . .!

(Y/N) then stopped Twilight as he blocked her path and Twilight skidded to a halt a few inches away from (Y/N)'s face they nearly touched each other noses before separating while blushing.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, we're very happy for Twilight. I'm glad that happened to you.

Twilight Sparkle: Still though, it was the best day of my life!

(Y/N): Yeah, we can see that. Anyways, thanks for telling us that great story. We'll see you later Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Sure thing (Y/N). I'll see you girls as well.

Apple Bloom: Mm-hmm. Bye Twilight.

(Y/N) and The Cutie Mark Crusaders then leave Twilight as she had a romantic thought in her mind while blushing.

Twilight Sparkle: (Thoughts) Wow. (Y/N) was so close to my face, I could almost just kiss him.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders follow (Y/N) once again on Scootaloo's scooter as they were trying to find the last two members of the Mane 7.

Scootaloo: Ugh! Why don't we ever smash into Rainbow Dash?!

(Y/N): Scootaloo. . .

Scootaloo: I know. I know. I have to be patient, but we've hadn't heard a single thing about how Rainbow Dash got her Cutie Mark all day.

Suddenly, a pink party pony appears out of nowhere in the wagon with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

Pinkie Pie: You're looking for Rainbow Dash? If I was her, I'd be at Sugarcube Corner. Of course, if I was anyone, I'd be at Sugarcube Corner. Hey! I have an idea! Wanna go to Sugarcube Corner?

(Y/N): Hey Pinkie. Were actually looking for Rainbow Dash to find out about how she got her Cutie Mark. Hey, I've got an idea. Pinkie, why don't you tell us how you got yours while were on our way to Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh! Great idea, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): You girls okay with that?

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nod while Scootaloo reluctantly nods and sighs.

Scootaloo: Why not?

Pinkie Pie: All right!

(Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark Story)

Pinkie Pie: My sisters and I were raised on a rock farm outside of Ponyville. We spent our days working the fields. There was no talking. There was no smiling. *sighs* There were only rocks.

Young Pinkie Pie could be seen with a depressed look on her face as her mane and tail were straight and she was rolling a rock on a little stack of a bunch of rocks and she looked over to see her parents and sisters go inside of their home.

Pinkie Pie: We were in the south field, preparing to rotate the rocks to the east field, when all of a sudden. . .

A loud explosion was made that was in a rainbow and Young Pinkie saw it up in the sky. The wind of the explosion blew across the rock farm and onto Young Pinkie as her mane and tail were all now poofy and messed up. A rainbow then shined above Young Pinkie as she was so infatuated by the rainbow that she let out such a huge smile bigger than anypony could feeling so much joy inside of her.

Pinkie Pie: I'd never felt joy like that before! It felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever! And I wanted everyone I knew to smile too, but rainbows don't come along that often. I wondered, how else could I create some smiles?

Young Pinkie Pie then got an idea as she rushed off to go and prepare something for her family.

The next day in the rock farm, the Pie family walks out of their house to do their work for the day.

Igneous Rock Pie: We better harvest the rocks from the south field.

The Pie family suddenly stopped in their tracks when they hear music playing in their silo.

Cloudy Quartz: Pinkamena Diane Pie! Is that you?

Young Pinkie Pie answers as she opens the door to reveal herself.

Young Pinkie Pie: Mom! I need you and dad and the sisters to come in. Quick!

Pinkie's parents were reluctant to do that, but decided to enter the silo along with the sisters to find that there were a bunch of tables set up with food, drinks, and a cake in the middle, and there were also party streamers and decorations hung up everywhere.

Young Pinkie Pie: Surprise! You like it? It's called. . . a party!

Pinkie's parents and sisters were simply dumbfounded by what they were seeing as they mouths were shaking and they had no idea what to say or do making Young Pinkie worried.

Young Pinkie Pie: Oh. You don't like it.

However after a few more seconds, they all let out huge smiles at the party Young Pinkie sat out for them which made Young Pinkie happy.

Young Pinkie Pie: *gasps* You like it! I'm so happy!

The Pie family then all danced around in the silo going along with the party and Young Pinkie's Cutie Mark then shows up on her flank.

(End of Story)

Pinkie Pie: And that's how Equestria was made!

(Y/N): I'm glad that happened to you Pinkie. I find you to be more cute as your cheery and happy self!

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* Thanks (Y/N).

(Y/N): Anyways, girls here we are. Sugarcube Corner.

(Y/N) and the Cutie Mark Crusaders stop as they were in front of Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie starts to walk in.

Pinkie Pie: Maybe on the way home I can tell you the story of how I got my Cutie Mark. It's a gem!

The Crusaders gave (Y/N) a weird look as he just chuckles and rolls his eyes.

(Y/N): Don't worry girls, it's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.

(Y/N) then looks inside Sugarcube Corner and see somepony before turning to Scootaloo.

(Y/N): Scootaloo, I think the pony that you've been waiting for is finally here for you to hear her Cutie Mark story.

Scootaloo knew exactly what (Y/N) was implying as she gasps and they all immediately went inside Sugarcube Corner and in front of them was none other than Rainbow Dash with the rest of the Mane 7 along with her.

Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash! You're here!

Rainbow Dash: Yep, I sure am. What brings you here Scoots?

(Y/N): Dash, Scootaloo and the other two girls here been waiting all day. . . and patiently to hear your Cutie Mark story.

Rainbow Dash: Is that so huh?

Scootaloo: Yes! You have no idea what I've been through today to hear that story.

(Y/N): Well then Dash. Tell us everything about it.

Rainbow Dash: It all happened during the race at Flight Camp. . .

(Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark Story)

Rainbow Dash: . . .where I stood alone against all odds to defend Fluttershy's honor.

Young Rainbow Dash is seen about to race Young Hoops and Young Dumb-Bell as they all got into a ready position and Young Rainbow Dash felt nothing but confidence as she let's out a cocky smile.

When Young Fluttershy waves the flag to signal go, the three young Pegasi sped off instantly and bumped Young Fluttershy off of the cloud she was on in the process. Young Rainbow Dash was currently taking the lead as she was flying so fast and accurate that she stayed on course with the race. Young Dumb-Bell however didn't have luck as he crashed into a cloud pillar, dizzy.

Rainbow Dash: I've never flown like that before! That freedom was unlike anything I've ever felt! The speed, the adrenaline, the wind in my mane. . . I liked it. . . a lot!

Young Rainbow Dash was too busy enjoying the way she was flying that Young Hoops purposely bumped into her to try and throw her off course.

Young Hoops: Ha! Later, Rainbow Crash!

Young Rainbow Dash: Hey!

Young Hoops flew downwards in the lead, but Young Rainbow Dash wasn't having it as she flew after him.

Rainbow Dash: Turns out the only thing I liked more than flying fast. . . was winning!

Young Rainbow Dash instantly flies ahead of Young Hoops which threw him off course as well, but that wasn't all as Young Rainbow Dash was flying so, so fast that when she passed the cloud hoop at the bottom, she broke the sound barrier and made a Sonic Rainboom!

Rainbow Dash: Most people thought that the sonic rainboom was just an old mare's tale. But that day. . . The day I discovered racing. . . I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!

Young Rainbow Dash saw the rainbow flowing off of her mane as she smiled and kept on flying with the rainbow going over the clouds and all of the other Pegasi cheered for her. In the process of her flight, Young Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark showed up on her flank.

(End of Story)

Rainbow Dash: And that, little ones, is how you earn a Cutie Mark.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Whooooaaaa. . .

(Y/N): And that's why she's our Rainbow Dash. The most legendary and fastest flyer at we all know.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, come on. Don't make me blush. But I'll still accept more praise.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes at that.

Fluttershy: Wait a second. I heard that explosion. And I saw the rainbow too. Rainbow Dash, if you hadn't scared the animals, I never would have learned I could communicate with them and gotten my Cutie Mark.

Pinkie Pie: I heard that boom! And right afterwards, there was this amazing rainbow that taught me to smile.

Applejack: When I got mah Cutie Mark, I saw a rainbow that pointed me home. I bet it was your sonic rainboom!

Rarity: There was an explosion I could never explain when I got my Cutie Mark.

Twilight Sparkle: This is uncanny! If that explosion didn't happen when it did, I would have blown my entrance exam. Rainbow Dash, I think you helped me earn my Cutie Mark too!

Pinkie Pie then tackles Rainbow Dash in a hug.

Pinkie Pie: We all owe our Cutie Marks to you!

Fluttershy: Do you realize what this means? All of us had a special connection before we even met.

Rarity: We've been BFFs forever and we didn't even know it!

Applejack: Come here, y'all.

The mares then gathered in a group hug and they all happily hugged each other out of delight that they're destiny was to meet each other. (Y/N) looks at the mares and he smiles at their moment before he get's a sad look on his face which The Cutie Mark Crusaders notice as they were confused at first before remembering what (Y/N) said earlier to them.

(Y/N): (In The Cutie Mark Crusaders' mind) We don't have Cutie Marks in that world. So even if it did come, I wouldn't know when.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then go up to the mares and get's they're attention.

Apple Bloom: You guys!

Applejack: What is it, sugarcube?

Scootaloo: Look.

The Crusaders point to (Y/N) and the mares look to see him sitting down a little depressed with his back facing towards them. The Mane 6 caught on to what (Y/N) was sad about as they all gasp.

Rainbow Dash: Oh. . . that's right. . .

Fluttershy: He. . . doesn't know. . .

The mares then walk up to (Y/N) with sad looks on their faces as well.

Applejack: Y-You alright there, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, I mean. . . you girls were all meant to know each other from the. . . sonic rainboom and. . . well. . . I'm. . .

Rarity: Darling, just tell us.

(Y/N): *sighs* I'm not okay. I was from Earth and I have no idea of how or when I got my Cutie Mark. And I wasn't there when the sonic rainboom happened. I feel. . . as if maybe I'm not as of a special friend as you girls are to each other.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), of course you're a special friend to us. It just makes you the one exception.

(Y/N): Thanks, but that doesn't really help me Twilight.

(Y/N) looks down to the ground a single tear escapes his eye. The mares and The Crusaders had no idea what to do or say to that as they all felt bad for (Y/N). However, after a second Twilight remembers something (Y/N) said to her when he revealed his origins to her and she puts her hoof on (Y/N)'s hoof.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you sure there's nothing?

(Y/N): Huh?

Twilight Sparkle: Are you sure there's nothing unusual that's happened to you on Earth? Didn't you say that you were saving lives even on Earth?

(Y/N): Yeah. . but. . . *gasps* Wait!

(Y/N) puts his hoof to his head and he tries to remember something.

(Y/N): Twilight, maybe you're on to something. I'm trying to remember, but it's a blur. Come on, think, think, think!

Pinkie Pie: Were there any powers you used? Were there any special effects? Like your aura or something?

(Y/N): *gasps* Pinkie, say that again!

Pinkie Pie: Your aura?

(Y/N) get's a surprised smile on his face.

(Y/N): That's it! I can't say for sure, but. . . this may be how I DID get my Cutie Mark, but on Earth.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders plus the other members of the Mane 7 perked up at that.

Scootaloo: Really? You really do have a Cutie Mark story?

(Y/N): Yeah, I think so. I remember it now. This happened when I was only ten years old. And I think all of you girls getting your Cutie Marks had something to do with it as well.

Rainbow Dash: Well, what are you waiting for (Y/N)? Let's hear it!

(Y/N): Okay, here it goes.

((Y/N)'s Cutie Mark Story)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Back on Earth when I was about ten years old, I was still somewhat of a sneaky little kid. But so what? Earth was a wonderful place and despite knowing all of the humans in the area and them not knowing me well, I could just say that I was their lovable extraterrestrial creature. I was currently on top of a building gazing out at the city.

Young (Y/N): Woohoo! What a view!

I then teleport off of the building and start walking around some of the streets. . . well, while still hiding my horn and my wings. Everybody was just the amount right of perfect in my little town and I loved seeing everybody outside living their peaceful and normal life. However, as peaceful as it sounds, it didn't get peaceful a minute later.

I saw some fire trucks driving at a fast pace somewhere which worried me so I went into an alleyway where no one could see me and I teleported up onto a large building to see where the fire trucks were headed. In the distance, I see a bunch of smoke going up into the sky and I gained a worried look of what's happening.

Young (Y/N): Oh no! That can't be good!

I then run across the rooftop as fast as I could and jumped from building to building using my wings and eventually after travelling about a mile deep into the city, I see a very tall skyscraper on fire and many people were coming out of that skyscraper either trying to catch their breath from escaping or some firefighters carrying some passed out people in there. I know my mother always told me to keep my magic a secret, but these are literally innocent people in danger. I then teleported somewhere in an alleyway somewhere nearby the skyscraper before running out of it and going up to the situation where a bunch of firefighters are.

Young (Y/N): What's happening?!

Fire Fighter 1: Kid, stand back! There are citizens in danger in that building and I can't allow you to go in there.

Young (Y/N): Just what happened! How did fire spread all across here?

Fire Fighter 1: Apparently in one of the rooms, someone wasn't paying attention and accidentally spilled their hot drink on an outlet and it exploded and let out this huge fire.

Young (Y/N): Let me help!

The fire fighter looked at me like I was crazy.

Fire Fighter 1: You! No way kid! You're way too young, I can't put someone like you in danger too like the rest of the people in that building!

Young (Y/N): But there are like 25 floors in that building! There's no way you can save all of them that fast!

Fire Fighter 1: We're trying our absolute best to get the people safe and out of there!

Another Fire Fighter comes out of the building with a horrified look on his face.

Fire Fighter 2: Floor number 3 is nearly collasping! At this rate, the entire building will come down!

Fire Fighter 1: Darn! Evacuate as much as you can before the building comes down!

Hearing that, I got a serious look and I didn't want as much people as possible to safe. I wanted EVERYBODY to be safe. The first fire fighter then turned back to me.

Fire Fighter 1: Listen kid! Go home now before I have to tell your parents about what you're doing out here.

I simply just give the fire fighter an angry look and did the complete opposite and I just pushed him out of the way and ran into the building like an idiot.

Fire Fighter 1: HEY! Stop you crazy kid! Come back here!

I didn't listen as I ran straight into the skyscraper and the inside was just devastating to look at as there was fire everywhere and the smoke made it so I almost couldn't see. This was my moment when I had to use my powers and I simply flied over some debris in the way and tried to find as much people as I can. Keep in mind that I was still young and didn't know how to use energy sensing. Instead, I used my magic like thermal vision to try and find my way around the skyscraper. I looked up and with my sight, I could see people on floors 7, 16, and 19. I then fly up into the air and try and find my way all around the smoke while avoiding falling pieces. It was only a matter of time before the building collapses and I wanted to make sure everybody is safe.

Young (Y/N): *cough* Well, *cough* I didn't say it was going to be *cough* easy.

I eventually make it up to the seventh floor and I see one man that looked to be in his 40's coughing up smoke from the fire and I ran over to him.

Man: W-Who *cough* are you?

Young (Y/N): Don't worry, I'm here to help. Listen to me, don't freak out or tell ANYBODY about this okay?

Man: If it helps my life, I promise.

Young (Y/N): Okay then, please don't freak out.

I took a deep breath and made my horn glow from under my hair and I put some magic into my hands and blasted it at the man as he was shocked by what he was seeing and I instantly teleported him to the first floor outside where the rest of the fire fighters and civilians were.

Young (Y/N): One down, two more to go.

As I say that, a platform was cracking underneath me as it broke, but due to me having wings I flew into the air to prevent myself from falling and I fly higher into the air.

Young (Y/N): Come on wings, don't fail me now.

I was then on floor sixteen as I hear some screaming and I looked to see a teenage girl cornered by some flaming objects and I land on the ground and use my magic to remove any flaming objects in my path and I reached my hand out to her which she grabs.

Teenage Girl: Thank you!

Young (Y/N): You're welcome. Look out!

I see that she was about to crushed by some falling debris so I tackled the teenager and we were both about to fall down to our doom until I used my wings to carry her and she just looks at me baffled.

Teenage Girl: W-What?! Who are you?!

Young (Y/N): Just someone who is here to make sure you're safe. By the time you get out of here, forget what you saw, okay?

The teenage girl looks at me with a weird look before nodding as I used my magic to teleport her to the same place where I teleported the man.

The skyscraper was then starting to rumble so hard that I was almost out of time, so instead of flying and letting my wings burn more in the fire, I just teleport to each floor one by one until I reached floor number nineteen and I hear a little girl that looked to be five years old crying as I see her in the distance holding a teddy bear and I teleport over to her instantly.

Young (Y/N): Hi there! Are you okay?

Little girl: *sobs* I want my mommy and daddy!

Young (Y/N): Don't worry, I promise that you'll see them again, but you have to listen to whatever I'm about to say, okay? This place is about to come down.

The little girl looks at me with tears in her eyes as I could tell that she was very scared and when I was about to get her out of the building, I heard some cracking sounds above us I got an extremely worried look for the little girl and use my whole body to shield her from the rubble, but when I thought that I was going to be the one crushed, I looked up to see that my horn was glowing and somehow I was able to project a magic shield for the first time. The girl had a look of wonder at me from what she was seeing.

Little girl: Are you doing this?

I simply looked at the girl and nodded.

Little girl: Are you a superhero?

I knew for a fact that no one would possibly believe a little girl seeing a ten year old boy with magical powers, so I just played along.

Young (Y/N): Yeah, I guess so. But as a hero, let's keep this between you and me okay?

The little girl looked slightly scared, but nodded as I picked her up and I landed down on each floor of the building one by one. I thought that maybe teleporting a little girl would be too much for her, so I decided to try and keep her as safe as possible while avoiding any debris that was falling down.

It had to have been a minute at this point where the entire building was going to collaspe and I eventually made it to the first floor. I see the entrance and I run to it while holding the little girl in my arms, but just when I thought that I would make it, a ton of rubble came down and blocked our way to the exit. I was simply shocked and I felt super bad for myself that I wasn't going to be able to save all of the lives in this building.

Young (Y/N): No, this can't be. I had to save everyone. I wanted to save everyone. Is this the end?

And as if a miracle called, something started to react onto me as I set the little girl down and she just watched in shock. My eyes glowed white as they lost their pupils and my body started to glow different color auras from pink, to yellow, to white, to light blue, to orange, and finally purple as it all let out a burst of magic energy towards the large amount of objects blocking our path and they all immediately disappeared into thin air.

Young (Y/N): GAH!

I held my head as I didn't know what was happening to me, but somehow I subconsciously levitated the little girl out of the building and unexpectedly I let out another burst of energy again and this time, it let out a blast from inside, all the way to outside and I somehow healed all of the injured peoples injuries which confused them.

Soon enough, the skyscraper came down and I reacted in time as I was able to teleport myself back into me and my mother's house and inside, I fell on my bed face first and I raised my head while shaking it after that whole catastrophe. I was still glowing the same aura colors from earlier which surprised me, but eventually it stopped as it all went back to normal.

Young (Y/N): Whoa! What was that?

I then heard my mother walking upstairs towards my room as she opened the door and looked to see me.

(M/N): Sweetie, are you alright?

Young (Y/N): Um. . . yes mom. Why?

(M/N): I saw some fire happen from a large building and I wanted to see if you were okay.

Young (Y/N): Yeah, I'm fi- Wait? How did you know about that?

My mother simply giggles.

(M/N): Let's just say, I have some. . . mother instincts.

Young (Y/N): Um. . . okay, I guess. (Thoughts) How does she not notice the soot on my clothes?

(M/N): You should take a bath honey. Look how dirty you are.

I was simply baffled at that was all she had to say to me.

Young (Y/N): O. . .kay? Sure. . . I will.

I then simply walk out of my room past my mother while she had a thought in her mind.

(M/N): (Thoughts) I am so proud of you for saving all of those innocent lives, my son.

(End of Story)

Third P.O.V.

(Y/N): And that's how I think I earned my Cutie Mark.

Twilight Sparkle: You know, it's makes sense when you think about it. When all of us got our Cutie Marks at the same time, they all must have reacted to you (Y/N).

Applejack: Looks like you were actually our BFF too, sugarcube.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess so. This is amazing!

Pinkie Pie: Group hug!

The Mane 7 then all joined together in a group hug with the Cutie Mark Crusaders watching.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle: Awwww. . .

Scootaloo: Ewwww. . . Gimme a break. Come on, Crusaders! Maybe we just need to try zip lining again.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle just smile and hug Scootaloo which made her sigh in disgust.

Fluttershy: Hey. How about a song?

(Y/N): Oh, sounds good to me!

Pinkie Pie: Definitely!

Scootaloo got a worried look at that.

Scootaloo: Nooooo!

Later in the Golden Oak Library, Twilight was getting Spike to write a letter to Princess Celestia and (Y/N) was with her.

Twilight Sparkle: Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned something amazing. Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with his or her friends, maybe even before they've met them. If you're feeling lonely and you're still searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows? Maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow.

Spike: Gross! When did you get so cheesy?

Twilight Sparkle: Just write it, Spike.

(Y/N): I'm super glad that I actually have a connection with you and the others.

(Y/N) says that as he hugs Twilight which she blushes and giggles at and hugs him back.

Spike: Ugh! Get a room you two.

Chapter 17 End.

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