Chapter 9: Poisonous Gossip and Love Jokes

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It is a peaceful day in Ponyville as Twilight with Spike on her back was walking along with (Y/N) telling him about her slumber party with Applejack and Rarity.

(Y/N): So that's what happened at your first slumber party?

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, Rarity and Applejack got into a huge argument, but they soon set aside their differences and worked everything out in the end so we could all have a good time with each other.

(Y/N): Now that I think about it, Applejack is the more hard-working and stubborn type of pony while Rarity is kind of picky and hyper-organized, so I could see why they had a hard time getting along. Well like you said, they put aside their differences so I'm glad that you had a great slumber party with them.

Twilight Sparkle: Trust me, the tree was the most complicated part. I couldn't find out how to get rid of it in the Slumber 101 book.

(Y/N) rolled his eyes and smirked at Twilight.

(Y/N): You're so adorkable, Twilight.

Twilight blushed at little at that.

Twilight Sparkle: (Thoughts) He called me both adorable and a dork. Wow, he's creative when it comes to flattery. (Out of Thoughts) T-Thanks (Y/N). Anyway, it's a beautiful day out today.

Spike: Rainbow Dash must have gotten up early for once and cleared all the clouds away.

(Y/N): Eh, I doubt it. But if she did then compliments to her for making it such a gorgeous day.

Twilight Sparkle: I bet all of Ponyville is going to be out enjoying the sunshine.

(Y/N): Uh. . . maybe not. It's quiet. . . too quiet at that.

Twilight noticed what (Y/N) was talking about as they all looked into town and nopony was around.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right. Where is everypony?

Spike: Is it some sort of pony holiday?

(Y/N): None that we know of.

Spike: Does my breath stink?

Spike checks his breath and let's out a small flame out of his mouth.

Twilight Sparkle: Not more than usual.

Spike: Is it. . . zombies?!

(Y/N): If it was zombies Spike then we would already have a ton around us already and besides, zombies aren't real.

Spike: Okay, so what is it then?

(Y/N): Beats me. I've flown over Ponyville so many times that I know that it's not this quiet during the day.

???: Psst!

Twilight Sparkle: Huh?

Somepony called out to Twilight, (Y/N), and Spike as they all looked around until they saw Pinkie inside Sugarcube Corner calling out to them.

Pinkie Pie: Twilight! Spike! (Y/N)! Come here! Come! Here! Hurry! Before she get's you!

The three followed Pinkie inside of Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie closing the door afterwards, making the entire room dark until Pinkie takes out a lantern.

Spike: Who?! The zombie pony?

Pinkie Pie: Z-Zombie pony?!

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! There are no zombie ponies. Pinkie, what are you doing here alone in the dark?

Pinkie Pie: I'm not alone in the dark.

Pinkie moved the blinds covering the window, allowing some light into the room, revealing the other members of the Mane 7 along with Apple Bloom surprising Twilight and (Y/N). Apple Bloom is a tiny little filly with brilliant gamboge eyes, a pale, light grayish olive goat, a brilliant amaranth mane and tail, and a light crimson bow on her head. She also doesn't have her Cutie Mark yet.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay then, what are you all doing here in the dark?

(Y/N): Is this a huge game of hide and seek? Count me in!

Applejack: This ain't no game of hide and seek (Y/N)! We're hidin' from her!

Applejack points outside the window to where everypony looks to see a pony wearing a dark brown cloak with the hood up who is digging at the ground. Everypony looks at the hooded pony who glances at them with yellow eyes.

The Mane 5 then quickly hid from the glance of the hooded pony while Twilight was annoyed and (Y/N) was confused.

Apple Bloom: Did ya see her Twilight? Did ya see her (Y/N)? Did you see. . . Zecora?

Applejack: Apple Bloom! I told you never to say that name.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I saw her glance this way. . .

Pinkie Pie: Glance evilly this way.

(Y/N): Evilly? That didn't seem. . . evil. Just a bit suspicious.

Twilight Sparkle: . . .And then a bunch of you flip out for no good reason.

Applejack: No good reason? You call protectin' yer kin no good reason? Why, as soon as my sister saw Zecora ridin' into town, she started shakin' in her lil' horseshoes.

Apple Bloom: Did not!

Applejack: So I swept her up and brought her here.

Apple Bloom: I walked here mahself!

Applejack: For safe keepin'.

Apple Bloom: Applejack, I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!

Applejack: Not from that creepy Zecora.

(Y/N): Seriously Applejack? You're being overprotective.

Apple Bloom: Thank you (Y/N)! Applejack's always thinking I can't look after myself! I'm a filly, not a baby!

(Y/N): Besides what's so creepy about Zecora anyways? She doesn't seem abnormal to me.

Fluttershy: She's mysterious.

Rainbow Dash: Sinister.

Pinkie Pie: And spoooooky!

(Y/N) and Twilight looked at each other and rolled their eyes before looking outside the window with everyone else joining in soon after. They all looked to see Zecora pull the hood of her robe down, revealing her mane which is in stripes which makes everypony gasp, but Twilight and (Y/N) as they were both annoyed.

Twilight Sparkle: Will you cut that out?

Rarity: Just look at those stripes! So garish!

(Y/N): What are you talking about? Rainbow Dash's mane has stripes too.

Rainbow Dash: Hey! Not cool! This is more about Zecora, not us!

(Y/N): And speaking of her, I feel like I've seen that kind of mane before.

Twilight Sparkle: You must have, because she's a Zebra.

Everyone but (Y/N) and Twilight: A what?!

(Y/N): Like she said, a Zebra. I've looked in a book about Zebras actually and surprisingly Zecora's one. Never thought I would see one with my own eyes.

Twilight Sparkle: And her stripes aren't a fashion choice Rarity, they're what she was born with.

Rarity then faints dramatically and (Y/N) rolls his eyes.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Drama queen.

Rarity: Hey!

Applejack: Born where? I've never seen a pony like that in these parts, 'cept. . . her!

(Y/N): We can both shed some information on that since we know about Zebras.

Twilight Sparkle: First off, she's not from her and she's not a pony.

(Y/N): Zebras come from a faraway land. Most likely Saddle Arabia. And they actually experts in making potions.

Pinkie Pie: Evil potions?

(Y/N): What?! No! The potions that they create are to help with anypony that has a dire sickness that probably some nurses here in Ponyville can't cure.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, then why is Zecora here then?

(Y/N): Beats me. Maybe she's looking for some ingredients in the area.

Twilight Sparkle: I've never seen Zecora around in Ponyville. Where does she live?

Applejack: That's just it, she lives in. . . the Everfree Forest!

Suddenly a loud boom that sounded like a thunderclap startled everypony, but it came from the kitchen as it was just Spike who snuck into the kitchen to grab a candy cane and cupcake.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike!

Spike: Uh, sorry.

Applejack: The Everfree Forest just ain't natural. The plants grow. . .

Fluttershy: Animals care for themselves. . .

Rainbow Dash: And the clouds move. . .

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash: All on their own!

Rarity then faints dramatically again which started to annoy (Y/N).

(Y/N): Seriously? You all are a bunch of drama queens today.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity: HEY!

(Y/N): Besides, don't you all remember when I told you about Earth. My old home. Everything you just clearly explained happens there, and it's all perfectly fine.

Apple Bloom got interested into hearing about (Y/N)'s old home, Earth.

Apple Bloom: Really (Y/N)? Your world don't use magic to control the weather, to grow plants or to help take care of animals?

(Y/N): That's right Apple Bloom. Sometimes back when I was human, I used to grow a lot of flowers, and day and night isn't controlled by any rulers like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I would give a whole explanation on how it works, but it would probably take too long.

Apple Bloom: Can you please tell me all about Earth sometime (Y/N)?

Apple Bloom said this with curiosity as she had sparkles in her eyes. (Y/N) just chuckled and ruffled her mane.

(Y/N): Sure Apple Bloom. Maybe some other time. So anyway, I think I may go give a quick hello to our visiting Zebra.

(Y/N) was just about to head out the door, but Pinkie blocked his path from the door.

Pinkie Pie: You can't! She's evil!

(Y/N): And how exactly is that a fact?

Pinkie Pie: Um. . .

(Y/N): Ugh! Seriously?! Zecora is no different from me as we both came from not-well-known places.

Fluttershy: Yes but. . .

(Y/N): Do any of you have any full proof that she's even evil?

Rarity: Well. . .

(Y/N): You all are being ridiculous. All of you are believing your own gossip to someone you haven't even met before.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N) is right. You are all judging her without getting to know her or seeing any proof that she is evil. Now what does Zecora do exactly?

Rainbow Dash: Well. . . once a month, she comes into Ponyville.

Twilight Sparkle: *sarcastically* Oooooh!

Rarity: Then she lurks by the store.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Oh wow. That's scary!

Fluttershy: And then, she digs at the ground.

Twilight Sparkle: *sarcastically* Good gracious! Okay, I'm sorry, but how is any of this bad? Maybe she just comes to town to visit.

Apple Bloom: Yeah! Maybe she's just tryin' to be neighbourly.

(Y/N): She also possibly be finding some rare ingredients for her health potions I was talking about.

Twilight Sparkle: See? (Y/N) has a point. And besides even if she was evil, (Y/N) has magic to probably handle her just fine.

(Y/N): True. And as you all said, she comes her each month and apparently by the looks of everything here in Ponyville, she doesn't seem to do anything hostile at all.

Rainbow Dash: Huh? Now that I think about it. You two do have a good point.

Applejack: What? You agree with them Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow Dash: Well, yeah think about it. She's never really damaged Ponyville in anyway. And if she did, (Y/N) could deal with it.

Applejack: She's probably planning somethin' as we speak though.

Pinkie Pie: Applejack might be right! She could have some huge evil plot up her sleeve and we don't even know about it. She's so evil I even wrote a song about her!

(Y/N): I swear to Celestia if any of you say anything about Zecora being evil one more time. . .

Pinkie interrupted (Y/N) and started to sing her song that she made.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ She's an evil enchantress ♪

♪ She does evil dances ♪

♪ And if you look deep in her eyes ♪

♪ She'll put you in trances ♪

♪ Then what will she do? ♪

♪ She'll mix up an evil brew ♪

♪ Then she'll gobble you up ♪

♪ In a big tasty stew ♪

♪ Soooo. . . Watch out! ♪

(Y/N) was surprised to how much that song judged Zecora. . . and he lost it. He got so angry that his (F/C) aura glowed all around his body.


(Y/N) then used his aura to push everyone across the room up to the walls as he gave a glare to each of them that could kill.


Everyone in the room was so scared by (Y/N)'s anger that they all planted themselves to the wall. Twilight then noticed that (Y/N)'s pupils were glowing (F/C), his aura was darker than usual, and small streams of magic energy was randomly coming out of him.


Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! Your body!

(Y/N) heard Twilight as he looked and see that his aura was darker than usual which surprised him as he instantly calmed down.

(Y/N): What the?

(Y/N) regained his composure, but he still had a serious look on his face as he walks to the door.

(Y/N): I'm going to meet Zecora. And if I die, just ditch me! You all seem good at that!

(Y/N) stormed out of Sugarcube Corner as the Mane 6 were in complete shock from (Y/N)'s outburst. Fluttershy started to sob a little which makes Rarity comfort her a little and she started to sob as well.

Rainbow Dash: I-I've never seen (Y/N) so angry before.

Pinkie Pie: I-I-I never knew that he didn't have any friends back on Earth or he was living with only his mother for his entire life.

Pinkie said this in a sad tone as her usual poofy mane deflated a tiny bit.

Twilight Sparkle: You know what? (Y/N) is right.

The rest of the mares look at Twilight as she was also angry at them.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N) was at first a human on Earth and when he told us, none of you especially me judged him for it. Now you're all treating Zecora like she's way different from how (Y/N) was and just believing that every little thing she does is evil. And after hearing that he never had any friends his whole life until now, how does that tell how he thinks you all feel about him?

Applejack: Now Twilight, this is different.

Twilight Sparkle: Is it Applejack?! Do you remember what (Y/N) told us about his previous life before coming here and how he lost his mother to send him back here to Equestria? He couldn't ever have friends due to others finding out about his magic and getting it exposed across Earth. He had to have been lonely for living that kind of life. He only had his mother to rely on and now she's. . . *sighs* my point is that all of you accusing Zecora of being evil doesn't make any sense if you all have (Y/N) as your friend.

Twilight then heads to the door.

Rarity: Twilight, where are you going?

Twilight Sparkle: After (Y/N) and away from all of you. After hearing what he said earlier, I want to make sure he's okay and doesn't do anything drastic. If you all really consider (Y/N) your friend, then you would all listen to what he says more seriously.

Twilight leaves Sugarcube Corner to follow (Y/N), leaving the rest of the Mane 7 to feel awful about themselves. What they didn't know however, is that Apple Bloom also snuck out to follow them.

Rainbow Dash: . . .Maybe we were all wrong about this. I mean (Y/N) and Twilight both have a point. We never bothered to even get to know or heck, even talk to Zecora. We can't just call her out instantly for being evil.

Applejack: Now don't go sayin' that Rainbow. Zecora is bad news, I can tell.

Rainbow Dash: How Applejack? How? Are you even listening to what you are saying right now? You heard (Y/N) and Twilight and their both right and yet you still believe Zecora is evil?

Applejack: I-I'm just trying to look out for Apple Bloom.

Rainbow Dash: I get that she's your little sister Applejack, but you're being overprotective of her.

Fluttershy: I agree with (Y/N), Twilight, and Rainbow Dash.

Applejack: What?! You too, Fluttershy?!

Fluttershy: Y-Yes and (Y/N) went through a lot in his life before Equestria and I don't want him to be angry with me. He's right about us being mean to Zecora and I don't want to be seen as somepony mean.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah me too! I don't want to make (Y/N) feel bad and I don't him to see us as some meanie-mean pants!

Applejack: You as well Pinkie Pie?!

Pinkie Pie: (Y/N) said that he lost his mother and he wanted to make great friends! So I want to be the bestest friend he could ever ask for!

Rarity: Well. . . I suppose I may have overreacted when I saw Zecora's stripes.

Applejack: Not you as well, Rarity.

Rarity: Sorry Applejack, but (Y/N) is right. It's rather unfair to judge Zecora when I haven't even said a single hello to her.

Applejack: B-B-But I'm telling you everypony. She's evil. She's got to be.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, Celestia Applejack. You are being super stubborn right now! Why can't you just put aside your pride and admit that you're wrong?

Rarity: Rainbow Dash is right Applejack. You need to stop believing everything that you believe is an instant yes.

Spike: I mean come on, like he said, she really hasn't done anything to even harm Ponyville.

Applejack: I-I'm just to look out for my friends and family like Apple Bloom. She's still a filly and-

Applejack then notices that Apple Bloom isn't around to be seen anywhere.

Applejack: Hey! Where's Apple Bloom?

Everypony then looked around and they didn't see Apple Bloom anywhere.

Spike: She might've went outside while you all were arguing.

Applejack: With Zecora out there?! I told that darn little girl to stay put!

Applejack then runs off out of Sugarcube Corner and the rest of the mares pursue her.

Rainbow Dash: Hey! Applejack, wait up!

After (Y/N) left the group earlier however, he was walking across Ponyville in a very unhappy mood.

(Y/N): I can't believe these are my friends. One second they welcome a complete stranger from another world to Equestria and the next they're shunning someone who actually does live in Equestria. What sense does that make? *sighs* At least Twilight and Apple Bloom trust me the most. But why does Applejack always have to be so stubborn all of the time? She's clearly can't be the Element of Honesty if she doesn't believe a single true thing I said. . . despite that what was with my magic. That dark aura. . . felt familiar. . . like it's happened before. I kind of remember something a long time ago, but it's a blur. I'll think about it later.

(Y/N) then noticed Zecora who had her hood up and he's just curious to what she's like so he walks up to her.

(Y/N): Excuse me miss. Isn't your name Zecora?

Zecora: How do you know my name? Is it possible that I have fame?

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at Zecora's language.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) What is she, a poet? Nah, I won't judge the way she talks. (Out of Thoughts) Well, I do know your name from some rumors that have been spreading around here and I must say that they aren't good rumors at all.

Zecora: I see. May I aim to know your name?

(Y/N): Uh. . .

Zecora: My apologies. I do speak in rhymes sometimes as a habit. May I know your name?

(Y/N): Oh. Well in that case, my name is (Y/N).

Zecora: (Y/N). What a unusual name.

(Y/N): *chuckles* I get that a lot. However, I must say that you aren't any different at all from what I've heard.

Zecora: What words have you heard (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Apparently, most of the people in Ponyville believe that you are some kind of jinx or someone who can curse. Just out of curiosity, is that true?

Zecora: Oh my! Curse them I would not because I am a kind zebra and us zebra do not curse for it is wrong.

(Y/N): I thought so. I tried to tell my friends that all of these rumors that they've hearing aren't true at all, but only two of them would listen.

Zecora: That is most unfortunate to hear.

(Y/N): *sigh* Yeah. Due to that. . . I kinda snapped at them. But I couldn't stand how stubborn they were being.

Zecora: You must not worry. I agree that stubbornness will bring unhappiness to others.

(Y/N): Thank you. Anyways, what are you doing here Zecora?

Zecora: I am in neediness for ingredients for I am searching for an antidote for poison joke.

(Y/N): Poison joke? What's that?

Zecora: When one touches the plant, it will enchant a side effect of a poisonous prank.

(Y/N): A poisonous prank?

Zecora: Indeed. Once you see the effects of the oak, you will realize that it is indeed no joke.

(Y/N) thought about what Zecora said for a moment until he thinks that he caught to what she's saying.

(Y/N): I think I get it. The poison joke causes the pony who steps in it to have laughable side effects.

Zecora: You are most correct, (Y/N).

(Y/N): So do you have the ingredients to cure poison joke, Zecora?

Zecora: Almost, underneath this soil is some of the last things I will need to ensure the cure.

(Y/N): I see. Mind of I help you?

Zecora smiles at (Y/N)'s request.

Zecora: Not at all. Your assistance will be most helpful to me.

???: (Y/N)!

(Y/N) hears a familiar voice behind him to see Twilight approaching him.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Twilight. What are you doing here?

Twilight Sparkle: I wanted to see if you were okay after you had that outburst at Sugarcube Corner.

(Y/N): Yeah I'm fine. Sorry about that by the way.

Twilight Sparkle: You don't have to apologize (Y/N). Besides, I completely agree with you on our friends being ridiculous about those stupid rumors.

(Y/N): *relieved sigh* Thanks Twilight. Anyway, this is Zecora.

Twilight Sparkle: Hello there. My name is Twilight Sparkle.

Zecora: Greetings Miss Sparkle. I am the zebra called Zecora.

(Y/N): Oh and just a heads up. Don't be too confused if she speaks in rhymes, it's a habit that her kind have.

Twilight Sparkle: Right got it.

Zecora: I apologize (Y/N) and Miss Sparkle, but I must return back to my hut in the Everfree Forest to make some cures for the plant.

Twilight Sparkle: Plant?

(Y/N): Apparently there's this plant called poison joke that can cause laughable side effects to your body.

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm. Interesting.

(Y/N) then noticed a certain fillies pink bow from the corner of his eye above a bush and he turned to it.

(Y/N): Don't worry Apple Bloom, it's fine. You can come on out now.

Apple Bloom then comes out of the bush and walks towards the three.

Apple Bloom: Um. . . hi.

Twilight Sparkle: Apple Bloom! What are you doing here?

Apple Bloom: I wanted to try and talk to Zecora since nopony else is goin' to even bother tryin'.

(Y/N): I see. It's great that you two actually believed in the things that I said about Zecora being completely harmless.

(Y/N) then glared at some ponies from the corner of his eyes as they were peeking at the situation they were seeing. As soon they saw that (Y/N) noticed some of however, they went back into hiding.

(Y/N): I hope some other ponies can understand what I say as well. Anyway, let's go before people start to think we've been cursed or something.

The four of them walked off and Apple Bloom walks up next to (Y/N).

Apple Bloom: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): What is it?

Apple Bloom: I'm sorry about the way mah sister has been actin' towards you.

(Y/N): Don't blame yourself, Apple Bloom. Applejack's the one who has to learn that her own stubbornness is going to get her into trouble. Reminds me of applebuck season.

Apple Bloom: I know what ya mean. Mah sister can be so stubborn that she won't ever admit she's wrong. And it get's worse as she's really being overprotective of me.

(Y/N): I can't argue with that. Sure, she just wants to look after you, but she can't treat you like you're a baby. *sighs* I'm starting to think that you may be the older sister Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom giggles a little at that before she sighs.

Apple Bloom: You're right about that though. I just wish she would give more trust into me and not be so clingy like earlier.

(Y/N), Twilight, Apple Bloom, and Zecora eventually arrive at the entrance to the Everfree Forest.

(Y/N): Alright, Apple Bloom, listen closely. The Everfree Forest can be a dangerous place so I need you to stay near me, Twilight, and Zecora, and not go wandering off, okay?

Apple Bloom nods vigorously at that.

(Y/N): Alright then, lead the way Zecora.

Zecora: Very well.

(Y/N), Twilight, Apple Bloom, and Zecora walk through the forest with Zecora telling the three more about zebras and her homeland until they pass by some blue flowers.

Zecora: And that's all the information I can give to you.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow! Zebras are fascinating!

(Y/N): You know, I might visit Saddle Arabia sometime in the future. It's definitely peaked my interest.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey, (Y/N). Back on Earth, are there any places similar to Saddle Arabia?

(Y/N): As a matter of fact, there are. However, the land is thousands of miles away from my home. It's was called um. . .

However a familiar female southern voice was heard.

Applejack: (Y/N)! Twilight! Apple Bloom!

(Y/N): Oh no.

The four turned around to see Applejack and the rest of the members of the Mane 7 show up.

Applejack: Apple Bloom, you get back here right now!

Zecora then notices that the Mane 7 and not Apple Bloom got caught in the poison joke.

Zecora: Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!

(Y/N) looked down and noticed that they were all in the poison joke which gave him a shocked look.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Is this the poison joke Zecora was talking about? Darn it, now we're definitely going to need her cure now.

Applejack: Y-you keep your creepy mumbo-jumbo to yourself, ya hear?

(Y/N): Zecora, I believe we'll need a cure ASAP, please.

Zecora nods at (Y/N) and she walks away.

Applejack: Ya better leave!

Applejack then glares at her little sister.

Applejack: And you, why couldn't ya listen to ya big sister?

Apple Bloom: I. . . I. . .

Applejack: Who knows what kind of nasty curse Zecora could have put on ya?

Pinkie Pie: Just like in my song!

Pinkie was just about to sing until (Y/N) used his magic to keep Pinkie's mouth shut temporarily.

(Y/N): Don't even think about it, Pinkie!

Twilight Sparkle: You guys, there's no such thing as curses!

Rainbow Dash: Well, that's interesting to hear coming from Miss Magic Pants herself.

Rainbow Dash flew up to Twilight and tapped her horn.

Twilight Sparkle: My magic and (Y/N)'s magic is real magic that comes from within. It's a skill you're born with. Curses are artificial, fake magic. It's conjured with potions and incantations; all smoke and mirrors meant to scare. But curses have no real power, they're just an old pony tale.

Applejack: Just you wait, Twilight. You're gonna learn that some pony tales really are true.

(Y/N): Seriously?! You're really going to still believe in all of this?! We all literally just spoke to Zecora and she told me and Twilight herself that she's got nothing to hide that can jinx or curse a single pony.

Applejack then faces towards (Y/N) and glares at him.

Applejack: Clearly you've got no darn mind (Y/N) as she clearly just chanted something that will curse us all.

(Y/N): That was just her language Applejack. It's a nervous habit she has. For the last time, Zecora isn't evil or has a curse!

Applejack: As if some stupid alicorn could make up anything more dumber than that!

Everyone just gasped at what Applejack just said as (Y/N) also flinched and went wide-eyed. It took Applejack a moment to process what she just said as she went wide-eyed too. (Y/N) then had an extremely angry look on his face as he gritted his teeth, walked up to Applejack and did the last thing anypony was expecting from him.


(Y/N) slapped Applejack hard across the face which made everypony shocked as they couldn't believe that (Y/N) of all ponies would do that to anypony.

Applejack: Wha?!

(Y/N): You know what?! I'm starting to think I was wrong about you! I thought you were a friend that's honest enough to even admit that they can't always be right! But look at that! I was wrong about you Applejack! You seem more like Applejerk to me!

Applejack: I. . . I didn't-

(Y/N): I could never have a friend that's so stubborn that she doesn't even respect her own friends opinions and to top it off to say that I'm some stupid alicorn that makes up dumb accusations! I thought I was one of your best friends!

Applejack: B-But we are friends, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Are we? After explaining more about my past and explaining what I experienced talking with Zecora, you still don't believe a single word I'm saying because of your pride!. . . I never would want a friend that's like that.

Everyone was shocked when (Y/N) said that as he turned around and flied up into the air not facing the others.

Applejack: (Y-Y/N). . . wait!

(Y/N): Don't expect me to help at Sweet Apple Acres or hang out with you until you finally admit that you're not always right Applejack.

(Y/N) then flies off back into Ponyville at a fast pace and Apple Bloom glares at Applejack.

Apple Bloom: Way to go Applejack! Ya insulted (Y/N) and made him upset!

Applejack: A-Apple Bloom I'm just trying to protect ya.

Apple Bloom was not amused by this at all as she yelled at Applejack.

Apple Bloom: I DON'T NEED PROTECTIN' ALL THE TIME APPLEJACK! I'M NOT A FOAL, I'M A FILLY! (Y/N) is right, ya seem to care more about yer pride than (Y/N)'s or mah feelings at all!

Applejack: I. . . just. . .

Apple Bloom: Would an older sister really act this way? I look up to ya Applejack. But after seeing what you did to (Y/N), I wouldn't want a big sister who's so stubborn and too stubborn to even realize that they are being stubborn. I'm not talking to ya until ya apologize to (Y/N) and admit you're wrong about Zecora!

Apple Bloom then stormed off leaving a guilty Applejack who just looks down to the ground and some tears started to come out of her eyes. Twilight then walks to Applejack with a serious look.

Twilight Sparkle: You know, we talked to Zecora and she told me, Apple Bloom, and (Y/N) more about zebras and her homeland. She's actually here to find ingredients to make cures for any unusual illnesses that ponies may have. Does that sound evil to you?

Applejack: . . .

Fluttershy: No it doesn't. It sounds like Zecora is doing something nice if she is going to make cures for sick ponies.

Rarity: I admit that does sound noble, but what did she mean about us to beware the leaves that she described that are not a joke?

Twilight Sparkle: I think she means that these blue flowers that we have been standing in are dangerous.

Pinkie Pie: Yikes! Are they contagious?! Do we need to go in quarantine?

(A/N): No pun intended there.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know, but I'll go back to the library and look for any books that might contain what the illness for these flowers are.

Rainbow Dash: What about (Y/N)?

Twilight Sparkle: I'll tell him sometime later, but with how mad he is thanks to a certain somepony. . .

Applejack flinches when Twilight looked at her when she said that.

Twilight Sparkle: He might not be in the mood to talk right now, so I'll research what I can about these flowers!

Twilight walks off with the rest of the Mane 7 except for Applejack following as after a minute, she decides to follow them while having a thought in her mind.

Applejack: (Thoughts) I can't believe I said that to (Y/N). Maybe I am too stubborn to listen to anypony. *sighs* I hope if I apologize, (Y/N) will forgive me.

It was nighttime and (Y/N) was currently in his house reading a book on a chair with a bored look as he couldn't stop thinking about his friends.

(Y/N): *sighs* . . .Those mares are probably not going to believe anything I say because of Applejack. I liked Applejack too, but now I guess that changes since I know her true nature.

Suddenly a knock was heard on (Y/N)'s door as that got his attention and he walked to it and opened the door. What he saw in front of him was Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy with guilty looks on their faces.

(Y/N): What are you four doing here?

Rarity: . . . Darling. We came to apologize.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. We've been thinking about everything we said about Zecora and we all realized how they offended you. You're a friend of ours from another world and we shouldn't judge someone else who's also different like you.

(Y/N) has a shocked look on his face at the girls' apology.

Fluttershy: It made me feel like I was a bully when we all judged Zecora and I don't want to you to see me as a bully (Y/N). Especially since you told us that we're your first friends to ever have in your life.

Pinkie Pie: I couldn't stand to see that I made you mad (Y/N). Zecora can't be an evil enchantress if she doesn't say so.

Rarity: When you showed up to Ponyville as an alicorn, it surprised all of us, but we all welcomed you like you were a normal pony. The same can't be said for us treating Zecora though.

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie: We're sorry (Y/N).

It took (Y/N) a minute to process what he was hearing as the girls has their eyes closed in case they were going to get berated again or met with a door slam. However, (Y/N) had a smile on his face as he hugged each of them tightly surprising them.

(Y/N): You girls may have made me angry, but that never means I could never forgive you for this.

The four smile that (Y/N) forgives them and they all hugged him back.

(Y/N): You all are still my best friends no matter what. Even when you made me mad, there's no way I could stay mad at you four forever.

They then broke the hug as they all smiled at each other, however (Y/N) noticed that someone was missing from the group.

(Y/N): Hey, where's Applejack?

The four mares then had conflicted looks as they looked at each other before looking back at (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: We told her that we were going to come here and apologize for being such jerks earlier, but apparently she didn't come. We don't know why though.

(Y/N) just shook his head at that.

(Y/N): *sighs* Why am I not surprised? Anyway, I'm glad you four decided to come and apologize to me. I knew you all wouldn't just leave me like that. You're the greatest girls I've ever met in my life.

The four blush at little at that last part before shaking it away.

(Y/N): Well, thanks for stopping by. I'll see you girls tomorrow.

Pinkie Pie: Yep! We'll see you again as well (Y/N)!

Pinkie decided to give (Y/N) one more tight hug before zooming off. The others just chuckle at Pinkie's antics before the girls wave at (Y/N) before walking off to their own homes. (Y/N) then closes the front door and goes off to bed.

The next morning, (Y/N) wakes up and yawns before stretching out his legs. . . but something felt off about him. He got off his bed and went outside to start his morning. He was about to start flying. . . but he couldn't. He looked at his wings in confusion.

(Y/N): What the heck? Come on wings, open!

(Y/N) kept trying to open up his wings so that he could fly, but they won't move a muscle.

(Y/N): Okay. . . that's weird.

Something else was apparently off about (Y/N) as he was about to go back into his house to figure out why his wings couldn't open, but when he tried using his magic. His horn wouldn't glow at all.

(Y/N): Hey! Come on! Why won't my magic work either?!

(Y/N) tried super hard to try and make his horn glow, but nothing happened which did not amuse him. But what happened next scare him as his horn deflated like a balloon and (Y/N) flinched from that. The same thing happened to his wings as they were now drooping on the ground like wilted flowers.

(Y/N): Okay! This is not normal! How could this happen?!

(Y/N) was about to panic until he remembered about what Zecora told him yesterday about the poison joke.

Zecora: (In (Y/N)'s mind) Once you see the effects of the oak, you will realize that it is indeed no joke.

(Y/N): Oh! Now I get it! But that means. . . *gasps* the rest of the girls must have the same effects.

(Y/N) then runs to the Golden Oak Library and instantly knocks on the door which is opened by Spike.

Spike: Oh hey (Y/N)- Whoa! What happened to your wings and your horn?

(Y/N): I'll explain in a minute, but is Twilight inside right now?

Spike: She is, but she is not feeling so well?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Spike: Here, I'll show you.

The both went inside of the library to see books scattered everywhere as Twilight is looking through some books.

Twilight Sparkle: No no no no no! None of these books have a cure! Ugh! There has to be a real reason for this! An illness? An allergy?!

(Y/N): Twilight, what's wrong?

Twilight turns around for (Y/N) to see that her horn is soft, wobbly, and covered in blue spots.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! Thank Celestia that you're here! What's happened to my horn?! Is it an illness?! An allergy?!

Spike: A curse?

Twilight Sparkle: I said a real reason. Something that points to something real.

Spike: How about this one?

Spike shows of a green book he was reading that had the title of Supernaturals in it.

Twilight Sparkle: Supernaturals? Spike, the word supernatural refers to things like ghosts and spirits and zombies, which are as make-believe as curses. This book is just a bunch of hooey!

(Y/N): Wait! Gimme that!

(Y/N) grabs the book from Spike and starts looking through it before he stopped at a page that surprised him.

(Y/N): Actually Twilight, it does! Right here on page 40!

Twilight rushed beside (Y/N) to read what he was reading and he was apparently right.

Twilight Sparkle: Poison joke. A plant similar to poison oak that can cause an illness that causes the pony who goes inside of it to get laughable pranks from it. Oh! So it did have the answer to why this is happening.

(Y/N): Twilight, don't you know the old saying. "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? I'm surprised you didn't even bother to take a peek in it.

Twilight looked down knowing (Y/N) was right, she was just judging a book by it's cover.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right. Sorry (Y/N). I shouldn't be judging something by the way it sounds or looks.

(Y/N): We better tell the others, I have a feeling that-

Pinkie Pie: Helpfh mefh!

The three turned to see that Pinkie's tongue is covered in blue spots and is swollen to the point of it hanging out of her mouth.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie! What happened?

Pinkie Pie: I woketh upth thisth morningth andth theth firsth thingth I sawth wasth myuth tonght swollenth!

As Pinkie tried to talk she was letting out spit as it landed on Spike.

Spike: Hey, say it, don't spray it Pinkie!

A loud crash was then heard outside as it was Rainbow Dash repeatedly crashing into the window to get inside.

Rainbow Dash: Somepony. . . let me. . . in. . .!

Rainbow Dash flies near the door for (Y/N) to open it and Rainbow Dash flies through to only crash into a bookshelf and it's revealed that Rainbow Dash's wings are inverted which is preventing her from flying properly.

Rainbow Dash: Thanks.

(Y/N): Wings on the opposite side? Yeah, saw that coming.

Rarity: Heavens Celestia! My mane, tail, and coat is a disaster!

Everypony looked to see Rarity whose mane and tail is messy and her coat has grown really long.

Twilight, Spike, and (Y/N) gasp at Rarity's new appearance.

Applejack: It's a curse! A curse I tell ya!

Everypony heard a high pitched southern female voice as they all looked to see Apple Bloom show up with a shrunken Applejack on her back.

Twilight and Spike gasped while (Y/N) just had a surprised look on his face.

(Y/N): Wow. . . j-just. . . wow.

Applejack: This has to be a curse I tell ya!

Twilight Sparkle: Well. . . Fluttershy seems just fine.

Rarity: Yes, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with her.

Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy? Are you okay?

Fluttershy shakes her head at that.

Twilight Sparkle: Is there something wrong with you?

Fluttershy nods her head.

Twilight Sparkle: Would you care to tell us?

Fluttershy shakes her head once more.

Twilight Sparkle: So. . . you're not going to tell us?

Fluttershy then nods again confusing Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes you're not or yes you will?

Applejack then runs up to Fluttershy and demands an answer from her.

Applejack: Good gravy girl! What's wrong with you?!

What she said next surprised her friends as she spoke in a deep male voice.

Fluttershy: I don't want to talk about it.

(Y/N) shudders at that while Spike bursts out laughing.

Spike: This is hilarious! *laughs* Look at all of you! We got: Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Apple Teeny, Flutterguy, Earth pony (Y/N), and. . . uh. . . I got nothin'. . . Twilight Sparkle. I mean seriously, I can't even work with that.

(Y/N): Ha ha, class clown. Can we focus on the situation that we all are under an illness?

Twilight Sparkle: Exactly, anyway (Y/N) has found out why and what's causing these random side effects we're having.

Rarity: You do? What is it?

Applejack: Is it a curse?

(Y/N): No, it's not a curse at all. Remember when we all stepped into those weird blue flowers yesterday in the Everfree Forest?

The Mane 6 nodded at that as (Y/N) continues his hypothesis.

(Y/N): Those flowers weren't normal, they were poison joke.

Mane 6 (except Twilight): Poison joke?!

Twilight Sparkle: Apparently, (Y/N) and I read that it's a plant like poison oak that plays pranks on anyone who comes into contact with them.

Rainbow Dash: So you're saying that some flowers pranked us?

(Y/N): Yeah, and the types of pranks make a lot of sense for some of us. For example, Twilight is good with magic, so the poison joke made her horn wobbly so she can't do magic properly, Pinkie talks a lot so the poison joke swelled up her tongue so that she can't talk well, Rainbow Dash is an excellent flyer so thanks to the poison joke, her wings are now hanging on the opposite side of her body, Rarity takes great pride in her mane, coat, and tail so the poison made it all long and messy, Applejack is known for being big and strong so the poison joke shrunk her down to being as tall as a bug, Fluttershy speaks in a calm soft voice and the poison joke made her sound like a dude, and finally. . . I'm well known for being an alicorn, so the poison joke deflated my horn and wings so I can't fly or do magic at all.

Spike: Wow. . . that's a lot to take in.

Twilight Sparkle: How exactly is there a sign that we've been affected by the poison joke.

(Y/N): In here in the book it says that those who are affected by the poison joke will have bright blue spots on them. And we can clearly see them on both you and Pinkie.

Applejack: So wait? This ain't a curse?

(Y/N): Nope, just some poisonous pranks.

Rainbow Dash: Well that's not cool. I can't get used to flying like this!

Pinkie Pie: Ith knowpf rightpf. Itsth theth worstpf.

Fluttershy: I don't want to sound like a stallion for the rest of my life.

Rarity: Is there a cure (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I don't any cure for this, but I know somepony who can. . . or should I say zebra.

Apple Bloom: Zecora? She can fix all this?

(Y/N): Yep, as a matter of fact, she actually told me that she was getting some ingredients in Ponyville to find the cure for poison joke. So if we want the cure, we need to go and see Zecora.

Fluttershy: Does she really have a cure?

(Y/N): I'm sure of it. I actually told her to get it ready for us tomorrow in case we do have these effects and apparently they did happen like she said they would. She will most likely have a cure waiting for us at her home in the Everfree Forest.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, everypony I guess it's time we visit us a zebra in the Everfree Forest.

Applejack: I don't know, are ya sure there isn't another way to cure us?


(Y/N) yelled at Applejack which made her flinch.

(Y/N): You're still going to doubt me, even when the things I just said were clearly fact?!

Applejack: (Y-Y/N), I didn't mean-

(Y/N): Heck, why should I even be helping you Applejack?! You didn't even bother to even listen to me before! And yesterday, you didn't even stop by to apologize to me like the rest here did!

Applejack: But we're friends (Y/N).

(Y/N): Really?! You still believe that?! Friends listen to each other and on top of that they don't insult each other to just fuel their own pride!

(Y/N) was about to walk out of the door frustrated before Applejack called out to say something to him.

Applejack: (Y/N)! I'm sorry!

(Y/N) stopped in his tracks, but he didn't turn around to Applejack. Applejack started to tear up as she spoke.

Applejack: Ya were right. Ah shouldn't have been so stubborn to believe every single word ah was saying. Ah wasn't being honest with myself at all. Ah was one to believe in a ton of rumors and superstitions and I just took them word for word, but ah know now that that's not true unless someone confirms it to be true. Ah was so caught in my own pride that ah blurted out the first mean thing in my mind to you (Y/N). I'm sorry. I really am.

Applejack was sobbing at this point and she had her hooves over her eyes.

Applejack: (Y/N). Please. . . forgive me.

(Y/N) then turned around and walked up to Applejack and smiled.

(Y/N): Did you really mean that?

Applejack looked up at (Y/N) with tears in her eyes and she nodded.

(Y/N): Applejack. . . I forgive you.

Applejack: You do?

(Y/N): Yes, but promise me this. Whenever, something or someone out there is suspicious, you let us confirm it before making an accusation. Okay?

Applejack: Of course. I promise (Y/N).

(Y/N): Then I completely forgive you Applejack. However, I should also apologize for slapping you yesterday as well.

Applejack: Nah. Ya don't need to apologize at all (Y/N). I needed it.

(Y/N): Thanks Applejack. I wish I could hug you right now, but I don't want to crush your body.

(Y/N) and Applejack chuckled as everypony else smiled at the scene between the two. Applejack then turns to Apple Bloom.

Applejack: Sorry, that ah was being overprotective of ya Apple Bloom. Ya right though, you're a filly and not a foal. I guess being a protective older sister got inside of mah head.

Apple Bloom: It's okay Applejack. I know ya were just trying to protect me, but keep in moderation.

Applejack: I will, but I still want you to stay out of trouble okay?

Apple Bloom: Understood.

Twilight Sparkle: Well now that we have everything sorted out, can we go to Zecora and see if she has that cure ready for us?

(Y/N): Yeah. Let's go everypony. You coming Spike?

Spike: Nah! Wait! Wait! I got it. . . Twilight Flopple.

Everypony groaned and facehooved at Spike's bad pun as they then left the library to go and see Zecora in the Everfree Forest.

The Mane 7 and Apple Bloom walked through the Everfree Forest and eventually arrived at Zecora's hut.

(Y/N): That must be where Zecora lives.

Rarity: The decorations are simply dreadful.

(Y/N): Not everypony has the same fashion sense as you Rarity and I bet some of these decorations could be from her homeland where Saddle Arabia is.

Rarity: I suppose you're right.

(Y/N): Let's hope she's home right now. We need to get this illness cured ASAP.

The Mane 7 walked up to the door and (Y/N) knocks on it. When the door opens, Zecora is shown without her cloak, allowing them to see her full appearance. She had a mane, coat, and tail that were a mix of light gray and dark persian bluish gray stripes. She also had accessories of brilliant amber jewelry on her.

Zecora: Ah, well if isn't (Y/N), Miss Sparkle, and tiny Apple Bloom. I see you have brought some guests along.

(Y/N): Hello to you as well Zecora. Well, it's looks like we all need that cure if you have it now. We all got some silly side effects from the poison joke we accidentally stepped in.

Twilight Sparkle: Is there any cure to this Zecora?

Zecora: I can cure you all of the poison joke for the cure is a herbal bath, but the problem is that I am missing a herb from Ponyville.

Apple Bloom: However, whenever Zecora comes into Ponyville, everypony hides and all of the shops are mysteriously closed.

Everypony had conflicted looks on their faces until (Y/N) got an idea.

(Y/N): I've got an idea. I'll get Mayor Mare to get everypony to listen to us. Twilight, once that's dealt with, you and the others go to some shops to find the exact herbs she needs for our cure. Finally, Apple Bloom stay and help Zecora with mixing the ingredients she needs.

With that being said, the Mane 7 return to Ponyville with Zecora along with made many of the ponies freak out and hide in their homes. (Y/N) ran to the town hall and introduced and explained to Mayor Mare that the people of Ponyville are shunning Zecora just how she looks and acts around the place. Luckily, Mayor Mare wasn't prejudice at all and she was shocked to hear all of this. She called a town meeting and along with (Y/N), they told everypony how disappointed they were for judging Zecora without getting to know her. Everypony felt guilty for this and apologized to Zecora about their actions towards her and Zecora completely forgave everypony since she wasn't one to hold a grudge.

Afterwards, Zecora explained the exact herb she needs to complete the cure for poison joke and Twilight along with the other mares went to every flower shop they could find and they all grabbed more than enough. Apple Bloom and Zecora both used the ingredients in a cauldron to make the cure and all that was left was an herbal bath, so the Mane 7 went to Ponyville Day Spa and asked the Spa twin sisters, Lotus Blossom and Aloe Vera if they could use the Spa's hot tub to help with the cure for poison which they agreed to. (Y/N) had a bath first since he was the only male in the group and he was now outside the room with his wings and horn perfectly normal. He stood with Zecora and Apple Bloom while the mares finished getting their bath ready.

(Y/N): *relaxed sigh* It's good to have a proper horn and wings again.

Zecora: Now after all you're trouble you have been through, you can all finally be nice and clean!

They all then heard the mares jump into the tub excited which made (Y/N) chuckle.

(Y/N): Wow. Sounds like their having a blast in there.

Inside the hot tube room, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight are relaxing in the main hot tub as the side effects of the poison joke wore off on them and Zecora is approached by the Spa ponies, Lotus and Aloe.

Lotus and Aloe are both Earth ponies with Lotus having a light cerulean coat, pale rose mane and tail, moderate azure eyes, light cornflower bluish grey eyeshadow and her Cutie Mark was a pink lotus. Aloe had a pale rose coat, light cerulean mane and tail, moderate azure eyes, light cornflower bluish grey eyeshadow and her Cutie Mark is a blue lotus.

Lotus Blossom: Miss Zecora, I would love to get the recipe for this bath. It's simply luxurious!

Aloe Vera: Indeed, this could help out many ponies.

While Zecora spoke to the two ponies, Apple Bloom was near the door and could the other ponies talking about something so she wanted to eavesdrop. (Y/N) then approaches her.

Apple Bloom: I wonder what they're talkin' about in there.

(Y/N): Eh, who knows? With all of this poisonous gossip gone about Zecora, I bet they'll be talking about something that's on their topic.

Apple Bloom: Could they be talking about somepony?

(Y/N): Like I said, who knows? I hope it's a good thing about somepony though and nothing that judges them at all.

Inside of the room, the Mane 6 were conversing to each other. Twilight was also thinking about the letter she could write to Princess Celestia.

Twilight Sparkle: (Thoughts) Dear Princess Celestia, my friends and I all learned an important lesson this week: Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is; it's the "contents" of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

Applejack: *relaxed sigh* I glad to be back to mah normal size.

Rarity: Oh! I have never felt so lovely in all my life!

Pinkie Pie: Oh, my gosh! I never realized how horrible it is not to be able to talk. I mean, I love talking so much, and when I couldn't talk anymore, my tongue was all 'ehhhh'! It was the worst! Don't you agree, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: . . .Yes.

Fluttershy spoke in her normal voice as everypony laughed. Pinkie then had a mischievous look as she decided to bring up another topic.

Pinkie Pie: I wonder what (Y/N) would think if he was bathing with us.

When the other mares heard Pinkie say that, they were as red as a tomato.

Applejack: Say what now?

Pinkie Pie: Think about it, how much do you want to think that (Y/N) would dream of something like this?

Twilight Sparkle: Uh. . . none. He doesn't look at us like that.

Pinkie Pie: That's where your wrong Twilight. I can tell that he's got eyes for us. From our faces, all the way to our flanks.

Rarity: Darling, that was unnecessary! I do not need to know that (Y/N) looks at us like that.

Pinkie Pie: Twilight's right though. He doesn't. I never saw him staring once at us.

The Mane 5 sweatdrop at that as they didn't know how to respond.

Rainbow Dash: Okay. . . why are we even bringing (Y/N) into this?

Pinkie Pie: Because the writer wanted us to take about it.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay. . . whatever that means. But either way, (Y/N) isn't one to be some kind of perverted stallion.

Applejack: Ah agree. He's just like what we think he is. A nice guy who helps anypony in need and nothin' more or less.

Fluttershy: Do you think he actually likes anypony though?

Rarity: I never really thought about it. He's always so focused on keeping everypony safe around Ponyville. I never heard of him having a crush though.

Rainbow Dash: So, what kind of girl could (Y/N) be interested in?

Pinkie Pie: I think it's probably one of us. I mean we do hang out with him a lot. He's got to be interested in one of us?

The girls looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders at that as they think about what kind of mare is (Y/N) interested in the most.

Pinkie Pie: I know! Why don't we just ask him?

Rainbow Dash: What?!

Applejack: Pinkie! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Pinkie takes a deep breath before yelling to call (Y/N).


. . .

No one came though confusing Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Huh. That's weird, he normally is able to tell that that's my voice from a short distance like that.

However, instead Apple Bloom was the one to open the door.

Apple Bloom: Is something wrong?

Pinkie Pie: Apple Bloom? Is (Y/N) here? I want to ask him something?

Apple Bloom: Oh, he just left actually. He went with Zecora to go get more herbs for some of the baths to make for any future ponies that come here. Why?

Applejack: N-Nothing, Apple Bloom! Nothing at all!

Apple Bloom: Oh, okay then.

Apple Bloom closes the door to the spa and the Mane 6 besides Pinkie sighed in relief.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, darn it. I wanted to know what kind of girl (Y/N) is into.

Pinkie slowly sunk her body down in the tub in disappointment.

Twilight Sparkle: It's probably for the best though at the moment.

Chapter 9 End.

(A/N): I bet you weren't expecting the last part. Yeah, I originally wanted to go with an humanized anime-feel to this story, but that was a little too much for me to think, so I decided that I would add some small fanservice scenes like this one in some chapters. You can expect some more like these in the future, but don't think that it'll be entirely like an anime, as I want to stay close to the canon of the story. Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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