Final Chapter: The True Best Night Ever

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(A/N): Here we are my comrades. The Season Finale. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as it will be longer and different than the show.

Today is the day that the Mane 7 have been waiting for weeks now. Tonight in Canterlot is the Grand Galloping Gala. A party that the Mane 7 have been talking about the whole season. Twilight, (Y/N), Pinkie Pie, and Spike were near Carousel Boutique and Pinkie was so excited about the Grand Galloping Gala that she was jumping high on a trampoline, shouting while Twilight was trying to read a spell book.

Pinkie Pie: Ahh! I. . . can't... believe. . . the Grand. . . Galloping. . . Gala. . . is. . . tonight!

(Y/N): Yes, Pinkie we know. You've been yelling that nonstop for the past hour.

Twilight Sparkle: And would you please stop shouting, I'm trying to concentrate!

Rarity then comes out of Carousel Boutique and she instantly notices Pinkie jumping up and down on the trampoline and goes over to her.

Rarity: Pinkie Pie! Stop that right now. It's time to prepare for the Gala, and I refuse to let you put on your new dress when you're all sweaty.

Pinkie pouts at that as she broke the laws of physics and just stopped instantly before just landing on the trampoline without jumping back up. Pinkie then walks over to Spike and (Y/N) who were watching Twilight read a book.

Pinkie Pie: What's Twilight doing?

Spike: She's got an awesome magic spell she's been working on for the Gala.

(Y/N): She said that it will involve our transportation to the Gala tonight.

Rarity: Where are the others? It's getting late.

Applejack: Hold your horses, girl. We're here.

Applejack then appears and walks up to the group along with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle: Perfect. I'm ready.

Rainbow Dash: For what?

(Y/N): Watch as you about to witness an amazing spell that Twilight's been practicing to prepare for tonight.

Spike then places an apple down in front of Twilight.

Pinkie Pie: An apple! Are we having pie?

(Y/N): No Pinkie. Just watch.

Twilight then glows her horn and the apple soon grows and turns into a large carriage. Everypony was just amazed by what Twilight did and they all softly cheered for her success attempt.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, but that's just the start. Fluttershy, did you bring your friends?

Fluttershy: Yes.

Four white mice then appeared out of Fluttershy's mane as Fluttershy let them onto the ground.

Fluttershy: Will they be safe, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: You have my word.

Twilight then glows her horn once more and she turns the mice into fancy-looking horses to pull the carriage. The rest of the Mane 7 either cringed or gave weird looks at horse mice as they all thought that they looked very weird like that.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Um. . . horse and mice aren't exactly the best combination. I mean, this isn't some fairy tale like some book I read back on Earth.

Twilight Sparkle: Neat, huh? And don't worry, they'll be mice again at midnight.

Rarity's cat, Opalescence then comes from behind a tree and she notices that the horses faces looked a lot like mice as she smirked and launched herself at them.

Fluttershy: Opalescence, no!

Fluttershy's words fell on deaf ears as Opal sticks her claws onto one of the horse mice and they all got scared and ran away.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait! Come back! Those horses were supposed to pull our carriage. How will we get to the Gala?

Rarity thinks for a second before looking at (Y/N).

Rarity: *sarcastically* Whatever shall we do?

Rarity then looks at (Y/N) once more and when the rest of the mares notice, they realize what Rarity is implying as all eyes were on (Y/N) at this point, making him confused.

(Y/N): What? Why's everypony looking at me?

Rarity: Ahem. (Y/N), could you be a darling and pull the carriage to the Gala please~?

Rarity then bats her eyelashes a few times to try and butter him up and (Y/N) gave a nervous smile while blushing before simply just nodding.

(Y/N): O-Of course.

Twilight Sparkle: Great! Now that we have everything settled out for our plans to get to Grand Galloping Gala, we can all start to prepare ourselves for it.

Applejack: I can't wait for our time there. I'll be selling apples all night it will make ponies stomachs full.

Fluttershy: I just can't wait to be in the garden and meet new animals in there.

Rainbow Dash: When the Wonderbolts see me, I know for sure they will instantly let Rainbow Dash here hang out with them and show them just how awesome she is.

Rarity: Once I'm in the Gala, my prince charming will fall for me and treat me like the lady of which I am.

Pinkie Pie: I hope the dance floor will be exactly what I asked for! An open space where everypony is dancing, laughing, and smiling, and me! Pinkie Pie will join in on all of the fun!

Twilight Sparkle: When I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala, I hope to see Princess Celestia, we have so much to catch up on from everything I've told her about at my stay here in Ponyville. (Thoughts) And if I'm lucky. . .

Twilight looks at (Y/N) in the corner of her eye and giggles to herself a little while blushing.

Twilight Sparkle: (Thoughts) I'll be able to have a dance with (Y/N).

Rarity: Say (Y/N), you never had any big expectations for the Grand Galloping Gala, why's that?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Isn't there anything you want the most while you there?

(Y/N): Not really. The only thing that I want at my time at the Grand Galloping Gala is to just enjoy the experience. That's the only thing I want at my time at the Grand Galloping Gala.

Twilight Sparkle: Really? Well, in that case we're all going to for sure have the greatest night tonight at the Grand Galloping Gala.

Pinkie Pie: Yay! This will be the best night ever!

Rainbow Dash: You took the words right out of my mouth, Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie: Really? I didn't know you could directly take words out of ponies mouths. Wait, does that means words are edible?

Everypony just laughs at Pinkie's silliness.

(Y/N): Well girls, you all go ahead and get your dresses ready, I'll go back to my house and get my suit ready for the gala.

Applejack: Alrighty then, we'll see you in a few, sugarcube.

(Y/N): I'll see you girls when I get back.

A little while later, (Y/N) returned to his house and he was currently looking at himself in a mirror and he was straightening up his mane and tail.

(Y/N): *sighs* I know they all have pretty high hopes for getting what they want at the Grand Galloping Gala, but I remember Princess Celestia telling me that it won't be anything we will be expecting.

(Y/N) then get's a determined look.

(Y/N): Everypony at the Grand Galloping Gala will see that tonight will be different, and it's up to me to make that happen.

As (Y/N) was finished cleaning himself up a bit, he puts on his suit and straightens it out to look as neat as possible. He then puts his hat on and looks at himself in the mirror one last time before confirming that he's ready.

(Y/N): You're looking cool, (Y/N). Looking cool. It's time to give your friends the event of a lifetime at the Grand Galloping Gala.

(Y/N) then walks out of his house and he notices that the sun is nearly setting.

(Y/N): It's almost night, the Gala will be opening shortly. The girls must be ready by now.

(Y/N) flies on over back to Carousel Boutique and he opens the door to go inside.

(Y/N): Hey girls, I'm ready.

Rarity: Over here darling.

(Y/N) turned to where Rarity voiced called out and he stopped in his tracks to see the mares in their dresses that made them look absolutely beautiful.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Whoa! They all look so. . . beautiful!

When the Mane 6 see (Y/N) in his Gala suit they all had blushes on their faces just by looking at him.

Mane 6: (Thoughts) He looks so handsome in that suit.

(Y/N): So what do you girls think about my suit?

Rarity: It was just what I expecting to see, darling. You look so handsome.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Like super duper handsome!

(Y/N): Thanks and you all look very beautiful in your outfits as well.

The Mane 6 blush once more at (Y/N)'s compliment.

Applejack: Aw, shucks sugarcube.

Twilight Sparkle: Th-Thank you (Y/N).

(Y/N): So, is everyone ready?

Fluttershy: I am.

Rainbow Dash: You bet!

(Y/N): Alright then, let's get moving. The Grand Galloping Gala is waiting for us.

The Mane 7 then leave the clothing store and they all walk up to the carriage that they were going to ride in. (Y/N) walks up to the door and opens it for the mares.

(Y/N): Ladies first.

Rarity: Oh my, such a gentleman.

The mares each walk inside of the carriage one by one and after they were all inside, (Y/N) closes the door and approaches the front of the carriage to pull on it to the Gala. Spike then approaches him and he was wearing a suit as well.

Spike: So. . . uh. . . where do I sit?

(Y/N): You can ride on my back if you want to Spike.

Spike: You sure? I don't want to put too much pressure on you.

(Y/N): I'll be fine. It's not like I'm carrying the carriage anyways. I'm just pulling it.

Spike: Okay, if you say so.

Spike then hops on (Y/N)'s back and seeing that everypony was ready, he walks off to pull the carriage all the way to Canterlot.

Spike: You know, I've got to show you and our friends a lot in Canterlot. I planned out my insider tour for them.

(Y/N): Really? Like what?

Spike: I've gotta show Rarity the crown jewels, and Applejack the Princess's golden apple tree. And I've got to show Pinkie my favorite donut shop.

(Y/N): Well, you'll have to see what they want to do once we get there, buddy.

It was a long trip and it was finally nighttime, but they all eventually made to Canterlot and (Y/N) stopped the carriage in front of the entrance and Spike jumped off him.

Spike: Dude, how are you not tired?

(Y/N): You're talking to the same alicorn who has enough stamina to fly or walk to patrol all of Ponyville all day.

Spike: Okay, point taken.

(Y/N) then goes and opens the carriage door for the mares again as they all step out of it.

Rarity: Thank you so much for pulling us all the way here (Y/N).

(Y/N): Not a problem at all, Rarity.

The Mane 7 then all walk up to the front gate of Canterlot.

Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe we're finally here. With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this. . . The Best Night Ever!

♪ At the Gala ♪

Choir: ♪ At the Gala ♪

Fluttershy: ♪ At the Gala ♪

♪ In the garden ♪

♪ I'm going to see them all ♪

♪ All the creatures ♪

♪ I'll befriend them at the Gala ♪

Choir: ♪ At the Gala ♪

Fluttershy: ♪ All the birdies ♪

♪ And the critters ♪

♪ They will love me big and small ♪

♪ We'll become good friends forever ♪

♪ Right here at the Gala! ♪

Choir: ♪ All our dreams will come true ♪

♪ Right here at the Gala ♪

♪ At the Gala ♪

Applejack: ♪ At the Gala (It's amazing) ♪

♪ I will sell them (Better hurry) ♪

♪ All my appletastic treats (Yummy yummy) ♪

♪ Hungry ponies (They'll be snacking) ♪

♪ They will buy them (Bring your money) ♪

♪ Caramel apples, apple sweets (Gimme some) ♪

♪ And I'll earn a lot of money ♪

♪ for the Apple family! ♪

Choir: ♪ All our dreams and our hopes from now until hereafter ♪

♪ All that we've been wishing for will happen at the Gala ♪

♪ At the Gala ♪

Rarity: ♪ At the Gala ♪

♪ All the royals ♪

♪ They will meet fair Rarity ♪

♪ They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala ♪

Choir: ♪ At the Gala ♪

Rarity: ♪ I will find him ♪

♪ My Prince Charming ♪

♪ And how gallant he will be ♪

♪ He will treat me like a lady ♪

♪ Tonight at the Gala! ♪

Choir: ♪ This is what we've waited for to have the best night ever ♪

♪ Each of us will live our dreams ♪

♪ Tonight at the Gala ♪

♪ At the Gala ♪

Rainbow Dash: ♪ Been dreamin' ♪

♪ I've been waitin' ♪

♪ To fly with those great ponies ♪

♪ The Wonderbolts, their daring tricks ♪

♪ Spinning 'round and having kicks ♪

♪ Perform for crowds of thousands ♪

♪ They'll shower us with diamonds ♪

♪ The Wonderbolts will see me right here at the Gala! ♪

Choir: ♪ All we've longed for ♪

♪ All we've dreamed ♪

♪ Our happy ever after ♪

♪ Finally will all come true ♪

♪ Right here at the Grand Gala ♪

♪ At the Gala ♪

Pinkie Pie: ♪ I am here at the Grand Gala ♪

♪ For it is the best party ♪

♪ But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Pinkie ♪

♪ For I am the best at parties, all the ponies will agree ♪

♪ Ponies playing ♪

♪ Ponies dancing ♪

♪ With me at the Grand Gala! ♪

Choir: ♪ Happiness and laughter at the Gala ♪

♪ At the Gala ♪

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ At the Gala (At the Gala) ♪

♪ With the Princess (With the Princess) ♪

♪ Is where I'm going to be (She will be) ♪

♪ We will talk all about magic and what I've learned and seen (She will see) ♪

♪ It is going to be so special ♪

♪ As she takes time just for me (This will be the best night ever!) ♪

Choir: ♪ Into the Gala we must go ♪

♪ We're ready now, we're all aglow ♪

♪ Into the Gala, let's go in and have the best night ever ♪

♪ Into the Gala, now's the time ♪

♪ We're ready and we look divine! ♪

Choir and Fluttershy: ♪ Into the Gala ♪

Fluttershy: ♪ Meet new friends ♪

Choir and Applejack: ♪ Into the Gala ♪

Applejack: ♪ Sell some apples ♪

Choir and Rarity: ♪ Into the Gala ♪

Rarity: ♪ Find my Prince ♪

Choir and Rainbow Dash: ♪ Prove I'm great ♪

Rainbow Dash: ♪ As a Wonderbolt is ♪

Fluttershy: ♪ To meet! ♪

Applejack: ♪ To sell! ♪

Rarity: ♪ To find! ♪

Rainbow Dash: ♪ To prove! ♪

Pinkie Pie: ♪ To whoop! ♪

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ To talk! ♪

Choir and Mane 6: ♪ Into the Gala ♪

♪ Into the Gala ♪

♪ And we'll have the best night ever! ♪

♪ At the Gala! ♪

With the song being done, Spike then decides to slide in.

Spike: Yeah! This is gonna be the best night ever. You know why? 'Cause we're all gonna spend time at the Gala to-

The Mane 6 then rush off to where ever their desires are and left both Spike and (Y/N) behind.

Spike: Or not.

(Y/N): Hey, no worries Spike. We all want to do what we want to do first, but don't worry we'll come back and spend some time with you.

(Y/N) then walks off into the Gala and Spike then get's a conflicted look on what his is supposed to do now.

In the middle of the entrance hall, Twilight ran towards and up some steps to find Princess Celestia and she was extremely excited to see her.

Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia!

Princess Celestia: Twilight! It is so lovely to see my star student.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I'm so excited to be here! We have so much to catch up on.

Princess Celestia: Well, I want you right by my side the entire evening, so we'll have plenty of time together.

Twilight then walks up next to the Princess with a big smile on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: That's just what I was hoping you'd say.

As Rarity walks in, she instantly gasps to see a unicorn stallion with light brilliant arctic blue eyes, a light gray coat, a light amber mane and tail, his Cutie Mark was a compass rose he was wearing a blue bowtie with his suit along with a flower on the right side of it.

Rarity then runs, but slows her pace just a little bit.

Rarity: Hurry, Rarity. . . oh, but not too fast. But don't wanna lose him. . . wait! Have to play it cool. Oh, but don't be cold! I can't lose him, I can't! He's everything I imagined!

When Rarity looks at Prince Blueblood once more, his mane flows in the wind, he was holding a rose on his teeth and he gave a charming smile.

Rarity: Even better than I imagined!

A stray meadowlark bird was flying out in the garden which Fluttershy instantly notices.

Fluttershy: Oh my! A meadowlark!

Fluttershy follows the stray meadowlark into the private gardens and she then hears it whistle.

Fluttershy: I think she's calling to me. It's exactly what I wished for!

Fluttershy then vocalizes the same melody that the meadowlark gave and it instantly whistle the same melody back once more.

Applejack was pushing a cart around outside and she looks around and sees that it looks to be just the right place for her to set it up with the right amount of people around. Applejack then bucks the cart and it opens up to reveal a food stand filled with all sorts of apple-themed foods. A Wonderbolt named Soarin then approaches Applejack's food stand.

Applejack: Howdy, partner! You hungry?

Soarin: As a horse!

Applejack: Well, what'cha hankering for? Caramel apple? Apple pie? Apple fritter? Apple fries?

Soarin: I'll take that big apple pie!

Applejack gives Soarin exactly what he wants as he also paid Applejack the bits for it.

Applejack: Well, thank you kindly, sir!

Applejack then cheers to herself about getting her first customer.

Applejack: Yee-haw! In the first minute, I made my first sale. Just like I expected.

Soarin goes with his apple pie to the V.I.P. section where the other Wonderbolts were and was approached by their leader Spitfire.

Spitfire: Always hungry after a show. Eh, Soarin?

Soarin: Heh. Yeah!

Soarin then accidentally drops his apple pie which made him gasp.

Soarin: My pie!

Rainbow Dash sees this and she instantly flew into action and she grabbed the pie before it could hit the ground which made Soarin relieved.

Soarin: You saved it. Thanks.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, no prob.

Rainbow Dash hands Soarin his pie back and Spitfire then approaches her.

Spitfire: Hey! I know you. You're the pony that saved us in Cloudsdale and won The Best Flyer Competition.

Rainbow Dash: Hay yeah! Name's Rainbow Dash.

Spitfire: Well, Rainbow Dash. Looks like your skills saved us again. Oh, well, at least they saved Soarin's apple pie.

Soarin agrees to that as he was eating his pie very nosily and messy.

Spitfire: Wanna come hang out with us?

Rainbow Dash: Sure. Why not?

Rainbow Dash follows Spitfire to the V.I.P. section to where the other Wonderbolts are and she get's an excited look on her face.

Rainbow Dash: I'm. . . hanging. . . with the. . . Wonderbolts! *squeals and giggles*

In the ballroom, Pinkie Pie sees it and she was instantly excited from what she saw next.

Pinkie Pie: The shiny dance floor. . . the pretty party ponies. . . ooh, the fancy band... shiny! Pretty! Fancy! . . .GOTTA DANCE!

Pinkie then starts to happily hop all over around the place while singing.

Pinkie Pie: I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala, ♪

♪ I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala, ♪

♪ I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala, ♪

♪ It's all I ever dreamed, woo hoo! ♪

♪ It's all I ever dreamed, yippee! ♪

♪ I'm at the Grand Galloping GalaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA! ♪

When Pinkie stops singing, she then realizes that all of the attention that she was currently getting was far more strict and stern than she had anticipated, and she then awkwardly lowers her voice.

Pinkie Pie: It's all I've ever. . . dreamed?

In another location, (Y/N) was currently walking around a corridor filled with with many noble ponies and all he sees is exactly what he expected. They were all just simply talking to each other about their high class stuff.

(Y/N): I see. . . so this is what Princess Celestia was talking about.

As (Y/N) was walking around, a random mare then notices him and gasps.

Random Mare: Everypony, look! It's him! The male alicorn!

This got everypony in that was in the room's attention and all of their eyes were now on (Y/N) which gave him a worried look.

(Y/N): Oh, boy.

Everypony in the room instantly walks up to (Y/N) and starts bombarding him with questions.

Random Stallion: Mister (Y/N), how exactly did you become an alicorn?

(Y/N): No comment.

Random Mare: Mister (Y/N), can you show us some of your powers?

(Y/N): Can't happen in this place!

High-Class Mare: Mister (Y/N), are you seeing anyone later tonight?

(Y/N): Please. . . stop! I need to-

The ponies were surrounding (Y/N) at this point as he had no where to run. So instead, (Y/N) glows his horn and he teleports away from the large group which surprised them and he is now outside near the garden.

(Y/N): Phew, that was close. I mean. . . I know I'm the only male alicorn in Equestria, but getting praise from a lot of ponies is not what I came for. I must find my friends and see how they are doing.

(Y/N) then walks off to try and find the rest of his friends to see if they're enjoying the time of their life at the Grand Galloping Gala.

In the royal garden, Rarity is seen smelling a rose until she is approached by her dream pony, Prince Blueblood.

Prince Blueblood: Well, hello. I am Prince Blueblood.

Rarity: I am Rarity.

Rarity then points out the rose that she was sniffing at.

Rarity: Oh, my, what a lovely rose.

Prince Blueblood: You mean. . . this rose?

Prince Blueblood then picks up the rose and Rarity thought at first that he was offering it to her, but she was shocked to see that he thought that she offered it to him as he puts it on the right side of his suit.

Prince Blueblood: Thank you. It goes with my eyes.

Rarity just moans in disappointment as that wasn't what she was expecting at all.

Deeper into the royal garden, Fluttershy was humming the same melody that she heard that meadowlark make earlier as she heard it once again and got an excited look and runs after where the sound was.

Fluttershy: *gasps* My little meadowlark is right around this bend!

Fluttershy then turns a corner, but is shocked to see that the sound that she heard was an elderly stallion groundskeeper named Mr. Greenhooves whistling while he was working.

Fluttershy: Was that you?

Mr. Greenhooves: Yep! I love whistlin' while I work. *whistles*

Fluttershy: Oh! Yes. . . well. . . e-excuse me.

Fluttershy leaves Mr. Greenhooves to his work and when she walks to another location, she sees all sorts of animals which excites her.

Fluttershy: Oh! I see a toco toucan! And a spider monkey! *gasps* And, oh! Is that a wallaroo?

Fluttershy then runs up to the animals, but when they see her, they instantly scurry off which disappoints Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Oh, Fluttershy. You're such a loudmouth.

In the V.I.P. section where Rainbow Dash was with some of the Wonderbolts, she was trying to go and see them by going over some the ponies that were in her way which gave her no luck, so she instead decides to go under two ponies dresses to approach Spitfire.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, Spitfire! You ever done a rain cloud double backflip?

Spitfire couldn't hear Rainbow Dash as she was speaking to another pony, so Rainbow Dash then instead tries to talk to Soarin.

Rainbow Dash: You ever soared past lightning? It's awesome!

Soarin couldn't hear Rainbow Dash either as he went over to talk to some more ponies leaving Rainbow Dash in the crowd. She was not amused by this.

In the main entrance hall, where Princess Celestia and Twilight were above the steps to enter the Gala, many ponies were coming up the steps to greet the Princess and for her to greet them as well.

Princess Celestia: Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Twilight Sparkle: Princess! I've been so excited to spend time with you and-

Princess Celestia: Yes. Me too, Twi- oh, good evening! Welcome to the Gala.

Princess Celestia had no choice, but to give her attention to all of the ponies that were approaching her. She was trying her best to give Twilight some of her attention, but it was no use.

Princess Celestia: Which is why I- ladies! Lovely to see you again.

Twilight Sparkle: *sighs* Looks like getting a chance to talk to the Princess is gonna be a magic trick in itself.

Twilight says this with a disappointed look as she sees the long line of ponies that were on the stairs and it just kept getting longer.

Meanwhile, Applejack was still outside trying to sell her apple foods to anypony.

Applejack: First minute, first sale.

During that first minute, nopony was even paying attention to the food stand.

Applejack: Second. . .

And not even that minute either as it just kept getting longer and longer making Applejack a little impatient.

Applejack: Fourth. . . Sixth. . . Sixtieth minute. . . no sales.

Applejackt then and lays her head on the food table in disappointment.

Applejack: This ain't what I expected at all.

What she didn't know was that (Y/N) was watching her from a distance and he notices Applejack's expression.

(Y/N): Oh no, Applejack. How are none of these ponies hungry for anything that Applejack has to sell? That's just ridiculous. Nopony is even giving her slight attention. I wonder if the others are having better luck.

(Y/N) then teleports to the entrance of the ballroom and he gasped to see that nopony was dancing at all to the fancy music that was playing by the fancy band. . . they were just talking amongst themselves

(Y/N): What the heck?! Does anypony in this room know that a dance floor is supposed to be used for dancing, not mingling?!

(Y/N) then sees Pinkie Pie sitting a table very sad with her head laying down on it.

Pinkie Pie: I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala. . . and it's not what I dreamed.

(Y/N): Poor, Pinkie Pie she's not having fun at all. And if there's one pony I definitely want to see having fun here, it's her. I wonder how Rarity's doing, with this prince.

(Y/N) then glows his horn to try and sense Rarity's energy and he eventually finds it and teleports to where she is from a distance. He sees that Prince Blueblood lays a cushion down and Rarity thought at first that it was going to be hers to sit on, but Prince Blueblood sat on it himself which gives Rarity a shocked look before she puts on a disappointed one.

Rarity: This isn't at all what I imagined.

(Y/N) was simply shocked and he frowned at Prince Blueblood's manners towards Rarity.

(Y/N): That is NOT how you treat a lady at all! What kind of prince is a self-absorbed jerk that thinks that stallions are better than mares?! Somethings telling me that Twilight is probably not having much luck either.

(Y/N) then glows his horn and eventually senses Twilight's energy and teleports to the main entrance hall and from the bottom of the stairs, he was surprised to see such a long line in front of Princess Celestia and he also sees Twilight with a disappointed look as she isn't going to get a chance to talk to the Princess at all.

Twilight Sparkle: This isn't what I hoped.

(Y/N): Poor Twilight, I guess Princess Celestia has her hooves full tonight. I mean do these ponies really have to see her in order to get into the Gala? I don't know, but I need to see how Dash is doing.

(Y/N) glows his horn and senses Rainbow Dash's energy to find her just looking around aimlessly on what to do and he sees the Wonderbolts chatting with others ponies that want to speak to them.

Rainbow Dash: This isn't hanging out.

(Y/N): I guess trying to talk to your idols is not an easy thing to do, especially with this crowd. Sorry, Rainbow. Okay, (Y/N) so that's five ponies, but you know that Fluttershy can't have any trouble with any animals right?

(Y/N) then glows his horn once more to the royal garden to see Fluttershy from a distance and he is shocked to see her trying to interact with any animal that she could find, but no matter what animal she approached, they were all scared off from her running up to them. Fluttershy get's a really sad look from that.

Fluttershy: This isn't what I wished for.

(Y/N): Okay. . . that's just weird. Fluttershy's is harmless with any animal out there and on top of that she can speak to them with that soft voice of hers. Why are all of the animals simply running from her?

(Y/N) then walks out of the royal garden and he get's a confused look on his face.

(Y/N): This just isn't right at all. The Grand Galloping Gala is supposed to be a party for everypony to enjoy and by the looks of everything I've seen, it's just a bunch of arrogant nobles and high-class ponies just talking to themselves about how good they are. Princess Celestia was right, the Grand Galloping is awful.

(Y/N) then turns to a serious look as he looks up at the night sky.

(Y/N): I guess it's up to me to change all of that! Princess Celestia is counting on me! My friends are counting on me! I'm going to give everything I've got to improve the Grand Galloping Gala and make it. . . the best night ever!

(Y/N) then teleports back to the main entrance hall to try and get to Princess Celestia and to his surprise, the line has gotten even longer.

(Y/N): Great. . . this will a huge problem.

(Y/N) then walks to the back of the line with an annoyed look.

(Y/N): It'll be hours by the time I get to see Princess Celestia!

The mare that was currently in front of (Y/N) then turns around and she takes a good look at (Y/N) before letting out a gasp.

Random Mare: Oh my! Are you by chance (Y/N)?! The male alicorn!

(Y/N): Uh. . . yes I am.

Random Mare: Well, whatever are you doing all the way back here?! You are more than enough qualified to speak to the princess! You may take my place sir!

(Y/N): Oh. . . well thank you.

The mare that offered (Y/N)'s spot in line then goes behind (Y/N) allowed him to further advance into the line. (Y/N) then get's an idea and taps the stallion that was in front of him who turns around and he was definitely high class.

High-class Stallion: Yes? Can I help you?

(Y/N): You wouldn't mind letting an alicorn through would you?

(Y/N) shows both his wings and horn by spreading his wings and glowing his horn which makes the stallion jaw drop.

High-class Stallion: M-Mister (Y/N)! N-Not at all!

The stallion then let's (Y/N) take his place in line and soon enough one by one, ponies let (Y/N) through the line to go see Princess Celestia and he eventually makes it to the top of the stairs and sees both Twilight and Princess Celestia in front of him.

Princess Celestia: Well, if isn't the son of my friend, (M/N). It is most delightful to see you here as well (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hello, Princess Celestia. It's great to see you as well.

(Y/N) then looks behind him and the ponies that were in line didn't look to mind (Y/N) talking with Princess Celestia for a prolonged amount of time, so he gestures for the princess to come closer so that he can whisper something to her.

(Y/N): *whispers* I looked all around the Gala, and you were right about it being terrible.

Princess Celestia: *whispers and sighs* Yes, you are correct. (Y/N), are you going to help change all of this?

(Y/N): *whispers* You bet I am. Look, I know some ponies maybe disappointed in you when you do this, but meet me in the ballroom in about an hour.

Princess Celestia nods at that.

Princess Celestia: *whispers* I will do what I can, (Y/N). Whatever you are planning, I can tell it will involve everypony here attending the Gala.

(Y/N): *whispers* You bet it is.

Princess Celestia: *whispers* I'm counting on you.

(Y/N) nods at that as he then walks over to Twilight who witnessed (Y/N)'s conversation with the princess.

Twilight Sparkle: What were you and Princess Celestia talking about (Y/N)? It sounded very serious.

(Y/N): In a way it is. Listen, in an hour I want you to meet me in the ballroom.

Twilight Sparkle: Why's that?

(Y/N): You'll see. It will involve everypony that's currently here at the Gala. I'm about to make this night, the best night ever.

Twilight was a little surprised at that statement, but she nodded as (Y/N) teleports away. Twilight then continues to go with the flow with Princess Celestia and she greets everypony with her.

(Y/N) then teleports to the royal garden and he sees Fluttershy walking with a sad look on her face as he approaches her.

(Y/N): Hey, Fluttershy. Not having any luck with the animals, huh?

Fluttershy: *sighs* Nope. I don't understand why they won't come out. I just want to be their friend. I feel that maybe I'm being a little too clingy to them.

(Y/N) then looks around where they are and sees some animals peeking out, but not coming out. He then puts his hoof on his chin for a second before getting an idea as he puts his hoof on Fluttershy's back which prompts her to look at him.

(Y/N): Don't worry Fluttershy, you're about to make some new friends right now. Leave it to me.

(Y/N) then walks forward and he takes a deep breath before he glows his horn and after a minute, what happened next surprised Fluttershy. (Y/N) was using his horn to create a peaceful melody of specific peaceful woodland animal noises that were in the garden.

A tiny little bird then flies near the two as (Y/N) puts his hoof out for it to land on it, which it does. Soon enough, some squirrels came out and ran up to the two and so did some bunnies. Fluttershy let out a huge smile at what (Y/N) was doing as he kept it up and soon enough, many animals came out of hiding which included some birds, monkeys, bunnies, and even more critters as they were all now surrounding the two. A tiny little squirrel then approaches Fluttershy which she was amazed by and she pets it which it liked. Fluttershy looks at (Y/N) with amazement as (Y/N) winks at Fluttershy which she blushes at. The same meadowlark that Fluttershy followed into the garden lands on her head which she was amazed by. (Y/N) then stops the melody that he creating and all of the animals were comfortable being around both of them and they weren't running away.

(Y/N): I have a feeling that you'll be making a ton of new friends now, Fluttershy. . . Fluttershy?

(Y/N) looked to see Fluttershy just giving him a huge smile as she had tears of joy in her eyes and she hugs him tightly and rubs her cheeks on (Y/N)'s.

Fluttershy: Oh, thank you! Thank you so much, (Y/N)! You gave me exactly what I imagined here at the Gala and made it happen!

(Y/N): *chuckles* Not a problem at all Fluttershy. I just couldn't stand seeing you sad and all alone out here. I'd do anything to make you happy.

Fluttershy then breaks the hug with a small blush on her face.

Fluttershy: Thank you (Y/N), you truly made this the best night ever for me.

(Y/N): Exactly what I want to hear. Anyways, while you enjoy your time with all of this critters, I need to tell you something Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: What is it?

(Y/N): Meet me in the ballroom in about 50 minutes, okay? There's something I'm going to announce to everypony at the Gala.

Fluttershy simply nods at that and (Y/N) then teleports away. A bird then lands in front of Fluttershy and tweets something to her that made her grow an even bigger blush than she had before.

Fluttershy: Oh! N-N-N-No! He's not my boyfriend.

However, Fluttershy then has a little romantic thought about (Y/N).

Fluttershy: (Thoughts) At least not yet. (Y/N) is just so amazing, I can't my heart from beating just by thinking about him.

(Y/N) then teleports to where Applejack was with her apple food stand and approaches her who had a bored look.

(Y/N): Hey, Applejack. How's the selling going?

Applejack: I can't say that it's going well. I mean look around.

(Y/N) looks to see many ponies outside near Applejack's food stand and they're not even paying the slightest attention to it.

Applejack: It's like either no ponies hungry or they just straight up don't like apples. I mean which is it?!

A high-class mare then approaches (Y/N) who had somewhat of an English accent in her voice.

High-class Mare: Dear, I wouldn't eat any of those uh. . . icky common carnival fare dishes. They are simply not a proper selection for any of us in royalty.

As the high-class mare walks away, (Y/N) just simply sighs and rolls his eyes while Applejack just glares at her.

Applejack: Well, no wonder nopony wants my food. They're fillin' up on those fancy-schmancy vittles. Well, my down-home apples are plenty good enough for this crowd

(Y/N) then got an idea in his head as he turned to Applejack with a determined look.

(Y/N): And we're gonna prove it to them!

Applejack: What? How?

(Y/N): You'll see, just follow my lead.

Applejack: Uh, (Y/N). . . ya sure this is going to work?

(Y/N): I'm not a hundred percent sure, but most likely.

What (Y/N) and Applejack did was take a long table with some large cloths over them and on the table, instead of fritters and candy apples, there were slices of apples and slices of apple pies on plates. They even had a sign that said "Grand Galloping Gala Apples for 3 Bits each." Applejack was also holding a bell with her mouth.

Applejack: Ah mean ah know this ain't mah style, but ya sure this here is what they'll want?

(Y/N): They want class, so we'll give them class. Now go ahead and ring the bell.

Applejack sighs as she does just that and everypony that was currently walking in the area turned towards the table and they were all instantly intrigued by it.

Random Stallion: Oh, my. What wonderful looking desserts.

Random Mare: Oh, well this is something I wasn't expecting to be an extra accessory to the Gala.

High-Class Mare: Grand Galloping Gala Apples? Well, let's give them a try shall we?

Soon enough the ponies that were outside formed a line in front of the table which made (Y/N) smile and Applejack simply jaw dropped at all of the amount of customers that she was getting now. A first pony that was currently in line was ironically the same high-class mare that spoke to (Y/N) earlier.

(Y/N): What can we offer you tonight ma'am?

High-Class Mare: This assortment of such. . . class is a masterpiece. I believe that I shall take this one plate of an apple slice.

(Y/N): No problem, that will be three bits.

The mare then gives the exact amount of bits that were needed to pay and she walks off with her so-called high class dessert. (Y/N) then turned to Applejack who was just dumbfounded about how everything escalated so quickly, but the look soon turns to a smile as she turns to (Y/N) and she hugged him.

Applejack: Thanks a ton, sugarcube! Ya have no idea how happy ya just made me right now!

(Y/N): No problem at all, Applejack.

Applejack then breaks the hug with a small blush on her face.

Applejack: I'm serious though. . . thanks. You just made this the best night ever for me.

(Y/N): And that's exactly how I want it to be for you and all of our friends.

Applejack: Ah don't what we would do without ya, sugarcube.

(Y/N): Beats me. It probably would be the worst night ever. Anyways, you should get back to work.

Applejack then turns around to see some ponies waiting for her service as she gasps and instantly rushes back to the front of the table.

Applejack: Sorry 'bout the wait. What can I give ya tonight mister?

Random Stallion: I believe I shall take this slice of apple pie.

Applejack then hands it to the stallion as he pays his proper bits as well. (Y/N) then approaches Applejack to tell her something.

(Y/N): I don't know if you'll be busy or not, but I need you to meet me in the ballroom in about 30 minutes.

Applejack: Why's that?

(Y/N): I'm going to announce something later and it will be big for all of the ponies attending the Grand Galloping Gala.

Applejack: Alright, I'll try mah best, but no promises.

(Y/N): Hey, if you at least try, that's more than good enough for me.

Applejack nods as she get's back to work selling some of her apple foods at the table and (Y/N) then leaves to go and try and find the other members of the Mane 7.

(Y/N): Three down. Three to go. I think it's time I teach this Blueblood character a lesson in respect to mares. Especially mares like Rarity.

Rarity and Prince Blueblood were walking towards a door and when they both stopped at the door, Prince Blueblood gestures his head at the door.

Prince Blueblood: If you wouldn't mind Miss Rarity, a prince would need to pass through first.

Rarity: Oh, no, no, no. I believe that you mean that a lady would need to pass through first.

Prince Blueblood gave a slightly annoyed look to Rarity and does the exact same gesture.

Prince Blueblood: I believe that you heard me the first time. I am in need of the door being hold by somepony like you.

Rarity was getting impatient with Prince Blueblood as she glares at him.

Rarity: I'm sorry, but what?! Clearly I am in need of the door being held by you! You're the prince that needs to hold the door for a lady like myself.

Prince Blueblood: *gasps* Excuse me?! Very well, if you believe that, I shall no longer be giving you my attention. Hmph!

Prince Blueblood turns his head away from Rarity which just straight up irritates her, but she decides to just give in and she opens the door.

Rarity: Fine. There you go.

Prince Blueblood: Thank you, Miss Rarity.

However, just as soon as Prince Blueblood was just about to walk through, somepony's hoof instantly grabs the knob and slams the door back shut which surprises both of them and they both look to their right to see (Y/N) with an serious look on his face.

Rarity: (Y/N)?

Prince Blueblood: Just who are you to slam a door in front of a prince's face like that?! What is your problem?

(Y/N): I'll tell you my problem! You don't know how to treat a lady!

Prince Blueblood: Treat a lady? Why I am treating the lady exactly how she should be treated. She's the one clearly who need to know that she is not being the proper lady to a prince like myself.

(Y/N) glares at Prince Blueblood when he said that.

(Y/N): I don't know what lessons you took in having manners pal, but you need to know that the stallion is the one who needs to act chivalrous for his mare.

Prince Blueblood: Hmph. As if you are at my level in any way, peasant.

(Y/N): As a matter of fact, I am.

(Y/N) then spread his wings out a little bit and Prince Blueblood goes wide eyed for a second to see that (Y/N) is an alicorn and he recognizes who he is and scoffs.

Prince Blueblood: Oh, I see. You're (Y/N). The so-called, "Hero of Ponyville" an uncouth town with a ton of peasants such as yourself.

Rarity then glares at Prince Blueblood when he said that as she also lives in Ponyville.

(Y/N): Hey! Watch your mouth! I'll have you know that Ponyville is the greatest town that I live in. And the ponies down there are way more than just peasants!

Prince Blueblood: Says the peasant who just closed a door in a prince's face.

(Y/N): Yeah! Let Rarity go first! She's the one who expected to see you and treat her like the lady that she is!

Prince Blueblood: *laughs* That's ridiculous. Who in all of Equestria would expect me to do that for a mare?

(Y/N) and Rarity simply jaw dropped in shock when he said that.

(Y/N): HER! ANYPONY! What kind of prince are you?! To me you just seem so self-centered and arrogant that you just want to make yourself look like the bigger pony and wants to be treated with nothing, but royalty!

Prince Blueblood: I could say the same thing to you. You clearly aren't fit to be an alicorn with your attitude. Your probably one of the dumbest, and most uncouth ponies I have ever met. Actually, as a matter of fact, you're the only one considering your an alicorn. A stupid peasant alicorn at that.

(Y/N) gave an angry look to that, as he wanted to give Blueblood a piece of his mind, but he knows that he can't in a place like this.

Prince Blueblood: Now if we are done here, if you wouldn't mind Miss Rarity.

Prince Blueblood was waiting for the door to be opened for him, but there was no action what so ever.

Prince Blueblood: Miss Rarity?

Prince Blueblood looked at Rarity and he was shocked to see that Rarity had an angry look at him as well, but it was even more angry than (Y/N)'s as he noticed Rarity's angry expression and was surprised as Rarity growls at him.

Rarity: You, sir, are the most UNCHARMING prince I have EVER MET! In fact, the only thing royal about you is that you are a ROYAL PAIN!

Prince Blueblood was speechless of what Rarity just said as she continues to berate him.

Rarity: I've never seen such unchivalrousy in my life! And on top of that, you insult my friend (Y/N) here! He is TEN times a chivalrous pony than you will ever be! I would never have dreamed to meet a stallion like yourself! Your not a prince, you're some. . . COWARLDY MULE!

(Y/N) was surprised by Rarity's outburst, but he smiles that Rarity is defending him. Prince Blueblood was just straight up shocked by Rarity as she was breathing heavily after that huge outburst. Rarity eventually calms down and just walks right beside (Y/N) and he just gives a smirk at Blueblood and he just turns the opposite way of the door while glaring at both of them from the corner of his eye.

Prince Blueblood: Very well, I shall find another worthy lady to escort me in the Gala. Enjoy your uncouth peasant, Miss Rarity. It was fun while it lasted.

(Y/N): I am not a peasant!

As Prince Blueblood walks away and is no longer in sight, (Y/N) and Rarity then face each other as they both smile at each other.

(Y/N): Thanks for defending my word like that Rarity.

Rarity: Darling, I should be thanking you. You showed that. . . scoundrel, that he's nothing compared to anything like you are.

(Y/N): Aw, thanks Rarity.

Both (Y/N) and Rarity shared a hug with one another for a little bit before breaking it.

(Y/N): Well, as I said when I was bringing you six here, ladies first.

(Y/N) then opens the door for Rarity which she blushes and giggles at and she walks through and (Y/N) walks through after her.

Rarity: (Y/N), would you like to. . . spend the rest of the Gala with me?

(Y/N): I would love to Rarity, but I have something that I need to do and also I want you meet me in the ballroom in about 20 minutes.

Rarity: Really? What for?

(Y/N): I've got an announcement to make to everypony at the Gala. Can you do that for me?

Rarity: Of course, darling. I'll be there for sure.

(Y/N): Alright then, why don't you go and enjoy anything else that you like in the Gala while I go find our other friends.

Rarity nods as she goes and does just that and (Y/N) then goes to find Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was still trying to get the Wonderbolts attention by trying to impress them in any way that she can, but it was no use and other ponies were just conversing with them in some places.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on! How hard is it to speak with just ONE Wonderbolt?!

(Y/N) then approaches Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): Hey, Dash.

Rainbow Dash then turns to (Y/N) slightly surprised.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N)? What are you doing here? Did the Wonderbolts let you in here as well?

(Y/N): Nah, they just automatically let me in since I was just. . . myself. If you know what I mean?

Rainbow Dash: Oh, right? Male alicorn, Hero of Ponyville, all of that stuff.

(Y/N): So. . . any luck with the Wonderbolts?

Rainbow Dash: Did you see me speaking with one of them when you got here?

(Y/N) simply rolls his eyes at that.

(Y/N): Okay, point taken wise one.

Rainbow Dash: I have no idea what's the problem though, they asked me to hang out with them and here I am trying to hold a conversation with at least one of them, but it's no use at all.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Hmm. . . this is a tough one.

(Y/N) put his hoof up to his chin to think of something and he looks all around for something that can for sure get Rainbow Dash to speak with the Wonderbolts. He then spots something nearby and then get's a look of "are you serious" and looks at Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): Dash, how exactly did you try and meet one of Wonderbolts?

Rainbow Dash: I just simply tried to go up and talk to them, why?

(Y/N) then points to somewhere nearby and Rainbow Dash sees a line.

Rainbow Dash: Um. . . why are you pointing at that long line of ponies?

(Y/N): Look to where it leads to.

Rainbow Dash follows the line to where it leads to and when she finally sees where it ends up, she goes wide-eyed to see that it not only lead to the Wonderbolts, but there was also a sign that said, "Meet and Greet with The Wonderbolts; Breaks every 20 minutes."

Rainbow Dash: Ohhhh. *nervous chuckle*

(Y/N): You didn't even bother to even look?

Rainbow Dash blushes and rubs the back of her head in embarrassment that she overlooked something so obvious.

(Y/N): *sighs* Not that it matters now. How about you and I go and see the Wonderbolts together?

Rainbow Dash: Sure, that sounds awesome!

(Y/N) and Rainbow Dash then go into the line in order to meet the Wonderbolts. It took about 10 minutes and they finally were able to make it as they were now able to speak to both Soarin and Spitfire.

Spitfire: Hey there Rainbow Dash. I see you finally got in the line to meet us. What took you so long?

Rainbow Dash: Uh. . . well. . . let's just say I had some. . . oversights.

Spitfire: *chuckles* No worries. Also, who's this guy right beside you? Is he your boyfriend?

Rainbow Dash and (Y/N) blush when Spitfire said that.

(Y/N): No! No! No! We're just friends! We're not dating!

Rainbow Dash: Uh, y-yeah what he said.

Spitfire: Heh, heh sure. Anyways Rainbow Dash that sonic rainboom of yours was pretty amazing.

Rainbow Dash: Really? You think so?

Spitfire: Well, of course. We all thought that it just some tale, but you made the impossible, possible. Isn't that right Soarin?

Soarin: Yeah! It was just so awesome that I couldn't believe my eyes.

Spitfire: Well, we were out cold for almost the whole time that it happened, remember?

Soarin: Oh, yeah that's right.

(Y/N): You know, Rainbow Dash here says that she actually wants to become a Wonderbolt herself one day.

Spitfire: Really now?

Rainbow Dash: I actually have no choice, but to agree with that. I always dreamed of becoming a Wonderbolt on the team.

Spitfire: Well, then you just might be more than qualified to actually train in order to get to our level of being Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash: What are the most cool tricks you have done in the Wonderbolts?! Have you ever done a rain cloud double backflip?! Or ever soared past lightning?!

Rainbow Dash at this point was getting to excited as (Y/N) rolled his eyes and covered her mouth.

(Y/N): Calm down, Dash. Anyways, I think it best if you guys just answered the first one?

Spitfire: Well to answer your question, we did do this one trick years ago for all of Equestria to see, but we took it out due to it being too much for Soarin to handle that one time we were practicing.

Soarin: *shudders* I honestly don't want to even think about it.

Spitfire: It was kind of similar to your sonic rainboom, but we decided to call it, The Thunderclap. We all tried weeks and weeks to pull it off, but it ended up with Soarin getting a broken wing, so we scrapped it.

Rainbow Dash: Whoa! I kind of want to see it now! T-The attempts at doing it I mean, not the broken wing part!

Spitfire: *chuckles* Yeah, well it was nice speaking to you two. I hope we actually run into each other again soon.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Me too!

(Y/N): Likewise.

(Y/N) and Rainbow Dash then walked back onto the carpet and Rainbow Dash was just so happy that she just started hopping up and down.

Rainbow Dash: Oh my gosh! I actually got to have a conversation with the Wonderbolts and on top of that, they said that my sonic rainboom was amazing!

(Y/N): Yes. I know, I was there.

Rainbow Dash then hugs (Y/N) which surprised him but he returns it.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N), thanks a bunch! You just made this the. Best. Night. Ever!

(Y/N): *chuckles* Well, I'm very glad. Anyways, can I ask you something?

Rainbow Dash: Sure, why not?

(Y/N): I need you to meet me in the ballroom in 10 minutes.

Rainbow Dash: Um. . . why?

(Y/N): There's something I need to announce to everypony here. So, I may need your support for it.

Rainbow Dash: Alright. No prob. Count me in.

(Y/N): Okay, I'll see you in a little bit Dash.

Back at the main entrance hall, Princess Celestia was almost done trying to greet ponies as Twilight was still waiting patiently, but her hoof was a little sore from shaking a lot of ponies hooves. (Y/N) then approaches both of them from behind her and the princess.

(Y/N): Psst.

Twilight turns to see (Y/N) and she walks up to him.

(Y/N): It's only 5 minutes prior to what I'm about to do, are you ready?

Twilight Sparkle: I guess so. Is it really that important that you have to say it to everypony in the Gala?

(Y/N): Yeah. So in 5 minutes, tell the princess that it's time and bring her to the ballroom.

Twilight nods at that.

Twilight Sparkle: Will do.

(Y/N) then walks away and towards the ballroom as he was ready to give his big speech to all of Canterlot.

(Y/N): Okay. . . you got this (Y/N). You're about to show everypony, the true meaning of what the Grand Galloping Gala should be. I just hope this doesn't kill my entire reputation as the heroic male alicorn.

Twenty minutes prior to when (Y/N) was going to enter into the ballroom, Pinkie Pie was standing in the middle of it trying to figure out how she could have some fun in the Gala and she get's an idea as she rushes up to the stage where the ponies were playing fancy music and she whispers something to each of them before going up to a microphone and announces something to all that was in the ballroom.

Pinkie Pie: C'mon, everypony! I know what will make you shake those groove-thangs!

The ponies in the ballroom gave their attention to Pinkie as they all were surprised at what she was implying. Pinkie then started to sing and the fancy band played the exact song that she requested.

(A/N): Just pretend that the events aren't happening in the video.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ You reach your right hoof in ♪

♪ You reach your right hoof out ♪

♪ You reach your right hoof in ♪

♪ And you shake it all about ♪

♪ You do the Pony Pokey meeting lots of folks with clout ♪

♪ That's what I'm talking about ♪

♪ You step your left hoof in ♪

♪ You pull it right back out ♪

♪ You step your left hoof in ♪

♪ But you better help him out ♪

♪ You do the Pony Pokey but should find a different route ♪

♪ That's what it's all about ♪

♪ You kick your back left in ♪

♪ You pull your back left out ♪

♪ You reach your back left in ♪

♪ Just be brave and have no doubt ♪

♪ You do the Pony Pokey feeling like you're gonna pout ♪

♪ That's what I'm singing about ♪

♪ You tilt your head in ♪

♪ You tilt your head out ♪

♪ You tilt your head in ♪

♪ Then you shake it all about ♪

♪ You do the Pony Pokey even though your date's a lout ♪

♪ You're better off without ♪

♪ You stomp your whole self in ♪

♪ You stomp your whole self out ♪

♪ You stomp your whole self in ♪

♪ And you stomp yourself about ♪

♪ You do the Pony Pokey and you give a little shout ♪

♪ That's what I'm talking about ♪

♪ You do the Pony Pokey ♪

♪ You do the Pony Pokey ♪

♪ You do the Pony Pokey ♪

♪ And that's what it's all about ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

Everypony in the ballroom was glaring at Pinkie about her song and a pony named Lyrica Lilac decides to speak about Pinkie's behavior in the Gala.

Lyrica Lilac: Young lady, this is not "that" kind of party.

Pinkie Pie goes wide-eyed at that then has a sad look on her face from that. . . that is until a familiar voice shout out to everyone in the ballroom.

???: I beg to differ!

Everypony in the ballroom then turns around and they all look at who just entered the ballroom and they all gasped to see an alicorn with a serious look on his face, and that alicorn was none other than (Y/N).

Lyrica Lilac: Oh my! It's him! The male alicorn!

In an instant, everypony excluding Pinkie Pie then surrounded (Y/N) and tried to ask him so many questions and he was just trying to push his way through.

(Y/N): No! Stop! Stand back! No questions! Get out of my way!

Those words fell on deaf ears as everypony didn't stop surrounding him which irritated (Y/N). He tried and tried so hard to get through, but it was no use as the ponies kept pushing him back. With that, (Y/N) then loses it as his eyes glowed slightly (F/C) and he puts some magic energy into his hoof before he slams it down onto the floor which created a massive booming sound in the room which made everypony gasp.


Everypony that was currently surrounding (Y/N) did just that as they had shocked looks on their faces from (Y/N)'s outburst. (Y/N) then walks to the stage and jumps onto it as he then faces everypony in the ballroom as they were all now giving him his undivided attention.

(Y/N): I have something to say about this Gala and about everypony who is attending it here in Canterlot! And that is you all are simply making this ENTIRE Gala awful.

Everypony gasps at what (Y/N) just said except for Pinkie Pie as she just stared at (Y/N) astonished.

(Y/N): For Pete's sake, the Grand Galloping Gala IS "that" kind of party and it should be! All of you ponies who are just straight up, stuck-up nobles need to learn that your class does not make you better than everypony else around you!

Lyrica Lilac: What an outrageous thing to say?! The Grand Galloping Gala has been the same for years and we all enjoy as it is! And my, my, what language coming from this so-called male alicorn!

(Y/N): I AM the male alicorn! I'll have you all know that this Gala is just something me and many others who I know here don't like any of the things you put out for them! Not everypony here is the same! This ballroom is a good example of what I'm talking about! Why isn't anypony dancing along with the music set out to them. This is a party for crying out loud!

Many more ponies were walking into the ballroom to hear (Y/N)'s speech as more and more came by the second. Not only that, the Mane 6 were in the ballroom as well looking at (Y/N) with surprised looks on their faces from what he is saying.

High-Class Stallion: Oh, please! Give us another example of anything that is wrong with this Gala! *sarcastically* We would love to hear them.

(Y/N) then smirks a little when he said that.

(Y/N): I have five more examples actually! The food that is served here is just small portions and hors d'oeuvres, that you stuck-up noble ponies prefer, there's barely anypony out tending in the garden, most of you brag about how rich and successful you are compared to other ponies, some ponies who also became successful in a way should be able to at least be given their attention by their idols like the Wonderbolts, and finally, Princess Celestia!

High-Class Mare: Excuse us?! What is the problem with the princess?!

(Y/N): No problem at all. Oh, wait as a matter of fact, there is! You ponies may not notice it, but Princess Celestia also thinks that the Gala is awful!

Everypony gasps at that, including the Mane 6 and they were in disbelief at that.

Lyrica Lilac: The princess hosts this Gala! And you say that she believes all of this is awful! You are a most rude stallion!

(Y/N): Maybe so, but I'm not kidding! Princess Celestia does not like anything about the Gala and she wishes that it could also be improved! She could be standing here right now giving the same message I'm giving you all!

Lyrica Lilac: As if the princess would believe anything outrageous that you just said!

???: As a matter of fact, I do.

Another voice is then heard as it was Princess Celestia herself who just walks into the ballroom and everypony gasps to hear her say that. She then flies up and lands right beside (Y/N) on the stage.

Princess Celestia: I know it may seem ridiculous to believe, but I must indeed admit the truth that this Grand Galloping Gala is and was always awful to me. Which is the exact reason why I had (Y/N) here tonight.

Many ponies in the crowds were just chattering at what they heard and Princess Celestia continues to speak.

Princess Celestia: The Grand Galloping Gala is supposed to be royal ball to celebrate the completion of Canterlot after Equestria was founded. And this ball is not just for ponies of royalty such as myself and my young friend (Y/N) here. This party is not only for you all to converse amongst yourselves, but also to enjoy everything that is laid out for all of you to enjoy. I invited (Y/N) and six other friends of his, here in order to tell you ponies this today. I really want tonight to be different and I want everypony to have exactly what we should call "fun" here at the Gala. Everyone may not be from here in Canterlot, but it doesn't give you the right to patronize anypony else here. Besides, (Y/N) here is from Ponyville and he along with his friends expected great things about the Gala, so I suggest that we all give them exactly their expectations.

(Y/N) then decides to speak once again to give the final word to everypony in the Grand Galloping Gala.

(Y/N): Now do you see? We all need to make a change to this and start making things better for the ponies all around us who want this to be the single greatest party in Equestria. I know you all have not have the same preferences that we do, but that doesn't mean you should think that's it better than what anypony else would want. We're all ponies here and we all need to make this a true night for everypony here. Dancing here in the ballroom, eating any kind of food that's given out to you, letting ponies meet their dream idols, treating ladies and gentlecolts how they should be treated, look at the garden more often, and most of all. . . it's about having fun. So, please, let's all make this a fun Grand Galloping Gala for everypony attending here.

With that being said, (Y/N) finished his speech and looks out at his audience as it appears that most people at the Grand Galloping Gala were listening to everything that he just said. There was a long pause and almost everypony who heard (Y/N)'s speech just looked at each other with raised eyebrows or confused looks. There was a long amount of silence that (Y/N) was starting to get worried as he puts on guilty face thinking that nopony was going to make a change at all. He looks at Princess Celestia who looks at him with the same guilty look on his face. (Y/N) then closes his eyes and looks down in guilt.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) *sighs* Who am I kidding? These ponies are just way to stubborn to listen to anything that I have to say.

The silence went on for little longer. . . until (Y/N) heard something that surprised him. He hears a pony clapping slowly as he looks out at the audience to see that it was Twilight who was clapping. That wasn't all as another pony started clapping and it was Applejack. Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie then join in the clapping which made (Y/N) smile. The ponies that were in the ballroom were now slowly starting to join in as well and at this point it got to the entire room applauding and the ponies outside that also heard the speech. The Mane 6 all cheered for (Y/N) in the process.

Applejack: That was bold of ya sugarcube! Way to go!

Pinkie Pie: YEAH! GO (Y/N)!

Rainbow Dash: You go, (Y/N)! You're making this a true night for everypony!

Rarity: Very good show (Y/N)! Excellent!

Fluttershy: We all believe in you!

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N). . . thanks for giving all of us here the best night ever!

Seeing and hearing all of this made (Y/N) and Princess Celestia smile and the princess puts her hoof around (Y/N).

Princess Celestia: (Y/N). . . thank you. You have truly changed everything about what tonight is going to be.

(Y/N): No problem, Celestia. I did do all of this for you after all.

Princess Celestia blushed a little from (Y/N) saying that before making it go away. The Mane 6 then all run onto the stage and surrounded (Y/N) in a group hug and he returned the large hug to them as well. The crowd soon then finally stops applauding and the Mane 7 plus Princess Celestia all just gave huge smiles at each other. Twilight then turns to Princess Celestia.

Twilight Sparkle: Princess, I never thought that you would ever believe the Grand Galloping Gala to be awful.

Princess Celestia: *chuckles* Well, you thought wrong, my faithful student. This is why I was thrilled that you were all attending. I was hoping you could liven things up a bit and it appears that it has happened.

The Mane 7 all look to see that the ballroom was not as quiet as it was earlier and ponies were actually conversing a little more casually than before and some were being a little proper.

Princess Celestia: It is thanks to (Y/N) here that he was able to make this turn of events. While this evening may not have gone as you all planned earlier, I'm sure that you all can agree that in the end, it turned out the best for this group of friends.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right, Princess. Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Hanging out with friends!

Fluttershy: Talking!

Pinkie Pie: Laughing!

Applejack: Even though, we all didn't get as much as we expecting here. . .

Rarity: . . .being together here has made it all better.

(Y/N): And it's made it. . .

Mane 7: The True Best Night Ever! *laughs*

After all of the small laughter subsides, Twilight looks at (Y/N) for a second before looking at the band who were playing more lively music now and she get's an idea.

Twilight Sparkle: Say, (Y/N) can you sing?

(Y/N): Wait. . . me? Yeah, I can.

Rainbow Dash: You can sing?! Oh man, I've got to hear this!

Pinkie Pie: Come on, (Y/N)! I wanna hear you sing!

Rarity: Please darling? Give us a song?

(Y/N) looks around at his friends and he smiles and nods.

(Y/N): Alright then, I've got a song. Give me a second.

(Y/N) then walks over to the fancy band and he tells them to play a song for him to sing that has more tempo and they all agreed. (Y/N) then walks up to the mic and hits it to get everypony that was in the ballroom's attention.

(Y/N): Hello everypony, it's (Y/N) here again. I have a request to you all, would you like to hear me sing?

Everypony then cheers for that as it made (Y/N) smile with a determined look.

(Y/N): Alright, I've got a song for you all and here it is.

(Y/N) then points to the band and they all played (Y/N)'s song and he started singing.

(A/N): Again, just my own preference. Sorry, I just love music from Sonic. You can choose your own song, but it has to do with the topic.

(Y/N):Take off at the speed of sound ♪

♪ Bright lights, colors all around ♪

♪ I'm running wild, living fast, and free ♪

♪ Got no regrets inside of me ♪

♪ Not looking back ♪

♪ Not giving up ♪

♪ Not letting go ♪

♪ I'll keep on running! ♪

♪ I'm gonna reach for the stars ♪

♪ Although they look pretty far ♪

♪ I'm gonna find my own way ♪

♪ And take a chance on today ♪

♪ The sky with stars so bright ♪

♪ The colors feel so right ♪

♪ I never felt like this ♪

♪ I'll keep on running! ♪

♪ The sky with stars so bright ♪

♪ The colors feel so right ♪

♪ Just take my hand ♪

♪ We're gonna reach for the stars ♪

♪ Tonight. . . ♪

♪ Tonight. . . ♪

♪ Wake up, living day by day. ♪

♪ Do what I want, and I'll do it my way ♪

♪ The world is flying right below my feet ♪

♪ Got no regrets inside of me. ♪

♪ Not looking back ♪

♪ Not giving up ♪

♪ Not letting go ♪

♪ I'll keep on running! ♪

♪ I'm gonna reach for the stars ♪

♪ Although they look pretty far ♪

♪ I'm gonna find my own way ♪

♪And take a chance on today ♪

♪ The sky with stars so bright ♪

♪ The colors feel so right ♪

♪ I never felt like this ♪

♪ I'll keep on running! ♪

♪ The sky with stars so bright ♪

♪ The colors feel so right ♪

♪ Just take my hand ♪

♪ We're gonna reach for the stars ♪

♪ I've got it in my sight. ♪

♪ The colors feel so right. ♪

♪ Got my feet off the ground ♪

♪ I'll keep on running! ♪

♪ Oh, I can feel it now. ♪

♪ The colors all around ♪

♪ Just take my hand we're gonna reach for the stars. . . ♪

♪ Just take a chance ♪

♪ We'll do it right again ♪

♪ We're gonna reach for the stars ♪

♪ Just take my hand ♪

♪ We'll take a chance tonight. . . ♪

♪ Reach for the stars. . . ♪

♪ Tonight! ♪

♪ Tonight. . . ♪

As soon as (Y/N) was finished with his song, everypony in the ballroom cheered for him and the Mane 6 and even Princess Celestia just looked at (Y/N) with the look of being in love.

Afterwards, the Grand Galloping Gala went on and it was better than it was earlier in the evening as everypony got to do what they dreamed of doing tonight with (Y/N) to accompany each one of them. (Y/N) and Fluttershy spent time in the garden with some of the animals as some other ponies also entered the garden to check out the animals too, as well as some of the plants. (Y/N) helped Applejack sell some more apple products and Applejack didn't get as much bits as she was hoping for, but she was happy enough to get a lot of customers during the night. (Y/N) and Rarity also spent some time together as they walked around the Gala together and spoke with some ponies of royalty as they were interested to hear some of Rarity's passion for being a fashionista and they heard some of (Y/N)'s stories about him fighting some legendary creatures such as Nightmare Moon and an Ursa Minor. (Y/N) and Rainbow Dash also got to talk with the Wonderbolts a little more during the time as well. (Y/N) and Pinkie Pie also spent time together by dancing to music in the ballroom that the fancy band played and the ballroom was now more of ponies dancing than talking now. (Y/N) and Twilight even got to speak with Princess Celestia more during their time at the Gala. Finally, to not have Spike feel left out, the Mane 7 spent a little bit of their time with him at his favorite donut shop and Spike was just chewing down so many donuts there that it made the Mane 7 laugh at how much he loved that place.

(Y/N) is now currently walking in the middle of a corridor filled with many ponies talking with one another a little less formal than before until somepony approaches him.

???: Excuse me.

(Y/N) turns around to see Prince Blueblood with a look of regret on his face.

(Y/N): Prince Blueblood? What are you doing here?

Prince Blueblood: I came to apologize about what I said earlier to you and Miss Rarity. I heard your speech tonight along with my aunt and I was thinking about all of my actions from what I also did. . . and you were right. I wasn't treating her with respect at all.

(Y/N) just stared at Blueblood as he continued to speak to him.

Prince Blueblood: I was very snobby to call you a peasant, when many ponies actually look up to you. It was something that I just said out of arrogance and I was just a rogue to think that I was better than you and everypony else just because that I am in royalty. I really am sorry for everything that I said. Can. . . can you forgive me?

(Y/N) began to think for a second as a part of him didn't want to forgive him for that, but he knows that he wasn't that kind of pony to not forgive someone who sincerely apologizes and Blueblood looked like he was being genuine, so (Y/N) just smiles and nods.

(Y/N): I. . . guess I can forgive you. To be fair, I should apologize as well for slamming the door in your face earlier. But just to be clear, as long as you learned your lesson and treat mares like their supposed to, I'll forgive you fully.

Prince Blueblood: I completely understand. Thank you.

They both smile at each other and decided to shake hooves to say that they were both on good terms now.

Prince Blueblood: I must now go and find Miss Rarity as well. However, I do feel that she might not want to even take a look at me after what I done.

(Y/N): Don't worry, just mention that you spoke with me and she'll probably be willing to listen to you.

Prince Blueblood nods at that and he walks away.

A little bit later, (Y/N) was standing at the entrance of the ballroom until Twilight approaches him.

Twilight Sparkle: So, this is the Grand Galloping Gala tonight, huh?

(Y/N): Yep, I'm glad to see that all of the ponies listened to my word on changing the Gala up today.

Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia actually told me that this was probably the best Grand Galloping Gala she's ever had. You really helped us a lot today (Y/N), and we all just can't thank you enough.

(Y/N): You're welcome, Twilight. *sighs* Well, I really done everything that I can here. I don't what else to do.

After a minute, the band in the ballroom started to play music that was more slow and melodic. Upon hearing that, Twilight looks at (Y/N) blushing.

Twilight Sparkle: Um. . . (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Twilight Sparkle: I-Is it alright. . . I-I mean with you that is. . . um. . .

(Y/N): What is it, Twilight?

Twilight blushes even harder as she decided to say what she wanted to ask (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: Do you want to. . . dance with me?

(Y/N) looks at Twilight with a slight blush before he just simply smiles and holds his hoof out to her.

(Y/N): What? Is this night not the best yet~?

Twilight just giggles at that and she took (Y/N)'s hoof into hers. (Y/N) then escorts Twilight to the dance floor where everypony else was and when they find a comfortable spot, they looked at each other in being ready to dance. (Y/N) then places one of his hooves on Twilight's back and she did the exact same to (Y/N). Moving to the soft rhythm of the music, they carefully took their time dancing with each other. Twilight looks straight at (Y/N)'s eyes and he did back into hers and they both smiled.

(Y/N): Enjoying your time, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes. . . very much.

While Twilight and (Y/N) danced, it seemed to both of them like the world faded around both of them, making it seem like they were by themselves. After another minute of dancing, Twilight hugs (Y/N) in wanting to be closer to him and he returns it.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), I'm glad that I met you.

(Y/N): Me too, Twilight. . . me too.

They both then broke the hug slightly, and stared into each other eyes. Twilight then realizes how close her face is to (Y/N) and so does he. Twilight's face then turns red as her heart was beating rapidly from being this close to (Y/N). Twilight looks at (Y/N) slightly nervous as she could feel his breath. Twilight couldn't handle the pressure anymore as she decides to kiss (Y/N) on the lips which made him go wide-eyed for a second before he just closes his eyes decides to deepen the kiss by wrapping his hooves around Twilight which she reciprocated and did the same to (Y/N). The kiss lasted for nearly a minute before they both broke the kiss and decided to share one more hug before their night was coming to an end.

Twilight Sparkle: This really was the best night ever.

(Y/N): I agree. Do you think it's time we grab our friends and start heading back?

Twilight Sparkle: Mm-hmm. Sure, I'll go find Spike and tell him were ready to go.

As Twilight walks off, she has a thought in her mind and blushes.

Twilight Sparkle: (Thoughts) One day, (Y/N). One day, I'll tell you how I really feel about you. I just hope you accept my feelings as well.

(Y/N) also had a thought in his mind as he walked away from Twilight.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) I knew Twilight liked me, but. . . I wasn't expecting her to do something like that. I wonder if the other girls like me this much as well.

In a space-like realm, a shadowy figure smiles brightly as they could see (Y/N) down from where they are.

???: (Y/N) (L/N), you are a most interesting pony indeed. You definitely are a true hero to everypony.

The shadowy figure then get's a smirk on their face.

???: I also wonder what kind of mares you will attract in the future.

The shadowy figure then glows it's horn and looks into (Y/N) future and she's sees an image of him slightly older and giggles.

???: Oh my. I knew you would be this good with the girls, but I didn't expect you to be THAT good with them. My time to come and help you out with your journey will come someday, so I can make sure you keep your promise no matter what.

Final Chapter End.

The Nintega Guy: And that. . . is. . . the end of. . . Season 1.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, Nintega. This was amazing! You've really done so much work for the fans.

The Nintega Guy: Tell me about it.

Applejack: Ya alright there, sugarcube? I think the stress from working all day every day must've got to you.

The Nintega Guy: Don't. . . sweat it. All I need. . . is a little rest.

Fluttershy: I really enjoyed reading your book, Nintega. I really liked the romance to did with all of it.

The Nintega Guy: Thanks. . . Fluttershy. . .

Rainbow Dash: So when's the sequel coming? Please say tomorrow!

Rarity: Rainbow Dash! Do you really expect him to work on Season 2 now? He needs his beauty sleep.

The Nintega Guy: Thanks Rarity. I'll work on it soon in awhile, but right now I need to pass out.

The Nintega Guy then faints and is instantly snoring which makes the Mane 6 chuckle.

Pinkie Pie: Nighty night, Nintega!

Twilight Sparkle: As for you readers, thanks for reading Season 1 of The Hero of Equestria, and we'll see you all real soon. Now I'm going to go and put Nintega to his bed and not have him sleep on his work desk.

The Nintega Guy: Zzzzzz. . .

Pinkie Pie: Aww, he's kind of cute when he's asleep. Can I poke his cheeks?

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie no! He's needs proper rest so let's give it to him!

Pinkie Pie: Aw, okay.

Mane 6: See you all in Season 2 everypony! *waves at readers*

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